Why does water become cloudy after boiling in an electric kettle?

How soil can affect water turbidity

The use of non-target soil can lead to the dissolution of its constituents in the water and the change in the water in the aquarium towards turbidity. For example, the content of chalk deposits or quartzite contributes to a whitish color, sulfur to yellowish, mineral alum to reddish, and methylene blue to blue. Yellow water occurs in the presence of iodine, and blue - chlorine-containing compounds.

The use of peat soil will also give a yellowish color.

Sometimes it is even difficult to immediately determine why the water has turned colored, since mixing several colors gives a not quite typical picture.Why does water become cloudy after boiling in an electric kettle?

Green water may be the result of copper oxides in the water. Often this happens when using design techniques with metal souvenirs. Then fix the problem “the water in the aquarium turns green, what should I do?” You can change the chosen design.

Such water in the aquarium will be colorless only by its complete replacement.

It is not excluded the possibility of using dyes in the production of soil for the aquarium. Fashionable today, artificial "sea pebbles" are hewn on special equipment and painted in colors close to natural ones. The only problem is that these paints are insoluble in water, so that the water does not turn yellow, green or brown.

Method for removing organic film from the surface of a reservoir

The invention can be used in cleaning and maintaining the surfaces of open water bodies, including rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, from oil spills from tankers or pipelines. The method consists in applying a sorbent in the form of particles onto an organic film on the surface of a reservoir. As a sorbent, heated particles of silicon dioxide in the form of sand heated to a temperature of 100-1700°C are used. EFFECT: efficient removal of organic film from the surface of the reservoir and the possibility of simplifying this process.

The method of removing organic film from the surface of a water body refers to cleaning and maintaining the surfaces of open water bodies, including rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, from oil spills from tankers or pipelines.

Known installation for collecting oil film from the surface of the water (RF Patent No. 2071529, IPC 6 E02B 15/04, publ. 10.01.1997). It implements a method for collecting an oil film by raking and vacuuming it. This significantly increases the cost of the installation itself, and complicates the process of removing the organic film from the surface of the reservoir.

A known method of cleaning surfaces from oil and oil products (RF Application No. 94031231, IPC 6 E02B 15/04, publ. 06/20/1996). It includes surface treatment with a polymer composite material, which is a polymer that swells in oil or an oil product and is applied to an inert mineral or organic filler.

Of course, a specific polymer (linear and swellable) is difficult and expensive to prepare. Moreover, it still needs to be applied to an inert mineral or organic filler. All this also complicates and increases the cost of removing the organic film from the surface of the reservoir.

The closest (prototype) to the new method of removing the organic film from the surface of the reservoir is the method of sorption of oil or oil products from the water surface (RF Patent No. 2093640, IPC 6 E02B 15/04, op. 20.10.1997). It also includes deposition of a sorbent based on polyvinyl chloride onto an oil film, and polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene or their copolymers with particle sizes of 5-200 microns are used as a sorbent.

But even here it is necessary to prepare a finely dispersed sorbent from synthetic polymers, which also complicates and increases the cost of removing the organic film from the surface of the reservoir.

The novel method for removing organic film from the surface of a water body also involves applying a particulate sorbent to the organic film on the surface of the water body.

New in it is that as a sorbent using hot particles of silicon dioxide in the form of sand, heated to a temperature of 300-1700°C.

The technical result of the new method is to simplify and reduce the cost compared to the prototype.

Indeed, the widely used silica sand sorbent is readily available and therefore cheap. Its heating leads to the fact that when particles come into contact with the organic film, it is effectively oxidized and additionally adheres to sand particles, after which it immediately sinks to the bottom of the reservoir along with sand particles.

The temperature regime from 100 to 1700°C is due to the fact that above 100°C water evaporates and frees the pores of sand particles, which melt at temperatures above 1700°C.

A qualitative experiment was carried out to eliminate vegetable oil spilled on water in a glass jar. Sprinkling the film of oil with sand pasted on a frying pan, we observed how the sand settles, and the film of vegetable oil disappears from the surface. Unheated sand practically does not remove the oil film from the surface of the water.

The new method is relevant for cleaning the Atlantic near America, where until now (more than a month) oil has been leaking from a broken pipe at the bottom of the ocean and a large oil slick is spreading, reaching the shores of land and islands.

A method for removing an organic film from the surface of a reservoir, which includes applying a sorbent in the form of particles to the organic film on the surface of the reservoir, characterized in that heated particles of silicon dioxide in the form of sand heated to a temperature of 100-1700°C are used as the sorbent.

What to do if engine oil gets into the water

It happens when oil enters a well or well due to depressurization of the pump or infiltration of oil products into the aquifer on which the well was drilled. Is it worth it to clean the water, or after eliminating the source of oil entering the water, the well or well will gradually clean itself.

How to clean a well

Water is purified from traces of oil using special sorbents. Due to its natural origin, the sorbent mixture is safe, especially since it is completely removed after water treatment. Professionals in cleaning sources of autonomous water supply recommend pumping out water after eliminating traces of oil in order to increase the flow of fresh water from the aquifer. The walls of the well are additionally treated with a jet of water using a high-pressure apparatus.

How not to clean the well and well from oil

It is strongly not recommended to pour a solution of dishwashing detergent into the water. On the one hand, the logic of such “craftsmen” in saving the well from oil can be understood: the surfactants contained in the liquid for washing kitchen utensils really neutralize the oil. But on the other hand, such household chemicals are in themselves a pollutant, and it is sometimes even more difficult to clean a well and a well from soapy water than from oil stains on the surface of the water. Moreover, it is impossible to clean wells and other sources of water with the help of powders and gels for washing clothes.

Will there be an effect from the cleanup measures?

Of course, if the cause of oil getting into the water is eliminated, and then the well or well is completely cleaned of oily products, the water can be used for drinking and cooking. But in the case when the source of oil in the well is a nearby gas station or oil transfusion plant, that is, constant sources of pollution of the aquifer, it does not make sense to clean the well - the oil will again appear in the water. In this case, it is necessary to drill a deeper well into an aquifer protected from the penetration of surface contaminants, or purify water using powerful filters that can completely remove traces of oil products.

If oil stains appear in the water from a well or well, if possible, it is necessary to find the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it as soon as possible (if possible), for example, remove a depressurized pump.Water until the source of water supply is completely cleaned of oil residues cannot be used for drinking without additional filtration.

Best Answers

Nikita Sergeevich:

Try boiling the water 3-4 times, it may help, you can also try rinsing with a weak vinegar solution of no more than 9%, otherwise it will stink a lot.


again with lemon and rinse well

White Rabbit:

Boil three times...

Sergey Baruzdin:

And after cooling cloudy or not

Katya Sobol:

Ah this always after cleansing so. Try simmering a few times. The soda itself will evaporate after five times

Jurijus Zaksas:

All your soda reacted with your own acid a long time ago, uzbagoyza. And the dregs are steam bubbles, oddly enough. When the water warms up a little and these bubbles gather into bubbles, the water will become clear.


Our water has such a property - hardness. That is, soluble salts of magnesium and calcium, which turn into insoluble ones, in particular when heated. This is when you fill in clean water, boil it, turbidity appears, which settles to the bottom over time. In general, I see no reason to panic.

Expert answers

User deleted:

Yes, because no matter what awesome filter you have, it’s generally harmful to drink our water. Buy better purified water

Andrey Loginov:

So I'm the problem. After installing new Barrier Stantart cartridges, the water becomes cloudy after boiling (there is no sediment). This was not the case before. The water looks like it has milk in it. I asked a question to the Barrier hotline, I'm waiting for an answer (within 3 working days and 4 more days of holidays ahead). Drinking said such vodka is not desirable.

Elman Penjiev:

You have experienced temporary water hardness. Before boiling, it contains calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, which are highly soluble in it. However, these salts are unstable and, when boiled, turn into carbonates (which are poorly soluble), which leads to the appearance of white turbidity. Salts themselves are not harmful to the body (calcium carbonate - chalk), but can give an unpleasant taste to drinks and food. There are several ways to get rid of it, but the best, in my opinion, is ion-exchange water purification - it allows you to get rid of these salts quickly and without any boiling and filtration. Now ion-exchange plants are quite affordable for home use. Type in the search engine. Charcoal filters will not help in this case, because they absorb only organic impurities, but do not retain fur well. particles and inorganic connections. The reason for this quality of water is that it passes through limestone before entering the well.

Sergey Ponomarev:

it’s insoluble calcium salts that fall out due to the high hardness of the water - let it stand or pass through the filter after boiling chemical methods to reduce hardness are good only for washing machines - you can get poisoned with “calgon”, but it’s good to pickle cucumbers in hard water - they are tastier than salted in soft water


because water flows in underground groundwater, there are impurities of ROCKS in it, for example, chalk or limestone, it is dissolved in water, and when you boil, the remains of these rocks settle ... and all that .... use a FILTER:)))) but minerals are USEFUL: )


Lots of salt in the water. Find it on the Internet - there are laboratories that conduct water research ...


Sergey is right. Water hardness is one of the causes of precipitation. Probably, you take water in the Moscow region? In the Moscow region, water is usually quite hard and contains a lot of dissolved iron. Buy a household filter (such as Aquaphor, Barrier or Brita) and pour it into the filter before using water for cooking. Household filters soften water well.

Unexpected nearby supercooled water

In anticipation of the winter cold, when the zealous owners of summer cottages are already completing work on the conservation of the water supply system, wells and septic tanks, it is absolutely justified to start talking about the properties of water that occur at low temperatures.

What is the minimum temperature that water can be cooled to?

Scientists have long discovered the property of water not to freeze at 0 ° C. This phenomenon is associated with the absence of centers of crystallization - particles around which ice begins to form. Suspended particles or air bubbles can act as crystallization centers.If there are none, the liquid begins to supercool, that is, its temperature becomes below the freezing level. For example, carbonated water cannot be supercooled, because the huge number of gas bubbles provokes the intensive formation of ice crystals.

Experiments have shown that distilled water can be cooled to -41 ... -43 ° C, and it will remain in a liquid state. This is the minimum negative temperature at which water does not freeze. But, turning into ice, the water can cool even more. That is, the temperature of the ice corresponds to the ambient temperature.

Why do fishermen knock on the ice when they go out on it

Here is another interesting quality of water, first noticed by ordinary people and only later taken into account by scientists: to increase the thickness of ice on a pond, you need to knock on its surface. This is what fishermen do when they doubt the strength of the ice cover. When the temperature of the ice is well below 0°C, and the unfrozen water below it is in a supercooled state, impacts contribute to the formation of centers of crystallization at the interface of the ice crust and water. As a result, the thickness of the ice increases.

Water in an oil barrel

Gardeners always empty their barrels of water before the onset of winter, so that the pressure of the increased ice does not break the walls of the container. But here's an interesting fact: it has been noticed that in frosty water, poured into a vessel that previously contained an oily substance, does not crystallize, remaining in a liquid state at an ambient temperature of -20 ... -25 ° C. The oil film remaining on the walls and surface of the water prevents air bubbles from settling, around which ice should form.

But if you knock on the wall of such a barrel with supercooled water, active ice crystallization will immediately begin in the container. You can try this experiment at home. It is enough to pour water into a bottle of vegetable oil and place it in the freezer.

Do you know?..

Such a phenomenon as freezing rain is also the "machinations" of supercooled water. Cooling in the cloud to below freezing, the water instantly turns into ice, touching the wires of power lines, tree branches and any other surfaces.


