Water supply faults
We have all experienced situations where the water supply has gone out. As part of our article, we will try to figure out what causes the water supply to disappear in houses, and what water supply malfunctions can be avoided.
The main malfunctions of water supply systems:
- short or long breaks in water supply;
- water losses in the water supply system;
- insufficient pressure in the pipeline of the water supply system;
- noise in the running system;
- the appearance of condensate on the pipeline;
- pipe blockages;
- breakdown of water supply system equipment.
It is worth noting that low pressure in the water supply system, equipment breakdown, pipeline freezing, blockages - all these water supply malfunctions lead to a long interruption in the supply of water to consumers. A decrease in pressure in the external water supply network leads to insufficient pressure in the internal system, due to which the upper floors of the building will not receive water in the required quantities and with the required pressure.
Most likely, consumers living on the upper floors will not receive water at all. The pressure at the entrance of the pipeline to the house is checked using a pressure gauge. If it is insufficient, then it is necessary to open as much as possible all the valves available in the system (in the wells and at the entrance to the building).
Breakdown of the main water supply equipment
Equipment failure includes a breakdown of pipeline fittings, a water meter unit or a pumping unit.
Pipeline fittings include safety, shut-off, water folding and control fittings.
If even the individual components of the circuit are incorrectly installed, the passage of water in the "return" will lead to a pressure drop and breakage of the water supply elements. In this case, the malfunction of the water supply is eliminated by repairing or replacing the fittings.
The water supply system consists of two pumps: working and reserve.
The malfunction of one or another pump is determined using the indications of the pressure gauge. The readings of the pressure gauge installed after the pump and the readings of the pressure gauge installed at the inlet of the water supply to the building are compared.
Blockages, leaks and their elimination
Pipeline blockages can be identified by comparing the water pressure in different sections. A special device will help here - a union pressure gauge.
Large pressure drops in the areas will indicate that a common blockage has become the cause of the water supply malfunction.
In the absence of the necessary devices, in the area to be checked, all water fittings must be opened.
Water losses in the pipeline are checked according to the meter reading. If the actual water flow significantly exceeds the calculated one, then there is an unproductive leak in the system. In this case, it is necessary to check the tightness of the joints of the pipeline and the entire water supply system.
Criteria for selecting water supply stations Characteristics
Experts identify several main criteria by which it is necessary to select pumping stations. Separately, it should be noted that, in terms of performance reliability, it is not recommended to assemble a water supply scheme from individual elements from different manufacturers. The main parameters that determine the choice of a water supply scheme and technical devices for it include:
- The productivity of the well, which is indicated in the technical data sheet during drilling, ranges from 3000-6000l/h with the power consumption of the system in the range of 600-1700W. This parameter determines the type of pump used, the depth of the sampling point and the distance from home.It is recommended to choose a pump with a power slightly less than the capacity of the source, since when choosing equipment of high power, the system will work unstably.
- The autonomy of the system is ensured by connecting it to non-traditional energy sources or an additional generator.
- The parameters of the storage tank are an important factor in the selection of equipment, while the choice should include a supply of water in case of a power outage and the required amount of liquid depending on the need. When choosing a tank, the material of the tank is a critical factor. A more economical and less reliable option is to use a plastic tank, however, more prudent owners prefer reliability and, with a one-time overpayment, get much more durable steel or cast iron tanks.
- Device protection systems from overheating, dry running and emergency shutdown are also important to ensure long-term and reliable operation of the equipment. The experience of many users suggests that it is better to spend more money once and provide reliable protection for devices than to change the entire system after a short period of time.
- The control system in known designs provides for the use of manual or automatic drive type. When choosing it, experienced users are guided by the purpose of the water supply system. When used for summer cottages, a manual control system is quite enough, with a water supply device in a country place of permanent residence, it is better to use automation.
- The manufacturer is one of the important factors, since often models with the same characteristics, but released under different brands, differ in price by a whole order of figures. In the market of water pumping stations, products of Italian, German manufacturers and equipment of the Russian company Dzhileks use good recommendations.
Hydraulic calculation of the automatic fire extinguishing system
The calculation is made for a dead-end non-symmetrical circuit.
Hydraulic calculation for the selection of a monoblock pumping unit was made in accordance with Appendix B to SP 5.13130.2009.
The main indicators of hydraulic calculation are presented in table 1.
Table 1 Hydraulic calculation
The intensity of irrigation of the protected area, taking into account the irrigation of the sprinkler zone together with neighboring sprinklers, according to the results of calculations, was obtained i=0.318 l/(s m2), which provides the required intensity i=0.12 l/(s m2).
The performance of a monoblock pumping unit at el. -0.150 in room G.1.79 (Pump VPT) of the 1st floor is taken from the condition that the main fire pump provides water flow Q » 137.5 m3 / h and supply pressure H = 46.0 m (this figure is from the graph of the pump QH), The jockey pump was adopted with water flow rate Q » 5.45 m3/h and supply pressure H=54.4 m.
- calculation in Word format - Hydraulic calculation of APT
- basic design scheme in PDF format - Appendix A
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Testing and verification of internal and external fire-fighting water supply
To maintain the fire safety of various structures and buildings, it is necessary to constantly check and test the internal fire water pipeline, which is necessary for the supply of water to eliminate the fire, as well as the external fire water pipeline, which is located in underground utilities.
When checking the internal and external fire-fighting water supply, an inspection is carried out, checking the presence of pressure and water, checking the working condition of the device for receiving water from the hydrant, as well as studying the performance of all related structures.
OrderTesting a fire hydrant - from 600 rubles per 1 pc. Testing a fire hydrant - from 2,500 rubles per 1 pc. Tests are carried out 2 times a year. The purpose of the test is to determine the amount of water used in the neutralization of the fire and its compliance with accepted standards. The fire-fighting water supply must be constantly in working condition and provide the volume of water that is necessary to extinguish the fire. According to accepted standards, fire hydrants of such a system are always supplied with trunks and sleeves, and it is also necessary to roll the sleeves to a new roll at least once a year.
The Alliance Monitoring company offers you high-quality and professional services for the inspection of fire water pipelines. Qualified employees of our company will quickly test fire hydrants and cranes using specialized equipment.
Types of water pipes
At the design stage of the building itself and the water supply system, it is necessary to determine where and how the fire water supply system will be located, as well as which system will be used to supply water during extinguishing. Depending on the location, fire water supply can be:
Also, the fire water supply system can be high or low pressure, depending on the strength of the water pressure in the pipes. When using the model of fire-fighting water supply with high pressure, the supply of water pressure is carried out using stationary pumps, due to which the necessary pressure is created, which completely eliminates the fire. The equipment works immediately after ignition is detected.
Low-pressure fire-fighting pipelines are less effective, but are a more economical system. For their use, mobile pumping units are used.
Internal fire water pipelines are divided into:
Multifunctional fire-fighting indoor systems are connected to household communication systems. Special fire-fighting systems are autonomous and are used only to extinguish the source of ignition. Testing the internal fire water supply for water loss occurs immediately after its assembly.
External fire water supply systems are located on the outside of buildings. Often, they go underground and are used to fill tanks for various fire equipment with water.
Regulations governing the installation, use and testing of fire water supply systems
The basis for testing a fire-fighting water pipeline is the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-03:
Paragraph 89: Fire water supply networks must be in good condition and provide the required water flow for fire fighting needs according to the norms. Checking their performance should be carried out at least twice a year.
Paragraph 91: Fire hydrants of the internal fire-fighting water supply must be equipped with hoses and barrels. The fire hose must be attached to the faucet and barrel. It is necessary to roll the sleeves to a new roll at least once a year.
The list of services for the maintenance of the internal fire water supply network
No. p / p |
Name of works and services) |
Periodicity |
Foundations |
1. |
Checking the performance and technical serviceability of fire hydrants |
Twice a year |
What is a pumping station
The complete set of the pumping station provides for the presence of mandatory elements and auxiliary parts designed to improve the operation of the device. The main nodes include:
- A pump that performs the function of pumping water from a well to a storage tank or device used by a consumer.
- The hydraulic tank is a reservoir that accumulates the water delivered by the pump.
- The pressure switch ensures that the pump is switched on and off depending on the liquid level in the storage tank.
- The pressure gauge is designed to control the pressure in the system and carry out prompt repairs when critical indicators change.
- Non-return valve, the purpose of which is to prevent the reverse flow of fluid from the storage tank into the well and protect the pumping station from idling.
- The water supply system control unit, in modern designs, elements of automatic start and shutdown of equipment are used.
- A system that prevents the use of the pressure switch in dry running mode, which occurs when the water level in the source decreases.
- Connecting fittings and pipelines.
- Electric cable.
Additional components can be supplied as part of the overall system or installed additionally at the request of the consumer. These mechanisms include:
- Coarse filter, which excludes the entry of mechanical and organic impurities, dirt and debris into the structure. The installation of these devices can significantly extend the life of the equipment by reducing clogging and wear of parts.
- A fine filter is installed in case of using water for drinking and cooking.
- A redundant power system, or UPS, is installed to prevent equipment failure due to voltage fluctuations or temporary power outages.
The correct equipment of the water supply system ensures not only reliable, but also long-term operation of the equipment.
Types of pumping stations for water supply
Known designs of water supply stations differ from each other in a number of indicators, in connection with which the choice of the most suitable design should take into account, first of all, the range of tasks to be solved.
According to the type of location of the ejector
- Designs with a built-in ejector make it possible to draw water from a source whose depth does not exceed 8 m. Such installations are of low power and are capable of providing a low pressure of the water column, however, such a station is resistant to air entering the system. A feature of devices of this type is excessive noise, and therefore, it is recommended to install them in a specially designated space of the well (caisson) or in a separate building.
- The scheme using a retractable ejector is characterized by the ability to provide water lifting from a depth of 50 m, while the suction device is buried in the water column. Given the low noise level generated during the operation of the unit, it is possible to install the device within the house. Such devices are good at a large depth of the well, since they provide good pressure at a relatively low energy cost. However, during suction, dust and dirt particles are often involved in the structure, which leads to clogging of the ejector and its rapid failure. The performance of such stations is directly dependent on the depth of the submersion of the apparatus.
By type of water supply:
- Surface stations are mounted above ground level, water is taken using a recessed hose having a small diameter. The advantages of such a scheme include the ability to quickly perform repair operations and ease of use of the unit. The critical parameter for such devices is the depth of the source, which should not exceed 9 m. In addition, vortex pumps of this type are sensitive to moisture and frost, which must be taken into account when choosing a place for their installation, taking into account the level of noise they produce.The significant advantages of such mechanisms include a lower price, which is offset by high energy costs in relation to submersible pumps.
- Submersible type devices are buried in the source, which does not affect their operation, since all pump components are mounted in a housing made of waterproof material. These mechanisms are able to provide reliable supply and good pressure at a depth well below the level of 10m. Their advantages include ease of installation and cost-effectiveness, but their cost exceeds surface-type designs.
Storage capacity type:
- Mechanisms equipped with a storage tank with a capacity of up to 100 liters is a tank mounted on the surface of the attic into which water is pumped by a pump until the volume of the structure is filled. After that, water flows through pipelines in a free current and is consumed as needed, and the pumps turn on when the tank is completely empty. The not very high popularity of these devices is due to the fact that, along with efficiency, the scheme has a lot of disadvantages, including a large amount of space occupied, low pressure in the system and the risk of flooding the house.
- Schemes that provide for the presence of a membrane tank or a hydraulic accumulator are distinguished by the possibility of adjusting the pressure, which makes it possible to install a storage tank in a basement or a specially equipped room. The system is characterized by tightness, a wide range of manufactured designs, which allows you to choose a fairly compact model. On the other hand, at normal pressure, the capacity of the storage tank rarely exceeds 30 liters, in addition, such mechanisms have a significantly higher cost compared to the previous version. Modern types of hydraulic accumulators protect the pump from frequent switching on, while such a scheme, which provides for the use of automatic control when choosing the volume of the tank, is guided by the debit of the source.
By pump type:
- Well pumps are not critical to the quality of the water passing through them, however, they provide lower performance compared to submersible type devices.
- Centrifugal submersible mechanisms provide good water pressure, but are sensitive to the presence of impurities and the purity of the water in the source.
The above classification indicates the presence of a wide variety of schemes for the water supply system. The main guidelines for choosing between them are the productivity of the well, the power consumption of the installation and the convenience of using one or another scheme.