Egyptian style is one of the most popular ethnic trends in modern apartment design. If you try to briefly describe it, then the words come to mind: warm, sunny, luxurious, fabulous. The main forms of the style and its color scheme came from Ancient Egypt, it was there that the design, which is now simply called Egyptian, was born. Many professionals believe that he was the ancestor of most interior styles. This dilapidated antiquity received its second birth in Europe during the era of the Napoleonic wars of conquest at the end of the eighteenth century and has not lost its charm to this day.
Who will like the style of ancient Egypt?
Of course, the Egyptian style is not for everyone. It will be appreciated by:
- Lovers of history and culture.
- Those who are prone to luxury and wealth.
- People who prefer a hot climate, warm light colors that warm in winter and remind of the sun in cold autumn.
Which apartments are suitable for the ancient style?
Recreating the unique atmosphere of Egyptian antiquity is easiest with a spacious living area with high ceilings. It is here that massive columns and arches (an invariable attribute of style) will look organic and out of place.
In a small apartment of the Khrushchev era with a ceiling of 2.6 m, such a design on your own is almost impossible, this is a job for an experienced designer. Only experts will be able to find the line between glut and elegance, they will not allow you to cross the border and turn the apartment into a museum or a cluttered Egyptian-style market stall.
True Egyptian design will look great in a large private house or in a spacious apartment of pre-revolutionary times.
The central figure of the interior - furniture
The main feature of the Egyptian style is a special attitude to the chosen furniture. Modern black and white leather sofas are not only inappropriate here, but also strictly contraindicated. If you use the skin, then only pointwise, in "homeopathic" doses.
When creating a style, the main attention should be paid to comfort, it was so valued and respected by the ancient Egyptians. Everything should be comfortable, albeit a little rough and uncouth.
Real Egyptian-style furniture must be made of solid wood. Preferred colors are black, brown. The color contrast of furniture and walls is another characteristic feature of this trend.
The center of the Egyptian-style bedroom is a bed, massive, simple in shape, with one or two pairs of columns, with a cornice, and always with a canopy. Ideally, if the headboard is decorated with gold or light mother-of-pearl trim.
Tables and chairs, in accordance with the style, can have slightly curved shapes or be stylized as animal images.
Upholstered furniture for the style of Ancient Egypt is not very typical, but nowadays it is difficult to imagine an apartment without a sofa or armchairs. For rapprochement with the past, when choosing upholstered furniture, you should pay special attention to the upholstery. It is desirable that it has a characteristic Egyptian pattern. Wide stripes are also allowed. Wicker and slatted furniture will also fit perfectly into the interior.
Color solutions characteristic of the Egyptian style
Heat, warmth and south are primarily associated with Egypt. That is why the Egyptian style is warm sandy shades, light beige, earthy brown and unchanging gold, which is present absolutely everywhere, though in different quantities.
Gold trim, gilded decoration of details is an important attribute of the design in the Egyptian style.
Walls, floor and ceiling with a touch of antiquity
The Egyptian style is accentuated by a ceramic tile floor, over which reed mats, animal skins or light bedspreads are scattered. It is allowed to decorate the floor with a mosaic ornament.
The ceiling in the interior, corresponding to the style, is decorated in the same color scheme as the walls, it is possible to use more saturated bright colors. Often, a rich blue color is used to decorate the ceiling. Blue is the color of the sky, in ancient Egypt it was complemented by a golden scattering of stars with a moon or a heavenly body.
In the Egyptian style, it is strictly forbidden to use shades that are lighter than those used for walls for ceiling decoration.
Walls - that's where the scope for imagination.
- They can be simply plastered and painted in a single color (beige, sand, light yellow).
- They can be painted on plaster with various ornaments - the Egyptians had a special love for wall painting.
- You can finish the walls with sandstone, marble or granite tiles.
- Surfaces are decorated with frescoes, pictograms, papyri and bas-reliefs.
The invariable attribute of the style is the borders between the ceiling and the wall, they are decorated in the form of papyrus, lotus flowers, reed stalks, it can also be simple stripes.
- Another simple option for wall decoration is Egyptian-themed murals.
If there is no desire to overload the walls, then you can remember the white color, which will perfectly fit into the Egyptian style.
We must not forget about doorways and windows. In order to match the chosen design, they should be made arched or lancet. Arches and niches are made in a similar way. As an additional design, you can make patterned carved lattices, screens and partitions.
Ancient Egyptian style: details are everything
Small but important decorative details will help to fully recreate this direction.
In the Egyptian interior, only natural fabrics are used: linen, cotton, silk, fine wool, preferably with gold thread embroidery. Bedspreads, curtains, sofa cushions should be decorated with an ornament characteristic of the style or wide stripes.
Invariable style attribute - painted or plain columns in the center of the room or near the walls. Columns simply painted on the walls are also suitable.
stucco work
In the rich interior of the Egyptian style, there are a lot of moldings. In the modern version, they may well be replaced by polyurethane decor. Cornices, moldings, bas-reliefs, corners, rosettes with floral motifs - all this is present in a fairly large amount and most often in a painted form.
Animal figurines
Ancient Egypt is the era of symbols. Many animals were revered as deities, among them were cats, sphinxes, vultures and scarab beetles. Temples were erected in their honor, they were immortalized in statues. It is hard to imagine an Egyptian-style apartment without images of sacred animals.
solar disk
The solar disk, the symbol of the god Ra, the main deity of ancient Egyptian mythology, is one of the main attributes of this style. The most suitable place for him in the room is above the sofa or bed.
There are flowers in every apartment, but hot Egypt is characterized not by violets or azaleas, but by tropical palms. This must be remembered so as not to distort the entire interior with chrysanthemums on the windowsill. A pair of palm trees will emphasize the general direction of the style and become a small oasis in the center of desert Egypt, a kind of sip of coveted moisture in the middle of hot sands.
Egyptian style experts advise
When choosing this direction, use the following tips:
- Picking up small details, papyri, figurines, it will not be superfluous to learn about their meaning and secret meaning.It is especially useful to know these moments for superstitious people. The Egyptians had a special interest in the afterlife, and this was often played up in the interior.
- Ancient Egypt is a land of secrets and mysteries. Shaded corners, niches and arches with light, unobtrusive lighting will help to convey this atmosphere.
- To reflect the spirit of antiquity even more deeply, you should not clutter up the room with cabinets and bedside tables, it is better to use small elegant tables and large chests.
- To create a full-fledged Egyptian style, it is not enough to buy and arrange a couple of figurines, the whole room must be decorated in a single harmony: wall, floor and ceiling decoration, furniture, colors, etc.
- Remember, the Egyptian style is the life of the pharaohs, it is wealth and luxury, this is not the kind of design that you can save on.
And finally, you can arrange the room in two ways:
- To recreate the living room of the pharaoh, with its brilliance and chic, when it seems that the door will now open and someone majestic will enter.
- Create a room in the style of the spirit of antiquity, achieve the effect of antiquity with slightly faded colors, cracked elements in some places, when time has already left its mark on everything around.
Many centuries have passed since Ancient Egypt fell, but its culture is alive, it is revered, remembered, returned to.