A variety of wallpaper for painting: types, texture, features

There are more and more options for wall decoration in the apartment every year. Someone is experimenting, trying different options every few years, someone is doing repairs under the motto "high quality and for a long time." But what if every few years you just want to refresh the room, but there is no desire to start a full-fledged repair every time? One of the best ways to resolve this situation is to paint wallpaper.

wallpaper for painting

A few reasons why you should choose wallpaper for painting:

  • To change the boring color of the walls, it is not necessary to re-paste the wallpaper every time, it is enough to repaint them. Moreover, this can be done on average 5-6 times, and according to some manufacturers, certain types of material can be repainted up to 20 times.

repaint the wallpaper in a different color

  • Compared with painted walls, paintable wallpaper creates a more comfortable and homely atmosphere.
  • This is a great solution in a situation where the interior dictates a certain color scheme, and you can’t find ready-made wallpapers of a suitable shade. With this solution, it is enough just to tint the paint in the desired color.

wallpaper paint tinting

Types of wallpaper for painting

If you decide to take a closer look at such a finishing material as paintable wallpaper, you need to know that this group of wallpapers is also divided into different types.
Depending on what materials are used in their manufacture, wallpaper for painting can be:

It is difficult to say which of these materials are better and which are worse. The choice depends on future operating conditions, on what effect you want to achieve, as well as on the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs.

wallpaper sample for painting

Paper wallpaper for painting

Wallpapers intended for repeated coloring differ in their structure from ordinary paper finishing material. They are quite dense and consist of two layers - the base and the coating. The top layer is impregnated with a special waterproof composition, which allows the material to retain its appearance after staining. In some wallpapers, called coarse-fiber wallpapers, wood shavings are added between the coating and the base, creating relief and structure.

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paper wallpaper for painting


  • made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • able to hide minor flaws in the walls;
  • ideal for pasting the ceiling;
  • are relatively inexpensive.


  • shrink, so it is dangerous to glue them end-to-end;
  • the paper gets wet from the glue, the canvas can tear, so you need to work with it quickly and carefully;
  • are easily damaged, therefore, require careful handling during operation.

painted paper wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper texture

Wallpaper for painting this type can be of two types - smooth and structural. Smooth ones consist entirely of interlining and do not have a relief pattern. The structural canvas has a non-woven base, the top relief coating is made of a decorative layer - foamed vinyl. Such wallpapers can have a wide variety of textures: a floral or geometric pattern, a pattern that imitates a tree, plaster, ceramics and other materials. A feature of vinyl is its susceptibility to mechanical damage. Therefore, despite the fact that textured wallpapers look great in white, to protect them and extend their service life, many experts recommend painting them immediately after gluing. A layer of paint will make them more resistant to abrasion.


non-woven wallpaper in the interior


  • very easy to use, because they do not tear, do not stretch, slide well on the wall smeared with glue and are easily joined;
  • mask small cracks and other defects on the walls;
  • protect walls and drywall constructions from cracking;
  • easy to care for;
  • have good water resistance, so they can be washed;
  • UV resistant.


  • vinyl, which forms the top layer of non-woven wallpaper, requires careful handling, as it can be easily damaged;
  • have low vapor permeability.

painted non-woven wallpaper

Glass fiber

Fiberglass wallpaper is a decorative wall covering that combines the properties of glass and fabric. Fiberglass is made from dolomite, quartz sand, soda and lime. Special glass is drawn into fine fibers, from which yarn is made. Thus, the material is woven like a normal woven fabric. They can have a variety of structures and patterns.

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glass fiber rolls


  • have excellent water resistance, so they are suitable for rooms with high humidity and withstand frequent washing;

glass wall in the kitchen

  • made from natural materials, environmentally friendly;
  • have increased strength, do not tear or scratch;
  • do not attract dust due to protection from static electricity;
  • they pass water vapor well and contribute to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the room;
  • do not burn and do not emit harmful substances under the influence of fire;
  • have a very long service life - 30 years;
  • can be repainted multiple times.


  • high material cost.

glass wallpaper in the interior

How to choose wallpaper texture

The texture of the wallpaper is embossed bulges and grooves that form a certain pattern on them. Choosing the right texture is extremely important, because you can change the color, but the pattern will decorate your walls for a very long time.

wallpaper texture

The pattern can be chaotic or ordered, repeating. The first in some cases can look quite rude and even sloppy. Wallpaper for painting in the interior, with the wrong choice, can produce a monotonous impression and inspire boredom.
If you decide to choose a finishing material with a chaotic pattern, keep in mind that finer texture and more rounded lines are perceived much better. A repeating pattern will not get boring too quickly if the lines of the pattern are smooth and curved, and the elements of the pattern have a complex, intricate shape. In the event that you want to achieve the severity of the interior, choose a simple, correct, repeating pattern.

floral pattern on the wallpaper for painting

The texture of the wallpaper material can imitate plaster and even cracked paint. These wallpapers can look impressive, but do not forget about the chosen interior style. In any case, be guided by your own preferences, which wallpaper to choose, it's up to you.
The size of the pattern also matters - a large pattern makes the wall noticeable, conspicuous, attracting attention, a small pattern creates a background, the background of your interior. In addition, you need to keep in mind that a large repeating pattern on the walls makes the room visually smaller. In the event that the room for which you choose wallpaper for painting is small, give preference to a smooth material or canvas with a fine texture.

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wallpaper with fine texture

If you can’t stop at a certain texture or are afraid that any pattern on the walls will quickly get bored, choose smooth wallpaper for painting. Ignore the fact that they do not look very interesting in the store, in fact they have many advantages:

  • a smooth canvas is easier to paint;
  • wallpaper without relief is a blank canvas for any drawings and experiments;

drawing on the wallpaper for the nursery

  • they allow for more variety and are suitable for creative people.

original pattern on wallpaper

Features of painting wallpaper

The choice of paint depends on the type of material. Water-dispersion paint is best suited for paper wallpapers, water-based paint for non-woven, for glass wallpapers it is better to choose acrylic or latex.

choice of colors

The technology of painting wallpaper is quite simple and has no specific differences from painting other surfaces.
At the first painting, no preliminary preparation is required, it is enough to make sure that there are no dust and traces of glue. Most often used for work paint roller.

paint the walls with a roller

If you need to paint over the wallpaper with a uniform layer, so that the paint gets into all the grooves, you need to choose a roller with a fur coat. In the event that you want to highlight the pattern on the wallpaper, after the initial one-color staining, a foam roller is taken. It rolls over the wall, applying paint only to the top of the drawing, making it stand out and create a great visual effect.
When it is required to repaint the pasted wall, the surface is cleaned of dirt and, if possible, degreased. It is advisable to use paint of the same composition as the previous painting. It is important to consider the previous color. If it is lighter than the one you are going to repaint the wall in, then there will be no problems. If it is darker and more saturated, then before applying a lighter tone, you will have to apply an additional layer of white paint.


