What is the length of the faucet spout
What are spouts (ganders) for faucets? What should you pay attention to when choosing? What materials are modern faucets made of? What is the length of the faucet spout, its height and width? We have tried our best to answer these and other questions.
Types of spouts
First of all, there are static and rotary models. Devices of the first type are stationary. On the one hand, this is not very convenient, on the other hand, such structures are more durable. Such ganders are usually installed in cases where it is not necessary to operate the tap at the same time for both the sink and the water supply to the bath.
If there is such a need, use a swivel spout for the mixer. What it is? Such models can be moved along a certain trajectory due to the presence of a movable mechanism. The downside is that this particular structural element is a weak link that reduces the life of the crane.
Depending on the method of production, spouts are:
- tubular;
- soldered;
- cast.
These ganders are the most sought after due to their affordable cost. They are made by bending metal tubes. At the end, which is attached to the body, there are grooves. They put a split plastic ring with two rubber bands.
It acts as a stop for the union nut. Rubber bands seal the connection, limiting "unauthorized" water movement. In some versions, they are not limited to one ring, adding a thin plastic gasket, although this does not make much sense.
The other end of the tube is threaded for an aerator.
The advantage of these spouts compared to tubular spouts is the variety of shapes, but they are more expensive. A plastic ring with rubber bands is put on the nipple here.
The latter is screwed into the body, after which a crane is inserted into it and fastened with a nut or screw. Nuts for the nipple and aerator are soldered into the ends of the product.
Unlike the production of tubular models, the metal blank is not only bent, but also inflated. Thus, ganders with an uneven diameter are obtained.
This is the most expensive option. The body is cast as a monolith, threads for the aerator and nipple are cut at the ends. Such structures are easily distinguished by solid gravity. Such stopcocks are made of brass LS-59.
Brazed and tubular products are produced either from cheaper brass or from metal alloys, which are much inferior in their physical and technical characteristics. Chrome is most often used as a coating, expensive models can be finished with exquisite decorative materials.
Popular brands: Jacob Delafon, Blanco, Hansgrohe, IDDIS, Lemark, Grohe.
Main settings
When choosing a spout for your faucet, be sure to take into account parameters such as height and length. The ease of use directly depends on them.
The height of the faucet spout is an indicator that displays the shortest distance between the base of the body and the hole from which water comes out.
Low (up to 15 cm) and medium (15-25 cm) faucets are preferable in cases where the sink is used exclusively for washing and brushing your teeth. They go well with shallow and flat bowls.
The length of the faucet spout is the total distance between the extreme points of the product. This parameter can range from 3.2 to 51 cm. A long tap is appropriate if there is a wide sink.
When a powerful jet constantly hits the walls of the washbasin, plaque will quickly form on them. Ideally, it should fall exactly on the drain valve.
With a short gander, on the contrary, a narrow shell is preferable.
spout selection
The answer to the question of how to choose the spout length of a basin faucet depends largely on where the device is installed. In the kitchen, it is preferable to use high taps to increase the space for washing dishes.
If you need a universal model for washbasin and bathtub, get a long swivel gooseneck. If the product is going to be used only for the sink, take a fixed short spout, installing it directly on the bowl.
You can do the same with the bath faucet.
Attention should be paid to the installation of the mixer
If you want originality, you can purchase a cascade-shaped gander. Its main difference from classic tubular faucets is a flat and wide spout.
Thanks to this design, filling the most capacious bath takes a matter of minutes. But such spouts are much more expensive than traditional ones.
Interesting models: Hansgrohe Axor Massaud 18453000, Grohe Grohtherm Cube 34497000, Jacob Delafon Toobi E8963-BN.
Buy Russian-made spouts for faucets in bulk Tubular, brazed, cast, high, low, brass
A spout for a mixer is called a spout for a mixer or a gander for a mixer. Spouts for faucets differ in appearance, design, method of use, materials. The manufacturer of faucets and engineering plumbing Profsan offers to buy spouts for faucets in bulk.
Spouts for mixers by design can be of three main types.
- tubular,
- brazed,
- cast.
Tubular spouts
Tubular spouts for faucets are the most common and simple type of spout. It is used for faucets in the kitchen and bathroom.
The tubular spout has its own characteristics. At the end of the spout, which is attached to the body, there are 2 threads for rubber bands, as well as a split ring.
The latter fixes the spout and is a stop for the nut that connects the tubular spout and the mixer body. The purpose of the rubber bands is to fix the spout and prevent water from entering past the hole.
The diameter of the spout tube and the hole in the body is 18-19 mm
It is important to remember that it is worth buying tubular spouts of exactly the same production of faucets and the brand to which the case belongs. If you bought a Russian-made Profsan faucet, then you must also order a Profsan spout to the faucet
At the same time, it is desirable that the models also coincide.
Brazed spouts
Brazed spouts for faucets are more complex in design compared to tubular spouts. Another element is added - a nipple. It is he who is screwed into the body of the mixer, and the spout is already attached to it. The brazed spout itself does not have plastic and rubber rings. All of them are attached to the nipple. The spout is also attached to the nipple with a nut. The nuts for the aerator and the nipple are soldered into the spout itself.
Brazed faucet spouts are usually more expensive than tubular spouts.
Cast spouts
Cast spouts are the most expensive. They require more time and labor to produce. The body of the mixer is poured entirely and without soldering. There is only a thread for the nipple and aerator.
The wall thickness of the mixer spout is 3 mm. Cast faucets can be easily recognized by their weight. They are quite heavy.
low spout
Low faucet spouts are used in bathroom faucets. At the same time, the spout is curved perpendicular to the ground surface at the points of attachment to the body and where the aerator is attached. For the rest, the low spout is poetically called low - it is horizontal. low spout characteristic - length. Low spouts are found in both two-valve bathroom faucets and single-lever ones.
A low spout is usually used to prevent water splashing.
high spout
Sink mixers most often have a high spout. The exception is the kitchen wall-mounted faucet. A high spout is characterized by height. Often at the base of the spout, it is straight and gradually bends to the place where the aerator is attached - the spout.A typical example of a tall spout in a herringbone faucet.
The high spout makes it easy to use the sink or washbasin. Due to the height of the spout, there is enough space for various work in the area of the sink.
Spout material for faucets
Spouts for mixers Profsan are made of brass, which guarantees their quality and long service life. Brass spouts are resistant to corrosion. Spouts are covered with nickel and chrome on top.
Cast brass spouts of mixers Profsan are poured from brass LS-59. Other types of brass spouts of brass mixers LS-63 or LS 68, depending on the model.
Profsan offers high quality bathroom and kitchen spouts at competitive prices. Available with low spout for faucet, high spout, top spout and other types of faucet spouts. Full compliance with Russian standards.
Also in the presence of Russian faucets wholesale and engineering plumbing wholesale in Moscow and regions of Russia.
Spout type and height
Spout in faucets experts call the part that ordinary users call the "gander". This is a tube from which water flows. There are different types and sizes:
- straight;
- curved;
- with retractable flexible spout.
If straight and curved are the usual varieties, then kitchen faucets with a pull-out spout have appeared more recently. In them, the "gander" consists of two parts, which are interconnected using a flexible hose. This type of faucet is also called "with a watering can" or "with a shower."
Pull-out kitchen faucets
The hose is made of elastic rubber. On top there can be a protective braid made of stainless steel or corrugated pipe (also made of stainless steel). If necessary, you just need to pull the lower part - the spout is extended by 60-90 cm (different models have different lengths). Convenient fixture, but more common on expensive models.
How high and how far
With the height of the spout, you need to find a middle ground - if the water flows from a great height, there will be a lot of splashes, if the spout is low - there will be problems with washing large pots, cans, etc. The optimal distance from the day of washing to the “gander” horse from which water flows is in the region of 30-40 cm. Based on these figures, it is necessary to select a faucet model for the kitchen sink. For deep washing, a low faucet may also be suitable, and for a tank of shallow depth, a higher one will be required.
Should be comfortable to use
To choose the right kitchen faucet, you need to find its spout in such a shape that water flows approximately above the center of the sink. Permissible error - plus or minus 10% of the size of the sink. In this case, it will be convenient to use.
Nozzle design
This is the part from which water flows directly. Usually it is equipped with a mesh for "catching" large mechanical inclusions. If you have water filters at the entrance, this mesh does not play any role at all. More important is the type of jet that forms the nozzle:
- The usual jet without disassembling into streams. Today, this type of faucet is not common - the water consumption is large.
- Aerator. Lots of small jets, creating a feeling of intense flow due to the admixture of a large number of small air bubbles. The most economical option - consumption is reduced by 20-35%.
Rain. A few trickles, but without strong pressure. It is convenient to wash herbs, delicate fruits, etc.
Most often, a kitchen faucet is equipped with an aerator, but there are models that have two modes of operation - aeration and rain. The modes are switched by turning the lever.
Spout for faucet Aquarius, 35 cm
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How to choose a faucet spout
Types of spouts
It should be said right away that there are rotary and static models.Devices of the first type are stationary. On the one hand, this is not very convenient, but on the other hand, such structures are more durable. Typically, such ganders are mounted in cases where there is no need to use a tap to draw water into the bathtub and for the sink.
If there is such a need, use a rotary spout model for the mixer. What does she represent? Such models can be moved along a certain trajectory as a result of the presence of a damaged mechanism. The disadvantage is that it is such a structural element that acts as a weak link, which reduces the duration of the operation of the crane.
Depending on the production technology, spouts are:
Let's look at each type in more detail.
Compared to tubular ones, their advantage lies in the variety of shapes, but their cost is also higher. A plastic ring with rubber bands is put on the nipple with an elastic band.
The latter is unscrewed into the body, and then a crane is inserted into it and fixed with a screw or nut. At the end of the product, nuts for the aerator and nipple are soldered.
Unlike the manufacture of tubular models, the metal blank is not only bent, but also inflated. So, ganders are obtained, having an uneven diameter.
Such ganders are the most sought after as a result of their worthy cost. They are produced by bending special metal tubes. At the end that joins the body, there are grooves. A split plastic ring with two elastic bands is installed in them.
The function of the stop for the union nut falls on it. They seal the connection, eliminating "unauthorized" movement of water. One ring in some versions is not limited by adding a plastic gasket, although this does not make much sense.
The other end of the tube is equipped with a threaded aerator.
Tubular and brazed products are made either from metal alloys or from cheaper brass, but such materials are much inferior in terms of physical and technical characteristics. Most often, chrome is used as a coating; expensive models are often finished with chic decorative materials. Popular brands: Blanco, Hansgrohe, Jacob Delafon, Lemark, Grohe, IDDIS.
Main characteristics
When choosing a faucet spout, you need to consider indicators such as length and height. It is on them that the ease of use depends.
The height of the faucet spout is an indicator that displays the shortest distance between the hole and the base of the body from which water comes out. Medium (15-25 cm) and low (up to 15 cm) taps are best used in cases where the sink is used only for brushing teeth and washing. They go well with flat and shallow bowls.
A high gander allows you to solve many more tasks, for example, to draw water into bulk containers. Such spouts require a fairly deep washbasin, otherwise water splashes will scatter around the room.
The length of the spout is the total distance between the ends of the faucet. This indicator can range from 3.2 to 51 cm. A long tap is used if there is a wide sink. When the jet constantly hits the walls of the washbasin, plaque will form on them. Ideally, it should exactly fall on the drain valve. With a short gander, a narrow shell is preferable.
spout selection
Many do not know how to choose the length of the spout for the sink mixer. This indicator largely depends on where exactly the plumbing device is installed. In the kitchen, it is better to use high taps, which will increase the space intended for washing dishes.
If you need a universal model for bath and washbasin, buy a long swivel gooseneck.If you plan to use the product only for the sink, use a short, fixed spout by installing it directly on the bowl. The same can be done with models of bath faucets.
It is worth paying special attention to the installation of the mixer
If you want originality, you can buy a cascading gander. Its main difference from traditional tubular faucets is a wide and flat spout. Thanks to this design, filling a spacious bathtub takes several minutes. However, such spouts are much more expensive than traditional ones.
Spout for faucets how to choose
Spout for faucets is an integral part of the plumbing device, which receives water adjusted to the desired temperature. It is an integral part of the mixer or supplied separately.
A nut and a seal are included as integral parts of the spout. It is classified depending on the size, shape, material of manufacture, purpose.
Can be sold with or without aerator.
Form classification
There are two types of spout: classic and cascade. Classic, it is also tubular, it can be of various sections (round with a diameter of 16-22 mm, triangular, oval, square, flat rectangular), straight, angular, J-, S-, R-, C-shaped, with a double silhouette.
The cascade spout for faucets is a flat design in which a stream of water, passing through a wide but thin slot, resembles a falling waterfall. A classic spout is a universal solution for mixers, while a cascade spout is rare.
Those who do not skimp on innovative solutions and original design can purchase a faucet with a spring-loaded, spiral spout that bends in different directions.
In height, it is high and low, in size - elongated, medium and shortened. The length of the spout should match the dimensions of the sink so that water does not splash on the sides.
Classification by material of manufacture
Spout is made of anti-corrosion stainless steel, plastic. Among the alloys, it is worth noting, such as aluminum - silicon (a fairly budget option), brass - bronze (characterized by strength and durability).
You can choose faucets with a spout under a stone (kitchen version, characterized by the possibility of manufacturing any shape and color by casting). Usually the spout for faucets is chrome plated. Nickel, gilding, enamel can also act as a coating.
Spout for mixers is made cast (fixed) and rotary. The swivel is designed to direct the flow of water in the right direction (the angle of rotation can reach 360º).
This innovative solution is convenient and practical for sinks with several sections.
The purpose of the spout
Depending on the purpose, there is a spout for the mixer in the bath, in the kitchen.
A low, long faucet spout is more suitable for a bathroom, short and high, as well as a long, swivel one will not hinder movements when doing household chores in the kitchen (washing dishes, cooking).
Filtered water spouts can be installed on some faucet models. The choice of spouts of both domestic and foreign production is great. Italian, German manufacturers, such as Kaiser, Grohe, Hansa and others, have proven themselves well.
What is the body made of
The durability of a kitchen sink faucet is greatly affected by the material from which the body and spout are made. Today there are quite a lot of materials. Outwardly, only ceramic models differ, all the rest “in appearance” are exactly the same. Nevertheless, you need to know what the crane is made of - in order to know what you can expect from it.
- Stainless steel. The most durable, but also the most expensive option. But the service life is long.
- Brass.A very good option, but only if the alloy is of good quality, suitable for use in the food industry. Brass kitchen faucets last a very long time, even very bad water does not harm them.
- Bronze. Also a good option, but most often bronze faucets are made in a retro style. In this case, they are not covered by any protective coatings. Bronze cases are rarely made into ordinary models.
- Silumin is an alloy of aluminum and silicon. Light alloy, similar in appearance to aluminum, but very unreliable. The bodies of the cheapest mixers are made from this alloy. Their service life is no more than a year.
Plastic. Not a bad material, but not for taps - it quickly wears out, peels off its protective coating from constant contact with water. Plastic faucets also belong to the budget category.
- Ceramics. Ceramic sink faucets look very impressive, but they are expensive, and require a very careful attitude in operation. Shock loads are not tolerated at all. You have to be very careful when washing dishes.
How to choose a good brass kitchen faucet? By weight. In brass with a high lead content, the walls are thin, which means the faucet itself is much lighter. Other features are color. It is sometimes possible to look into the interior of some mixers to evaluate the alloy on this basis. In low-quality brass, it is reddish in color, in normal brass it is yellow.