Painting a radiator in an outdoor hot water shower in the garden
Cast iron radiators can be used as heat exchangers in the summer hot shower in the country.
A well-painted radiator will fit perfectly into the interior design. Typically, water heating radiators are heated up to 70-80 ° C, so it is recommended to paint them with alkyd paints, which are more resistant to high temperatures.
It is equally important to decide on the color of the paint. It should be borne in mind that white paint often turns yellow when exposed to high temperatures, so it is best to use light gray or beige paints.
It is not recommended to paint radiators and pipes feeding them with aluminum powder, since aluminum forms a metal coating that retains about 20% of heat.
The old coating on the radiators can not be removed, it will become the basis for a new layer. To do this, it is enough to simply sand the old paint with a sandpaper and clean it of dust. Then you need to apply a new coat of paint without additional primer.
If cracks or peeling areas have formed on the old battery coating, then it must be removed. After that, the battery should be cleaned of dust and small particles of the old coating, apply an alkyd anti-rust primer. As soon as it dries, a special alkyd anti-rust paint must be applied on top. After the paint has completely dried, the entire surface must be covered with alkyd enamel. If rust spots are noticeable on the radiator, they should be completely cleaned off before painting. To do this, first use a wire brush, sandpaper, and then a swab moistened with kerosene. In addition, a rust stain can be removed with special chemicals. The radiator should then be primed with an anti-rust primer consisting of oil paint based on drying oil. Once the primer is completely dry, you can coat the radiator with oil or alkyd paint. When working, it is recommended to use round or special brushes for painting radiators.
Such a heat exchanger in a summer shower will last a very long time. It will only periodically need to remove dust from it, using a damp cloth soaked in soapy water and wound around a thin stick.
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Heating Options
In showers for summer cottages with heated water, as a rule, electric tubular electric heaters (heaters) are used. But such heaters must be carefully monitored, when they heat the water to an acceptable temperature, they should be turned off. Usually heating lasts 3-4 hours.
The heating element can be mounted with your own hands, or you can buy a tank with a built-in one. If your experience with electricity is not enough, then it is better to purchase a tank with a ready-made heating element. In addition, the electrical wiring must be reliable in order to withstand the operation of the heating element for several hours.
Tanks with built-in heating are selected depending on the required volume of water. They are produced in volumes up to 200 liters from a variety of raw materials, the most popular of which is plastic or metal. Most of these tanks operate in the mode of the most common water boiler. The larger the volume of water, the slower it heats up.
Today you can buy tanks specially fitted to the shape of the roof of a standard shower stall. Usually these tanks are equipped with heating elements and special devices that are able to control the temperature and even turn off the heating element.
The highest temperature to which the heating element can heat is 85 degrees. The heated shower tank can be filled with a pump from a well or well.
Many tanks have a remote control for controlling water heating and the operating mode of the heating element. The temperature sensor (relay) is designed to control the temperature. An emergency thermal switch will, if necessary, turn off the heating element in the event of, for example, a lack of water.
The indicator shows the voltage level in the network. The bulbs serve as heat indicators. The electrical cord must be properly insulated and grounded.
Plastic tanks have one significant advantage over metal tanks - water does not bloom in them, joints and seams do not rust, as in metal ones, and therefore the water quality does not change. Naturally, the shower should be with clean water, as it is a means of hygiene.
It is strictly forbidden to turn on the heater in the network if there is no water in the tank. This can lead to overheating and, as a result, an explosion. Heating elements are not subject to repair, so in such a situation it will have to be changed.
Another option for a heated country shower is the use of titans. Titanium - is a monolithic metal tank, the lower area of which is intended for kindling coal or firewood, due to which water is heated in the upper part. In this case, another tank is needed, in which there will be cold water. In this case, the desired temperature is reached after mixing. Another advantage of titans is that when the water is heated, the shower room itself is also heated.
This heating model is very practical and easy to use, but you should not forget about fire safety rules. Titans need good ventilation and a chimney. Therefore, they are installed mainly in showers of capital construction.
A simple and cheap solution for suburban areas is also a shower bag. It is very easy to operate and does not require a separate shower stall. It can be simply hung in any convenient place. Cold water is poured into the bag, which is heated by the sun. You can also pour warm water into it, preheated on the stove. The volume of water in this shower is approximately 20 liters.
The portable shower can be equipped with a water heater and a pump that raises the water to a height of up to three meters. Such a device can be used not only for a shower, but also for other household needs, such as, for example, washing dishes or a car.
During its use, there are no difficulties with installation, because it is simply not required. The device is connected to the water supply and plugged into the outlet. The power of such a device does not exceed 2 kW. 10-15 liters of water are heated with it in 12 minutes.
Heating water in a country shower is a necessary measure that provides comfort and gives pleasure while taking water procedures. And you no longer need to harden yourself and be forced to shiver under a cold stream of water in order to somehow wash yourself. A warm shower is a real find for an avid summer resident.
Benefits of summer showers
There are two ways to heat water in summer showers. The first is the natural heating of water from solar energy. But this method is good only in warm sunny weather. The second is the installation of a heating element. The most convenient and correct option would be to install a mixed-type shower cabin. In sunny weather, the tank will heat the sun, and in gloomy weather it will be possible to turn on the heating part of the structure.
The main advantages of a summer shower include the following:
- the ability to use on the street, which is very convenient for country use;
- low cost of independent production;
- the possibility of using a mixed type of water heating.
Thus, we can conclude that summer showers are very necessary devices in any summer cottage. In addition, the possibility of independent production significantly reduces the cost of the construction project, and the process itself is not something complicated and everyone can make such a device for a summer residence.On the other hand, if you do not want to engage in independent production, then such a device can be easily bought in specialized stores.
Tank selection
A heated tank for a country shower, as well as without heating, can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores. But you can make such a tank with your own hands from improvised materials. Alternatively, you can use a 200-liter barrel.
Ready-made containers can be made from different materials: metal, plastic or galvanized steel. On sale there may be containers for a country shower of various designs. For example, there are models equipped only with a place for installing a heating element, and some already have it installed.
When choosing a tank or container for water, there are several points to consider:
- the material from which it is made;
- water storage tank capacity.
For a small family consisting of 2 people, a 100-liter tank is enough, and for three or more, a 200-liter tank. This is enough for full-fledged water procedures for the whole day.
A heated tank can be made independently. You need to find a suitable container and purchase a heating element in a specialized market. You can buy it from cheaper options. It doesn't matter.
Such elements on sale can be found in various modifications. For example, some have the ability to adjust the voltage from 0.3 to 2.5 kW. The only drawback of such structures is the inability to constantly maintain the temperature of the water.
How to heat water in a summer shower in the country
In cool weather, you can heat water for a shower in the country with the help of electrical appliances. Some summer residents install a water heating element in the design of a summer shower, for example, from an electric samovar. It should be noted that one must be very careful when using any electrical heating elements.
Heating of water in a country shower to the desired temperature in a summer shower can be provided without the use of electricity. In specialized stores, it is easy to find wood-burning water heaters of various types that are ideal for heating water. It is enough to put a small amount of firewood, and after 15-20 minutes the water will heat up to a comfortable temperature.
Before heating water in an outdoor shower, for the normal operation of such a boiler, cold water must be supplied to it from a water supply system or from any storage tank. For this purpose it is recommended to use a 200 l plastic barrel. The storage tank should be placed 20-30 cm above the column. This pressure drop is quite enough to take a warm shower in the country, regardless of the weather.
To heat water in an outdoor shower, it is important to choose the right faucet, since a special mixer is required for columns. A conventional faucet used in city apartments has two inlets: for hot and cold water.
The mixer for the column is distinguished by the presence of only one supply - for cold water. The peculiarity of its device allows you to take hot water from the column and mix it with cold water, which is connected directly to the mixer
When purchasing a column for hot water in a shower in a country house, you should pay attention to the fact that a mixer must be included in its kit
Place to build
To ensure good water flow, such a shower also needs to be properly positioned. The best option is for such a structure to be on a small top, then the water will have where to drain. Although you can place it on the plain, the main thing is not in the pit.
An ideal option for an open shower in the country is a well-lit area in a small distance from other buildings.
In the case when the shower is located in an open space, the water in its tank quickly heats up naturally.In principle, with good temperature indicators in summer, mainly in the southern regions, it is possible not to install heating elements, but to fully use the energy of the sun. Although the installation of a heating element will not interfere with anything. You can combine two heating options. On sunny days, save electricity, and on cloudy days, turn on the water heater.
When developing a shower circuit, you must also take care of the wiring of electricity to the location of the structure. It is primarily necessary for the heating element for water. Although you can install additional lighting for evening use.
It is not recommended to place such a structure away from home. Not all shower users will want to do long runs after water treatments, but will want to immediately be in a warm room.
Types of summer showers
Much depends on the project of a summer shower, but first of all, how convenient it will be to use. When designing, every good summer resident is faced with the task of making a shower that is easy to assemble and disassemble, is functional and convenient, and is also equipped with heating.
The easiest shower to make yourself is an open design. A similar model is equipped with a tank, which is installed on top of a load-bearing wall. It should be located in such a way that the sun's rays hit the tank at a right angle, then the water in the summer will always be warm and will warm up quickly. If this option is not suitable, then you can install a stationary heated model. For example, a frame structure or a capital building.
Any shower that is built with the expectation of bathing an adult in it will basically have the following parameters:
- Height from 2 to 3 meters.
- One and a half meters wide.
- Length up to 2 meters.
Such dimensions are ideal for building a shower cabin from wooden boards, while the design will also include a dressing room with parameters of 2x1.5 meters. In the construction of a standard building from boards, the material is used without waste.
But wood is not the only material from which shower enclosures are made. For example, the following materials are often used:
- polycarbonate sheets;
- moisture resistant plywood;
- slate;
- brick;
- lining and others.
Types of shower tanks
There are various types of shower tanks on the market. They can be heated or not. But the main thing in choosing such a gadget is what material it will be made of. And here, too, you can find many manufacturing options, but over time, users have appreciated certain types of designs.
Perhaps the most common option for a shower tank is a galvanized metal tank with a built-in heating element. This design is very simple both in production and in use.
To install it on the shower, it is necessary to conduct electricity. The tank itself is installed at the top of the structure. It will have a water heating function. This option is a great opportunity to solve the problem of water procedures after a hard day in the garden in the country. The temperature can be controlled using a temperature sensor. If you buy more expensive and advanced heating elements, you can also achieve a constant temperature maintenance in the tank.
If you additionally equip such a tank with a pump, then the water will constantly be pumped up and located in it. And if there is a heating element, then it will be constantly warm. Perhaps the only drawback that such structures have is the almost complete lack of thermal insulation. This results in a very low efficiency of the heating element inside the tank.
A stainless steel shower tank is a more suitable option for the design of the simplest shower.The shape of such a tank is flat, so it can be placed on top of a shower cabin in a room with a low ceiling. A stainless steel tank in its functions is practically in no way inferior to purchased boilers. The only drawback can be considered the mandatory presence of a permanent water supply.
Another option is a heated plastic shower tank. This model is very practical. In purchased options, the only drawback is the need to constantly turn off the heating element after heating the water. If you forget to do this, it can burn out or cause damage to the tank itself. This design does not require constant transportation of water, but, on the other hand, if the water runs out, you will first need to fill the tank, and then wait for the water to heat up to the desired temperature.
It is advisable to install a shower tank in a country house without heating elements only if it is planned to use it only in the warm seasons, and this is especially true for the southern regions. This option is very good as a freshener on very hot summer days in the country. For these purposes, you can take water containers from any material, it does not matter
You need to pay attention only to the volume of the container. It should be chosen depending on the number of family members
Such a tank should have a wide neck for easy filling of water, ideally it should be a removable lid.
How to make water heating for a summer shower in the country with your own hands
You can independently design and manufacture a device for heating water. What is the best way to heat water in an outdoor shower at minimal cost? In the simplest water heater (tank or barrel), the heating surface is the bottom and part of the side wall. For fire tube and combined water heaters, the outer surface temperature is equal to the temperature of the water, so they are less fire hazardous. In fire tube water heaters, the firebox is located in a large diameter pipe and is surrounded by a casing.
Water circulates between the pipe and the casing. The flame tube in such a heater can be located vertically or horizontally.
When heating water for a summer shower with your own hands, if wood fuel with a high yield of volatile substances is used, it is recommended to purchase a vertical water heater that has a higher firebox. Fire tube water heaters can be easily made from thin sheet steel.
Before you heat the water in the shower in the country, it is better to place an ordinary wood-burning titanium heater next to the building. A heat exchanger is made for it from an ordinary old battery. Wood-fired titanium for a hot water garden shower should be connected to the tank with two tubes designed to convect water when heated.
In the process of how to make water heating in an outdoor shower, do not forget that the tank and titanium must be airtight. On the hot water inlet side, the tank should be slightly raised.
For safety reasons, a bypass valve should be installed. You can also put a mixer, but a regular mixer is not suitable for these purposes, you need a special mixer for columns. Its use eliminates the need to regularly monitor heating.
For a family of three, the estimated capacity of the water heater is usually 120-150 liters per hour at a water temperature of 40 °C.
Do-it-yourself shower production
With a great desire and the use of a little ingenuity, you can make expensive equipment for a summer residence on your own, even without the appropriate experience.
The best option for self-production would be to use a plastic barrel as a heated container for a summer shower. Its advantage is that it is quite light and also easy to install.
To begin with, the shower barrel must be made functional.This can be done by installing a crane at the bottom of the barrel. First you need to drill a hole for the thread. A crane must be inserted into it. In order to ensure a uniform flow of water, special nozzles are installed on the faucet.
To pour water into such a tank, you can use two methods. The first method is to pour water using a ladder through the top of the lid. The second involves the installation of special equipment. A closed hole is made in the upper part of the barrel, through which water enters the barrel through the installed hose. But this option needs an investment of money, since it is necessary to buy a pump and all additional equipment for it. On the other hand, this option is much easier, since water will be supplied automatically.
It is also important that such a shower cabin is harmonized with the exterior of the site. It can be decorated in any convenient way: from finishing with ordinary lining to hand-drawn patterns.