How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

How long can you do repairs in an apartment according to the law on weekdays

Particular care must be taken when working with devices that create a high level of noise. Knowledge of the law will help to defend the right to rest and peace in your own apartment. Citizens who carry out repairs will be able to avoid fines and carry out work before the allowed time without harming either their neighbors or themselves.

It must be borne in mind that there is no single law regulating the permissible noise level and indicating a clear time frame for the implementation of repair work. Regulations and requirements in different regions of the country may vary significantly. You can learn them by reading the specific laws that establish certain rules in your city or region.

Considered changes to the regional law on silence

Dutsev V.I.,
Litvinov D.P.,
Venediktov Yu.N.

On May 26, a meeting of the public commission to study the issues of establishing administrative responsibility for offenses in the territory of the Samara Region was held under the Committee on Legislation, Law and Order of the Samara Provincial Duma, chaired by Vladimir Dutsev. Deputies of the Regional Legislative Assembly Yuri Venediktov and Dmitry Litvinov, representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region, the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region, public organizations and administrative commissions of the Region, representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social, Demographic and Family Policy of the Samara Region took part in its work. region, as well as the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Samara Region.

Two bills were submitted to the public for consideration, providing for the adjustment of the regional law “On Ensuring Peace and Quiet for Citizens at Night on the Territory of the Samara Region”. At present, the "hours of silence" established in the province by the regional law are the time from 22.00 to 8.00, and in the three summer months one hour more - from 23.00 to 8.00.

The bill, introduced by the deputies of the regional legislative assembly Dmitry Litvinov and Alexander Mileev, defines a different concept of night time. On weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and non-working holidays established by federal law, it is proposed to increase the quiet time by two hours, from 22.00 to 10.00, and in the summer period - from 23.00 to 10.00. The explanatory note to the draft law states that similar legislative norms are in force in the Moscow and Ulyanovsk regions, Primorsky and Stavropol Territories, the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The bill has already received a positive conclusion from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Samara Region, the Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region, the Commissioner for Children's Rights and the vast majority of LSG bodies of cities and regions of the Samara Region.

The legislative initiative of the deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma Yuri Venediktov provides for even more significant changes and requires the observance of silence not only at night, but also during the day. The bill provides for a ban on the commission of actions that may lead to a violation of peace and quiet of citizens from 21.00 to 8.00 from Monday to Friday, throughout the day on Saturday, Sunday and non-working holidays. Every day, two hours of silence are proposed to be established in the daytime, from 13.00 to 15.00, on the territory of medical organizations, rest homes, boarding houses, kindergartens, boarding schools for children, the elderly and the disabled.

According to this draft law, opinions were expressed that the introduction of a ban on disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens on Saturday, Sunday and non-working holidays without establishing any time frame would completely exclude the possibility of holding such events on these days as family holidays, repair work, necessary to fulfill the obligations of the user of the residential premises in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, loading and unloading operations when moving and carrying out other similar actions that are possible for most citizens on weekends and holidays due to their employment on the days of the working week.

In addition, it was noted that, in accordance with the Labor Code, Saturday is not always a day off, and when establishing a separate period in the daytime during which it is forbidden to disturb the peace and quiet of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of medical and educational institutions.

The chairman of the public commission, Vladimir Dutsev, suggested that the initiators of the draft laws finalize them, taking into account the comments and proposals received, and then return to their discussion.

The meeting also considered the draft law of the Samara Region “On Amendments to Article 5.2 of the Law of the Samara Region “On Administrative Offenses in the Samara Region” in terms of clarifying the concept of “unauthorized restriction of access”, developed by the legal department of the Duma apparatus on the basis of appeals from administrative commissions.

May 26, 2015
Modified date: May 28, 2015

How much noise can you make in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation in 2017

In some subjects of the federation, the time of day is specified when it is allowed to engage in especially loud and unpleasant things for neighbors, such as repair work related to drilling walls, etc. This time coincides with the standard work shift, for example, from 9 am to 7 pm, when most of the neighbors are at work. Some regional laws also specify a period of time during the day when you can not make noise at all - this is done for the sake of families with small children.

People meet different and neighbors can be different. Each of us can find ourselves in this situation both on one side and on the other. Even if we can hardly tolerate repairs and other noise from the neighbors, one day we may need to drill a few holes in the wall, and our child will come up with the idea of ​​​​learning to play the violin.

How many hours can you do repairs in an apartment in the Leningrad region

This will avoid problems in the future, although it is not a fact that if the Law on Silence in the Leningrad Region of 2018 is violated, then such agreements will be valid and taken into account by the authorities as justifying the behavior of business entities. Pets can often be a problem with noise.

Barking dogs often keep you awake if the owners leave the dog alone and leave for a long time. The animal can behave restlessly even on the balcony, especially at night.

  • 23 dB - indoor unit of the air conditioner;
  • 24 dB - the noise of trees in strong winds;
  • 36 dB - external air conditioner unit;
  • 42 dB - modern refrigerator;
  • 45 dB - people talking;
  • 50 dB - printing printer;
  • 60 dB - the cry of a person during a quarrel;
  • 65 DB - household (low-power) screwdriver;
  • 80 dB - vacuum cleaner, baby crying, phone call;
  • 85 dB - playing a musical instrument;
  • 100 dB - motorcycle;
  • 100-120 dB - repair work (for example, a puncher, hammer knock);
  • 110 dB - music in a nightclub;
  • 140 dB - flying aircraft;
  • 200 dB - explosion.

how much noise can you make in an apartment in Samara according to the law of the Russian Federation 2019

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara


Decibel measurements are made by special companies. Only they have special equipment. Permitted decibels during the day 55, at night 45. It is allowed to exceed no more than five to ten decibels. For comparison, thirty decibels is a whisper, one hundred and twenty decibels is a jackhammer.

Silence law from January 1, 2019

The latest version of the law prescribes when you can make noise in an apartment in 2019. This is the interval from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays. It is worth taking into account that the time frame in the regulations of different regions may vary slightly. For example: for St. Petersburg it is from 22:00 to 8 in the morning, in Krasnoyarsk - from 22:00 to 9:00, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. from 22:00 to 7:00.

How much noise can you make in an apartment at home according to the law of the Russian Federation 2019

  1. An act of violation of neighbors is drawn up. It will be better if the complaint is collective.
  2. A certificate from your management company about who lives in a noisy apartment is required.
  3. It is advisable to bring some more evidence about the violation of silence: audio and video communications, witnesses.

Until what time the legislation of Russia allows you to make noise in your apartment

One of the important issues for every resident of a multi-storey building is the issue of noise on weekends. Since many residents have the opportunity to screw the shelves and hang the picture on the weekend. At the same time, most residents are at home and are forced to listen to the noise from the perforator of each neighbor throughout the day.

How not to violate the law and relations with neighbors when carrying out repairs in an apartment

  1. Federal Law No. 52, which provides for permissible hours when an increase in the degree of sound is permissible.
  2. In accordance with Government Decree No. 354 and No. 58, indicating the boundaries of loudness when performing redevelopment and restoration of premises.
  3. Sanitary standards: 2.2.4 /
  4. The Civil Administrative Code establishes measures of violations and liability for repair work.

Noise law in the apartment: what's new

  • residential premises and common areas in an apartment building;
  • territory adjacent to the house: children's and sports grounds, parking lots, driveways inside the yard;
  • lands of garden associations and summer cottages;
  • educational, preschool and medical institutions. This includes sanatoriums and resorts.

how much noise can you make in an apartment in Samara according to the law of the Russian Federation 2019 Link to the main publication

Silence in the Russian capital in 2018

Let's take a look at what's new in the legislation on ensuring public order in Moscow, or rather, of course, we'll look at our law. For greater peace of mind for citizens and their neighbors on weekends and working days, during the day and at night, the following amendments have been made throughout the existence of the law:

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In the Samara region, it is proposed to tighten the law on silence

The duration of the noise ban in apartment buildings can be extended

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Samara Region, Olga Galtsova, came up with a legislative initiative to tighten the law on silence, the Provincial Duma reports.

The corresponding bill was submitted to the Duma on April 3. The reason for this was the complaints addressed to the Commissioner for Human Rights, in which residents of the Samara region complain about the abuse of people who violate the silence, to the detriment of others, including those in need for health reasons or because of their age, in peace.

According to the current legislation, the violation of silence in houses and peace of citizens is prohibited from 22:00 to 08:00, and in summer - from 23:00. Noise at this time is punishable by a warning or a fine of 500-3000 rubles for citizens, 3000-8000 rubles for officials and 5000-15000 rubles for legal entities. In case of a repeated violation, the amounts increase to 1000 5000, 5000-15000 and 10000-20000.

The new law on silence involves a ban on repair, loading and unloading work in residential apartment buildings from 13:00 to 15:00 every day, from 20:00 to 08:00 from Monday to Friday, from 20:00 to 10:00 on Saturday, Sunday and non-working holidays, except when repairs are carried out in houses put into operation less than 1.5 years ago.

Also, from 13:00 to 15:00, it is proposed to prohibit turning on TVs, radios, tape recorders at full power, talking loudly, shouting, singing, whistling, etc.

The new law does not apply to New Year's Eve (from 22:00 on December 31 to 03:00 on January 1), to the work of garbage collection services (from 13:00 to 15:00), law enforcement agencies and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, public holidays.

The authors of the innovations refer to the fact that such restrictions apply in many Russian cities.

In the Samara region, they propose to tighten the law on silence: to ban noise from 13.00 to 15.00

04/04/2018 at 12:26, ​​views: 3220

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

In the Samara region, they want to tighten the law on silence.

The initiative belongs to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Samara Region Olga Galtsova. The reason was the complaints of the inhabitants of the region.

Now the silence regime must be observed from 22.00 to 8.00, and in the summer - from 23.00. Violators face a fine of 500-3,000 rubles. Penalties increase for repeated violations.

The amendments provide for a ban on repairs, loading and unloading operations in residential buildings from 13.00 to 15.00 daily, as well as from 20.00 to 8.00 on weekdays and from 20.00 to 10.00 on weekends and holidays. At the specified time, it will not be possible to turn on loud TVs, music, shout, sing and whistle. The ban will not affect houses that have not been one and a half years since they were put into operation.

The law will not apply to New Year's Eve, to the work of public utilities, law enforcement officers and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Until How Much Can You Do Repairs In An Apartment In The Samara Region 2019

It is far from uncommon that neighbors, making repairs in an apartment, can make noise for days on end. The rest of the residents in this regard, the question arises: "What to do?" To solve this situation, there are several options: Before carrying out construction work to improve your home, using noise devices, you need to know the allowable standards.

Also, restrictions can be additionally set in summer and winter time, since the hourly day during these periods is different. When neighbors listen to music very loudly, swear or make noise during repairs, this can be equated with a violation of established norms. You can complain about them to the police, but if they do it at the wrong time.

Law on silence in the Samara region of 2019 until how much noise can you make Legal advice

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

Last updated April 2019

The main, but not the only, innovation that residents of the Samara Region should be aware of in connection with the adoption of amendments to the Law on Silence at the beginning of 2019 is associated with the appearance of a lunchtime quiet hour. Violators will face administrative responsibility and punishment in rubles. The size of the fine is not set at the federal level, but at the level of the subjects.

In the Samara region, citizens are punished with up to 3,000 rubles, and for legal entities up to 15,000 rubles.

So, we will consider the new version of the law in order, we will answer the question of where to apply in case of violation of the Law

Given the introduction of a quiet hour, it is important to know and take into account that in the period from 13:00 to 15:00, it is necessary to observe the mode of rest from noise. In this regard, the Law, by the way, changed the wording, the phrase “night time” was removed from the name

Increasing “quiet” night time

If we compare the previous version of the law with the current one, we can conclude that the period in which the ban on certain noisy activities is extended by an hour.

So, on a normal weekday, you can’t make noise from 22:00 to 08:00.

Question: How much noise can you make in summer?

During the summer period, this period starts at 23:00 and ends at 08:00 as well.

Remember that on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays, different time frames apply, the “quiet” period has been increased to 10:00.

Question: What can not be done at night?

In addition to the restrictions in force during the day, the ban includes:

  • loud speech, singing, shouting, etc.;
  • the use of pyrotechnics;
  • failure to turn off a vehicle security alarm that has been triggered two or more times;
  • failure to take measures to stop the various sounds that the pet makes.

The last two points, by the way, are characterized by a passive character on the part of the violator. Therefore, inaction during this period may also be punishable.

The law on silence was adopted in the Samara region

SAMARA, December 24 - RIA Novosti, Elena Donkina. The law providing for an increase in the period during which it is forbidden to make noise was adopted on Tuesday by deputies of the Samara provincial Duma.

The normative act clarifies the concept of "night time". Previously, it was the period from 23.00 to 7.00 (Moscow time), now it is from 23.00 to 8.00 in summer and from 22.00 to 8.00 in winter.

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

Regional Duma deputy Mikhail Matveev spoke at the meeting with a proposal to establish "night time" from 22.00 to 8.00 at any time of the year. “The working hours of organizations do not change depending on the time of the year. In addition, in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the concept of “night time” is established from 22:00,” he said.

The deputies did not support Matveev's amendment.

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Noise and Silence Law Regulations 2018

Why do you need to know the law on silence in the Russian Federation? In order not to disturb the neighbors and not get a fine for too loud music, including not only at night, but also during the day. To, in turn, punish too noisy neighbors in an apartment building and oblige them to observe silence. The new law obliges to observe silence even during the day at certain times. What about weekends and holidays? How does Russian legislation protect the peace of its citizens from construction noise? Where to complain if the construction does not stop its work at night, trying to finish the new shopping center as soon as possible? Where to complain if complaints about noisy people do not lead to any results?

How long can repair work be carried out in an apartment in Samara

In 2018, certain changes were made to this law of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with these standards may result in fines and administrative penalties. In order to correctly explain to the troublemakers what they are wrong with, it is necessary to carefully read and study the text from the law on silence in an apartment building and not only with all the changes from 2018. Or you can simply write about the current situation through the feedback form on our website and get advice from experienced lawyers, and you don’t need to go anywhere.

Our specialists have vast experience in working with consumer protection legislation, monitor all changes in legislation in a timely manner and successfully apply them in their work.

What time is it allowed to make repairs in the apartment and is it possible to make noise on weekends

How much can repairs be done: the start should be no earlier than 9:00, and the end of work - no later than 19:00 (in some regions until 22:00). So you will be able to avoid conflicts with neighbors and do not break any laws;

The duration of any kind of construction work is limited to 6 hours a day. Only those cases where a longer intervention is necessary can be excluded. Such work is carried out with an hour break;
The duration of repairs in an apartment building is limited to three months, regardless of how long they were carried out;
The noise level in the daytime is up to 40 dBA, so the use of tools, equipment or units whose noise and vibration barrier exceeds this figure is prohibited;
It is also forbidden to cause damage to adjacent premises, for example, damage load-bearing or interior walls;
In addition to the time frame, the laws of the Russian Federation prohibit the loading of construction waste, materials and waste in places of public use and evacuation;
It is also prohibited to transport building materials without the necessary packaging in passenger elevators;
In the event that you need more time to complete the repair project or repair work must be carried out at a time not established by law, it is worth enlisting the written agreement of the neighbors. Such a document will allow you to realize any ideas at a convenient time.

  1. Carrying out repairs on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays (non-working) days from 22:00 to 10:00 am.
  2. Working on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 21:00 to 8:00.
  3. No work allowed from 13.00 to 15.00 hours daily for protected objects.
  4. Use tools and equipment whose noise threshold exceeds generally available standards.
  5. Carry out work that threatens to cause damage to neighboring premises, as well as pollute a public area with construction waste.


