How to clean the shower drain video instruction

Where is the best place to place the device

How to clean the shower drain video instruction

The drain in the bathroom can be anywhere. Therefore, before choosing a ladder, you need to decide where exactly it will be mounted. There are three installation options:

  1. Centre. However, it may have a slight bias in one direction or another.
  2. Injection. This option has its own advantage. For example, it is practically invisible, and the slope should not be large. SNiP provides for its implementation in two planes. This ensures that water flows exactly to the corner where the ladder is installed.
  3. Near the wall. In this case, the slope needs to be done in only one plane. Such a device looks great in the shower, passes the used water well, and practically does not clog.


Many showers have built-in mirrors that require proper maintenance to keep them looking clean and beautiful. To eliminate streaks on the mirror, you can use several methods:

  • Apply lemon juice to the surface of the mirror, leave for 10 minutes and carefully wipe the surface with a soft cloth.
  • You can mix water and ammonia in equal proportions. This tool is ideal for mirror polishing. You can use crumpled newspapers to rub the surface and remove streaks.
  • Alcohol-containing products help to cope with black pollution. You can create a solution of water and vodka in a ratio of 10: 1. You need to moisten a cloth with this product and wipe the mirror. Crumpled newspaper will help eliminate stains.

What types of ladders are

Before you install the device on the drain in the bathroom, you need to understand the varieties of these products. It should be noted that they can differ not only in design, but also in shape, and even in height. For example, in stores you can find a shower drain in the form of a circle, a rectangle, and also a square. As for the design, linear, point and wall products can be distinguished. The first type can be used around the edges of the bathroom or in corners.

Point devices are considered the most common. The fact is that they can be placed anywhere in the shower.

If you decide to lay tiles on the floor, you can purchase a vertical or horizontal ladder.

How to clean the shower drain video instruction
Horizontal on the left, vertical shower drain on the right.

But here you should pay attention to the direction of the pipe that goes to the sewer drain on the floor. The simplest energy saver!

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As for the water seal, it can be:

  • Usual. Its feature is that it is formed directly in the siphon. However, if the shower does not turn on for a long time, and the water dries up, then the unpleasant smell will return to the room.
  • Dry. This device is the most acceptable. The dry type of water seal has the main advantage: it is able to completely isolate the sewer from the room.

An important parameter in choosing a ladder is its height. This value determines whether it will be necessary to raise the floor level of the shower. At the same time, a higher product height can provide better throughput. The best option would be a ladder that can be adjusted.

Basic rules of operation

To maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the shower, there are a number of rules:

  1. After taking a shower, rinse the walls and the tray first with hot, then cool water to completely wash the shower cabin from soap stains.
  2. Clean the walls of the box with a rubber scraper from moisture.
  3. Use a soft cloth to wipe the entire cab dry.
  4. Clean your shower room weekly with shower gels.
  5. Thoroughly clean the plumbing fixture monthly, brushing every hard-to-reach area.
  6. Metal parts, each time after use, are washed and wiped thoroughly.

Such regular care will ensure the original radiant appearance of the cabin. However, if the plumbing device is in a state of disrepair and has acquired an unpresentable appearance, prevention will no longer help: a more serious impact on pollution will be required here.

How to clean the shower drain video instruction

Best Answers

Pavel N:

Pour Mole, he will dissolve the hair


This cover is threaded. Just unscrew it and that's it. And then vantus.

Zhanna Korabut:

we had such a thing in our soul, it gets out, under it is an ordinary drain, twist it, choose hair + Mole


Now everywhere these are on modern plums. She twists awkwardly. Unscrew, and there is a ball of your hair. The house itself has the same problem, the daughter of the braid. We unscrewed it once and do not put it on again.

Vladimir Petrov:

First, work with a vantus, then get all the hair with tweezers. And then pour soda into the drain and pour vinegar. Wait five minutes and pour hot water over everything

Zaretskii Kostya:

Why do you need to twist and shoot something? Does the water leave at least a little or not? If so, pour a couple of bottles of Mole all night and rinse with hot water in the morning. It won’t help completely from one time - repeat it on the second night and that’s it. Or immediately buy a thread of a drug more abruptly than Mole. The main thing here is not to save in the amount poured out, and everything will work out.

Zhandos Zhandosov:

I do not even know

irina sichkova:

I found an interesting little thing, similar to a plunger, only more seriously, called "pneumatic plunger", kerntool, I watched a review on YouTube, now I want to buy myself and I advise you to try

Igor Chekerda:

Pour a mole to try, but not the fact that it will help. Mole against fat. It probably needs mechanical cleaning. You most likely won't be able to do it yourself. I advise plumbers from santehnik-home /ustranenie-zasorov/. They do it in good faith.

Expert answers

Elina Linberg:

Increase the diameter of the sewer pipe. You most likely have a 50mm pipe, replace with at least 75

Evil Bunny:

wash urgently, at the same time you will save on soap


It means that the connection is wrong or there is a blockage somewhere .... call the master


clean the sewer.


Do you mean that water rises from the drain in the shower when the machine drains the water? If so, clean the shower drain. To start with a plunger.

All-light Clear-faced:

Substitute a basin - the laundry should climb for water. But seriously, how did it happen that the machine goes into the shower. Wrong wiring or clogged drain (the situation is not completely clear)

Uncle from the Future...

If the shower after the washing machine is connected to the canal, then the blockage between the shower and the riser of the canal, if before, then the blockage between the washer and the riser. . It happens that the blockage can be a floor below, but in this case, the neighbor’s water from above would pour into the shower to you ...

Andrey Dragunsky:

There may even be a counter slope of the pipe going from the riser to the nearest device (typewriter or booth). If the hands of the plumbers are clumsy, or the old pipe has settled, I met this with a friend. Instantly clogged with sand.

Mikhail Karpov:

The reason for the low drain rate is unknown. If the pipe or sump is clogged, then clean it.

If the difference between the outlet to the sewer and the drain of the shower is small, raise the cabin, or lower the outlet to the sewer (which is more difficult)

Perhaps the diameter of the drain pipe is small (although usually those that come with the kit are enough for the eyes.


Can you clean the drain?


raise the cab by 5 cm, replace the pipes with 50 - it is possible that a mole will clog there


They didn’t try to clean it or put a thicker pipe. Another option is to pour less water


I can't advise you without seeing the plums


Same problem. Disassemble and clean. Tighten the screw legs (raise the pallet.) But there will be a gap between the floor and the pallet. Remove the decorative lid with a glass from the drain.

I am going to make a podium of 50-70 cm out of brick and overlay with tiles. Then, from pipe 50, make a normal drain or put a siphon of normal height. Already very small and not thoughtful native stock.

Try to clean it with a plunger or a piece of wire or a curved ruff. The cable can break the corrugation.

Cleaning glass doors

Most hydroboxes are presented with glass walls, which, with frequent contact with water, lose their original appearance. Glass models can be safely washed using special products to remove dirt from a mirror or glass. They need to be sprayed on the surface of the product, wiped with a sponge and wiped dry. A special scraper can be used to clean the glass cabin. It has a dense elastic band on one side, and a sponge on the other.

A homemade solution is perfect for cleaning glass. In a glass of water, dilute 5 drops of ammonia. This tool is great for removing soap streaks. Some housewives also add 100 ml of glycerin, which allows you to protect the cabin surface from moisture.

Product installation rules

So, the shower drain is mounted so that its surface does not rise above the floor covering. SNiP provides for the optimal slope height, which is 1 cm per meter of area.

How to clean the shower drain video instruction

If the floor is located on cold ground, then it will require additional insulation. This will help to avoid cracking and deformation of concrete due to a sharp change in temperature.

The slope is made by changing the thickness of concrete screeds

Please note that during the installation of the ladder, you need to pay attention to the aesthetic design of the floor. That is, the product should be removed from the walls so that the distance is a multiple of the size of the acquired cladding

This takes into account the thickness of the seams.

Work sequence

So, the ladder in the shower is the best solution for decorating the drain. You can install it yourself. This process involves the following sequence of work:

  • Measuring the location of the ladder. To do this, you need a tape measure.
  • Connecting the product to the sewer drain. This is done with pipes. Their slope should be about 3 cm.
  • Installation of a heat-insulating layer.
  • Pouring concrete solution. According to SNiP, the layer should not exceed 4 cm. That is, it is necessary that the solution reaches the flange of the drain. If the shower drain is to be installed without a heat-insulating layer, an appropriate amount of concrete must be poured. After that, he needs to give time to dry well.
  • Since the drain in the bathroom must be waterproofed, it is necessary to make a gasket for the flange from a special roll material. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the size of the part.
  • Fastening of the upper part of the flange. It is simply laid on the waterproofing and fixed to the lower component.

With the help of special guides, a slope is formed in the floor

Pay attention to the waterproofing, which is partially laid on the walls to create a kind of trough

  • Protection of the screed from the influence of moisture. The waterproofing film should go a little on the walls.
  • Siphon installation.
  • Installation of guide rails, which are made of plastic. They are needed in order for the concrete to be poured correctly. Thanks to them, you can set the slope of the surface drain.
  • Pouring the second layer of concrete. Please note that this must be done so that the surface of the screed is slightly lower than the height of the siphon. Since later you will need to lay the tile.

How to clean the shower drain video instruction

  • The grate installed above the ladder can be protected with ordinary adhesive tape.
  • Laying tiles.
  • Grouting tile joints and sealing joints.
  • Protective grill installation.

You can do these jobs yourself. If you take into account all the above nuances, then your shower will be not only beautiful, but also practical.

How to arrange a shower drain in the floor under the tiles - installation guide

Types of pollution

Shower enclosures get dirty very quickly if regular cleaning steps are not taken. There are several main reasons that affect the formation of plaque on the surface of the structure:

  • hygiene products (shower gel, shampoo, soap);
  • sebum;
  • unpurified water, including various impurities.

To eliminate contamination of the shower stall, it is worth considering the recommendations of experts:

To clean fresh dirt, the cleaner must be rinsed off immediately after application to the surface.
Deep types of dirt need to be treated more carefully, so the cleaner should be left for about 15 minutes after cleaning the cabin. Some manufacturers of cleaning products in the instructions indicate the time it takes to eliminate contamination. After this, the product must be thoroughly washed off.
If even very strong cleaners do not help to remove the dirt from the surface of the shower, then you should try to remove the stains with a special solution. To make it, you need 100 ml of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of water.
Perfectly remove stains from an acrylic or metal surface will allow the use of toothpaste. The agent must be applied to the contamination with a thin layer and left for 5 minutes, and then rinsed with water.
After using the cabin, it is necessary to wipe its surface dry, especially this rule applies to glass. The water contains chlorine and calcium, which, settling on the surface, prevent its shine.

If you do not pay attention to this, then over time, precipitation will turn into hard-to-remove stains.

  • If the shower cabin is not in use, then its doors must be open. This will avoid high humidity, which is the cause of mold.
  • In order not to damage the cabin during cleaning with a special agent, you should carefully study the instructions for plumbing and detergent. For example, some substances do an excellent job of removing stains on glass or plastic, but they are strictly forbidden to be used to clean chrome on metal surfaces. Silver rubbing is ideal for cleaning chrome parts, as it not only adds shine to the surface, but also provides reliable protection against various contaminants.
  • Before using the shower cabin for the first time, it is necessary to apply a special agent with water-repellent properties to its surface. This will simplify future cleaning of the product after use.
  • Often users of booths are faced with blockage. This problem is due to the fact that dirt and debris, getting into the drain, form a kind of lump that prevents the passage of water. A plunger, a plumbing cable or special household chemicals will help eliminate this problem.


