What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Selection algorithm

First you need to decide on your heating system. This can be centralized heating or individual, which is carried out using a boiler.

The next step is to understand how your heat exchanger functions.

The third step is to understand what is the quality of the liquid that fills the radiators. If it is good enough, then in this case, you can give preference to inexpensive models. If the liquid is filled with various impurities, then it is better to give preference to expensive models.

Appearance is also important.

If you want a stylish device that will compare favorably with other units, then in such a situation you should pay attention to a copper or bimetallic radiator. However, if you are not after quality, you can try aluminum.

Cast iron batteries are efficient but less attractive devices.

However, you can choose for yourself the model that fits perfectly into the interior.

But always remember that some unscrupulous sellers can give out one material after another. Therefore, before giving money, carefully study the technical data sheet of the device.

It is important that it matches the model you have chosen, and also talks in detail about what materials it was made of.

What radiators are better for an apartment? This question is asked by every person who plans to do repairs in the near future. The answer to this question can be very varied. Someone thinks that cast iron should be preferred. Others, on the contrary, copper or bimetal. Still others are not against aluminum, knowing that they will use this room for a short time. Everything is made up of individual moments and details that surround a person's life.

However, if you have not yet decided which radiators you will purchase specifically for your apartment, be sure to check out the list of the best radiators for an apartment. There is a high probability that you will discover a lot of new information for you, which means that the likelihood that you will make the right choice increases.

Beware of scammers who give out one material after another. This often happens in small shops that operate without a license from manufacturers. Ideally, if you come to the manufacturer's store and talk to the manager, and purchase a licensed, certified product

Which bimetallic radiator to choose

In conclusion, a few tips on how to choose a bimetallic radiator so that it does not disappoint, but justifies the hopes placed on it.

So, here are some obvious criteria by which you should choose this type of heating equipment:

  • company manufacturer;
  • indicators of working and pressure testing;
  • design reliability;
  • ease of installation and connection;
  • power and heat dissipation.

Well, having adopted the above information, you can safely get ready to go to the nearest specialized store and purchase a high-quality, stylish bimetallic radiator.

Rating of heating radiators for an apartment

Battery replacement is ideally done once and for all life, or at least for 20 years. If you want the devices to serve for a long time, carefully approach the choice of the manufacturer. The reliability of the device, the quality of its work will largely depend on this. Regardless of how much a heating radiator in an apartment costs, be sure to ask the manufacturer for certificates confirming the originality of the heat exchangers.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Particularly noteworthy are the products of the Italian brand Global, Sira. Models are not cheap, but the quality justifies the price.The devices have a classic look, made of bimetal or aluminum. The advantage lies in the cost-effectiveness and high heat transfer of the installations. The following brands also received good customer reviews:

  • Kermi - excellent German quality and conciseness of forms;
  • Arbonia - an original design that will allow these appliances to become a decoration of the room;
  • Smart - inexpensive branded China is quite worthy of attention;
  • Rifar is a domestic manufacturer that deserves attention.

Which bimetallic radiator to choose

In conclusion, a few tips on how to choose a bimetallic radiator so that it does not disappoint, but justifies the hopes placed on it.

So, here are some obvious criteria by which you should choose this type of heating equipment:

  • company manufacturer;
  • indicators of working and pressure testing;
  • design reliability;
  • ease of installation and connection;
  • power and heat dissipation.

Well, having adopted the above information, you can safely get ready to go to the nearest specialized store and purchase a high-quality, stylish bimetallic radiator.

What is the difference between bimetallic and semi-bimetallic radiators

In real bimetallic heating devices, only the outer part is made of aluminum. Radiators are produced as follows: pipes of a steel core are welded, and then they are filled with aluminum under pressure. As a result, the coolant comes into contact only with steel, without touching aluminum surfaces. This saves the radiator from corrosion and gives it increased strength. Well, the figured body increases the heat transfer performance.

They also make radiators, the core of which is made not of steel, but of copper. This is a real salvation for those autonomous heating systems where antifreeze is added to the water. After all, such a coolant will quickly destroy steel pipes.


In a semi-bimetallic radiator, the core consists of two metals. The vertical channels in it are reinforced with steel elements, but the horizontal channels are aluminum. Due to the increase in the amount of aluminum in the product, the heat transfer of the radiator increases. However, hot water with a high alkali content (in central heating) in contact with this aluminum causes corrosion. And one more thing: different thermal expansion of aluminum and steel parts of the core can cause their displacement, leading to instability of the radiator.

As a rule, bimetallic radiators are installed in apartments with a central heating system. In such systems, there are 2 big problems - this is high pressure with periodic jumps and low-quality coolant. Both will have a rather large negative impact on semi-bimetallic type radiators.

Heat dissipation

In terms of the degree of heat transfer, aluminum radiators are seriously ahead of their bimetallic counterparts. Only one section of the aluminum battery is able to release 200 W of thermal energy into the surrounding space. In this case, part of the heat is transferred in the form of infrared radiation, and the second part in the convection way. Ribs present on the inside enhance convection. It should also be noted that aluminum heaters have a minimum thermal inertia. This means that the aluminum battery is able to provide maximum heat transfer already ten minutes after being put into operation. Thanks to this, owners of private houses can achieve significant savings.

The heat transfer of bimetallic heating devices is lower than that of aluminum radiators. The fact is that the steel or copper core of the battery is characterized by a lower degree of thermal conductivity than that of aluminum. As a result of the fact that steel or copper heats up more slowly than aluminum, the thermal inertia of the bimetallic battery will be greater in comparison with the same indicator of the aluminum counterpart, which means that when the bimetallic battery is turned on, the homeowner will have to wait a long time for the premises to warm up.

Which company bimetal radiators are better

Let's start with Italian manufacturers. First of all, this is the company Sira, whose specialists invented bimetallic radiators. You can also mention the brands Global Style and Radena. All these products have a price per section from 700 to 1500 rubles.Elegant and high-quality finish, interesting design, compactness and lightness - this is what radiators from Italy are. Modern technologies allow them to work for at least 20 years. Specifications:

  • Sectional thermal power - from 120 to 185 watts;
  • hot water temperature limit - 110 degrees;
  • working pressure - up to 35 bar.

Let's not forget about domestic producers. One of the most famous is Rifar. This company from the Orenburg region produces thermal appliances with a price of 500 to 900 rubles per section. Specifications:

  • Sectional thermal power - from 100 to 200 watts;
  • hot water temperature limit - 135 degrees;
  • working pressure - up to 20 bar.

Note the patented radiator RIFAR MONOLIT, which is often called one of the best domestic devices. It is tested at a pressure of 150 bar. Specifications:

  • Sectional thermal power - from 134 to 196 watts;
  • hot water temperature limit - 135 degrees;
  • operating pressure - up to 100 bar.

Other countries

Here we can note the radiators of the South Korean company MARS. Their core is not steel, but copper. Price - from 400 rubles per section. Declared characteristics:

  • Hot water temperature limit - 130 degrees;
  • operating pressure - up to 20 bar;
  • section heat transfer - 167 watts.

The Polish company "REGULUS-system" also produces bimetallic radiators with a copper core. The manufacturer guarantees 25 years of work. Specifications:

  • Working pressure - 15 bar;
  • hot water temperature limit - 110 degrees.

Well, a few words should be said about Chinese manufacturers. Their radiators are significantly cheaper than well-known brands, as they do not shine with careful finishing and beautiful design. In principle, with a very modest budget, you can take the "Chinese", given that he can withstand less pressure.

Bimetal radiators features, advantages and disadvantages

At the same time, it should be understood that the rule - different metals cannot be used together in a hot water system - is fully complied with. Indeed, in bimetallic radiators, the movement of the coolant (water) occurs through steel pipes, without contact with aluminum

And this is very important, because the replacement of cast-iron batteries with aluminum ones in the central heating systems of multi-storey buildings, when the supply pipes remain metal (resulting in a system of iron, aluminum and water), starts chemical processes that are equally harmful for both aluminum radiators and iron radiators. pipes. Which in combination leads to a sharp decrease in their service life due to actively flowing corrosion, so that soon it will be necessary to replace not only leaking radiators, but the entire system as a whole

That is why it is recommended to install aluminum radiators in private houses, using polypropylene pipes for wiring.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Luxurious interior with panel bimetal heating radiator

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

For additional decoration of the battery, as well as safety, you can use decorative wooden screens.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Spectacular radiator with matt black finish in the bathroom

By design ( fig. 1), a section of a bimetallic radiator is a steel pipe on which an aluminum radiator is “put on”. This symbiosis is obtained by special high-pressure casting, due to which the two metals are practically "fused" into each other.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Rice. one.

It is in this combination that the main advantages of bimetallic batteries lie:

  • there is iron inside the battery, through which water (coolant) is transported, which is optimally suited for our steel central heating systems
  • iron is able to withstand more pressure than just aluminum batteries. If in a private house the pressure in the system usually does not exceed 3 atmospheres, then in a multi-storey building it can reach 20.In addition, the steel interior of a bimetallic battery is slightly sensitive to the chemical composition of water (for filling systems with aluminum batteries, it is advisable to pre-prepare and clean the water) and holds water hammer well.
  • when compared with a conventional cast-iron radiator, the internal channels of bimetallic batteries have a smaller cross section, which, at the same pressure in the system, will lead to the fact that the full volume of coolant through the bimetallic battery will pass faster, which means that their heat transfer will be greater

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

The bimetal radiator for the bathroom must have an anti-corrosion coating

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Bimetallic batteries are one of the best types of radiators

  • the inertia of bimetallic radiators is less than that of cast iron ones, they heat up faster, although they are inferior in this regard to aluminum
  • In addition to the fact that aluminum itself, in terms of its physical and chemical properties, has high thermal conductivity, more than that of cast iron, radiators with a ribbed structure are easily cast from it. By increasing the surface area, the heat transfer rate of the radiator also improves.
  • presentable appearance - aluminum lends itself perfectly to casting, which allows you to create a variety of radiators in shape and design, which can harmoniously fit into any interior style. In terms of design, reviews of bimetallic radiators are much more favorable than other types; they will look especially advantageous in modern interiors.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Decorative bimetal radiator

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Living room with panel type bimetal battery

If we talk about the shortcomings, then the main one, without a doubt, is the price: bimetallic radiators are much more expensive than their other counterparts. In addition, during heating / cooling, a characteristic crackle can be heard - it is due to the fact that steel and aluminum have different thermal conductivity, they heat up / cool down at different rates, and therefore this crack occurs.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

The red panel-type radiator looks very impressive on a white wall.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Sectional bimetallic vertical radiator

Black vertical radiators in a loft-style interior

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Solid bimetal heating radiator

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Bimetal battery with decorative wooden screen

But when choosing between a bimetallic and cast-iron heating radiator, you should definitely give preference to the first. In addition to purely heat transfer characteristics, it is also much lighter, which means it is easier to deliver, installation does not require powerful brackets that need to be driven deep into the wall. Some bimetallic radiators can even be attached to plasterboard walls (of course, if there are mortgages).

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Great battery for a child's room

Sectional or monolithic bimetallic radiators

At first, bimetal products were always assembled from several sections. However, any sectional radiator can suffer from a coolant that damages the joints and reduces the life of the devices. In addition, joints are always a potentially dangerous place, which is more prone to leakage due to increased pressure in the system. Therefore, they came up with a new technology, according to which a solid steel or copper collector is made, and an aluminum shirt is “put on” on top of it. Such radiators are called monolithic.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20The device section of the bimetallic radiator.

Now let's try to find out which bimetallic radiators are better - sectional or monolithic. According to the technical characteristics, the advantage of the latter is obvious.

  • The term of work is up to 50 years (for sectional ones - up to 20-25 years).
  • Working pressure - up to 100 bar (for sectional - up to 20-35 bar).
  • Thermal power per section - 100-200 watts (on the same level as sectional models).

But the price of monolithic devices is somewhat higher than sectional ones. The difference can be up to one fifth.And one more nuance: models with a solid core cannot be modified by removing unnecessary or adding additional sections, but at the same time they are available in various sizes both in height and in length. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose a radiator with the required power.

If the apartment is located in a high-rise building, the height of which exceeds 16 floors, then it can be assumed that the coolant pressure will also be significant, therefore, in this case, there is a need to give preference to monolithic models.

The best bimetallic radiators with a center distance of 500 mm

The choice of heating equipment with a center distance of 500 mm for the rating is not accidental. The vast majority of modern residential premises have sufficiently large window openings, and the distance between the window sill and the floor is, as a rule, at least 60 cm. Therefore, bimetallic radiators of this qualification are most popular among the population.

Royal Thermo Piano Forte 500

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

A lot of positive user ratings for this Italian radiator on Yandex.Market, which fully confirm the reliability of the design, long service life, original design, puts it in first place in the rating.

  • heat transfer from 740 W to 2590 W (depending on the number of sections);
  • the number of sections varies from 4 to 14;
  • Power Shift technology that increases heat transfer;
  • steel collectors are designed for pressure surges in the system up to 30 atmospheres;
  • resistant to the most aggressive coolants;
  • wall and floor mounting possible;
  • original design;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

rather high cost.

In general, as the British say, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things. Therefore, in this case, the price corresponds to the quality. Particular emphasis is placed on the presence of Power Shift technology - the presence of additional ribs on the vertical collector, which significantly increase the heat transfer of the model. In addition, in addition to the basic white and black colors, the buyer can order other colors or RAL palettes.

Rifar Monolit 500

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Domestic development, deservedly taking second place in the rating in terms of the number of collected laudatory reviews in its direction. The features include the technology of the same name used in the production process - the sections are connected using contact-butt welding.

  • a monolithic design that allows operation in the most severe conditions;
  • heat transfer from 784 W to 2744 W;
  • complete set of sections - from 4 to 14;
  • high resistance to aggressive coolants (pH 7 - 9);
  • there is a bottom connection;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 25 years.
  • expensive for a domestic product;
  • there are no odd sections - for example, 5 or 7.

However, in general, the radiator of this model collects extremely positive reviews. Moreover, management companies strongly recommend it for use, due to the high resistance of the model to corrosion and a long guaranteed service life.

Global Style Plus 500

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Once again, the Italian model, who has collected a significant number of admiring reviews addressed to her. The inside of the radiator is made of alloy steel, while the outside is coated with aluminum alloy.

  • high strength;
  • maximum working pressure 35 atmospheres;
  • crimping pressure - 5.25 MPa;
  • heat transfer in the range from 740 W to 2590 W;
  • equipment - from 4 to 14 sections;
  • pH value (aggressiveness of the coolant) - from 6.5 to 8.5;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

heat transfer decreases slightly with a decrease in the temperature of the coolant.

Satisfied with the purchase, the owners shower this model with extremely positive assessments - high resistance to pressure drops in the system, the presence of silicone gaskets between the sectional joints prevent leaks, adjustment works stably, and so on.

Sira RS Bimetal 500

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Another Italian, appreciated by the domestic user, as the reviews speak eloquently.

  • high strength - working pressure up to 40 bar;
  • heat transfer from 804 W to 2412 W;
  • equipment - from 4 to 12 sections;
  • coolant resistance is expressed in pH - from 7.5 to 8.5;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 20 years.

Well, that's what premium class is for! In addition to satisfactory assessments regarding the technical characteristics of this radiator model, satisfied with the purchase, the owners note the unique design - smooth, curved shapes, the complete absence of sharp corners.

Fondital Alustal 500/100

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Also, the Italian miracle of engineering, which won the approval of Russian users, which was reflected in the number of positive reviews.

  • heat transfer from 191 W to 2674 W;
  • equipment from 1 to 14 sections;
  • high strength - working pressure up to 40 bar;
  • the most aggressive coolants are not afraid (pH 7 - 10);
  • manufacturer's warranty - 20 years.

In general, a minor minus, due to the fact that this model is a continuous water chamber. On the other hand, there is an internal anti-corrosion coating, as the owners of this radiator note, and a stroke pattern that prevents the system from airing.

Which bimetallic radiator to choose

In conclusion, a few tips on how to choose a bimetallic radiator so that it does not disappoint, but justifies the hopes placed on it.

So, here are some obvious criteria by which you should choose this type of heating equipment:

  • company manufacturer;
  • indicators of working and pressure testing;
  • design reliability;
  • ease of installation and connection;
  • power and heat dissipation.

Well, having adopted the above information, you can safely get ready to go to the nearest specialized store and purchase a high-quality, stylish bimetallic radiator.

Which radiators are more suitable for which systems

1. Now, having examined and compared the main characteristics of radiators, we can draw conclusions. First, let's find out which heating radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic - for an apartment in a multi-storey building. It uses central heating.

  • The pressure in the system can change dramatically, reaching exorbitant values. Water hammer is possible.
  • The temperature will also not be stable, sometimes changing greatly during the heating season and even during the day.
  • The composition of the coolant is not clean. It contains chemical impurities, as well as abrasive particles. It is hardly possible to speak of a pH not exceeding 8 units.

Based on all this, you can forget about aluminum batteries. Because the central heating system will destroy them. If electrochemical corrosion does not eat, then the pressure will be finished with temperature. And the water hammer will make the last, “control shot”. Therefore, choosing from two types of radiators (aluminum or bimetal), stop only at the latter.

2. Now consider the heating system installed in a private house. A well-functioning boiler produces a constant low pressure, not exceeding 1.4 - 10 atmospheres, depending on the boiler and system. Pressure surges, and even more water hammer, are not observed. The temperature of the water is also stable, and its purity is beyond doubt. It will not contain any chemical impurities, and the pH value can always be measured.

Therefore, aluminum batteries can also be installed in such an autonomous heating system - these devices will work perfectly. They are inexpensive, have excellent heat dissipation, and their design is attractive. In stores you can pick up batteries made in Europe. It is preferable to choose models made by casting. Bimetallic batteries are also suitable for those who live in their own house. If you have the desire and enough funds, you can put them.

Just remember that there are many fakes on the market.

And if a model (whether aluminum or bimetallic) has a suspiciously low price, then you can already be wary. In order not to get into a mess, check that each section and the packaging (high-quality and full-color) have the manufacturer's marking

Which heating batteries are best for an apartment

Radiators differ in the level of heat transfer, service life and price. The determining factor in the quality of the installation is the material of manufacture. The most popular types of heating batteries in an apartment are:

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

The principle of operation of the design is simple. Hot water is the predominant heat carrier. The connection is made through a pipe. Under the influence of heat, the surface of the installation begins to heat up, and the room temperature increases. Depending on the material of manufacture and the design of the panels, water radiators cool down faster or slower.

In cast iron installations, hot water enters from one side and exits from the other. To carry out such work, a large amount of coolant is needed. The principle of operation of steel, aluminum and bimetallic heat exchangers has a slight difference. Inside each section there is a thin tube that is filled with hot water. Due to the air cushion that forms inside, the thermal conductivity of such batteries is higher. Only 350 g of water is needed to start the system, which simplifies installation.

To understand which radiators are best suited for heating an apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of each type. The battery - a universal installation for heating commercial, industrial and residential buildings - has its own characteristics depending on the material of manufacture. By comparing the pros and cons, you will find the best option.

Bimetal radiators

Devices are made of steel and aluminum. The installation is very durable, has a high thermal conductivity. The attractive look of the batteries makes them the best option for the office, home. The system is a construction of vertical steel tubes, which are covered with aluminum on the outside. Such a heat exchanger is resistant to corrosion, durable. If you miss the temperature, then you can always attach another section to the bimetallic battery.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20


The units are characterized by high heat dissipation and attractive design. Compared to the previous version, their price is more affordable. If you are interested in replacing heating radiators in apartments, the aluminum version is the best fit. Mounting them is easy. Batteries are installed in autonomous and central heating systems. For more economical energy consumption, it is recommended to use thermostatic valves.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

If you do not know which radiators are best for central heating, then choose this option. The design is ideal for a cyclic type heating system. The installation is reliable and will last for many years. The disadvantages include a relatively small heat transfer, rapid cooling of the systems. It is very bulky, so it requires special skills to install. Such heat exchangers are inexpensive, which makes them very popular.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20

Affordable and practical systems remain in demand to this day. They are installed in cottages, apartments, commercial premises. The degree of heat transfer is very high. If the power of the system is incorrectly calculated or the temperature of the coolant is low, a one-piece iron structure can become a problem. It is impossible to modernize it, so you have to change the entire structure. The cost of steel batteries is low.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment price. TOP 20


