Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

Purpose and principle of operation of the filter well

The filter well is used as a natural wastewater purifier. It is used in the absence of sewerage and the ability to bring domestic water into a reservoir intended for such waste.

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

The picture explains the operation of such a well

The domestic water treatment system is quite simple.

Water from the house enters the septic tank or sump, where some of the heavy particles settle. Partially purified water is discharged through a pipe into a container.

A filter well for a septic tank is used not only as a place for water drainage, but also as an additional filter, where the last stage of cleaning ends and the liquid is sucked into the ground. If the volume of household waste is not more than 1 cubic meter per day, then a cleaning tank is mounted on the site as an independent structure. Otherwise, it performs the function of water treatment.

The structure is mounted at a distance of 30 meters from the source of drinking water.

Installing a filter well

First of all, it should be noted that the cleaning well is only suitable for certain types of soil.

Sandy soil, peat, loose rock soil, which contain some clay, are an excellent place for the full functioning of the natural filter. A filter well in clay will not fully fulfill its functions, since clay, by its very nature, does not pass water very well. For soils that poorly cleanse and absorb liquid, there are other ways to purify water.

In addition, the soil also affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure and its service life. The efficiency of the filter is achieved due to the depth of groundwater, which should be half a meter lower than the well bottom.

Advice. A filter well with a high level of groundwater should not be installed, since the water will not be able to be absorbed into the ground. It is also worth considering the depth of soil freezing in winter.

The filter well consists of:

  • overlaps;
  • walls (concrete, brick, tires, plastic barrels);
  • bottom filter (crushed stone, brick, slag, gravel);

Under the bottom filter is meant a mound at the bottom with a height of about a meter. Large particles are placed in the middle, and small ones along the perimeter.

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

An example of a stone bottom filter

Waste water is in a septic tank before it enters the treatment tank. Then it moves through the pipe to the well.

The distance between the septic tank and the filter well should be 20 cm.

The walls for the well can be a barrel, brick, stone, standard concrete rings and tires. The main thing is that they have holes with a diameter of up to 10 cm and are staggered.

The filter container must be equipped with a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. Above ground level, the pipe must be at a height of about a meter.

The standard dimensions of modern filter tanks are 2 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep. They are built square or round in shape. A few years after the start of operation of the sewage filter and the appearance of the first problems, everyone asks himself the question of how to restore the filtration of the filter well.

And stops letting water into the ground. To slow down this process, experts recommend installing several water septic tanks. And in case of strong silting, call the car a sewer.

We make such a well from improvised means: from bricks and tires

To install a filter well, a large pit is dug out of brick. The formwork is installed and lined with bricks. The stone lies at a short distance. A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the tank. And the top is closed with a wooden or plastic lid.

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

Example of a well from used tires

A cheap and affordable option is to create a filter well from tires. Most often, automobile and tractor tires are selected for this purpose. Such a structure is not durable, but it can serve for more than 10 years for the benefit of the environment.

The process of arranging the container is quite simple.

At the beginning, a hole is dug along the diameter of the tires and covered with rubble about 30 cm thick. The remains of brick and slag are also suitable. In addition, the space between the tires is filled with rubble. A hole for the pipe is cut in the top tire. To ensure waterproofing from the outside, tires are wrapped in dense polyethylene or roofing material.

The installation of a filter well is a must for any country house where there is no central sewerage system. This will help protect groundwater from contamination by hazardous chemical particles.

The video shows the process of building a filter well. Be sure to check it out.

How to make a filtration well

Absorption wells can be built from baked bricks or rubble, but their construction requires considerable effort. Therefore, more often the walls of the well are made of reinforced concrete rings. Today, plastic structures are also widely used. You can make them yourself from plastic pipes or buy ready-made ones.

Option number 1 - brick construction

The brick structure can be either round or square. Usually round wells are built, which are most convenient to use. The structure for filtering sewage should be deepened into the ground by 2.5 meters, with a diameter of not more than 2 x 2 meters.

The pit is dug in such a way that between the ground and the outer walls of the well there will be a layer of crushed stone, gravel or broken brick up to 40 cm thick. The height of the backfill is one meter. The walls at the level of the filter must be water-permeable.

To do this, at a height of one meter, the masonry is not made solid, but with small holes ranging in size from 2 to 5 cm. They must be staggered. After the construction of the structure, crushed stone or gravel is poured into the crack.

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

During the construction of the well, it is necessary to make cracks in the masonry for the exit of purified water into the ground

At the bottom of the structure, a filter layer of crushed stone or gravel is backfilled to a height of one meter. In this case, large fractions of the material are placed below, small ones - above. The hole for the pipe through which the effluents from the septic tank will flow is made in such a way that water flows in a stream from a height of 40-60 cm.

A plastic sheet must be laid in the place where water flows to prevent the filter from washing out. From above, the structure is closed with a lid or hatch with a diameter of 70 cm. It is also necessary to make a ventilation pipe with a cross section of 10 cm in the well. It should rise 50-70 cm above the ground.

You will find step-by-step instructions for building a brick drain pit.

Image Gallery

Option number 3 - a well from old tires

The most inexpensive way to make a filter well is to make one from used tires. This design can filter the sewage of a family of three. Basically, such a well is made in suburban areas, since in winter the rubber freezes and the vital activity of bacteria slows down, and at very low temperatures it stops altogether.

The well is made very simply - the tires are installed one on top of the other and fastened together with plastic clamps. Joints are coated with sealant. All other structural elements are made in the same order as in wells made of other materials.

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

Scheme of installation of an absorption well from old car tires. The number of tires is calculated based on their size and the required depth of the well

Option number 4 - plastic filter containers

Today you can buy ready-made plastic filter wells equipped with everything necessary for effective wastewater treatment. Of course, they cost a lot, but they are reliable, convenient, easy to install and maintain. There are many manufacturers of such equipment on the market.

For example, the Russian company POLEX-FC, whose products received good consumer ratings. Filter wells are produced in different volumes (from 1200x1500 to 2000x3000 mm), which allows you to choose a product based on the daily water consumption in an individual household.

Tanks are made of corrosion-resistant durable plastic, shaft walls are made of primary polyethylene. The lower compartment of the tank is covered with biofilm and filled with a filter layer of crushed stone, gravel and slag.

How to make a well from old tires you will learn from the following video:

Filtering facilities perform a very important function - they provide effective wastewater treatment and do not let dirty untreated water into the ground, which, when it enters the soil, causes significant harm to the environment.

A filtration well is not so difficult to make on your own, but if you do not want to mess with its arrangement and you have the financial ability, you can buy a ready-made plastic well.


See how the process of arranging a filtration well goes:

The design of the well can be arbitrary, but one condition must be met - compliance with the task of ensuring water filtration, which can come with varying intensity.

To select the most appropriate type of treatment plant in specific conditions, a number of circumstances should be taken into account, including: the presence of an aquifer, the presence of a conventional well, and the type of soil. PICTURE 1 illustrates the design of the filter well, as well as the standards that should be taken into account when deepening.

In some cases, certain circumstances do not allow equipping a filter well, but if subjective and objective conditions favor the use of this cleaning element, it would be quite logical to ask in which side of the site it is preferable to place it. So, you can easily arrange a filter system with your own hands on soils suitable for filtration, among them: sandy, sandy loam, peat.

Image 1. The design of the filter well.

When trying to build such a filter in clay soil, there is a possibility that the system will not take root there. The filtration area is also important for the filter well, which can be equal to an indicator in the range of 1.5 m², which is true for sandy loam, and 3 m² for sand. The larger the filtering area of ​​the system, the longer its service life will be. IMAGE 2 shows how the walls of the well can be laid using bricks.

In order for the filtering well to be able to fully cope with the assigned tasks, it must be located in a section where it is below the level on which the filtering bottom is located, which is a pillow made of crushed stone. In this case, the distance from the bottom to the water should be at least 0.5 m. The base of the system should be 1 m above the groundwater level. If the territory is characterized by a high groundwater level, in this case it is preferable to refuse to install a filter well.

Do-it-yourself installation of a filter well for sewerage video

  • wheelbarrow;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw for wood and metal;
  • roulette.
  • Organization of the access road
    . Having chosen a place for such a treatment device, it is necessary to provide an access road to it. Over time, a lot of silt forms at the bottom of its structure, and the filter ceases to cope with its purpose. In this case, you can not do without the help of a sewage machine.
  • Digging out a pit
    . If reinforced concrete rings are used for the shaft walls, then the process involves first installing the first ring. Then you need to dig from the inside of the ring, throwing the earth out. The ring will gradually sink into the ground under the influence of its mass. After the first ring has sunk underground to its full height, bricks are laid, in which holes are provided in a checkerboard pattern. After that, the next ring is installed and digging of the pit continues.
  • Pipe installation
    . Through it, wastewater leaving the septic tank will flow to the filter. It should be placed 10 cm above the bottom filter under a slope.
  • Arrangement of the filter pad
    . For the bottom filter, the center is filled with: gravel, expanded clay, slag of large fractions, and its smaller particles near the walls. At a level of 15 cm from the bottom filter, a hole is made to the septic tank.
  • Overlap installation
    . It can be used as a plastic cover of a suitable diameter or a home-made wooden round ceiling. If the filtration device is used all year round, then it makes sense to provide for the installation of two covers, between which a gap will be made. In this space, it will be necessary to distribute the insulation in the form of mineral wool or a foam sheet. In order to make it convenient to check the condition if necessary, a closing hatch should be provided inside the filtration device, the diameter of which should be at least 70 cm.

After digging and arranging the mine, it is covered with a large layer of earth. In order not to spoil the landscape view of the site, this place must be decorated in any way you like.

The environmental trend is gaining momentum. Few people think about the fact that the wastewater leaving the house should be passed through a filter.

The release of dirty domestic water into the ground is strictly prohibited by the legislation of many countries.

To do this, it is advised to dig and install cleansing underground fields, trenches and wells. The choice of structure depends on the condition of the soil and the depth of fresh water deposits.

Often the owners of suburban areas prefer filter wells. They are efficient and easier to install. In addition to solving problems with polluted drains, filtering wells for storm sewers are being equipped.

Their goal is to free the site from excess fluid, which was formed as a result of heavy rains and melting snow. Most often, such containers are constructed from plastic and reinforced concrete.

The essence of structures

At its core, a septic tank is a well that collects or treats domestic wastewater in the absence of a centralized sewer system in private homes and suburban areas. The principle of its operation is based on gravitational settling and post-treatment by biological methods using bioenzyme-based products.

In addition, soil filtration is widely used, both natural and forced. On the territory of the Russian Federation, when designing and constructing septic tanks, the Code of Rules 32.13330.2012 “Updated version of SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures”.

When designing your own sewer system, it is very important to correctly determine the place where you can dig a well. A number of quite natural requirements are imposed on the placement of a septic tank, which makes it possible to exclude contamination of drinking water, close groundwater, contamination of a residential area, i.e.

aimed at ensuring sanitary safety.

First of all, strict standards are established that determine the minimum distance from the septic tank to vital facilities. The following requirements must be observed:

  • the distance from the septic tank to the well with drinking water is 50 m;
  • to a residential building - 5 m;
  • to an open-type reservoir - 30 m;
  • to the garden (fruit trees) - 4 m;
  • to the road - 4 m.

The most important characteristic of septic tanks is volume. It is usually set at the rate of 200 liters of wastewater per inhabitant per day. Naturally, the total volume is calculated by multiplying this norm by the number of residents, and with permanent residence of people in the house, it is recommended to increase the planned volume of wells by 20%. Most of the useful volume should fall on the first section of the device (up to 75%). A well for a septic tank should not be placed in a lowland, because. there is a risk of replenishment of the tank due to the influx of sedimentary or melt water.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

A septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings will help solve the problem with the sewerage of private houses. Its turnkey cost is much cheaper than plastic analogues. The service life of such a septic tank is practically unlimited. In addition, this is an autonomous structure that requires only timely pumping of waste.

In the process of settling domestic wastewater, silt accumulates at the bottom of the receiving well. If it is not timely eliminated, then siltation of the drainage well is possible, which will lead to the overflow of the septic tank. We recommend pumping out waste at least once every two years, as well as using bioadditives for septic tanks and cesspools.

How do we calculate the necessary septic tank in Ecovel

  • We take into account the number of people who will use the sewer
  • Specify the seasonality of residence on the site

The volume of one ring with a meter diameter and a height of 0.8 meters is 0.63 m3.

For one person with regular residence, a volume of 0.6 m3 is required. These data serve as a guideline for choosing the configuration of the septic tank.

With permanent residence on the site, we recommend installing a concrete septic tank of three sections.

The main options for septic tanks

At Ecovel, we can draw up a septic tank scheme individually for you.

The price of a septic tank includes: material, delivery to the place of work within 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road, unloading, digging shafts, installation of rings, covers, overflows, concreting the bottom, rolling rings up to 20 meters.

Features of installing a septic tank

  • The distance from the receiving well of the septic tank to the place where sewage is discharged should be between 5 and 20 meters. An increase in this distance entails a decrease in the effective volume of a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings.
  • According to operational standards, the working volume of the septic tank intake well should be 3 times the maximum possible daily volume of sewage discharge.
  • If the groundwater level on your site is located at a depth of less than 1 m from the surface of the earth, a septic tank made of concrete rings is unlikely to solve the sewage problem.
  • In most areas of the Moscow region, there is no need for our construction team to live. But if there is such an opportunity, this will reduce the construction time of a septic tank from reinforced concrete rings.
  • Delivery of rings is carried out by the manipulator. Therefore, it is required that special equipment be able to reach the site at least within 50 m from the installation site of the septic tank

Close sample estimate

Rings KS10-8 (5 pcs) 10000 rub
Lids PPL10-1 (2 pcs) 8000 rub
Installation of rings KS10-8 (5 pcs) 12000 rub
Mounting the cover PPL10-1 (2 pcs) 1800 rub
Bottom concreting 1500 rub
Overflow installation 1700 rub
TOTAL: 35000 rub

See all prices

Call and consult now

We will select the right version of a septic tank for your home or summer cottage, tell you about the advantages of various options and how the work goes.

Main types

There are several types of sewer filtering structures that operate on a similar principle, but differ in scope.Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

  • The drainage type of the well is used as an addition to a complex drain system - an underground perforated pipeline. The well serves to drain water from buildings and land, and also filters silt and sand, allowing the water to be purified for draining, for example, into a reservoir.
  • To clean the septic tank, an additional filtration well is used, which has a thick filtration cushion (at least 60 cm, preferably 1 meter) from several layers: sand, crushed stone, broken brick, waste slag.
  • For open sewers. Such wells are also called viewing wells. The owners get the opportunity to visually control the degree of filling of the well. The filter material is located at the bottom. In the case of a rapid filling of the well, its contents can be pumped out with a pump.

Design principles

A septic tank is a sealed container consisting of several sections. The single-section option is used extremely rarely; the most common designs include two or three sections.

Two-section septic tanks are used with a flow volume of up to 10 m³ / day, and three-chamber septic tanks - over 10 m³ / day. As a rule, all sections are combined into one common body (metal, plastic or concrete), but a separate version is also possible.

Each section (chamber) performs specific functions. The first compartment directly enters the sewer drain. In this zone, rough cleaning of the waste liquid is provided - gravitational sedimentation and mechanical filters. In other words, in section 1, large and heavy sewage precipitates under its own weight and is filtered out by the mesh. At the bottom, silt is gradually formed from such components.

The second chamber is considered an anaerobic reactor. It decomposes compounds that have arisen under the action of detergents, personal care products, and various organics of natural origin. Catalysts may be added to speed up the reaction. Section 3 of the septic tank plays the role of final treatment, where the final clarification of wastewater is provided.

Here, with the gravitational settling of suspended particles, a degree of purification of more than 62% is achieved. All sections are interconnected and have shut-off equipment that does not allow the return of the flow. In the two-section version of the septic tank, the second chamber is excluded.

  1. Filtration well. At the bottom of the last section, a natural filter is formed from layers of sand and gravel. The construction of such a system is permitted provided that the depth of groundwater exceeds the depth of the septic tank by at least 1 m, while the lower filter layer must be at least 50 cm above the water reservoir. This is the only way to ensure reliable soil post-treatment of runoff.
  2. Filtration trench. If the groundwater rises high or the soil is clayey, then it is impossible to deepen the well, and the discharge from the last septic tank occurs in the upper layers of the soil. In order to ensure filtration even under such conditions, it is necessary to increase the filter area, which is achieved by forming a closed trench. It can be dug in an open way with a length of up to 10-15 m from the wells. Sand and gravel are laid at the bottom along the entire length, ensuring a gradual return of runoff to the soil.
  3. Filter field or soaking trench. This design is formed from a system of drainage pipes, i.e. perforated pipes. They cover a significant area to ensure drip discharge. The filter field is being equipped with increased sanitary requirements.

When designing septic wells, the following basic requirements are put forward:

  1. The first section must have the required volume and complete tightness, excluding the ingress of sewage into the soil. The sewer inlet is located at the top of the tank, while the outlet is located at the bottom of the section, but above the sedimentary sludge. At the exit, a grid is installed to trap large particles.
  2. In the second section, gaseous decomposition products of wastewater accumulate, therefore, in addition to complete tightness from the soil, care should also be taken to isolate the hatch area.To reduce the dangerous concentration of pathogenic microorganisms, antiseptics and specific compounds with beneficial microorganisms, in particular methanogenic bacteria, are introduced into this chamber.
  3. The last chamber must ensure the discharge of treated effluent into the soil, that is, it must have a filtration system.

Septic well do-it-yourself what it is and types

Do-it-yourself septic well short description, device

The arrangement of an individual sewerage system in a private area involves not only laying pipes from the house to the cesspool. Let's say more, it is the pit itself that does not have a place to be on the site.

Since the location of such an object is prohibited by the norms of SNIP, SES authorities and, by the way, is considered a criminal offense in Russia. Since sewage, feeding the soil, can freely seep into aquifers located high. As a result, there is a risk of contamination of water taken from the horizon.

In addition, sewage can get into nearby water bodies, and simply bother you and your neighbors with unpleasant ambergris.

In this case, a septic tank is urgently needed on the site. What this system is, we understand below.

A septic tank is a local wastewater treatment system, which is mounted at a given point in the site (most often at the bottom).

Septic wells look like huge chambers, divided into three sections by special partitions with a water seal.

There are holes on both sides of the tank, one of which is the inlet, and the second is the outlet. The cover of such a septic tank with a well is monolithic and has inspection hatches.

How a septic tank works

A septic tank is a local wastewater treatment system, which is mounted at a given point in the site (most often at the bottom)

A well for a septic tank works to treat domestic wastewater and to divert treated water into the ground. The system works like this:

  • Domestic wastewater with admixtures of feces, possible household waste (cleanings, small crumbs, etc.), as well as household chemicals, are discharged through the sewer pipe into the first chamber of the septic tank well. There, the liquid settles, after which heavy debris settles to the bottom of the sand, lighter debris remains on the surface of the water, forming a film.
  • Further, through a hole with a water seal, separated from debris and settled water enters the second chamber of the septic tank well. Here, under the influence of bacteria, water decomposes into gas, which is removed through the duct, and, in fact, water, which is already devoid of harmful compounds.
  • After that, the purified water is sent to the third chamber, which has wells for the septic tank. Here, through a special drainage system, water purified from harmful compounds seeps into the ground and is removed by self-propelled.

Important: all septic tanks and wells for treatment purposes require regular pumping of settled debris and feces from the first chamber. Only in this case the tank will be ready to receive a large amount of domestic wastewater.

Types of septic tanks

A home-made septic tank and a well can be driven out with your own hands from improvised means (concrete, concrete rings, used tires of heavy vehicles)

If you want to build wells for a septic tank on the site with your own hands, then you need to know that such a structure can be of two types:

  • Factory - with a built-in anaerobic treatment system, simply with a fan);
  • Homemade - such a septic tank and a well can be driven out with your own hands from improvised means (concrete, concrete rings, used tires of heavy vehicles).

And if everything is clear with the first option (that is, to install it, you only need to dig a pit and connect sewer pipes to it), then we consider the principle of arranging a septic tank in a well with our own hands in more detail.


