What sizes of plastic sewer pipes are better to use - advantages

Sewer plastic pipes diameters, prices

Every owner wants everything to work in his household, nothing to break, and to be easy to maintain and install. And sewerage is no exception. It is necessary that it requires as little attention as possible - it is very inconvenient if it clogs, but it is no less unpleasant to clean it.

If you want to have a trouble-free sewage disposal system, pay attention to plastic sewer pipes. They are gradually replacing cast iron ones, and all because they cost less, are easier to install, have a large assortment - different diameters and lengths, almost no deposits form on their smooth walls, and even the service life is about 50 years.

This whole bunch of properties determines their popularity.

Plastic sewer pipes are made from various polymers and their compositions.

Types of plastic sewer pipes

Under the general name "plastic" products are sold from different types of polymers:

  • polyethylene (PE):
    • high pressure (HPV) - for internal sewerage wiring,
    • low pressure (HDPE) - it is possible to lay outside, in trenches (they have greater strength),
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
  • polypropylene (PP)

And a number of other thermoplastics and their combinations, but they are rare - people prefer to use already known materials.

The material of plastic sewer pipes is selected depending on the application. For example, polypropylene is more suitable for sewerage wiring inside a house or in an apartment. It has a higher operating temperature range - normally tolerates media up to 70°C, short-term - up to 95°C. In the presence of various household appliances that drain waste hot water into the sewer, this will not be superfluous. PVC pipes, which have lower prices, are more appropriate when laying outdoor sewers - here the drains are usually already mixed, so the temperatures are lower and PVC can endure them without harm (working up to + 40 ° C, short-term increase to 60 ° C).

An example of an intra-house wiring of sewerage from plastic pipes

Also, sewer pipes are smooth and corrugated. Moreover, not only bends from siphons can be corrugated. There are profiled pipes for sewerage with an internal smooth wall and an external ribbed one. They have greater strength - they better tolerate compressive loads (they have increased ring stiffness), they can be buried to a greater depth. Are issued with diameters from 110 mm to 1200 mm.

Dimensions and diameters

Sewer plastic pipes, unlike water and gas pipes, are produced in the form of segments, 50 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm long, etc. - up to 600 cm. The maximum length is 12 meters, but some manufacturers can make longer lengths on request. When laying long routes, this is convenient - fewer connections, fewer possible problems (leaks or blockages).

Other important characteristics of plastic pipes are the diameter and wall thickness. In the marking, they usually go side by side: there are numbers 160 * 4.2. What stands for: the outer diameter of the pipe is 160 mm, the wall thickness is 4.2 mm. It is worth remembering here that manufacturers indicate the outer diameter of plastic pipes, and for many calculations and planning, you need to know the inner diameter. It is easy to calculate it: we subtract twice the wall thickness from the outer one: 160 mm - 4.2 mm * 2 = 151.6 mm. In calculations and tables, a rounded result usually appears - in this case - 150 mm.

Parameters of sewer plastic pipes

In general, the industry produces plastic pipes for sewerage with a diameter of 25 mm or more. The maximum section depends on the type of pipe (smooth or corrugated) and the material from which it is made.For example, smooth sewer PVC pipes can be up to 630 mm in diameter, and profiled two-layer pipes can be up to 1200 mm. But these dimensions are useless for homeowners or apartment dwellers. In private housing construction, diameters up to 100-110 mm are mainly used, rarely up to 160 mm. Sometimes, for a large cottage with a large number of plumbing fixtures, a pipe 200-250 mm in diameter may be needed.

The organization of sewerage in the country is described here.

How to choose a diameter for connecting plumbing fixtures

According to the rules, it is necessary to make a calculation; it is completely spelled out in SNiP 2.04.01085. This is a complex matter, it requires a lot of data, so few people really think it is right. Over the years, the practice gained has made it possible to derive the average diameters of polyethylene sewer pipes for each of the plumbing fixtures. You can safely use these developments - all calculations usually come down to these dimensions.

Varieties of plastic sewer pipes and their sizes

Plastic sewer pipes are made from the following materials:

  • polyethylene of high and low pressure;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene.

The material for the drain depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication.

Polypropylene elements are more suitable for the internal network. They are able to withstand temperatures up to +70°C. In some cases, they tolerate up to + 95 ° C for a short time. Pipes made of this material are suitable for systems that receive waste water from various household appliances.

Cheap PVC products are used when installing an external channel in which mixed wastewater moves. Their temperature is lower than in the internal network. Their working index is +40…+60°С. Details are divided into corrugated and smooth. Corrugated parts are used not only for the installation of siphons. Pipes with a ribbed outer wall, but a smooth surface inside, are distinguished by increased strength.

What sizes of plastic sewer pipes are better to use - advantages

Varieties of plastic sewer pipes.

Such parts tolerate compression well and are suitable for a system that runs deep underground. The diameter of products can be 110-1200 mm. The large size is designed for increased loads. These elements are used in the maintenance of multi-apartment buildings, social buildings and cottages.

Size 200 mm is used for sewer installation in hotels, saunas and hospitals. With an increase in diameter up to 300 mm, the pipeline is mounted for industrial facilities.

For individual construction work, elements with a small circle size are used. If the riser is mounted from 150 mm pipes, then it will no longer fully function if there are several bathrooms in the apartment.

Square-shaped products are used to install a network that is designed to irrigate a personal plot.

To organize drains for individual plumbing equipment, pipes of 75 millimeters are used. To install toilets, you will need a wider pipeline.

Advantages of PVC pipes

Metal-polymer pipes are among the most durable elements. Plastic parts are easy to assemble, their installation requires less time and effort. Good throughput allows you to bend the pipeline at different angles. Installation with plastic elements can be done independently.

Their advantages include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight (unlike cast iron construction);
  • reliable protection against the spread of bacteria and viruses;
  • resistance to corrosion, external factors and chemicals;
  • affordable price (unlike cast iron products);
  • long service life.

When properly installed, a plastic sewer system can last a long time. At the same time, the pipes do not need to be constantly serviced. Increased strength allows the use of parts for the installation of a pressure network. The disadvantages of PVC include brittleness when the temperature drops below -18°C.

Standard sizes of sewer pipes table, marking, GOST

To install the sewerage system, it is necessary to purchase pipe products and connecting elements of the sizes indicated in the project. Trade offers a wide range of standard sizes of sewer pipes, which allows you to create a pipeline of any configuration with any wall thickness.

Main parameters of the pipeline

  • outer diameter of the sewer pipe,
  • inner diameter,
  • conditional passage (Dy or Du) - nominal or rounded value of the internal section,
  • nominal section (Dn or Dn),
  • wall thickness.

On the marking of all plastic pipe products, the outer section and wall thickness are indicated, on cast iron pipes - the conditional passage in millimeters. Problems can arise when combined fittings (made of metal and plastic) are used during installation, which are marked in millimeters and inches. In such situations, it is necessary to compare elements in different systems of measurement.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 determines the calculation of the diameter of the sewer pipe. But for a house or apartment, these formulas are too complicated. In practice, a different approach is used - in an apartment or a standard country house it does not exceed 10 cm.

Based on this:

  • for a sink, bathtub, washbasin, urinal, bidet - 5-7.5 cm,
  • for the toilet - plastic pipes with a diameter of 100 or 110 mm,
  • outlets from washing machines and dishwashers - 2.5 or 3.2 cm,
  • wiring around the house or apartment - 5 cm,
  • riser in a house with no more than five floors - internal Ø 110,
  • riser in a house above five floors - Ø160,
  • connection of several risers (lounging) in a multi-storey building - 200,
  • outlet of drains to the outside - 16 or 20 cm,
  • yard system - Ø 300,
  • outlet to the well, the area between two wells - 20 cm.

If plastic materials are used for sewerage, then 4 cm can be used instead of 5 cm, 10 cm instead of 10.1 cm, etc. This is due to the smooth inner surface of these products, which during operation is practically not covered with rust or other deposits.

There is such a thing as the smallest allowable size, defined by the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SNiP):

  • for intra-quarter drain and street network - 20 cm,
  • for the intra-quarter storm drainage network - 20.2 cm,
  • for street storm network - Ø 250.

The cross section and wall thickness are interrelated parameters - the larger the cross section, the thicker the wall. The weight is also directly proportional to the cross section. For example, an external section of 16 cm - weight 2 kg, or 10.1 cm - weight just over 1 kg. An important indicator is the length of the segments. The shortest is 1 m, the longest is 6 m.

Plastic pipe products for sewerage

Made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). To determine their internal section, it is necessary to subtract the wall thickness multiplied by two from the value of the external section (they are indicated in the marking).

According to GOST R 51613-2000, the diameter of non-pressure PVC sewer pipes can be 5, 7.5, 9, 10, 1.1, 15, 16 cm. Products with a cross section of 25 and 30 cm are used to drain waste from industrial facilities. Their main advantage - they are mounted in the same way as thin ones - into the socket.

The size of polypropylene materials is determined by GOST R 51613-2000 and GOST 22689.2-89 - 5, 10 and 15 cm. But there are large diameters with a wall of 5 mm. These products are used for the installation of large main pipelines.

Standard sizes of polyethylene are regulated by GOST 22689.2-89. The choice of these products is not great - 4.5 cm, 90 and pipe 110 inner diameter. The wall thickness of low-pressure polyethylene products is 3-5 mm. Sold in lengths from 2 to 9 meters.

The diameter of the plastic sewer pipe must be selected based on the availability of connecting elements of the appropriate size. For example, for material with a section of 7.5 or 9 cm, it may not be possible to find fittings.

To connect a plastic intra-apartment sewer to a cast-iron riser, you can use a combined fitting or a rubber gasket, which is sealed with silicone or linen winding. If there is a large hole in the cast iron riser, you can combine fitting and silicone or fitting and winding.

Preparatory stage for pipe installation

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the future communication system, perform calculations of consumables, calculate the number and size of fittings, parts needed for work. In addition to straight pipes, many more connecting elements are produced for convenient sewerage installation. They come in different sizes and designs.

Their main types:

What sizes of plastic sewer pipes are better to use - advantagesPreparatory stage

  • crosses and tees for creating pipe layout;
  • couplings and expansion pipes that are needed for repairs;
  • reductions for connecting pipes with different diameters;
  • rotary bends;
  • plastic hatches for revision and cleaning of blockages.

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to provide for a smooth transition in those places where turns are necessary - instead of one rectangular connection, put two fittings of 45 degrees. This will avoid blockages.

When purchasing pipes and additional parts, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials with a margin of approximately 15% more, so that downtime does not result. With proper preparation, installation work can be carried out in a private house in a few days, and in an apartment in a few hours.

Recommended pipe sizes

The choice of parts for sewerage depends on their purpose and size.

For internal sewerage

Plastic structures are selected based on established norms and rules.

Assignment of parts Internal diameter of pipes, mm
Washing machines and dishwashers 25
Bathtub, bidet and sink 30-47
Kitchen sink, shower and bath 38-50
Joint drain (shower, sink, bathtub), system wiring inside the house 50
Riser bends 70-86
Central riser and toilet 100-118

For external sewerage

Assignment of parts Internal diameter of pipes, mm
Wastewater outlet to treatment systems 150-190
Bath, sauna 200
Swimming pool 240-300
City sewers 300-1100

In this case, it is necessary that the size of the horizontal pipeline matches, but does not exceed the diameter of the riser, otherwise blockages will form. Wide pipes are chosen for the installation of a drain from the toilet, because drains of a heterogeneous composition pass through them. If a vacuum is formed in the plastic outlet, the sewer will fail. The gap will allow pressurized air to be expelled.

What sizes of plastic sewer pipes are better to use - advantages

Pipes plastic for the external sewerage.


