Types of wastewater meters
Meters installed on the wastewater metering unit are classified depending on the technical characteristics and method of operation:
- ultrasonic;
- electromagnetic;
- lever pendulum.
The equipment is stationary, and the accuracy of measurements is determined by the method of operation. Each of the flowmeters is operated under the conditions specified in the technical documentation. Before buying a meter, it is necessary to determine the place of installation, to study the territory. Find out if it is possible to install a flow meter, since some objects may not be available for installation.
Universal devices installed on pipelines of any diameter (up to 9 meters) and geometry. Do not require additional facilities, equipment. Ultrasonic meters are designed for measurements in an open ditch, free-flow pipe, autonomous sewage, gravity pipeline, industrial-scale treatment facilities.
Among the advantages are:
- different type of power supply (battery, mains);
- large amount of memory;
- universality;
- durability;
- accuracy of results;
- work in any direction of flow.
Ultrasound equipment has disadvantages:
- difficulty in maintenance;
- rapid contamination requiring regular cleaning.
The action is based on magnetic induction. The equipment is easy to use and highly accurate.
Electromagnetic sewage meters, like any waste control devices, have advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are:
- work in pressure and non-pressure sewers;
- calculation of untreated waste;
- ease of installation and maintenance;
- vibration resistance.
The disadvantages of the equipment are:
- counting only drains that conduct electric current;
- malfunction caused by electromagnetic interference;
- measurement error up to two percent.
A simple device consisting of levers, a float, a power supply protection unit, a rotary vane, a suspension axle and sensors. Can only be used in a non-pressure pipeline or open channel.
The advantage of the flowmeter over those discussed above is the high accuracy of readings, regardless of the degree of contamination of the waste. The equipment is not affected by external factors (vibration, magnetic field, flow direction).
Accounting for sewage by industrial, environmental enterprises and the water utility is just beginning to be carried out, despite the fact that the process is enshrined in law. An insufficiently developed system for monitoring liquid waste discharges does not prevent organizations that have installed metering devices from saving resources and avoiding unnecessary costs.
There are two ways to get data from the LT-US wastewater flow meter
2. The following software can be used to collect and analyze data via the GSM network:
- Vostok.Web - a cloud service located on the server of Aqua-tek SP LLC, all data is transferred to it, the user has access through a web interface. Service-program interface in Russian. Vostok.Web now has the ability to generate and send to print a log of wastewater disposal according to the POD-11 form for a selected period for submission to a resource supplying organization. Cost of use: 10,000 rubles / year. for 1 device. To get acquainted with the interface of the service and the type of information displayed from the test flow meter in the Demo access mode, you must send a corresponding request to info@akvatek.ru. In response, you will receive a link to the resource, login and password.
PCWin2 (shareware) - used to receive data from 1-5 flow meters, there is a time limit for one session.It is possible to purchase a license key, the cost depends on the workplaces and planned devices. Program interface in English. language.
OPC server manufacturer LT-US (LACROIX Sofrel, France) is a licensed program for transferring data to a client's SCADA system. The cost depends on the jobs and the planned devices. Able to work with 1 flowmeter without restrictions.
Why Commercial Wastewater Accounting Is Necessary
Effluent is not an energy resource, but the measurement ensures the rational use of water in an industrial facility. The management of enterprises, having information about the amount of waste discharged into the sewer, reduces their volume or reuses it (cleaning the territory, cooling).
The rules for commercial accounting of water and wastewater establish a list of resources, the volume of which is subject to control:
- water supplied by the supplier for the specified period in accordance with the water supply agreement;
- liquid transported by an enterprise operating pipes;
- effluents transported by an enterprise operating communications;
- sewage coming from users of utilities;
- liquid that has undergone water treatment;
- purified impurities.
In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 776 dated September 4, 2013. “On Approval of the Rules for Arranging Commercial Accounting for Water and Wastewater” outlines the principles for installing measuring instruments to control the discharge of liquid waste. The types of installations used, measurement methods and rules for reconciling readings are indicated.
Classification of flowmeters
Wastewater is discharged either through pressure sewer networks or through non-pressure sewers. In the latter case, liquids move by gravity through pipes installed with a slope. Waste water accounting in the pressure pipeline does not cause difficulties and allows the use of counters of any type. In sewer pipes without pressure, the measurement of wastewater is more difficult, since the flow here is slower and obeys the force of gravity.
According to the principle of operation, the counters are divided into:
- measuring only the water level;
- measuring the level and speed of wastewater.
According to the type of device, flow meters are:
- Lever-pendulum. Instruments used to measure water flow in both closed and open channels. This type of flowmeter measures the level of effluents and the speed of the liquid. The device is equipped with a float to determine the amount of water withdrawn and a rotary blade to calculate the flow rate.
- Vortex. The principle of operation of these meters is based on measuring the frequency of pressure fluctuations. This is one of the most suitable devices for wastewater metering in large enterprises. The advantages of this type include high measurement accuracy, insensitivity to contaminated liquids, the ability to operate the device in a wide range of temperatures, pressures and pipe diameters. The disadvantage is sensitivity to sound and vibrations that can be generated by pumps and other devices.
- Electromagnetic. To be measured by these meters, the wastewater must be conductive. This type of instrument uses Faraday's law, or the law of magnetic induction. Water passing through the magnetic coil initiates a current that is proportional to the flow velocity. The advantages of electromagnetic meters are vibration resistance, no pressure loss and measurement stability.
- Ultrasonic. Accounting for water passing through sewer pipes using this type of device is carried out due to the passage of liquid through ultrasonic vibrations and subsequent data analysis. To obtain the result, the parameters of the area and flow velocity are used. The main advantage of such devices is that it is possible to receive measurements remotely and save them on the media. To obtain the results, cable, wireless and modem communications are used.Also, the installation of the device does not require construction work in the collector.
Article source: http://vistaros.ru/