Application of sodium hydroxide
There is no alkali more common than caustic soda. About 57 million tons are consumed annually. Caustic sodium is used in the production of medicines, phenol, organic dyes, and glycerin. Another area of application is the disinfection of a room due to the ability of a chemical compound to neutralize substances harmful to humans in the air. Hydroxides are also widely used to maintain the shape of products (food industry).
In industry
Sodium hydroxide is a strong base for chemical reactions and is actively used by various industries due to its properties:
- Pulp industry - to eliminate sulfate in the composition of wood fibers for softening (delignification). This is necessary in the production of cardboard, paper, artificial fibers.
- Chemical industry - used for the production of oils, neutralization of substances in an acidic environment, in the etching of aluminum, the manufacture of pure metals.
- Sodium hydroxide is used to produce biodiesel based on vegetable oils, resulting in the formation of glycerol as a result of the reaction.
- The compound is used to wash the molds of automobile tires.
- In civil defense, it is common when neutralizing substances hazardous to health in the air, degassing.
- Used for the illegal production of drugs such as methamphetamines.
Food supplement
Caustic soda peels vegetables and fruits. A substance is used to give the color of caramel. As a food additive E524 (a class of acidity regulators, anti-caking agents along with sodium carbonate) is used in the manufacture of cocoa, ice cream, butter, margarine, chocolate, soft drinks. Olives and black olives soften and turn black.
Food products - bagels and German pretzels (pretzels) - are treated with a caustic solution for a crispy crust. In Scandinavian cuisine there is a fish dish - lutefisk. The preparation technology includes soaking dried cod in a hydroxide solution for 5-6 days until a jelly-like consistency is obtained. In the food industry, soda helps to refine vegetable oil.
In the production of detergents
The ability of the interaction of fats in caustics has been noticed for a long time. Since the 7th century, the Arabs have mastered the production of solid soap with the help of caustic soda and aromatic oils. This technology has remained the same. Caustic soda is added to shampoos, detergents, personal care products. The cosmetic industry uses Na hydroxide to produce anti-grease soaps, nail polish removers, and creams.
At home
The main method of application is gel-like hydroxide or its granules. Included in the means to eliminate blockages of sewerage, heating systems. The dirt dissolves, disaggregates and passes further down the pipe. Stainless steel products are cleaned of oily substances using caustic soda heated to 50-60°C with the addition of potassium hydroxide. Cosmetology uses a gel based on it to soften keratinized skin, papillomas, warts.
Acids and alkalis What is their danger
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Acids and alkalis: what is their danger
Acids and alkalis are dangerous chemicals for human health. They can cause chemical burns, respiratory problems, and cause fires. Concentrated forms of acids and alkalis are of particular danger, but dilute solutions are also harmful. Before using acids or alkalis of any type, be sure to read the safety precautions for the specific substance, as well as the rules for storage and disposal.Develop a plan of action in the event of a spill or contact with the substance.
Respiratory hazard
Many acids and alkalis are highly toxic. Inhalation of vapors may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and lungs. In severe cases, pulmonary edema can occur, a life-threatening condition in which fluid in the lungs blocks oxygen from reaching the bloodstream.
Contact hazard
Concentrated forms of acids and alkalis are corrosive and can cause chemical burns if they come into contact with the skin, eyes or internal organs. An acid burn is characterized by instant pain and tissue damage. Hydrofluoric acid quickly penetrates the skin and can even cause bone damage. And, conversely, when in contact with alkali, you may not pay attention to it, because. the pain comes a little later. But this means that contact with alkali lasts longer. Never add water to acid as as a result, spray will fly in all directions. Instead, slowly add the required volume of acid to the water.
fire hazard
When mixing acids or alkalis with other chemicals, an explosion may occur; in addition, the acid reacts with certain metals to form a flammable substance, hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas can also be produced by the reaction of certain alkalis with aluminum, magnesium, tin, and zinc metal. Never smoke or make open flames near acids and alkalis.
protective equipment
Whenever you work with acids or alkalis, use personal protective equipment: goggles, lab coats or overalls, closed shoes; protective gloves suitable for the specific substance. Nitrile gloves are suitable for most acids, but be sure to check if they are suitable for the particular substance you are going to work with. Depending on the volume of the substance or how long you have been handling it, you may need a respirator or face shield.
The harm of sodium hydroxide
The substance belongs to the second hazard class
Due to the ability of hydroxide to corrode organic compounds, the use of caustic should be carried out with all precautions. If alkali gets on the mucous membranes and skin, it causes severe burns, and interaction with the eyes leads to atrophy of the optic nerve
To neutralize the hydroxide on the skin, a weak solution of vinegar and a large amount of running water are used.
Sewer cleaning
Sewer pipes tend to become clogged: grease, soap suds, and organic residues settle on their inner surface. All this is compressed, reducing the lumen of the pipe, the water does not leave well, an unpleasant smell appears from the drain hole. The reasons can be both technical and operational:
- improper slope of the sewer system;
- roughness, burrs on the inner surface of the pipes;
- many rough joints;
- the absence of a grate on the sink or bathtub drain, and as a result, organic contaminants enter the drain - hair, paper, pieces of food;
- frequent draining of fatty food residues without subsequent flushing of pipes with hot water;
- lack of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of deposits.
Before work, it is advisable to open hot water for a few minutes so that the sewer system warms up and the pollution is better treated with alkali. To clean the sewer from fatty and organic contaminants using caustic soda, there are several methods:
- 1. Caustic in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons is poured into the hole, poured with a glass of boiling water, kept for 2 hours, then washed with plenty of hot water.Granules must be poured strictly into the hole, because prolonged contact with the surface of the bath or sink can damage it. This method is used when the blockage is close to the drain hole.
- 2. If the system is thoroughly clogged for several meters, then a large amount of solution is used, which is made at the rate of: 3 kg of caustic soda per 7 liters of water. Stir it thoroughly until the soda is completely dissolved, immediately pour it into the hole. Wash with water after 2-3 hours.
- 3. When the pollution is multi-layered, then caustic alkali is used together with vinegar to enhance the reaction. To do this, pour 125 g of vinegar into the drain hole and pour the same amount of caustic soda. Substances react, a lot of foam is formed, so the hole is tightly closed. After 2 hours, pour boiling water.
A solution of sodium hydroxide is used as a prophylactic once every 3 months to flush pipes from accumulated particles of fat and organic contaminants.
Alkalis are crystalline bases that are highly soluble in water. They are soapy to the touch and are strong catalysts for attacking various materials, including porcelain or glass. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to store them in vessels that consist of these materials. Most often, plastic containers are used for this.
Caustic soda or caustic soda, the scientific name is sodium hydroxide. A crystalline substance of light yellow or completely white color, industrially produced in the form of granules. Perfectly dissolves various fats and has a strong detergent effect. Cleans oil stains from various products, cleans sewer pipes from fatty growths.
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Hydrated lime or scientifically - calcium hydroxide. It is often used in the construction industry for whitewashing and plastering walls and ceilings.
Ammonia or ammonia solution is a liquid with a sharp, irritating, unpleasant odor that adversely affects the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. In everyday life, it is used as a 25 percent solution. With it, you can wash woolen products and remove stains that are of organic origin: resins, fats, milk. Recently, it has been widely used in window cleaner formulations. Since ammonia has excellent cleaning properties, it does not leave streaks on the glass surface. Also, a weak solution of ammonia is used to clean and shine items made of gold and silver, for this the solution must be heated, and then the jewelry should be lowered there for a while. Ammonia is able to form compounds with metals that dissolve in water.
Household use
Despite the second hazard class, caustic soda can be used on the farm (subject to appropriate safety measures).
Pipe cleaning
The use of caustic soda for sewer cleaning gives a very good result. Alkali will help not only to cope with the blockage, but also to remove unpleasant odors in the toilet and bathroom. Application methods are as follows:
- Pour half a glass of caustic into the drain hole, carefully pour a glass of boiling water on top and soak for at least two hours. After the specified time, rinse the drains with plenty of water.
- Pour two hundred grams of soda into the hole, add the same amount of white vinegar, stand for three hours, rinse thoroughly with boiling water. This flushing method is used for severe old blockages.
- Pour two kilograms of caustic into a bucket of boiling water, mix, pour sodium hydroxide and water directly into the drain hole. After three hours, clean the pipes with water.
Important: do not pour baking soda directly on the enameled surface of the bath, as the enamel may be damaged.
Washing use
Soda can be used in washing, it softens water well and removes various stains.
use a solution of caustic soda only for washing linen and cotton items; washing silk, wool and other fabrics that require careful handling is not recommended. To prepare the solution in a five-liter container, you need to dilute five tablespoons of soda, mix. Dry linen is lowered into the solution, aged for two hours, after which it is washed with powder or soap. When washing in a typewriter, two spoons of the product are added to the detergent compartment.
Important: after using caustic soda, things must be rinsed thoroughly.
Soda can be used in washing, it softens water well and removes various stains.
Soda can be used in washing, it softens water well and removes various stains.
for washing linen and cotton itemsDry laundry can be washed with powder or soap
Important: after using caustic soda, things must be rinsed thoroughly.
Cleaning kitchen utensils
Carbon deposits and old fat from steel and cast iron utensils can be removed with alkali. You will need the following ingredients:
- Soda - 200 g.
- Water - 10 liters.
- Silicate glue or liquid glass - 150 ml.
- Laundry soap - one bar.
Preparation of the solution: pour water into the container, add soda, glue or liquid glass, grated washing soap, mix everything thoroughly. The dishes are lowered into the washing solution, the container is put on fire and boiled over low heat for two hours, after which you need to wait for it to cool completely. Rinse the cleaned dishes well under running water.
Important: aluminum and Teflon cannot be washed with caustic soda; calcined salt is used for such dishes. The difference between them is that calcined salt is much less active and will not damage the dishes.
Carbon deposits and old fat from steel and cast iron utensils can be removed with alkali. You will need the following ingredients:
- Soda - 200 g.
- Water - 10 liters.
- Silicate glue or liquid glass - 150 ml.
- Laundry soap - one bar.
Preparation of the solution: pour water into the container, add soda, glue or liquid glass, grated washing soap, mix everything thoroughly. The dishes are lowered into the washing solution, the container is put on fire and boiled over low heat for two hours, after which you need to wait for it to cool completely. Rinse the cleaned dishes well under running water.
Important: aluminum and Teflon cannot be washed with caustic soda; calcined salt is used for such dishes. The difference between them is that calcined salt is much less active and will not damage the dishes.
Application in the garden
Useful sodium hydroxide and in the private sector.
- The solution will help disinfect greenhouses, cellars, cages and all rooms where farm animals were kept. To do this, dissolve ten tablespoons of the product in ten liters of hot water and thoroughly rinse the buildings with the resulting solution. Such treatment will save the building from fungus, parasites, bacteria. With the same tool, you can wash the floors in the living room in order not only to clean, but also to disinfect the surface. It is only necessary after washing with soda to rinse the surface well with clean water and wipe dry.
- Spraying of plants is carried out with a solution consisting of one to two liters of water and one spoon of caustic. Spraying will lead to the death of weevil, aphids and other harmful insects, help to cope with powdery mildew and late blight.
- If an autonomous heating system operates in a private house, it can be easily washed with caustic. To do this, using a pump, the system is filled with a twenty percent sodium solution and left for two days, then the solution is drained along with the dirt and the system is washed with clean water.
In household chemicals, alkalis are used very often.
Due to careless handling, as well as because of their causticity, various types of lesions can occur: poisoning and burns. The severity of poisoning depends on the concentration of the agent used.
Alkalis are excreted from the human body through the kidneys and intestines, therefore, in case of poisoning, these organs are also affected. If a person is poisoned or burned, you should try to provide first aid before the doctor arrives.
The patient needs special treatment and observation in a hospital. If a substance is ingested, an acid-containing solution (Aminocaproic acid, citric acid) can be given to the patient to neutralize. When an acid is combined with an alkali, water is formed, the harmful effect of an alkaline agent on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is reduced.
What is sodium hydroxide
This compound is a caustic alkali, which is used not only in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields, but also in the chemical industry. Sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, comes in the form of slightly slippery, hard, yellowish or white granules. At a strong concentration, NaOH corrodes organic compounds, therefore it can cause a burn. It is used as a food additive E524, necessary to maintain the consistency of products.
The substance has the chemical formula NaOH. The compound interacts with various substances of any state of aggregation, neutralizing them, with acids, forming salt and water. Reaction with atmospheric oxides and hydroxides produces tetrahydroxozincate or alcoholate. Caustic soda is used to precipitate metals. For example, when reacting with aluminum sulfate, its hydroxide is formed. The precipitate does not dissolve and there is no excess production of alkali. This is true when purifying water from small suspensions.
The compound is soluble in water. Technical Sodium Hydroxide is an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide in an alkali-resistant sealed container. When interacting with water, the caustic releases a large amount of heat. The substance has the following properties:
- during preliminary melting destroys glass, porcelain;
- interaction with ammonia causes a fire hazard;
- boils at 1390°C, melts if the temperature reaches 318°C;
- insoluble in ethers, acetone;
- very hygroscopic (absorbs water vapor from the air), so sodium alkali should be stored in a dry place and sealed packaging;
- soluble in methanol, glycerin, ethanol;
- violently interacts with metals - tin, aluminum hydroxide, lead, zinc, forms hydrogen - an explosive combustible poison;
- absorbs carbon dioxide from the air.
Caustic soda is found in the mineral brucite. The second largest deposit is concentrated in Russia. Hydroxide, thanks to the research of Nicolas Leblanc, conducted in 1787, is obtained by synthesis from sodium chloride. Later, electrolysis became a popular mining method. Since 1882, scientists have developed a ferritic method for obtaining hydroxide in the laboratory using soda ash. The electrochemical method is now the most popular: sodium ions form its solution of caustic mercury - an amalgam, which dissolves in water.
Making homemade soap
Sodium is one of the components of soap that can be cooked at home, and its washing ability will depend on the amount of soda. Required components:
- Oil (linseed, olive) - 500 ml.
- Caustic soda - 200 g.
- Essential oil - a few drops.
The cooking process is quite simple:
- Heat up the oil in a water bath.
- Add soda to two hundred grams of hot water, mix.
- Introduce the oil into the soda solution, add the essential oil, stir until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.
- Pour into molds, leave for several days until completely dry.
Natr is an inexpensive and widely available product.You just need to follow the instructions for using caustic soda, and it will become an excellent assistant in housekeeping and keeping the house clean.
Salts of sodium and potassium
and potassium form salts with all acids.
The sodium and potassium salts are very similar in
chemical properties. characteristic
the characteristic of these salts is good
solubility in water, so available
qualitative reactions to these ions
there are no elements. Presence in connection
even a negligible amount of ions
sodium or potassium is determined by
making this compound into a colorless
flame: in the case of sodium, the flame is colored
to yellow, and in the case of potassium, to
pink purple. sodium and potassium
forms medium, acidic, double and
complex salts. Most average
sodium and potassium salts - thermally
stable substances and decompose
only at very high temperatures.
Decomposes on moderate heating
only salts of halogenated oxo acids,
nitrates and some other compounds:
salts are less stable when heated
they all decompose:
these elements do not form salts.
salts, chloride is the most important
sodium - NaCl
- salt. This is a necessary
component of food, preservative, raw material
for the chemical industry. Out of him
receive sodium hydroxide, drinking
soda (NaHCO3), soda (Na2CO3) and many others
sodium compounds. Many sodium salts
form crystalline hydrates. Na2S2O3?H2O
– sodium thiosulfate corresponding
thiosulfuric acid H2S2O3,
used in photography, for fixing
shown papers. Na2SO4?10H2O
- sodium sulfate decahydrate, Glauber's
salt, used in the sulfate method
soda production and glass production.
- sodium carbonate or calcined
soda is used in glass,
soap, pulp and paper,
textile, oil, chemical
industries, as well as in everyday life. NaNO3
– sodium nitrate, sodium or Chilean
saltpeter - used as a mineral
fertilizer. Potassium salts are essential
mineral fertilizers. Na2SiO3
- sodium silicate - used in
glass production. Potassium salts are excreted
from solution mainly without crystallization
water. K2CO3
potassium carbonate or potash
- used in soap making
production of refractory glass,
photos. KNO3
potassium carbonate or potassium nitrate -
used in the manufacture of black
gunpowder. KCl
- potassium chloride - used as
fertilizers. Many potassium salts are found
in nature: KCl? MgCl? 6H2O
– carnallite; KCl?NaCl - sylvinite
. salt TO
contained in alum.
Safety regulations
Sodium hydroxide is a powerful alkali capable of corroding even hard materials.
Precautions must be taken to preserve your health and the integrity of surfaces
- Wear protective gear. Before starting the procedure, arm yourself with goggles and a mask, rubber gloves should reach the elbow, clothing should be tight and leave no open areas of the body. This will protect you from chemical burns.
- Wait for the reaction to finish. Since the caustic, interacting with water, is capable of generating heat, you should not immediately begin to perform procedures with it. Wait a few minutes until the chemical reactions are complete.
- Do not spray. Surfaces, especially enamelled ones, may suffer from this.
- Avoid skin contact. If the product comes into contact with open areas of the body, or in the eyes, immediately rinse them under running water. Then treat with 2% boric acid. If after half an hour the burning sensation, redness does not go away, seek medical help.
- Store correctly. Caustic should be stored in a well-closed iron or glass jar.It should not be freely available, as it is poisonous and explosive.
Remember that frequent use of caustic can lead to the destruction of the surface of even the most durable materials.