Do-it-yourself garbage stove in the country
Hello dear reader, today we will talk about burning garbage in the country. Surely you have a lot of leaves in your dacha, cut boards that constantly interfere with you, and you don’t really like burning in the garden and littering.
There is a solution, this is a garbage stove, since you do not want garbage to fly around your site, and also not to pollute your neighbors. You will need such a stove.
Enough chatter, it's time to start solving the problem.
DIY garbage oven
So, I think when you have a dacha it’s not a problem to find an iron barrel, either it should have been left from the old lime or some kind of mixture was brought in it, I think you have it.
If you have several barrels, then I recommend taking a thicker one, since it will last for more than a dozen years, the temperature will be high in it, so a thin one can only last a couple of months.
An interesting video do-it-yourself garbage incinerator in the country
Consider a couple of barrel options:
1. We take a barrel, and we take a chisel or a crowbar, in another way we take a tool to make more holes in the barrel.
We make holes only halfway down the barrel, this is necessary for air circulation in the barrel, and for the fastest burning of leaves and debris.
We also make holes in the bottom of the barrel.
-But you ask me why in the bottom if it will stand on the ground and air will not get there?
- I will answer. To do this, the barrel must be placed on a dais, bricks would be ideal, you can also put other fire-resistant material.
To be honest, I myself have such a stove in my country house, and I am very pleased with it.
2. I also like the other way. Immediately you need to completely remove the bottom, I think a grinder will be a great way to remove it, or a chisel, but spend a lot of time and effort.
Then it will be necessary to dig a hole with a bayonet shovel about 1 meter long, and take the width as an example of a bayonet shovel, 21-26 cm, depth - 1 spade bayonet.
In this pit we install our barrel, which is already without a bottom, it looks like it should be in the shape of a cylinder. As a result, we will have an excellent powerful oven that will burn all the garbage in a moment.
So, first you will need to throw garbage into the pit, and only then put the barrel, so the role of the pit will be played by such an air duct, and will serve you as a constant ruin of garbage.
You can also put protection on top of the barrel.
Now let's look at the advantages of the barrel:
- Garbage burns faster
- You can throw large objects, boards and leaves will not scatter.
- Burns down completely
- Garbage that burned down can be used as quality fertilizer
- Safety burns
This is where our article ended, Successful buildings!
What are waste incinerators? Pros and cons
A typical design of a waste incinerator is usually made of steel. Additionally, the metal is coated with a special enamel resistant to high temperatures.
Stationary structures are usually more capacious, but a more mobile portable version can also be purchased.
Stationary models are usually more bulky and heavy, but on the other hand, they can dispose of a large volume at a time or burn large debris (long branches, boards, etc.).
If you need to burn a large amount of waste, you will have to load the portable stove many times, and grind large pieces, but it will easily fit in the trunk of your car and be easily transported from place to place by one person.
At the bottom of the furnace there is a special grate - a grate, which at the same time allows air to enter, holds the burning mass and subsequently ensures that the burned-out ash falls out.
In addition to these points, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- The thickness of the metal must be at least 2 mm.The thicker the steel used, the longer the life of the unit will be. Thin metal will burn out quickly enough.
- The most convenient to use designs that provide special holes and doors for cleaning ash.
- A garden incinerator must be completely fireproof. Penetration into the air of sparks, fire or falling out of coals is absolutely unacceptable.
- The top cover not only limits the release of fire, but also protects the contents from possible precipitation.
- In models with a chimney, combustion is faster due to increased draft.
Today, more complex designs can be purchased, for example, a model that combines a waste incineration container and a domestic heating boiler. This oven is additionally equipped with a water heater and a water supply pump. The undoubted advantage of this model is that it “purifies” harmful combustion products, that is, it is more environmentally friendly.