Making a steam generator for moonshine

The principle of operation of the steam generator

We repeat, when thick mash, prepared on the basis of berries, fruits, grains or flour, is heated, there is a high probability of burning. In a closed container, the mash cannot be mixed, respectively, the starch begins to stick to the walls. The specific smell that results from burning spoils the taste and aroma of the final product and makes it problematic to use. This is only possible when the alembic is heated directly. The steam generator softens the heating due to the action of hot steam.

The principle of operation of such a device is that water is heated in a container to a boil, from where it enters the distillation cube through a heat-resistant hose. As the mash reaches a temperature of 75-780C, the separation of alcohol-containing steam begins, passing through the dryer into the coil, where it condenses and exits as a finished product. The presence of a steam generator is useful not only because the mash is heated without direct fire exposure, but also absolutely uniform heating is provided, accelerating the time for the formation of vapors and increasing their amount.

How to make a steam generator

In order to make a steam generator for a moonshine with your own hands, you will need the most common pressure cooker. If desired, it can be purchased at any store within 1.5-2 thousand rubles. This is where the water will boil. We will use a bellows hose for gas as a bubbler.

Safety valves installed on the lid of the pressure cooker allow you to control the pressure and release it in case of excess. In addition, it is necessary to cut a fitting into the cover, to which the silicone hose is connected.

In addition, you will need connecting tubes that will combine all the elements of the chain and sealant. All this can be bought in the store. Bellows - 250-280 rubles, sealant - 280-300 rubles.

As a result, you should get a chain that includes a steam generator - a bubbler - a distillation cube - a steamer - a coil - a container. Steam under high pressure from the steam generator passes into the distillation cube, where it heats it to the desired temperature and provokes the separation of the liquid into fractions, including alcohol-containing vapors. These vapors, passing through the coil, settle in the form of condensate on the walls, and drops of alcohol flow into the receiving container. This is how a steam distiller works.

  • The first element in the figure is the steam generator - a pressure cooker with boiling water, from where the steam enters the distillation cube through the steam outlet hose.
  • Distillation cube - a bubbler (bellows hose with small cuts on one side) is placed on its bottom, which heats the mash.
  • A sukhoparnik is an empty container, where, due to temperature and pressure differences, steam settles and splashes of mash remain.
  • A refrigerator with a coil is a unit for the main condensation of steam and its separation into water vapor and alcohol.

You will learn how to properly make a bubbler in our article.

Design and Safety Recommendations

  1. If you use a steam generator, the mash does not need to be filtered.
  2. The bellows hose must be of metal with a coupling, such as those used to connect natural gas. The material does not enter into a chemical reaction with alcohol.
  3. If the pressure cooker is not electric, heating elements can be installed.
  4. You can also use an ordinary pot as a pressure cooker, but with a hermetically sealed lid - the main task is not to release steam.
  5. On the bubbler, you need to cut cuts or make holes on one side. This side is laid down in the distillation cube, that is, the steam does not flow directly into the mash, but bypasses the hose.
  1. To regulate the pressure, it is necessary to use the operating valve or, in the case of a saucepan, reduce or increase the boil.
  2. As a moonshine still, you can even use a beer keg or a sealed can in which you can boil water.

An example of how to make a steam generator for moonshine from a beer keg you can watch in the video


