Answers to questions
*** Gallus 2000 gas meters are no longer available for sale. My old meter has expired. Which meters can be replaced without welding.
***I'm removing the gas meter to check it. How will they charge me for gas? After all, from the removal of the meter to its subsequent installation, a certain time will pass?
APPROVED by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 N 549
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 N 354)
I. General provisions
III. The procedure and conditions for the execution of the contract. The rights and obligations of the parties in the performance of the contract ...
Basic rules for accounting for supplied gas, determining the volume of gas consumed and calculating the amount of gas payment
32. If subscribers (individuals) do not have gas meters, the volume of its consumption is determined in accordance with the gas consumption standards. Norms and norms of gas consumption are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation *** Is it really profitable to install apartment gas meters?
An ordinary family consumes gas by about 30 rubles a month. If the family cooks little, they can pay 5-10 rubles according to the meter. The whole difference between what you pay now and these figures is your savings. Considering that the average gas tariff now in many regions of Russia is 43 rubles. per person, then for three people 3x43 rubles. - 30 rub. ≈ 99 rub. savings per month, per year - 1188 rubles; - for four people 4x43 rubles. - 30 rub. ≈ 142 rubles savings per month, per year - 1704 rubles; - for five people 5x43 rubles. - 30 rubles. ≈ 185 rub. savings per month, per year - 2220 rubles. That is, in almost a year with a little, and sometimes less than a year, you pay for the meter. And since our energy tariffs are constantly growing, the savings when paying by meters will be even greater. (Remember how much less you began to pay after installing meters for hot and cold water).
In our gas industry, they require to conclude a contract for the maintenance of a gas meter installed by me and, of course, pay for it monthly. Are these claims correct? I do not understand what needs to be serviced in the gas meter?
Household gas meters do not need special maintenance, with the exception of periodic verification, which is carried out by special laboratories accredited by the State Standard of Russia. The passports for most gas meters indicate that the meters are maintenance-free. Especially to exclude interference in the operation of the meter, at the manufacturing plants, and subsequently during periodic verification, the meter housings are sealed with special seals. So the requirements for the maintenance of meters are illegal, and they are not provided for by GOST R 50818-95 "Volume Diaphragm Gas Meters" *** I have an AS-250 meter manufactured by the Technogaz-AMK Joint Venture. The Gas Industry Trust requires its replacement due to the expiration of the calibration period. But they say that this counter is not being produced now. Which counter can I replace it with so as not to use welding for replacement, as it is expensive. When replacing the AC-250 gas meter, you can install the G-6 "Metrix" meter with almost the same center distance manufactured by the Polish company "Metrix". No welding work is required to replace the AC-250 meter you have installed with the above one. It is necessary to purchase the counter together with nuts and threaded fittings Du 20, since it is necessary to change the fittings installed for AC-250 with nuts that have an "American" thread.
We have installed a gas meter SGB-G-4-1 manufactured by the Engel plant "Signal". It's time to replace it, but I can't find a meter anywhere that I could replace it with without welding. Do not tell me what counter it can be replaced with? And where can it be found?
Buy gas meters in Crimea Simferopol, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Kerch, Feodosia, Yalta
The gas meter keeps track of the consumption of natural or liquefied gas, and also allows you to save on this resource. Depending on where they need to be installed, they are divided into two types: internal and external.
The first, in turn, are divided into electronic and rotary.
Electronic gas meters
Electronic meters measure voltage and current directly, which moves to conductors and microcircuits, which allows you to display information on the indicator in electronic form and save data directly when it is received.
Rotary gas meters
The meter housing contains a measuring chamber with two rotors connected by two gears, a pair of covers, a transmission mechanism, pulse sensors that provide signal transmission to the recording device, and a mechanical reading device. The movement of the rotors is converted into the rotation of digitized roller drums of the counting mechanism, which registers the amount of gas passed as a number with a certain coefficient.
The external ones include membrane, electronic and volumetric meters with a thermal corrector, which is purchased separately.
Volumetric gas meters
Volumetric counters have a chamber-type primary converter and a reading device.
The body of the block is divided into two parts, which are divided into two half-chambers by means of an elastic membrane.
The movement of gas is formed due to the pressure difference at the inlet and outlet of the meter, and then the volume of gas that has passed through the device is converted into readings on a roller-type reading mechanism.
Membrane gas meters
It is worth noting that they can be installed in the house. The counter itself has a measuring mechanism, a “body” and a reference device. The measuring mechanism has two chambers, inside of which there are membranes.
Thanks to a special mechanism, rotational movements of the membranes are formed from the translational movements, which are transmitted to the reading device using a magnetic coupling. The counter is equipped with a device that prevents the reverse movement of the counting mechanism.
To transmit information, a pulse sensor is connected to the counter, which is triggered by a magnetic insert located in the roller of the counting mechanism
The principle of operation of the gas meter
The measured medium can be natural gas, butane, propane and other non-aggressive gases. In most devices, gas flow is measured in m³/h. The costs of purchasing the device and its installation are paid off on average in a year. This article discusses the varieties and principle of operation of a gas meter.
The gas meter can be installed in any room of the gasified building, where there is a ventilation system. Niches and other areas with difficult fresh air supply are undesirable places for installation. Another requirement for the installation site is remoteness from areas with active heat and moisture release. It is allowed to install the device outside the building, but only under a canopy or in a special cabinet protected from external influences.
What are gas meters
- Membrane (diaphragm, chamber) counters. With the help of various converters, the gas is divided into parts of the volume and cyclic summation is carried out. They have a simple design and low cost. They count quite accurately, but do not tolerate overloads.
- Rotary counters. Eight-shaped rotors are used as converters. They differ in higher cost, modest size and weight. Able to pass significant volumes of gas and withstand significant loads.Durable enough, because the construction uses expensive materials.
- Turbine counters. The gas flows rotate the turbine, the number of revolutions of which corresponds to the volume of the passed gas. Turbine meters can be equipped with special modems that transmit readings to electronic servers of inspection services.
- Vortex counters. Calculate the periodicity of the vortices arising from the flow around the gas flows, the frequency of which is proportional to the flow velocity. Piezoelectric and hot-wire sensors are used for detection. Such meters are able to take into account high maximum flow rates with a high measurement limit. They are weakly sensitive to the level of gas pollution, but require an external power supply.
In terms of throughput, gas meters can be household, domestic and industrial. Household appliances are installed in houses, apartments and offices, where the throughput is 1-6 m³ / h. Usually these are membrane counters, less often rotary type devices.
Apparatus for domestic purposes (small boiler rooms, metering of gas consumption by technological installations, etc.) should have a throughput of 10-40 m³ / h. Usually these are large devices of the membrane or rotary type.
Gas meters for industrial use must be designed for a throughput of more than 40 m³ / h. They are designed to account for gas consumption by large consumers and are installed at the nodes of gas distribution networks. Usually these are rotary, turbine or vortex devices.
How does a gas meter work
Consider the principle of operation of a gas meter using the example of a diaphragm-type device. Typically, such a counter includes a measuring mechanism and a reading device placed in a sealed housing.
Accounting for the volume of incoming gas is based on the selection of its mechanical energy. When moving the diaphragms, the gas is alternately displaced from the working chambers. The crank mechanism converts the translational movement of the diaphragms into rotational and transmits it to the reading device through a special clutch.
The design of the meter also provides for a bimetallic temperature compensator, which corrects the readings in case of gas temperature fluctuations. If the temperature of the gas medium differs from the norm, it changes the volumes of the measuring chambers, which makes it possible to bring the volume of consumed gas to normal conditions.
Order industrial gas meters favorable price, installation and maintenance services
It is no coincidence that we chose meters based on ultrasonic technology. These models have a number of advantages
which significantly simplify the operation of equipment, provide integration with modern information systems, guarantee accuracy and
measurement reliability. We have collected the main advantages that ultrasonic type industrial gas meters have and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them:
- compact dimensions;
- simple installation method: does not require straight sections and welding work;
- high measurement accuracy;
- greater resistance to excess gas flow;
- lack of moving parts, which increases the service life;
- long battery life on a single battery: >5 years;
- meters are included in the register of measuring instruments, both in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world.
Our company has solid experience in the use of these products and is ready to provide you with all possible assistance in integrating them into your system.
accounting for gas consumption. According to its characteristics, the equipment is one of the best on the market and this is a weighty argument for specialists - application experience
products confirms all the advantages of products and excellent technical characteristics.
Based on the quality of the equipment, its accuracy, reliability and integration into modern systems, we advise you to choose and buy
industrial gas meter - the price of ultrasonic models is acceptable at Teplocom-Service Moscow.We give our clients the opportunity
not only to purchase these products, but also to receive services for their installation and subsequent maintenance
It is important to note the possibility of ordering
verification of products that belong to the ultrasonic type of meters. We have licenses to work with equipment of this type
Provide us with the data of your gas transportation system and Teplocom-Service Moscow employees will select the equipment for you. if you have
some difficulties with determining the parameters and the type of measuring equipment, etc., then our consultants will help you and perform all the calculations.
We cooperate with companies both from Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation
Pay special attention to the fact that we have experience in the implementation
projects related to the development of information nodes for accounting for gas consumption at large industrial facilities. The company has the opportunity
project implementation from simple to the most complex in various industrial enterprises and municipal facilities
Contact Teplocom-Service Moscow if you need to buy an ultrasonic gas meter - the price is one of our important advantages. Ready to perform
installation "turnkey" in exactly the specified time.
Prepaid gas meter ITRON ACTARIS Gallus G6-RF1 iV PSC
Basic information:
Nominal flow, m3/h: 0.06 / 6.0 / 10
Calibration interval: 10 years
Price Call!
Manufacturer - ITRON INTERNATIONAL (previous name - ACTARIS).
Purpose: Prepaid household gas meter ITRON G6-RF1 iV PSC is an integral part of the TaleXus Vendor integrated system designed to measure gas consumption and ensure the collection of payments in housing and communal services.
Advantages of ITRON Gallus G6-RF1 iV PSC gas meter:
- Compact lightweight body
- Reliability and consistency of metrological characteristics throughout the entire service life
- Functions of reserve crediting and return of unused credit to the subscriber's smart card
- Overflow detection
- Protection against unauthorized access
Distinctive features of the ITRON G6-RF1 iV PSC gas meter:
- Cyclic volume 2 l
- Sizes G4 and G6
- Compliance with OIML and EN1359 standards
- High fire resistance
Technical characteristics of the counter
Manufacturer | Germany |
center distance | 250 |
Flow, m3/h | 0,06/6,0/10 |
Calibration interval, years | 10 |
Inter. slave. t 0С | -10…+55 |
The TaleXus Vendor prepaid system G6-RF1 iV PSC meter has a metrology module borrowed from Itron's G6-RF1 meter and installed by more than 6 million subscribers.
The design of the ITRON Gallus G6-RF1 iV PSC prepaid household gas meter provides for a shut-off valve and a microprocessor device that ensures the operation of the meter in an automated mode from the built-in battery and allows the gas supplier to receive prepayment for the supplied gas. Gas meter lending is carried out using a specialized microprocessor card - a smart card.
Registered in State register of funds measurements under No. 14351-07.
Calibration interval - 10 years.
We guarantee that your data will not be passed on to third parties under any circumstances.
You did not find the required modification of the product on our website or doubt your choice?
Call our managers by phone: +7 (863) 303-61-75 or send a request, and we will contact you and help you!
Turbine and rotary gas meters for industry
Our product range includes industrial turbine and rotary gas meters, as well as measuring systems based on them.
Rotary-type industrial gas meters implement a direct method for measuring the volume that has passed through the gas meter. The direct method of measuring volume consists in periodically filling the measuring chamber formed by the meter body and rotating rotors, made in the form of a figure eight, with gas entering the meter inlet, and displacing this volume to the meter outlet.
The use of rotary counters makes it possible to solve the problem of ensuring dynamic accuracy when operating in a pulsed mode. This is achieved by a high-precision design that ensures very small clearances between the casing and the rotors.When gas consumption stops, the rotors are stopped by a vacuum at the meter inlet, i.e. this counter is suitable for intermittent operation.
It should be noted that the metrological characteristics of rotary gas meters do not depend on the nature of the gas flow (its straightness and uniformity). Therefore, when installing them, straight matching sections are not required before the meter and after the meter, which simplifies and makes their installation more compact.
One of the most popular models of devices of this type in the Elster line is the RVG G16-400 rotary gas meter. A few years ago, the production of a new rotary counter RABO was launched. During its development, all the advanced design solutions that are now available in meters of this type were reflected, and the experience of operating rotary meters was also taken into account. Thanks to this, it was possible to significantly improve the metrological characteristics, as well as increase the resistance to pneumatic shock and improve other performance characteristics of the RABO gas meter that affect reliability. The price of a rotary gas meter depends on its size and configuration.
Turbine gas meters are the most widely used in the field of commercial gas metering in the flow rate range from 100 to 25,000 cubic meters per hour. They implement an indirect measurement method. The speed of rotation of the measuring turbine wheel of such meters is proportional to the gas flow. The measurement range of these counters is 1:10, 1:20, 1:30.
The advantages of turbine gas meters are their high accuracy, reliability and ease of operation. In order to avoid additional error, they should be operated predominantly in continuous mode.
To measure high gas flow rates, ELSTER has developed an original design of the TRZ gas meter. The main feature of this device is the presence of a measuring cartridge, i.e. splitting the cartridge part of the counter into a durable flanged body and a replaceable measuring cartridge. Mounting holes are provided in the body of TRZ meters for additional equipment of devices with pulse sensors, temperature sensors, pressure sampling systems
Instructions on the procedure for replenishing the main loan for gas
To replenish the main loan, you need to apply to the additional office of Domoupravlenie s 2 LLC, located in the residential complex Nakhabino Square, indicating the postal address, surname, initials of the Owner, the amount of money required for replenishment.
In accordance with the passport for the gas meter installed in your apartments, in addition to the main loan, a reserve loan is provided. Depending on the type of meter, the reserve credit is:
- for a gas meter such as Gallus iV PSC G-4 in the amount of 6500 rubles;
- for a gas meter type ELEKTROMED-G4 in the amount of 1500 m3 in the amount of 7555.50 rubles (1500 * 5.037).
Counters such as Gallus iV PSC G-4 are installed in the apartments of houses No. 6, 6 k.1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10 k.1, 11, 12 on Ryabinovaya street.
ELEKTROMED-G4 type meters are installed in apartments of houses No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 k.1, 11 k.1, 13 on Ryabinovaya street.
In the case of using a reserve loan, the replenished amount according to the application must be at least 6,500 rubles or 7,555.50 rubles to restore it. The automatic launch of the reserve credit occurs on the Gallus iV PSC G-4 type counters when the “blue” button is pressed, on the ELEKTROMED-G4 type counters with the balance of the main credit of 500 m3 or less.
If the reserve credit is not replenished in time in full, then the gas supply will be automatically blocked, and unblocking will require additional time and cost of the owners' funds.
Based on your application, a receipt will be issued for the amount of the credit specified in the application to replenish the account.Your payment details will be entered in the register for subsequent submission to the Krasnogorskmezhraygaz branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz.
After payment, receive a smart card and insert it into your meter to read the reporting information on resource consumption, the balance of the main loan (backup loan) currently stored on your gas meters.
After reading the reporting information, you must submit a smart card to the managing organization.
After the arrival of a representative of the managing organization from the subscriber service of the Krasnogorskmezhraygaz branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz, you must again receive a smart card and insert it into your meter to read information about replenishing the main loan, and then return the card to the managing organization.
Dear residents, keep an eye on gas consumption, replenish your main loan in a timely manner!
In addition, monthly on the 20th-25th day of each month, it is necessary to submit information on gas consumption (the upper figure on the meter)
Administration LLC "DOMOUPravlenie 2"