The spray gun is a modern apparatus used for quick and high-quality painting of surfaces by spraying the composition. Painting walls with an airbrush is much superior in quality to work with a roller and brush, as it creates a uniform and smooth layer with minimal material consumption. Until recently, paint sprayers were used in construction only on an industrial scale. But at the moment, this tool, which allows you to use not only paint, but also varnish and even putty, is increasingly used by home craftsmen.
The advantages of spray guns of all types include:
- absolutely smooth coating without streaks;
- elimination of the possibility of contamination of the painted surface with bristle particles brushes or fur coats roller;
- low consumption of materials;
- high coloring speed.
Types of spray guns
The principle of operation of all paint sprayers is the same. Particles of a liquid substance are picked up by a stream of air under pressure and sprayed onto the surface. The types of units differ from each other in their design and the method of creating an air flow. Depending on this method, spray guns are divided into three types:
- manual;
- pneumatic;
- electrical.
Which paint sprayer to choose: the pros and cons of models
Manual spray gun
The manual paint sprayer is the simplest design, which consists of a tank, a pump and a spray gun. During operation, pressure is created in the tank, due to which the paint from the sprayer falls onto the walls. Such an airbrush can have a manual or foot drive. Its productivity reaches 200-225 m² per hour.
Suitable for water-based paint, water-lime and water-chalk mortars.
- simplicity of design;
- pressurization is not costly.
- low productivity;
- low and unstable pressure;
- restriction on the types of consumables used;
- the need for uniform pressure on the lever to obtain high-quality staining.
The quality of painting with a manual spray gun is inferior to other types of paint sprayers. But in case wall areathat require painting is small and you don't want to spend money on a more expensive machine, it is quite possible to choose it as an alternative to a roller.
Pneumatic spray gun
This type of paint sprayer can already be considered a professional level tool. With it, you can color large surface area in a thin, even layer. The spray gun sprays paint with compressed air, the pressure in it is created using a compressor.
- high productivity (up to 400 m² per hour);
- allows you to paint a large area of \u200b\u200bwalls;
- the ability to adjust parameters;
- constant pressure, allowing the paint to be applied more evenly;
- can be used with different types of compositions.
- the need to additionally select and purchase a compressor;
- lack of proper mobility due to the presence of hoses.
Pneumatic spray guns have many varieties and a complex classification, so it can be difficult for a simple layman to choose the right tool for themselves. We will try to briefly and easily describe the common types of spray guns, indicating their advantages and disadvantages.
According to the method of supply, spray guns for painting walls with bottom and top feed are distinguished.
- Spray guns with bottom feed.
- the paint and varnish container is located at the bottom, has a volume of a liter, is often made of metal;
- while painting the walls, the spray gun must be held strictly horizontally so that the paint is well captured.
- Spray guns with top feed.
- the container has a small volume, is made of plastic or nylon;
- provides high speed of work;
- the reservoir or hose can be a nuisance by obstructing your view.
According to the strength of the working pressure and the volume of air used, paint sprayers are divided into several types, which are abbreviated as HP, HVLP, LVLP, RP.
- HP - High Pressure - "high pressure"
Tools that use this technology are characterized by low cost and a simple device. Great for most jobs that require spraying a variety of materials. Such a spray gun can be chosen for self-painting the walls in the apartment.
The pressure level is quite high - 5-6 bar, while the air consumption is low. Thanks to this combination, painting the walls can take place very quickly.
The main disadvantage of high pressure technology is the low percentage of spray material transfer - 45-50%. This means that not all paint gets on the desired surface, but only a certain percentage of its amount. The rest of the material is sprayed into the air, causing overspending of paint and polluting the air.
- HVLP - High Volume Low Pressure - "low pressure, high volume"
Tools made using this technology are highly efficient. Air enters the gun under high pressure, the outlet pressure is significantly reduced. Thanks to the increased material transfer ratio (65%), the quality of work is significantly higher than that of the HP system.
The high stability of the torch, the special design of the unit and its nozzles, and specifically arranged air channels allow achieving very high results. Another advantage of HVLP air guns is economy. A worthy branded instrument can be chosen in the range of 150-300 USD. The Chinese analogue can be purchased for 20-40 USD.
Low pressure sprayers have low pressure at both the inlet and outlet of the gun. The material transfer coefficient is the highest and reaches 80%. Loss of paint is small, which is why the LVLP system is called "super economical".
Due to the small amount of air consumed, such a spray gun does not require a very powerful compressor. The speed of work when painting the walls remains high, the quality of the spray will be just excellent.
- RP - Reduced Pressure - "reduced pressure"
Spray guns using RP technology are distinguished by the possibility of using any paint and varnish material. A wide torch delivers large volumes of paint. The minimum time is spent on painting the walls, the coating layer is perfect, without the slightest defect. It is with the help of this type of paint sprayer that you can get a top-class finish.
Electric spray gun
The motorized spray gun sprays the paint without using compressed air, but simply under pressure, which is created by the built-in pump. Due to the lack of air flow, the paint is not crushed as well as in pneumatic units, and in comparison with them, the wall covering will be of less quality. However, due to its compactness, affordable price and self-sufficiency, it can take its rightful place in home tools. Most electric spray guns are classified as household devices, not professional ones.
- combination of gun and motor in one monoblock tool;
- compact, easy to manage;
- the choice of spray pattern;
- the presence of a flexible intake tube that allows you to work at different angles;
- allows you to achieve high-quality results in a short time.
- the need for mains power;
- more complex care, the need for prevention.