Airlock is the cause of stagnant drains
An air lock formed in the sewerage system of the house can also disable the work of the sewer collector. The air that has stopped in the system simply does not allow the drains to go down the riser and either returns them back, or lets them through, but very slowly and at the same time throws sharp unpleasant odors into the room.
The reasons for the formation of an air lock in the sewer can be as follows:
- Mistakes made during the installation of a plastic manifold (insufficient tightness of the pipeline, lack of connecting fittings, etc.);
- Excessive manifold turns, incorrect piping drops, or incorrect elbow angles;
- Lack of a water seal in the installed sewerage system;
- Possible blockage or icing of the fan pipe in the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic or roof.
Hydrodynamic pipe cleaning
If all known means have proved to be ineffective, it is recommended to use a special technical device with which hydrodynamic cleaning is carried out. This method is considered to be very effective.
Such machines differ in power and overall dimensions. It is allowed to clean pipes, the diameter of which can be 5-100 cm.
As a rule, all hydrodynamic devices operate on the same principle, regardless of their power and size. A nozzle is put on the end of the device, through which a jet of water is supplied under high pressure.
Due to the flexible hose, the maneuverability of the device is ensured, which is important for achieving a positive result.
Some are often interested in whether it is possible to use such a technique in everyday life and what are the costs? Answering these questions, it should be noted that it is not necessary to buy special equipment to clean the sewer system in an apartment. It is easier to call a specialized organization. If there is a need or financial situation allows, you can buy a mini-device for use in a country house.
Air sewer problem
Now plastic pipes are very popular, which differ not only in good performance, but also in simple installation. Not everyone who installs plastic pipes is a specialist, so when choosing consumables for installing a sewer system, various kinds of errors can be made. Common mistakes when choosing and installing a system include:
- incorrect determination of the diameter of the pipes;
- extra turns during installation;
- laying sewer pipes at the level of ground freezing;
- the lack of means in large areas that control the operation of the system.
The hardest thing to solve is the issue of air congestion in the sewer, not everyone knows how to fix this problem. If it is serious enough, then there may be a need to shift the entire sewer system. Before making such drastic decisions, you need to try to eliminate the trouble yourself, using some simple methods.
How to get rid of an airlock?
In the event that an air lock has appeared in a specific section of the pipe, for example, in a drain from a kitchen sink, in a bathroom or in a toilet, the essence of the problem may be:
- in the far location of the plumbing device from the riser;
- in an installation error when the pipes were installed with the wrong slope.
To solve such problems, you can simply re-lay the sewer sample up to the riser, taking into account the correct level of inclination. In some situations, it is enough to simply raise the plumbing fixture to the required level.Thus, due to the level difference, you can get rid of problems with an air lock.
If an airlock is present in every plumbing fixture, then, most likely, during the installation of the system, the design of the duct was not thought through. In such a situation, it is recommended to make an open-type sewer riser on the roof, with the help of which air is released from the pipeline. If this is not possible, you can install air valves that can pass air in one direction.
There are situations when an air lock is formed during the installation of an air duct. Then you need to check its performance.
If the measures taken to eliminate the air lock in the sewer have not been successful, then the only way out is to lay new pipes.
Types of sewer blockages
If the sewerage in the house is operated in violation of all the rules for its use, then over time, blockages and plugs inevitably appear in the collector, which impede or completely stop the flow of wastewater. As a result, either someone from an apartment building or the owners of a private building will suffer at least from an unpleasant smell in the living room. The maximum possible flooding of the kitchen or bathroom with fecal water. There is little pleasant in this, therefore, to exclude such situations, you need to use the collector correctly, namely:
- It is strictly forbidden to flush used personal hygiene items such as pads, diapers, tampons, etc. down the toilet. Only toilet paper is allowed to be flushed.
- It is forbidden to flush loose building mixtures such as cement, sand, chalk, clay, etc. into the sewer.
- Avoid accidental flushing of rags and other similar items down the drain.
- In the kitchen, it is advisable to install grease traps that will prevent the deposition of heavy greasy deposits on the walls of the collector. That, in turn, can create fecal growths-stalactites in the system and impede the flow of gray water.
It is always worth remembering that a plug can form both at a specific sewerage point in an apartment or in a private house, and at any of the points of the central riser. If the latter option is checked, then the drains will have nowhere to go, how to return back from the blockage under the influence of hydraulic force. As a result, fecal or gray water will try to escape through free openings in tubs, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures.
Ways to solve the problem
Tools and materials to fix the problem:
- chemicals;
- plunger;
- special cable.
Use of chemicals
When using household chemicals to eliminate clogged toilets, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the indicated dosage.
A substance is taken that is specially designed for cleaning pipes, for example, "Mole". Typically, such products are made on the basis of alkalis. The substance is poured into the toilet and begins to corrode the plug formed inside the pipe from debris and sewage. After falling asleep, for the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary not to use the toilet for its intended purpose for several hours.
This is the simplest tool, the principle of which is to create the movement of a mass of water inside the pipes and the toilet. Like a pump, the plunger draws out some of the water and debris that has accumulated inside. The cork lump is destroyed, a small gap is formed inside the fan pipe, the liquid rushes down the sewer, taking all the garbage with it.
The hydraulic method of removing blockages is extremely effective if the plug is formed by fatty deposits.
Most plumbers use a cable to solve this problem. It is pushed inside the toilet drain hole, pushed further along the pipe. During the process, the cable is twisted around its axis.When its end rests against the cork inside the pipe, during rotation it begins to screw into the clump of debris, like a corkscrew. When the end of the cable entered the cork a little, when moving back and forth, the cork moves and partially collapses. This is enough to eliminate the blockage inside the pipe. After that, the cork is either washed down the pipe with a mass of water, or taken out along with the cable.
If the problem is not a clogged sewer, but an improper design of the toilet or pipe laying, you can’t do without a full repair.
With the help of simple manipulations, you can independently solve the problem of obstruction of water in the toilet. However, if the blockage cannot be cleared by the above methods, the help of a plumber may be needed.
Why does the sewer freeze
Causes of freezing sewer pipes:
incorrect design of the angle of inclination of the sewer pipeline. Water does not have the ability to move by gravity, stagnates in pipes, which leads to freezing in winter;
insufficient depth. The septic tank according to SNiP is installed at a depth of at least 2 meters from the soil level, the pipe system is located below the freezing point characteristic of the region. But a situation is possible when it’s just too lazy to dig a trench for laying pipes deep (or not possible) or frosts exceed the average and the soil freezes deeper;
lack of insulation. Sewer pipes laid above the freezing point of the soil need to be insulated. The place where the pipes exit the room must also be insulated. However, in practice, such a requirement is either ignored, or an unsuitable heat-insulating material is used, or its installation is incorrectly performed;
small diameter pipes. If we consider consumer reviews, then most often those who laid pipes with a diameter less than the recommended 110 mm face the problem of sewer freezing. Especially often the owners of dachas and seasonally operated houses sin with this. Due to insufficient diameter, the sewer pipe freezes faster;
blockages. They happen due to the ingress of large objects into the system or insufficient water flow, in which plaque forms in the pipes.
Causes of septic tank freezing:
septic tank is broken. At the same time, the septic tank overflows, heavy fractions settle, and the water freezes;
the septic tank is removed from the sewage source. Then the water, moving to the sewage pit, cools, which leads to its freezing at the junction of the pipe to the septic tank.
Many users who do the work themselves do not even think about whether the sewer freezes. After all, the very principle of operation of a septic tank is that it is a container for storing wastewater with actively ongoing decomposition processes. Since heat is released during the decomposition of solid residues, freezing is practically excluded. In addition, according to the standards, the septic tank is installed at a considerable depth.
However, no one is safe from force majeure, and it is better for the owner of a country house to know in advance what to do if the sewer is frozen.
Blockage in the sewer pipe
To effectively eliminate the blockage formed in the pipe of the sewer system, you need to buy a product containing chlorine in a specialized store. To use the drug to solve the question of how to eliminate the smell in the toilet, it is necessary strictly according to the instructions on the bottle, so as not to harm your health. The product must be poured into the drain hole and left for a while. Most often, the blockage dissolves under the effective influence of a modern household product, and the plumbing fixture begins to function normally. If a household chemical agent turned out to be ineffective, then it is necessary to use the services of a plumber to clean the pipe.
Defrosting sewer work procedure
If there is a problem and the sewage system in a private house is frozen, you must first determine the location of the ice plug
Masters note the importance of following the order of work, and it is better to start from the place where the water leaves the septic tank. This order of work is due to the fact that the sewer pipe system is designed with the obligatory condition to ensure unimpeded water flow
This means that all pipes, incl. the drain pipe is located under a slope to the exit point.
Ice plugs must be melted so that the water can drain naturally. Otherwise (when performing work outside), you need to be prepared for the fact that the drains will go in the opposite direction, which will make it necessary to pump them out. This convincingly proves that you need to start work in the direction from the septic tank to the internal pipes.
But there are exceptions to this rule. Ultimately, the order of work will be determined by factors such as:
location of the ice block. If the water is frozen in the inside of the sewer (unheated house), then it will be much easier to defrost;
tube sizes. Perhaps the size of the ice plug will be only a few centimeters, then the volume of water that needs to be pumped out can be neglected;
geometry of the sewer system. The more straight sections in the system, the easier it is to eliminate the ice plug;
laying method. Typically, sewerage is located underground. And if ice has formed in pipes located at a sufficient depth under a layer of frozen earth, the number of options for use is drastically reduced. You can’t get out of the septic tank - you have to work from the premises of the house.
The easiest way to establish the winter operation of the sewer system is to contact specialists who provide sewer defrosting services. Masters not only know how to defrost a frozen sewer, but also have special equipment, and also give a guarantee for work. However, for various reasons, many prefer to solve the problem on their own. And as evidenced by the reviews of members of the forum, quite successfully and quickly.
Ways to fix sewer problems
In order to try to eliminate the plug in the sewer of an apartment or house, you must first determine the location of the blockage.
So, if the problem of water outflow is observed in the kitchen sink, and all other drain points are working normally, then the garbage plug has formed specifically in the siphon under the sink. In the same way, you can identify blockages under the sink in the bath or under the tub / shower itself. Depending on the location of the plug, chemicals such as "Mole", etc., can be poured into the drain hole in accordance with the instructions and the problem of deposits on the pipes can be eliminated.
- As an aggressive anti-blockage drug, you can use plain soda filled with hot water. That is, first, soda is poured into the opening of the bathtub or sink, then it is poured with hot water. After that, vinegar is poured into the hole. The reaction of the constituents should push through the cork or simply liquefy it.
- You can also use a standard plunger to clear blockages in your home's sewer. Cleaning up with it is easy. It is necessary to fill the plumbing fixture with water and tightly cover the drain hole with a plunger. Now you should make rhythmic up and down movements with the plunger, creating a vacuum in the collector. Under its influence, the cork must either come out (most often it is hair) or go into the sewage system. You can clean the sink and toilet in the same way.
How and how to defrost the sewer in a private house
There are different ways and means of how to warm up a frozen sewer (than to melt the ice in a pipe). All methods can be combined into two large groups:
thermal way. Provides for the organization of heat supply to the place of freezing.Work is progressing slowly, but there is no risk of damage to the piping system. This method is most acceptable at home, when special tools are not at hand, and calling specialists is impossible or too expensive;
chemical way. Currently, chemical defrosting is rarely practiced. Firstly, because not every chemistry can cope with icing. Secondly, because it is a costly method. And, thirdly, because many users prefer local sewers, i.e. systems capable of performing partial wastewater treatment.
Means for pipes Mellerud (Mellerud), chemical defrosting One of the components of local systems is the presence of biological treatment, and chemistry can adversely affect the vital activity of bacteria. However, its simplest variety - a cool brine is used according to reviews, so far.
A more technological option, the use of a drug like Mellerud. The ingredients in Mellerud Pipe Cleaner react with water to generate heat.
Care should be taken to use the chemical method to defrost plastic sewer pipes. Because
severe overheating can cause them to deform.
What are blockages and how to determine their cause
All sewer blockages are divided into several types:
- sticking of fat to the inner surfaces of the pipe and sticking of other waste. Such a blockage is commonly called operational;
- the mechanical view differs from the previous one in that the cause of clogging is the ingress of a foreign object into the system;
- as a result of the appearance of a fatty layer, a siphon blockage may occur;
- there is also a man-made problem, the cause of which is an error during the installation of the system.
If the main access riser on the lower floor becomes clogged, then all the contents in the pipe rise up and go out in someone's toilet, bathroom or kitchen. In such situations, you need to urgently call a specialist, since it is unlikely that you will be able to fix the problem on your own.
Finding an airlock in a sewer pipe
Ways to solve the problem
You can use ordinary soda to clean the sewer. To dilute the correct solution, you need to prepare several liters of boiling water, in which a pack of soda will dissolve. The prepared liquid should be poured into the drain hole, while it is recommended to gradually add vinegar. Thus, it is possible to achieve a reaction that will promote the rapid decomposition of fat.
Most of all, this method is used if there are no special tools at hand, which include Mole, Tiret, etc.
You can use chemicals yourself, it is only important to adhere to basic safety rules. Immediately before cleaning the sink, toilet or bathroom, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using a particular product.
It is better to use this cleaning method when the pipe is not yet completely clogged, so you can achieve greater efficiency. When the drain is completely clogged, it is dangerous to apply chemicals as they can run back into the bathroom or sink.
A proven and reliable method of cleaning is the use of a simple plunger. When actions using soda or chemicals do not bring much effect, then this method can be used. In such cases, it is important that the plunger bowl completely covers the drain hole.
How to fix the problem with a plunger?
Actions are performed in a certain sequence:
- a filter sample is removed from the hole;
- the top opening of the bathroom must be tightly closed in order to achieve greater efficiency in the process of work;
- the plunger must be installed so that an air lock does not appear, while the handle is placed vertically;
- without lifting the fixture from the bottom of the bathroom, you need to move the fixture up and down;
- on the last movement, the plunger is lifted out of the water to check the effectiveness of its discharge. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several more times.
Another proven device is a metal cable, which is often used by plumbers. Fluffy wires are located at one end of such an object, and a handle is located on the other side of the cable for convenient use. The first end is pushed into the pipe, while it is necessary to carry out rotational movements with the help of a handle. Based on the degree of clogging of the pipe and the location of the problem, cleaning can take a relatively long time. If the problem is solved quickly, then the length of the cable is quite enough for effective sewer punching.
Other interesting questions and answers
What will happen if, during a fire, you close yourself in the bathroom and, having opened the water, pour everything around you?
Alina Boldt3
Makes a good broth
Well, in order to fill in 140 characters, I can advise you to pour salts and spices into the bath in advance to taste. You can throw a bay leaf.
Nekit Ganbarov118
How do you feel about those people who left your life? Were there such people?
Well, depending on what kind of people, if they meant little to me, then I take it easy, and if they were my everything, then tears, tears, tears. Yes, there are enough such people, but still this is life, and this will happen all the time. the right to keep someone and force them to stay with us if they no longer want it. Of course it will hurt, because when a close and dear person leaves, it feels like a part of you simply simply dies. you seem to be broken and do not feel anything. but with time it will pass. maybe. all the same, it must pass sometime. but in order for people not to leave, you just need to appreciate them and give yourself completely to them, simply because someday this person will not be around, and you will be ready to give everything, if only once again, at least for feel him for a couple of minutes, smell him and just hug him and tell him how important he was to you. ummm61
Why does the bathroom smell like sewage from time to time?
There are no blockages in my bathroom. The house is five-story. I live on the fifth floor. I called the plumbers and they didn't say anything. You can hear it gurgling in the pipes in the bathtub when they are being washed off in the riser on the lower floors. They explained that it was because of the automatic washing machine. I don't understand this connection. How to write an application, what exactly to require?
P.S. Men, tell me, please, how to be?
I'm not a man, but I'll give you a hint. I myself live on the fifth floor, and this sometimes happens. For a long time my husband and I were looking for the reason for this phenomenon, but it turned out to be quite simple and well-known. You will be able to observe (or rather smell) this phenomenon only in winter, in severe frosts. It is also typical for the 4th floor, and indeed, for the upper floors. This is due to the fact that sewage flows are uneven. At night, no one practically drains the water, especially warm water. Everyone is asleep, as you might guess. And those drains that are present carry mostly cold water from drain tanks. If the frost is severe, then a small frost forms in the lower sewer pipes. The cross section of the pipe opening is reduced. When the water is lowered, this leads to the fact that an air stream rushes behind its stream. He, like a vacuum cleaner, sucks out the water standing there from the knee under the bathroom, or the sink. It serves as a water seal and prevents the penetration of odors from the pipes. You just do not notice it, but you immediately feel the smell. As it gradually heats up, the air rises up the pipes and exits the sink or bathtub drain. In the morning, people start pouring warm water, and everything returns to normal. To avoid this, you just need to pour some water into the sink or bathroom in the evening. Literally a couple of three glasses.If the water drains relatively slowly, it will not go into the sewer, but will remain in the water lock, where it should be. There will be no smell. Checked multiple times.
I am very nervous when gases in the intestines begin to boil, drill, jump and yell heart-rendingly ...
I noticed that some people have this when they want to go to the toilet
But I always went or didn’t go, it doesn’t matter ... If a person is nearby, that’s all ... Run for your life. Otherwise, such a symphony will begin that at 50 meters you will hear
And I'm not kidding. Why do I need this? And how to get rid of it? As a result, a lot of compoeks, blocks are tormented. I avoid people myself so as not to disgrace myself once again. I sit at home and suffer .. And they consider me abnormal. I was poisoned by worms. Cursed strong drugs. But, nothing has changed.Guest5
I have tried not eating foods that cause gas. Also this year I took a course of Normobact. The result turned out to be pleasant, now I can eat a pickle at dinner and eat cabbage salad
Methods for eliminating air congestion
Removing plugs with the installed air vent
Before you remove the airlock in the heating, you need to find out its properties. Chief among them is the density, which will always be lower than that of water. Accordingly, the liquid will displace air up and in the direction of circulation.
Therefore, to remove airiness, it is necessary to ensure the release of steam. To do this, install special devices - air vents and Mayevsky taps. They work on the principle of a check valve. When a certain pressure is exceeded, steam acts on the valve seat. The rod moves, releasing air from the radiator or pipe. After the normalization of pressure under the action of the spring, the rod takes the old position.
An air lock in a cast iron or aluminum radiator can damage the housing. Therefore, when such a situation arises, it is necessary to immediately solve the problem.
Reasons for the formation of air pockets
The finished closed-type heating system is airtight, but this does not guarantee the absence of air bubbles. Where does the gas in pipes and radiators come from?
Air in the heating system appears for the following reasons :
- The coolant is tap water, which has not undergone special training - when heated, the air dissolved in water begins to be released, and plugs form from small bubbles.
- The tightness of the system is broken, and air is gradually sucked in through loose connections.
- During the repair work, a part of the circuit was disconnected by cut-off valves, any elements were replaced or cleaned, and then the coolant was again fed into the repaired circuit.
- The pipeline was laid in violation of the standards - a small angle of slope of the pipes and improper installation of the kinks prevent gas bubbles from entering special devices - air vents. As a result, gas accumulates in problem areas and interferes with the normal circulation of the coolant.
- If the heating system of a private house fills up very quickly (or when the coolant is not supplied at the lowest point), the liquid is not able to completely displace air from pipelines and radiators with complex configurations.
- Air vents are missing or incorrectly positioned. Also, the reason for the incorrect operation of the air bleed device is its contamination with mechanical inclusions in the unfiltered coolant.
Separately, it is worth considering gas formation in aluminum radiators. When metal comes into contact with a slightly alkaline coolant, hydrogen is released, which accumulates at the highest point of the heater. If the radiator is not equipped with an air vent, over time the gas plug will not allow the coolant to freely pass through the internal channels of the heater.
Air bleed in radiators
So, first of all, you should dwell on the venting of air from heating devices - radiators. In this case, you should use the already proven option: bleed the air through the Mayevsky tap. This valve, as a rule, is installed instead of blind plugs on the radiator, at the highest point. This arrangement implies the accumulation of excess air directly under the valve. In other words, when it is opened, it will be air that will come out first, and then water will come out, which will indicate that the plug in the heating system has been completely eliminated.
To do this, you only need to substitute a container into which a small amount of liquid, which comes out together with air, will merge. Open the faucet and wait for the moment when only water flows, without characteristic sounds with air bubbles.
Heating system without air pockets
So that in an individual heating system the air does not accumulate in problem areas, but goes outside, it is necessary:
- correctly design and install the pipeline, correctly install radiators;
- use automatic and manual air vents.
Consider how to expel air from a heating system with natural circulation and top wiring
When arranging the pipeline, it is important to observe such an angle of inclination at which air bubbles move freely upwards, to the highest point of the contour, without accumulating on turns and gentle sections. At the highest point of such a system, an open-type expansion tank must be installed through which air bubbles enter the atmosphere
To bleed air from a system with a forced movement of a coolant or a gravity system with a bottom wiring, a different principle is used.. Return pipelines are mounted under a slope (this makes it easier to drain the liquid from the system), and automatic valves are installed at the top of all individual circuits, through which air is discharged as it accumulates.
In addition to automatic air vents, Mayevsky manual taps are also used in the system. Such air vents are mounted on heating radiators - on the upper branch pipe on the opposite side of the pipe supplying the heated coolant. To ensure that air enters the valve and does not accumulate in the upper radiator manifold, it is recommended to install the heating device at a slight angle. Bleeding is done manually as needed.
How to find an airlock?
Ideally, the system handles airing on its own thanks to automatic valves through which air is bled. Having found that a separate heating device or part of the circuit does not work properly, it is necessary to find the place where the air has accumulated.
Touch the radiator - if its upper part is colder than the lower, then the coolant does not enter there. To release the air, open the Mayevsky faucet mounted on a steel, aluminum or bimetallic radiator, or a valve valve that is mounted on cast iron batteries.
You can also determine the place of airing by sound - under normal conditions, the coolant moves almost silently, extraneous gurgling and sounds of overflow occur due to an obstacle in the flow .
Metal pipes and heating appliances rattle with light blows - in places where air accumulates, the sound is noticeably louder.
Getting rid of the airlock
If there are manual air vents on the radiators, there are no problems with how to remove air from the batteries. With the help of a screwdriver or a standard key, the Mayevsky tap stem is slightly unscrewed, while a suitable container is placed under the drain hole (a half-liter glass jar is enough).The release of air from the heating system using a manual air vent is accompanied by hissing and whistling, then splashes appear, after which the coolant begins to flow in a thin stream. At this stage, the Mayevsky tap should be closed.
Note! If the battery continues to heat poorly after de-airing, the problem may lie in the blockage. In this case, the heating device is dismantled and washed
After reinstalling the radiator, check the system for air pockets.
To remove an airlock from the heating system, if it has accumulated away from the air vent (manual or automatic), proceed as follows :
- Open the air cock or valve closest to the air bubble.
- They begin to gradually feed the system with a coolant so that the liquid, due to an increase in volume, displaces the air bubble towards the open air vent.
What to do in difficult cases when the cork is not removed by adding the volume of coolant? In such a situation, in addition to increasing the amount of coolant, it is required to add pressure, heating the liquid to critical temperatures. Care must be taken to avoid scalding yourself with the splashes that accompany the release of air through the automatic valve.
Important! If a plug is systematically formed in the same section of the pipeline, cut a tee in this place and install an automatic valve