Day-to-day cleaning methods
Kitchen sinks, regardless of the material they are made from, require daily maintenance. Usually this is a fairly simple procedure that housewives perform automatically after each use of the sink. After freeing the sink from dishes and food debris, wipe its walls and sides with a sponge dipped in detergent, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry. As a means for washing, the usual "Fairy" or any of its analogues will fit here. The main thing is that the composition dissolves the fat remaining on the walls of the sink after washing the dishes.
With the beginning of limescale on the walls of the sink, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mixer and drain, the hard side of the dish sponge will cope with daily processing. The main thing is to dry the surface after washing. And here we meet the first difference between materials - even the smallest dried drop of water will be noticeable on the shiny surface of the stainless steel. It is worth neglecting wiping several times or not doing it very carefully, and in a week you will have to puzzle over how to wash the sink from plaque. But on sinks made of artificial stone, lime deposits are hardly noticeable at first. Therefore, it is not necessary to rub them to a shine after each use, they will still look decent.
Preventive measures
So that a stainless steel sink does not lose its original appearance, do not forget about preventive measures - they prevent the formation of stains on it. Here are a few simple steps for you to follow:
- Minimum amount of abrasives. Do not constantly clean the surface with powder substances containing abrasive particles. Firstly, they can provoke the appearance of small scratches, and secondly, their price is much higher than conventional improvised means.
- Do not leave any leftover food in the sink. After washing dishes, always clean the sink of leftover food. They provoke the formation of new spots that eat into the surface.
Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight - this provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor and plaque.
- Do not use metal brushes. They can cause minor scratches.
- Regular polishing. To keep your sink shiny, treat it with vegetable or olive oil at least once every two weeks.
Stain removal
When it comes to household cleaning, hydrogen peroxide is becoming a popular choice. Not only does it clean and disinfect, it's an environmentally friendly alternative to chlorine bleach. If you have pets or small children, you can invest in a bottle of peroxide. To clean a stainless steel sink with peroxide:
Mix three parts wine vinegar with one part hydrogen peroxide. You don't need a lot of cleaner - start with three tablespoons of vinegar to one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a soft cloth and wipe the sink. Use a nylon brush or pot scrubber to remove stuck-on food and stubborn grease. Again, avoid metal brushes, scrubbers, and sponges made of copper. Shine and Remove Scratches from Stainless Steel The next time you use lemon to cook, save the leftovers to clean your stainless steel sink. Depending on how you used the lemon, cut it in half and rub the fleshy side on the shell. Finally, to remove the streaks and streaks that often remain after washing a stainless steel sink, wipe the base of the sink with club soda or olive oil. Pour some onto a paper towel or rag, then wipe down the sink. Keeping your stainless steel sink attractive Avoid harsh or abrasive cleaners.Abrasive cleaners can damage the stainless steel surface, leaving scratches. Matte stainless steel perfectly hides scratches, polished steel, however, is not easily scratched either. Test your cleaning products on an inconspicuous area of the sink before using. Always wash against the grain of the shell, not against it. Keep your sink clean. Dirt, food residue, and grease that remains on the surface of a stainless steel sink can form difficult stains or damage the finish layer of the sink. Avoid cleaners with bleach and chlorine. Stainless steel and chlorine bleach should not meet. Chlorine bleach ions react negatively with stainless steel. This can lead to oxidation, gray and yellow spots. Avoid metal brushes and sponges. Stainless steel is polished, so brushes with metal bristles can scratch the finish layer of the coating. Subsequent rust contributes to the corrosion that forms on the surface of the stainless steel sink.
Removing stains from the sink
To be honest, even regular cleaning of the sink does not guarantee 100% getting rid of various contaminants. I will tell you how to clean the sink from dark spots that occur due to surface contact with oxidizing agents.
You can clean the sink with the help of improvised means
4 products to remove dark plaque
If unpleasant dark spots have formed on the surface of the sink, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of potent household chemicals. You can also use hand tools such as:
- baking soda;
- starch;
- vinegar.
In extreme cases, you can use standard bleach. You can use any of the above cleaners either individually or in combination.
Image | Mode of application |
Method 1. Vinegar
If you notice that the stainless steel is darkening, use ordinary table vinegar. Soak a regular sponge in it, carefully rub all problem areas with it and wait 15-20 minutes. Next, wash off the vinegar with detergent and hot water. |
Method 2. Soda
Cleaning the sink with this tool is also easy. Pour baking soda on the abrasive side of a damp sponge and rub it on the dirt. A toothbrush will help to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places. In the end, you just have to thoroughly rinse everything with water. |
Method 3. Bleach
Black stains on stainless steel can be removed by applying bleach to the sponge, rubbing the problem area, then rinsing everything off with water. Please note that this method has one drawback - after you have treated the stainless steel sink with whiteness, the stain may brighten and then stand out strongly against the background of the entire sink. |
Method 4. Potato starch
If you want to know more ways to clean the sink from plaque, then it can be potato starch or its decoction. Close the drain of the stainless steel sink and pour the solution into it. Wait until the stains are gone and rinse the surface with clean water. |
Removal of stubborn dirt
How to clean the sink from plaque, soot and grease? To effectively deal with such pollution with your own hands, prepare:
- dishwashing liquid;
- baking soda;
- vinegar;
- table salt;
- an old toothbrush;
- sponge and rag.
The photo shows simple but effective means in the fight against plaque on the sink.
You can remove plaque on the sink as follows:
- Dial a full sink of hot water.
- Pour dishwashing liquid into it. Instead of household chemicals, you can use soapy water. Wait until the water has completely cooled down.
- Clean the corrugated parts of the sink. To do this, take a toothbrush and baking soda. If the dirt is old, rub it with a soda mixture, wait 10 minutes and only then start scrubbing it with a brush.
- Rub the surface with vinegar.After the water with the cleaning solution has cooled, drain it and remove any remaining plaque from the surface of the sink. Finally, rub the sink with vinegar. It will not only add shine to stainless steel, but also disinfect
Vinegar will not only restore shine to stainless steel, but also disinfect the surface.
If the “soaking” of the sink did not give the expected effect, do not be upset. I will tell you another way to clean a stainless steel sink from heavy dirt. Treat them with a vinegar-salt solution and leave to sour for 20 minutes. Salt combined with vinegar perfectly dissolves old grease and other deposits.
Get rid of bad odor
Agree, a clean sink is of little use if an unpleasant smell emanates from there. The reason for this may be particles of products that are clogged in the pipe and decompose. How to remove persistent "aroma"?
I know two effective ways:
"Mole". This cleanser does the job perfectly. Pour the required amount of solution into the drain, fill it with water (the exact amount of liquid is indicated on the package) and then follow the instructions for the product.
Before using the mole, carefully read the instructions
Soda and vinegar. Pour 100 grams of ordinary soda ash into the drain and pour in 100 ml of vinegar. The hissing and abundant release of foam will indicate the beginning of the cleaning of the pipes. Literally after 5-10 minutes, pour boiling water into the sink hole to rinse out all the dirt that has collected there. In this way, an industrial stainless steel sink will also be cleaned.
Preventive measures
It is necessary to prevent the formation of stains on stainless steel as much as possible. To do this, resort to the following prevention:
- Do not leave food leftovers inside the sink. After washing the dishes, you need to remove all the pieces of food.
- Abrasives. They provoke the appearance of scratches and cost more than improvised means, so you should not resort to them on a regular basis.
- Dirty dishes. It is worth washing it immediately, you must make it a rule not to leave it overnight in the sink.
- Polishing. Once every two weeks, it is recommended to polish the sink with olive or vegetable oil - this way it will remain shiny.
- Metal brushes. They may cause scratches on the surface.
Types of sinks by installation method
Mortise stainless steel sink - the most popular among the inhabitants of the Russian-speaking space
It is necessary to dwell in more detail on what stainless steel sinks can be in the kitchen. Usually they are divided according to the installation method. There are three varieties that have certain characteristics. You can literally “put on” overhead sinks on a floor cabinet. Such a sink already plays two roles: both sinks and countertops. Don't worry about cabinet sizes - they can vary.
The sink manufacturing technology takes into account the creation of both small samples and very large ones. Such sinks will definitely suit you if you have an inexpensive set consisting of individual elements in your kitchen. This type of installation also has its advantages: simplicity (you can easily do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists).
But the big disadvantage of the overhead sink is its too small thickness. The service life of such a sink is short. We also note that if moisture enters the space between the sink and the cabinet, then this, you see, will be very unhygienic.
The cut-out sink easily cuts into any countertop. In this case, you do not need any specialists. And this is a big advantage - you will not spend a lot of money. Therefore, such a product has tremendous relevance in the modern market. When installing a mortise sink, no seams and crevices are formed, moisture accumulation is automatically prevented, and rotting will not occur (which can occur with the overhead method). Aesthetic appearance will only please the housewife!
If you are still wondering which sink is better, we suggest you consider the third option - integrated sinks. Integrated sinks are a collection of sinks. At the same time, the position of their sides is slightly different. That is, in simple terms, it's just two or three sinks connected into a common facade. However, such sinks are difficult to mount. Therefore, people hire specialists, which requires considerable finance. It should be noted that this drawback is the only one for integrated stainless steel sinks. If you decide to buy an integrated kitchen sink, remember that such a sink requires a special faucet that will be easy to turn.
Its difference from other methods is that the sinks are installed below the level of the countertop itself. You can apply this method to all types of headset. The functional advantages can be safely attributed to the same qualities that we described for mortise sinks.
Types of pollution
Before cleaning the sink in the kitchen or bathroom, it makes sense to pay attention to the nature of the problems that have appeared. Each type of pollution should be cleaned in different ways.
How to remove limescale
Unfortunately, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. Its composition is characterized by a high content of magnesium and calcium salts, which inevitably leads to lime deposition on plumbing. Therefore, cleaning the sink from limescale is a headache for all modern housewives. However, do not despair, there are two large groups of tools that will help to clean the water stone that has settled on the sink without any problems:
- Specialized household chemicals. On the shelves of hardware stores there is a wide range of cleaning products that can quickly wash plaque on the sink, for example, Cillit Bang, BON, Scala. To avoid trouble, before you buy one of them, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. For example, it is strictly forbidden to clean a marble or porcelain stoneware sink with aggressive substances.
- Improvised tools that can no less effectively clean plumbing from limescale. Among them, the most popular are: citric acid, ammonia, peroxide, salt.
Many housewives are interested in how to clean a black sink from white lime stains. Nine percent table vinegar will help solve the problem. To carry out a hygienic procedure, it is necessary to moisten a clean cloth in the active liquid, and apply it in the form of applications to problem areas. Twenty minutes later - wash the sink with any cleaning agent. The washed surface will shine like new.
How to remove rust
Cleaning the sink from rusty smudges is somewhat more difficult. To achieve a positive result, you can use one of the following methods:
- Old rust can be removed with hydrogen chloride. To do this, wet a clean cloth with acid, and apply it to the soiled surface for ten minutes. Then, rinse off the remnants of the product with plenty of water.
- To tidy up an acrylic sink, you will need to fill up rusty spots with baking soda. Then - spray table vinegar on the surface to be cleaned using a spray bottle. When the characteristic hiss stops, walk along the shiny walls with a sponge, and rinse them abundantly.
- A mixture of ammonia and peroxide in a ratio of two to one will help remove red smudges from white plumbing. The resulting liquid must be left on the stains. After ten to fifteen minutes, rinse off the product from the area to be cleaned.
How to clear yellowness
Yellow plaque is a harbinger of rust, so it is simply necessary to remove it in a timely manner. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps:
- pour citric acid on yellowed areas of plumbing;
- five minutes later - treat the sink with nine percent table vinegar;
- then - intensively rub the yellowed walls with the hard side of the sponge until they acquire their original shade;
- Rinse off residues with clean water.
Expert opinion
Evgenia Taran
If the considered method did not help to clean the sink from yellowness the first time, you can repeat attempts until a 100% result is achieved.
It is worth noting that the considered tool will help to clean yellow turmeric from the walls of the sink, which is often used in cooking.
How to remove darkening
Dark spots quite often appear as a result of the resettlement of mold in the bathroom. The fungus not only looks untidy, but can also cause significant harm to the health of all family members. You can clean the sink from dark plaque in the following way:
- mix in a small container one hundred milliliters of ammonia and clean water;
- apply the resulting mixture to problem areas;
- after five to six hours, wash off the remnants of the product and clean the sink in the traditional way.
As you can see, it is quite possible to clean the sink at home with high quality. All that is required for this is to focus on the goal, and use the tips discussed above.
Home remedies for cleaning stainless steel cutlery
The easiest way to clean stainless steel is dishwashing gel. Wash spoons and forks thoroughly using a soft foam sponge and the selected product. After cleaning, rinse the instruments under running water and wipe dry to remove white streaks.
A simple and effective method for cleaning cutlery is boiling. Fold the products in a large container, fill with hot water and put on fire. Boil for 20-40 minutes and then rinse in clean water and wipe
Other cleaning methods:
- Apply tooth powder or paste on a rag and treat all forks, spoons and knives with it. Rinse items under running water and dry on a towel.
- Prepare a liquid solution based on water and mustard powder. Dampen the sponge in the liquid and process all products.
- To get rid of dark tea stains, soak a soft cloth in vinegar and wipe the cutlery. To remove stubborn stains, soak items in vinegar solution for 10-20 minutes.
- Ordinary ash from a fire will help clean cutlery in nature.
Store cleaned stainless steel cutlery in special compartments, away from moisture, dust and other sources of contamination.
Enamel sink cleaning
The enameled surface does not tolerate hard metal brushes and abrasive products, they can leave scratches on it, in which dirt will accumulate. To wash such a sink, it is better to use sponges and rags, as well as nylon bristles.
Rust spots often remain on enamel surfaces. To get rid of them, you can buy a special tool in the hardware store or cook it yourself. It is necessary to pour ammonia in the amount of 100 grams into a glass jar, and 50 grams of peroxide to it. The process must be done very carefully, be sure to wear rubber gloves and take care of your eyes.
The resulting solution must be mixed by shaking the jar closed with a lid. A clean rag should be moistened in the finished product and applied to areas with rust, leaving for ten minutes. Then rinse everything off with water.
Sink cleaning
Caring for a stainless steel sink is quite simple, but regular cleaning is not a 100% guarantee of getting rid of dirt. From contact with oxidizing agents, dark spots may occur on the sink.
- baking soda;
- table vinegar;
- starch.
Some housewives even take ordinary bleach for these purposes. The funds are used as follows:
- Soda. The substance is poured onto the hard side of the sponge, moistened a little and wiped the problem areas. For hard-to-reach places, you can take an unnecessary toothbrush.Then everything is washed off with water and wiped in the usual way.
- Vinegar. It will help in the case when the stainless steel began to darken. Dip a sponge in vinegar and wipe the desired areas with it. Wait twenty minutes, then wash off the composition with water and detergent.
- Starch. To do this, take potato starch, a decoction is also suitable. Just close the drain of the sink and pour the solution there. Wait for the stains to disappear and wash the surface.
- Bleach. A substance is applied to the sponge, rubbed with it in the right place, washed off with water. It is only worth remembering that from whiteness the area can brighten and stand out externally - this is the main disadvantage of this method.
How to clean an artificial stone sink with home remedies
For preventive cleaning and removal of not very persistent contaminants, use folk remedies. Their main advantages: availability, ease of use, efficiency. They do a good job of removing yellowness, limescale and traces of grease without damaging the sink.
Soda will help remove any dirt from the sink. The procedure for using the tool:
- Dilute a small amount of sodium carbonate in water until a thick slurry is formed.
- Apply the resulting mass to the sponge and gently work the entire surface.
- If there is a stain, apply gruel directly on it and leave for 15 minutes.
- Rinse off the detergent and any remaining dirt with warm water, and then wipe everything dry.
You can remove stubborn stains from the surface with a gruel based on soda. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area, and then rinse with plenty of warm water.
mustard powder
Use mustard powder for cleaning and disinfection. Additionally, it removes greasy traces and plaque well. Dissolve 1 tsp in 2 liters of water. mustard powder and treat all surfaces well.
Lemon will help to wipe yellow stains from coffee, tea or red wine. Rub a slice of citrus on the contaminated area and rinse with warm water after a couple of minutes. You can also use citric acid - dilute a little powder in a liquid and wash the sink.
Acetic acid
Use 2.5% acetic acid to remove light limescale from dark surfaces. Apply the liquid directly to the contaminated area and rinse with plenty of water after 2 minutes. After the procedure, wipe everything dry.
You can clean the sink from artificial material using folk remedies - soda, vinegar, citric acid or lemon. They effectively and safely remove yellow or white deposits, as well as stains from coffee and other drinks.
Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks will help remove traces of rust and lime. Fill the surface with Coca-Cola, Sprite or Fanta and leave for a few minutes. Rinse the sink with clean water and wipe dry. Gel toothpaste has a similar effect - rub it on all surfaces and wash the sink with a soft sponge and clean water.
Other detergents
For preventive cleaning of the sink, also use a regular dish detergent or a mild soapy solution. This will keep the container clean and prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
To avoid serious contamination, regularly clean the surface with a solution of liquid detergent
How to clean a metal sink
Caring for a metal sink in total is quite simple, if you keep one important feature in mind. In no case should they be rubbed strongly with rough, hard sponges or brushes, the remaining scratches cannot be removed and the shining shine cannot be returned.
In addition, rough sponges and detergents with sufficiently large abrasive particles should be avoided. When washing the sink, you need to clean off dirty spots along the fibers of the metal material. And to make the sink shine like when you bought it, you can rub it with ethyl alcohol or a regular solution of vinegar with water.Such cleaning once a week will be enough. After each use, the metal sink is recommended to be wiped dry.
How to clean a glass sink
A glass sink can be called the most exquisite and original decoration in the house. And, of course, the best place for her is the bathroom. A kitchen for a glass sink is not the most rational solution. Unless you are going to wash pots, enameled bowls, pans and other fairly large dishes in it (but then where to wash them if not in the kitchen?) Therefore, every housewife who has such an “assistant” should remember that glass it is easily scratched by any hard object, and because of this, it should be washed only with mild means and soft cloths and sponges should be used. No powdered products can be used, and even more so with abrasive additives.
Ideally, to clean such a sink, it is better to buy a special tool, then the likelihood of damage to the glass surface will be minimized. Although, before using a cleaning solution, it should still be tested on a similar material.
After the sink is washed (and this should always be done after using it), the glass must be wiped dry, otherwise it threatens with the appearance of “water stone” and various ugly stains.
How to wash a faience sink
Faience is one of the most durable, durable and practical coatings. Cleaning it is quite easy, as a wide variety of detergents, even ordinary washing powder, can be used here.
If the faience sink requires serious cleaning, then you can get by with the following method. It is necessary to fill it almost to the brim with hot water, close the drain hole, pour about a whole cup of bleach into it, and leave everything in this form for more than 30 minutes, you can even wait about an hour. Then the water from the sink should be drained, wash its surface with warm water and wipe everything with a napkin.
You can remove rusty spots from earthenware by using hydrogen peroxide along with alcohol (10%). For this purpose, it is allowed to use even a hard brush, but not a metal washcloth, otherwise scratches will remain.
Arrange a day of cleanliness for your “helpers” in the kitchen and bathroom, and they will delight you with their radiant appearance for a long time, especially since you already know how to clean the sink.
General cleaning of stainless steel sinks
There are also situations when the sink is so dirty that it seems impossible to wash it. On its surface there is no free space from various kinds of pollution, and a terrible smell comes from the sewer. Here you can not do just detergent and ordinary soda. You will have to use cleaning methods with other substances.
To wash the sink from fatty deposits, it is necessary to draw hot water into it, after plugging the drain hole. Then pour in detergent and wait for the water to cool down. This procedure will soften the fat and other contaminants, after which it remains only to clean the surface with the hard side of the sponge.
You can return the sink to a metallic sheen with a napkin dipped in vinegar. To clean the drain hole, a tool such as Mole is often used, but other methods can be used. For example, pour half a glass of soda and the same amount of vinegar into the pipe. After a few minutes, pour everything with boiling water and rinse well. To deep clean the drain, use crushed ice and half a package of coarse salt. It is necessary not to forget to turn on cold water at the same time so that it runs in a thin stream into the drain. The resulting mixture will perfectly clean the pipe from blockage and eliminate unpleasant odors.
Folk methods
All recipes are very simple. They are based on the properties of natural substances found in every kitchen.
The recipe was invented by housewives in Soviet times.At that time, there were practically no household chemicals in stores. All used improvised means.
The cleaning solution is poured into a stainless steel container. Put it on the burner, heat the liquid to a boil, simmer for at least 2 hours. Leave to cool. The solution is drained. The pan is rinsed, wiped dry.
Take a large enameled basin or tank. Fill it with cleaning solution. They put it on the stove. Drop stainless steel items into it. The liquid should completely cover them. The dishes are boiled for at least 2 hours. Remove from the pot when the solution has cooled. All items are washed under running water, wiped.
How to prepare the composition
Take the required amount of water. The working solution is prepared based on the following proportions:
- water - 5 l;
- clerical glue - 100 ml;
- soda - 500 g.
Pastes from soot
In the kitchen there is always a tool with which you can wipe burnt milk, porridge.
Powdered activated carbon
The remains of burnt porridge are quickly removed with activated charcoal. The tablets are crushed. The powder is poured into the bottom of the pan. Pour water into it. After 15 minutes, the soot is easily rubbed off.
Ground coffee beans
Zealous housewives do not throw away filters with spent coffee. They use grounds instead of body scrub and metal pot cleaner. Apply it to the contaminated area, rub with a sponge, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with water.
Liquids from white plaque and scale
Scale forms in the kettle, and a white coating forms on the walls of the pan. The cause of deposits is hard water. There are 3 remedies that can easily cope with this type of pollution.
Citric acid solution
Fill the kettle with water ⅔. Pour 20 g of citric acid. Boil. Let the water cool down and boil 1 more time. Removal of plaque begins after a few hours. Wipe off with a sponge or brush.
Coca Cola
The drink fills ⅔ of the volume of the pan. Bring it to a boil. Leave to cool. The plaque is wiped off after 30 minutes. Use a brush or sponge.
How to handle cutlery
Spoons, forks and knives lose their luster with time and contact with food. Return radiance with available means.
9% vinegar and lemon juice are equally effective. They are applied to cutlery with a flannel napkin. After 30 minutes, rinse, wipe dry.
The lost shine is returned with ammonia. It is added to water - 1 tsp. L / l. The stainless steel cutlery washed before this is lowered into the basin. After 5-10 minutes, spoons, forks, knives are rinsed, wiped dry with a kitchen towel.
Non-abrasive toothpaste or powder
Means remove the yellow film, polish the surface. A small amount of paste is applied to the surface, rubbed with a napkin. After rinsing, wipe and rub to a shine with a towel.
mustard powder
Mustard powder has cleansing properties. They make a paste out of it. Stirring constantly, pour in warm water. The mass is applied with a brush to the tarnished surface of the stainless steel.
Work with table vinegar with gloves. It quickly removes all types of contaminants. It is applied to a soft sponge and wiped over dull metal surfaces. Strong films of chronic fat do not lag behind well. To enhance the cleaning effect, lemon juice is added to the vinegar. After the procedure, the dishes are rinsed.
Lemon juice solution
Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. For 1 liter of water you need only 1 tbsp. l. Wet a sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the pan with it inside and out. Rinse it with water and dry it with a towel.
Steel polishing agent
You don't need to run to the store. An effective polishing agent is in the kitchen.
raw potatoes
To make the teapot shine like new, the potatoes are washed, cut into 2 halves. Rub them on a steel surface. In the same way, shine on the pans.
How to get rid of burnt jam
Burnt sugar is difficult to remove.The work is simplified by using table vinegar and laundry soap for cleaning. Water is poured into a saucepan. Pour in the soap shavings. Bring to a boil. Remove the pot from the burner. Pour in ½ tbsp. vinegar. When the water has cooled, rub off the pollution.
How to wash off rust
Small rusted areas are removed with baking soda. The surface is moistened with a sponge. She is also given powder. After 60 minutes, they try to scrub the rust with a brush. If the result is achieved, the surface is washed with clean water and wiped.
With regular care, stainless steel cookware will not tarnish. Serves for many years, maintaining an attractive appearance and functionality.