Can polypropylene pipe be bent?

How to bend a polypropylene pipe and can it be done at home? This question is one of the most common on Internet forums and portals dedicated to construction topics. Plastic pipes are rapidly replacing obsolete metal products. In addition, polypropylene, unlike iron, is more convenient in terms of installation, so most people prefer to independently install heating and plumbing in an apartment without resorting to the services of professionals. Bending polypropylene products at home does not cause much trouble for professionals. But beginners have to suffer with the question: “Is it possible to do this at all”? Let's figure it out together.

is it possible to bend polypropylene pipes

Why make a bend?

It should be clarified right away that the manufacturers of these products do not recommend treating their products this way. The explanation is quite logical - the service life of the pipe may be reduced and leaks may appear. If everything is done correctly, then such consequences can be avoided.

When installing plumbing or heating, the wiring in an apartment very rarely goes in one straight line. There are situations when you need to go around the corner or bring the pipe to a certain place. To do this, the product will have to be bent or use fittings or adapters. From the point of view of compliance with the installation rules, the second option is preferable, but the first is much simpler. At home, you can make a bend on a polypropylene pipe in various ways. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

We use a building hair dryer

However, if there is no building hair dryer at hand, you can use a gas burner. In addition, you will need any object made of solid material that has the angle necessary for bending. This will be the template. It must be clarified that the surface of the template must be perfectly flat. This will help avoid dents and cracks on the surface of the pipe.

bending with a building hair dryer

The further process of bending at home is as follows:

  • The product is evenly heated over the entire surface of the fold. Do not overdo this procedure and do not bring the plastic too close to the fire. This stuff burns great! Therefore, take precautions!
  • When the surface becomes plastic, the pipe is pressed against the template and bent to the desired angle.
  • It is recommended to hold the product until the surface is completely hardened.
  • When the heated area hardens, you can proceed to further installation.

How to bend a polypropylene tube with a forming machine

This is a more complex way to achieve the desired bend. To do this, you will need a sheet of fiberboard, sandpaper, silicone and a molding machine. To begin with, a special frame is made from fiberboard. All sharp corners, notches and burrs are processed with sandpaper. The shape of the bend you need is made from silicone on the molding machine. The diameter of the mold should be slightly larger than the pipe itself.

The mold is mounted on a frame and placed in a molding machine (the pipe itself is in the mold) for heating. When the material softens, the product will gently lie on the prepared frame. After cooling, the product is removed from the silicone mold and used for its intended purpose.

Making a bend with a spring

You can make a bend on a plastic pipe at home using a special spring. These springs come in both inner and outer diameters. It is better to use external springs, this will greatly simplify the process. The procedure looks like this. The spring is put on the place of the bend, the surface of the pipe is heated with a building hair dryer. When the material becomes pliable, the plastic bends to the desired angle. After complete cooling, the spring is removed. To do this, it is rotated clockwise.

spring pipe bending

cold way

It is possible to bend a polypropylene pipe without resorting to thermal effects. This can also be done at home. Plastic is a fairly soft material, so it can be bent with just the right amount of force. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, this method is quite complicated. Firstly, in order to bend a product with a diameter of even half an inch, you will have to apply considerable effort. Secondly, it is necessary to accurately calculate the bending angle, otherwise the surface may burst. The recommended bending angle should not exceed the pipe diameter by more than 8 times.

As you can see, if you follow the precautions and follow the instructions exactly, you can bend a plastic pipe at home without any problems. The main thing is not to rush and approach the process carefully. After all, the service life of the pipe will depend on the quality of the bend.


