Method 1. Installing the toilet on a tile with bolts.
As part of this method, the installation of a toilet bowl on a tiled floor is carried out by bolting. The advantage of this method is that the toilet is easy to dismantle without damaging the product itself or the cladding, and it is also easy to put it back or replace it with a similar model in case some kind of trouble happened to the old one.
The toilet is placed in the place where it is planned to be mounted and with a pencil, through the bolt holes, marks are made on the tile. Marks must be placed strictly in the center of the holes so that the bolts after drilling lie exactly in the holes.
Next, the toilet is removed and in the places marked with a pencil, holes are drilled in the tiled floor to accommodate the dowels. For drilling tiles and concrete, various drills are used.
Attention! How to properly drill a tile on a wall or floor so that it does not crack is described in detail in our article - “How to drill a tile”. After the holes are drilled, they are cleaned of dust and filled with silicone, which will perform the task of waterproofing.
Then dowels are inserted into the holes and a toilet bowl is placed. A silicone sealant is applied along the contour of the toilet bowl, which will prevent moisture from entering under the product. Then it's up to the small - we insert the bushings into the drilled holes and tighten the screws
After the holes are drilled, they are cleaned of dust and filled with silicone, which will perform the task of waterproofing. Then dowels are inserted into the holes and a toilet bowl is placed. A silicone sealant is applied along the contour of the toilet bowl, which will prevent moisture from entering under the product. Further, the matter is small - we insert bushings into the drilled holes and tighten the screws.
If excess silicone has come out from under the base of the toilet, we remove them with a rubber spatula.
The procedure for installing a toilet in an open way
This method requires less time and effort, but loses to the second (closed) method in terms of aesthetics. The toilet bowl must be placed in the intended place of permanent location and, using a pencil, make marks on the tile in the holes that are intended for fastening
It is important that the pencil is strictly vertical, because. otherwise, the marks may shift and you will make holes that do not fit the mounting bolts
In addition to marks for fastening, it is necessary to circle the contour of the base of the product on the tile. After that, it is necessary to move the toilet to the side and drill holes in the places of the pencil marks.
Scheme of connecting the toilet to the sewer.
First, with the help of a core, the glaze on the tile is scratched so that the drill does not slip on it. First you need to use a glass drill to go through the tiles. After that, a concrete drill should be inserted into the puncher or drill and a hole of the required depth should be drilled, depending on the size of the purchased dowels. The finished hole must be cleaned of dust and filled with silicone sealant, which in this case acts as a waterproofing, preventing water from entering under the base of the product. Dowels should be inserted into the holes filled with sealant.
Before fixing the toilet on the tile, apply a strip of sealant along the previously outlined contour of the product, which will prevent water from penetrating under the base of the toilet. Fasteners should be inserted into the mounting holes: bushings, screws or bolts - and tightened to the required position. The attachment points can be closed with plugs to give the product an aesthetic appearance and to protect the fasteners from moisture. Excess silicone that has come out should be removed with a rubber spatula or some other improvised means.
How to properly install a toilet on silicone
There is quite an active discussion on the construction forums about how to install a toilet on silicone, and whether it is worth it. Both opponents and followers of this opinion are enough. In fact, the toilet will stick, and it can even be used for its intended purpose, but silicone is designed specifically for sealing joints, and therefore its strength in a frozen state leaves much to be desired. It is more suitable for cases such as the need to seal a crack in the toilet. to prevent further destruction.
If there is no certainty that the toilet will be used carefully, and with young children it is simply impossible to be sure, it is better to choose a special adhesive for plumbing and accessories. It is not every day that a situation arises when, for example, you need to stand on the toilet with your feet, but if it is necessary, then silicone will not withstand such a load.
As practice shows, installing a toilet bowl without bolts is less time-consuming compared to installation work to install a toilet bowl using special fasteners. Moreover, if there is no drill or a special drill to make holes, then the glue allows you to quickly and efficiently install plumbing. The glue will dry in 12 hours, and the toilet can be used. With careful operation of plumbing, there is no difference in fasteners, so the method of fastening the pedestal must be chosen individually.
Tips of the masters
Experts advise placing the toilet (if possible) at a minimum distance from the sewer socket, since in this case the corrugation stretches less and, therefore, sags less. A stretched pipe deforms, deposits accumulate on its walls, which pull it down - this leads to potential blockages. There are cases when it is impossible to dismantle a sanitary appliance. In this case, you can simply cut off the old plastic pipe with a knife and replace it with a new one.
Some disadvantages of a corrugated toilet pipe should be noted: it is easy to damage it from the outside and from the inside. In the first case, this can occur from any mechanical impact, and in the second case, from a sharp object flushed into the toilet, such as a piece of glass. Despite the fact that plastic is considered resistant to aggressive environments, exposure to various chemicals that are part of cleaning products still destroy it over time. From an aesthetic point of view, the corrugation does not look very beautiful, because unpleasant deposits inside are visible through its walls.
Features of silicone-based sealants
Liquid silicone rubber, known to the consumer as silicone sealant, is a one-component agent for the most effective protection of seams, cracks and joints. It is divided into two types:
Acetic or acidic
Refers to construction products of a low price category. During application, a sour smell may be felt. The disadvantage of such a substance is that it cannot be applied to aluminum, marble products and materials that react with acetic components.
They contain alcohol, oxide and other impurities that make the substance more durable. Applicable to any materials, but the price of such a sealant is higher.
Allocate separately sanitary silicone sealant, ideal for sealing joints in residential areas. It does not contain any additives that could impair the performance of the product. When dried, the shrinkage coefficient is only 2%. This indicates that the treated sutures will remain well sealed for a long time.
And also it can be used as a retainer for moving parts and as a substrate for plumbing. Toilets are often installed on this type of sealant, mounted on an already tiled floor or wall (as is the case with suspended ones).
What is a sealant
For grouting joints and plugging various cracks, cement mortars were previously used. As practice has shown, their durability and resistance to moisture and various kinds of microorganisms is far from ideal. Therefore, in modern construction, only products of the chemical industry are used, which have received the generalized name of sealants.
Such tools are used to work with a variety of surfaces:
- tree;
- concrete;
- brick;
- tile;
- plastic;
- metal;
- faience and more.
Sealants are used for both external and internal work. Their use directly depends on the purpose of the product and the active components included in the composition.
Right choice
On sale you can find silicone sealant in a tube, in cartridges or in the form of a spray. The most common is the first storage method, but to extract the substance from the package, you must additionally purchase a special construction gun.
In the process of choosing a means for sealing plumbing in a bathroom or bathroom, it is imperative to pay attention to the composition and direct purpose of the product.
There are white and colored products on sale, since the sealant should not stand out against the background of the processed objects. After uncorking the package, the substance retains its properties for only a few days, so you should try to use it completely in 2-3 days.
When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
Intact packaging
If there is even the slightest crack in the package body, the substance can harden and dry out. It can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
Place of purchase
Give preference to large hardware stores. Do not take any repair supplies from small stalls or the market.
Remember that choosing the right product is half the battle.