Humanity has been decorating homes since its inception. At first it was rock paintings, then they were replaced by paintings. With the development of new technologies, photography and large-format printing have risen on a par with picturesque hosts. Pictures help to correct the shortcomings of the room, increase the space and give the interior a unique uniqueness, especially if these are images from the components. Hardest to pick Modular pictures for a children's room, because you need to combine the interests of the child with a sense of style and taste. Let's find out how to do it.
Segmented artwork
The first modular paintings were decorated on altars during the Renaissance. They were installed in the form of a screen, and each painted canvas was inserted into a separate frame. Basically, these were polyptychs, that is, several finished paintings interconnected by a single idea, each of which had a strictly defined place.
Together with the revival of interest in segment art at the end of the 20th century, the modular painting received a new life and a new interpretation. Now her main task was to create an accent in the design of the room. Such a work of art can consist of several parts and, depending on their number, has its own name:
- A polyptych is a painting that consists of several completed segments.
- A diptych is an image divided into two separate parts.
- The triptych consists of three parts.
- The quadriptych has four segments.
- A pentaptych is a painting of five separate elements.
These paintings attract attention with their dynamics: in them, one detail smoothly passes into another. They live their own lives in the interior space, not needing any decoration or addition. The fewer items around, the better. They are the kings of minimalism.
Decoration with modular paintings of a children's room
Distinguished by the brightness of colors, a variety of subjects and the ability to perform both on paper and on canvas, modular paintings fit very well into children's rooms, enlivening them.
In a low room or at the level of the bed of the second tier, horizontal paintings will look good, and vertical ones will fit perfectly into the walls between cabinets or above the workplace. Just as well, a child's room will be complemented by a segmental picture, consisting not only of rectangles, but also of modules of other geometric shapes.
If you are going to hang a modular picture in the nursery, make sure that the image does not have too bright and poisonous colors.
For young children, images of their favorite characters from animated films, animals with cubs, as well as landscapes are suitable. In this case, the main color background should be in harmony with the background of the room.
A picture, consisting of several segments, can not only be viewed, it can be conjectured, turn on fantasy and think up your own plot, which is not on the reproduction. This will positively affect the development of the child, especially in preschool and primary school age.
Independent creation of a modular picture
It is not difficult to create such a picture, and it is better to do it with the whole family. Involving children in the creative process will set a special mood for the work. The easiest option is to create segments from photo wallpapers with frames from your favorite cartoon.
- Buy panels of the required size from the store. If you want to make modules of different sizes, then take panels with a difference of 10 cm.
- Choose a photo wallpaper for children with the characters of the animated series.
- If you are going to make a polyptych, then select separate images on the wallpaper that carry a single semantic design, and cut out pieces 5 cm larger than the size of the panels.Look at the photo for how to markup correctly.
- When creating a single canvas divided into segments, carefully draw rectangles of the required size on the wallpaper, while remembering to indent between them, and cut out the details.
- Stick the resulting parts on the panel, carefully expelling the air from under the wallpaper.
- Attach loops to the back and hang your creation on the wall. You can see how the modular paintings look in the interior of the nursery in the photo.
Zoning a children's room using modular images
From the environment in which the child grows, the formation of his personality depends. Children's room is a space perceived by children as personal. If the child is comfortable in his room, then he enjoys spending time there, playing, studying and relaxing. According to the needs of the child, designers advise zone the children's area.
The use of modular paintings in the interior contributes to the allocation of certain functional areas. In a room, you can hang not one, but several segment reproductions. Differing in colors, theme of the picture, size, they visually divide the room into the necessary parts.
Girls are happy to perceive the views of castles, princesses, princes, fairy-tale sorceresses, heroines of modern cartoons. In the photo you can see a well-placed triptych near the bed.
In the recreation area, pictures with fabulous animals, large painted birds will look good. Calm views will set you up for sleep and give you a boost of confidence.
For a boy, captured moments of battles, heroes in arms, reproductions of old ships, in a word, everything related to the romance of adventure, are suitable.
When choosing pictures for a nursery, it is imperative to take into account the character of the child, his temperament, impressionability.
The right choice of pictures
Modular paintings in the nursery are selected in accordance with several rules:
- The room should not be overloaded with bright details that have an overly exciting effect on the child's psyche. Therefore, there is no need to dazzle with colors.
- Indoors, it is better to maintain a monochromatic and neutral color scheme of the walls, on which shelves for toys, modular paintings and children's drawings will act as bright accents.
- Pictures in the children's room must be selected taking into account the interests and age of the child. It is better if he himself will participate in the choice of design.
- Do not hang large segment reproductions in the children's room.
- Psychologists say that for the comprehensive development of a child, from infancy, he must be surrounded by objects on which his eyes can focus. These should be any large, modular, catchy images with sharply drawn details, such as mushrooms in the forest. Looking at the colorful details, the baby gets acquainted with the world around him and develops faster.
When buying modular paintings, do not forget about such important parameters as safety and environmental friendliness. The ideal option is natural canvas or paper, wooden stretchers and harmless ink.