The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

For industrial and agricultural activities, storage of products, placement of sports facilities and shopping malls, prefabricated hangars of various types are used. One of them is an arched hangar. This article will help you to understand the design characteristics, the pros and cons of use, as well as self-assembly of the finished hangar in more detail.

What is an arched hangar?

An arched hangar is a classic type of building used for agricultural purposes such as a cowshed, a hay shed, etc. as well as for production needs, storage systems, repair shops. It can have a frame and frameless design. The construction of hangars of this type allows you to create monolithic structures in a short time with the involvement of a small number of workers.

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

Comparison of arched and straight-walled hangars (pros and cons)

Arched and straight-walled hangars differ in design, which affects their dimensional characteristics, installation and operation conditions. Consider the pros and cons of each type.

Rectangular hangar pluses:

  1. There is no size limit.

  2. Placement of windows and doors in any part of the structure.

  3. Uniform load distribution over the area of ​​the hangar.

  4. Savings on heating (no need to heat the empty space).


  1. Large frame weight.

  2. High construction costs.

  3. Slow installation speed.

The arched hangar has a solid geometric shape that allows you to protect the frame from snow, wind and precipitation.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Fast installation.

  2. Low price.

  3. Lightweight structures and large span spans.

  4. High seismic resistance.

  5. Operation in almost any environmental conditions.


  1. You can not make openings for windows.

  2. There are size restrictions.

When choosing the optimal design, it is worth considering the operating conditions of the room, the amount and time that you are willing to spend on installation. Arch-type hangars are a more economical option, installation can be carried out independently, thanks to lightweight structures and a simple sequence of actions.

Prices for arched hangars

The price for the installation of an arched hangar consists of the following components: type and size of the structure; the cost of raw materials and their delivery to the construction site; use of special equipment; features of the place under the foundation; the number of people in the work team. You can order a service from a specialized company at a price of about 3,500 rubles per 1 sq.m., or carry out the work yourself, significantly reducing the final cost.

Which hangar is better to build with your own hands?

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

Hangars differ in design. This affects the complexity of the work, the use of special equipment and the amount of final costs. The most preferable is the independent construction of an arch-type hangar, since:

  • the construction technology is quite simple;

  • construction details are easy for transportation and installation;

  • the price of the hangar is small, and high-quality materials are always available;

  • the area can be used in a variety of ways;

  • operating conditions are almost unlimited.

In addition, arched hangars can be insulated with sandwich panels. Framed construction is more stable than frameless, but not as easy to install.

How to install an arched hangar yourself (building an arched hangar with your own hands)

To carry out the installation of the arched hangar on your own, you need to understand the design issues, the types of necessary tools, and understand the algorithm for conducting work.

hangar foundation

The first step is to decide on a place for mounting the arched hangar.The surface should be solid, not swampy, without noticeable differences in height, which will reduce the time for clearing and leveling. The foundation can be tape, pile or slab. For the arched type, a pile or installation without a foundation is used.

Pile foundation device

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

This type of foundation can be used in conditions with relief differences and for frozen, watered soils. In the process of work, the installation of screw piles takes place. Work is carried out in stages:

  1. The site is marked out with the establishment of a peg for each pile, which are alternately connected with a building cord. This makes it possible to check the correctness of the angles and diagonals.

  2. In the ground, recesses are made corresponding to the diameter and length of the piles.

  3. Piles are prepared for screwing by making holes in the top of the pipe for convenience.

  4. Screwing piles.

  5. Control of the verticality of the installation with a level.

  6. Cutting piles to the desired height.

  7. Treatment of their ground part with an anti-corrosion coating.

  8. Pouring concrete into the space between piles.

  9. Tied with grillage.

At the first stages, it is worth monitoring the clarity of the position of the piles and the correctness of their location. The uniformity of pouring concrete and the stability of the final structure depend on this.

Installing a hangar without a foundation

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

The arched hangar can be installed without a foundation on a special metal frame. The process takes place according to the following algorithm: a layer of soil is removed up to the clay layer; a flat area is being prepared; the pit is covered with rubble and leveled on the horizon. After that, a metal frame is welded from an I-beam or a pipe equal to the size of the hangar with transverse jumpers. Racks are welded to this frame. It is laid on a place prepared in advance and the installation of the case begins.

Self-assembly of the hangar frame

Installation of the hangar frame can be carried out independently without the use of special equipment. For this:

  1. Corners are welded to the foundation in places where the support columns of the trusses are installed.

  2. Holes are drilled in the corners and bases of the columns for reliable fixation of the metal structure.

  3. Separately, according to the prepared layout, columns and trusses are welded or bolted (for collapsible hangars) into a single structure.

  4. It is brought to the installation site, the base is fixed and vertically lifted.

  5. The structure is checked by level and welded.

  6. Columns and trusses are fastened with lintels, screeds or crates.

  7. Thus consistently fasten all the details of the hangar.

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

For hangars with a height of more than 3 meters, scaffolding is installed under the farm, where there is a worker pulling up the cable.

Sheathing of the hangar frame

The frame is sheathed in several ways, depending on the chosen operating conditions of the hangar. The simplest is cold sheathing with sheets of corrugated board. It is carried out from the bottom up. Each next sheet lies on the previous one with a slight overlap. They are fastened with metal screws, gradually moving to the roof, where, upon completion, a ridge ebb is installed. This method does not allow to insulate the hangar. For additional insulation, warm sheathing is used, which is carried out:

  1. By sheet method: the walls and roof are sheathed with a superdiffusion membrane with a spray layer, after which sheet sheathing is carried out with corrugated board.

  2. With the help of sandwich panels, which are already structurally designed with insulation.

It is necessary to first determine the functional purpose of the room. This affects the quantity and type of materials purchased, the type of cladding and its technology.

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

Laying communications

Engineering networks are laid at the design stage. It can be: power supply, ventilation, heating, plumbing, sewerage, etc. All work must comply with technical standards and operating conditions. At this stage, it is better to turn to specialists if you do not have experience and knowledge in laying communications.

What tools and special equipment may be needed for the entire process of mounting the arched hangar

Installation of an arched hangar is a relatively easy process in which you can do without special cranes.

The choice of an arched hangar for self-assembly, everything from A to Z

The standard required set of equipment includes:

  • folding machine for bending metal profile edges;

  • concrete mixer, if the foundation is piled;

  • stock of buckets, shovels and trowels, wheelbarrows;

  • building level;

  • electric arc welding machine - for mounting end walls;

  • perforator, drill, set of wrenches;

  • Circular Saw;

  • hammers, sledgehammers, crowbars;

  • building cables.

The list of equipment may increase if you decide to independently conduct communication networks, as well as additionally insulate the hangar. Trucks will be required to deliver materials to the construction site.

The minimum number of workers and the timing of the construction of the arched hangar

Seven to twelve people can assemble a small arched hangar in just one day. A three-day construction will require a team of five workers. The construction time and the amount of labor force depend on the established dimensions of the hangar, the need for insulation, and the characteristics of the area for installation.

Now you know how to build an arched hangar yourself. The installation process is not difficult if carried out in stages, but requires sufficient experience and the availability of all the necessary tools.


