How to calculate the area of ​​​​walls and floors

Repair is not only troublesome, but also costly. For its implementation, plaster, putty, primer, paint, wallpaper, tile and many other finishing materials are required. To prepare the required number of them, you should calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, floor and ceiling of the apartment being renovated.

We calculate the area of ​​​​the room

Preparatory work

For the convenience of taking measurements and calculations, it is better to prepare the room in advance, the necessary accessories and tools for this.

The best option for taking measurements is an empty room. If it is not possible to completely free it from furniture and household appliances, then all objects should be moved so as to provide unhindered access to the walls.

For measurements and calculations you will need:

  • roulette;
  • long ruler (you can use a rule or a long level);
  • construction square;
  • thin masking tape for marking on the floor;
  • pencil and notepad;
  • calculator.

To obtain the most accurate results, it is better to measure all quantities twice.

For convenience and clarity, the masters recommend drawing a diagram of the room on paper. In this case, an exact scale is not needed, it is important to transfer the shape of the room to the sheet with all the protrusions and niches, if any. When carrying out measurements, the results obtained fit into the scheme, and then the calculation of the required value is already carried out.

Making a floor plan on paper

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space is usually measured in square meters, so all the measurement results obtained should be immediately converted into meters. For example, the length of the wall, when measured with a tape measure, turned out to be 560 cm, in meters it will be 5.6 (560:100).

How to determine the floor area in a rectangular room

Rooms come in a wide variety of shapes. To find out the footage of the ceiling or floor, you will have to remember the school geometry course.

Rectangular configuration is the most common option. Calculating the floor area (S) in this case is the easiest. It is necessary to measure the length and width, and multiply the results obtained.

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Calculate the area of ​​a rectangular room

For example, the length (A) is 3.24 m, the width (B) is 5.7 m.

S \u003d A × B \u003d 3.24 × 5.7 \u003d 18.47 m²

A room in the form of a trapezoid

It is not uncommon for a living room or bedroom to look like a trapezoid. From the school geometry course, everyone remembers that a trapezoid is a quadrilateral, two sides of which are parallel. To calculate the area (S) of a trapezoid, you need to know the length of the parallel sides (A and B) and its height (h). These values ​​must be inserted into the formula:

S = ½ (A + B) × h

Calculation of floor area in a trapezoidal room

So, if your living room has a trapezoidal configuration, you should measure the length of the walls that are parallel, and the distance between them at a right angle - this will be the height.

For example, the lengths of the sides of the room are 2.5 m and 5.7 m, the height of the trapezoid is 3.4 m, then its footage will be as follows:

S = 0.5 × (2.5 + 5.7) × 3.4 = 13.94 m²

Rooms with rounded areas

There are also residential spaces with rounded sections in housing construction. Most often they have the form of a semicircle. This figure can be seen not only in the location of the walls. It is not uncommon for windows and doors to look like an arch. It happens that one or more corners are rounded, and then you can not do without a quarter circle.

Finding out the footage of such spaces is quite simple. The formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle should be taken as a basis.

S = π × R², where π is a constant equal to 3.14 and R is the radius of the circle.

For a semicircle, it will look like S = (π × R²) ÷ 2, and for a quarter - S = (π × R²) ÷ 4

In order to find out the footage of a room containing a semicircle or a quarter, it is necessary to break it into simple figures, calculate the parameters of each of them separately, and add the results obtained.

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Diagram of a room with a semicircular wall

For example, your kitchen contains a semicircle.To calculate the footage, it should be divided into a semicircle and a rectangle. The lengths of the sides of the rectangle are 2.6 m (A) and 6 m (B). The radius of the semicircle is 3 m. The measurements obtained must be inserted into the formulas.

For a rectangle: S₁ = A × B = 2.6 × 6 = 15.6 m²

For a semicircle: S₂ = (π × R²) ÷ 2 = (3.14 × 3²) ÷ 2 = 28.26 ÷ 2 = 14.13 m²

For the whole room: S₃ = S₁ + S₂ = 15.6 + 14.13 = 29.73 m²

If the figure contains a quarter of a circle, it must be divided into a rectangle and a quarter. The calculation algorithm will be similar.

Partitioning the area into a rectangle and a quarter of a circle

wrong shape

It is convenient to divide a room into several simple shapes when it has an irregular shape, for example, an irregular quadrilateral can be divided into two arbitrary triangles.

How to calculate the floor area in this case? It is necessary to calculate this value for each figure using the appropriate formula, and add the results.

Diagram of a room with a niche

Sometimes in the living space there are ledges and niches, which can have a very different configuration: rectangular, triangular, rounded. To calculate the floor area in such a room, you need:

  • In the diagram, break it down into the main figure and the figure of a ledge or niche.
  • Find S for each of them.
  • For a niche, its value S must be added to the same parameter of the main figure, in the case of a protrusion, its S should be subtracted from the footage of the entire room.

Scheme of the room with ledges

How to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls

To calculate the amount of finishing materials, it is important to know how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.

  • In the simplest case, the area of ​​​​the walls is the product of the perimeter of the room and its height.

This rule applies to rooms in which the ceiling level is the same at all its points and all walls are in the shape of a rectangle.

  • In a room with multi-level ceilings and with a wall shape other than a rectangle, you can get the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls as follows: calculate the quadrature of each of them separately, and add the results.
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Windows of various shapes

Rooms without windows are a rarity, and without doors they simply cannot be. To find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in a “pure form”, minus the size of windows and doors, you need:

  • Find the square of the entire surface of the walls.
  • Measure all windows and doors along the outer edge and calculate their area.
  • Subtract S of window and door openings from the footage of the walls. The desired result has been obtained.

Windows in the premises can be rectangular, semicircular, trapezoidal. When calculating the surface they occupy, the formulas described above must be applied.


