What are the shape rugs
Standard sets include rectangular, round and oval shapes, plus a foot mat with a notch to fit under the toilet.
There are rugs - covers on the lid.
The combination of different shapes and sizes allows you to beat the interior of the bathroom.
They prevent slipping and make bathing more comfortable.
Change the style of the bathroom with a bath rug
The main thing here is not to overdo it. Size matching is the first priority. Next, color and shape are important. Together, a spacious bathroom needs a combination of several carpet paths of the same color, but of different configurations.
Such products are purchased for both adults and children.
Triangles, polygons, islands enliven the interior. A large round carpet in the middle will emphasize the cleanliness and richness of the room. If the bathroom is small, you can get by with several oval or rectangular models next to the washbasin and shower.
They are both plain and colored. They also differ in their shape.
What are the rugs
Today you can find accessories in the form of a bath mat for every taste. The material used in the manufacture is different, from synthetic to natural cotton, wood, stone and even moss. Often manufacturers combine fabrics for practicality and durability. Microfiber rugs are popular, the acrylic base is presented in conjunction with a natural top.
Size, colors, everyone chooses at their discretion.
Materials and properties for every taste
When choosing a rug, you should first of all decide on the material of manufacture, which is responsible for the service life, the quality of moisture absorption, comfort and appearance, safety, and forms the cost.
The aesthetic function is very important, but the rug also fulfills another duty - ensuring safety. The most common representatives of carpet paths for the toilet and bathroom are the following
The most common representatives of carpet paths for the toilet and bathroom are the following.
- Rubber and PVC - products (latex mats with or without suction cups at the bottom, color pattern, textured finish on top).
- Rugs made from natural materials.
- Acrylic and microfiber rugs (represented by a wide range, a variety of colors and shapes).
Rug is a very important thing in the bathroom.
Rugs made from natural materials
This category includes models made of cotton, wood, pebbles. The natural material of making rugs gives nobility to the interior, is an exclusive accent. There are models in the hand-made style, made by weaving cotton rags into a bright rug, attaching cork accessories to an acrylic base.
Also, a feature of this product is that it allows you to clean the bathroom less often.
Polished round pebbles, laid in a wooden pallet, will fit perfectly into the bathroom space, the blue color will give a lively mood to the marine theme. You can also do with moss, which grows well in a warm and humid microclimate.
When you step on the rug, it will collect excess moisture and you will not have to wash the floor from stains.
PVC and rubber models
If you prefer rubber mats, you should opt for safe, non-toxic PVC.
A rug near the toilet or bath makes the position of the feet on the floor more pleasant.
Important! Trying to save money by purchasing a suction cup mat for the bathroom, you need to make sure that there is no strong smell of rubber.The product should be soft, have good flexibility
Cracks, creases are excluded, a ribbed surface is welcome.
High payback popularizes PVC - rugs among consumers. Foam specimens can be trimmed if necessary, their wear resistance leaves much to be desired, however, the low price allows frequent replacement of unusable canvases.
Also in the bathrooms, several rugs are very often placed, which create a single interesting ensemble.
Microfiber and acrylic
The soft top of the microfiber is pleasant to the touch, visually warm rug will add coziness to the bathroom and toilet. The feeling of a natural carpet underfoot, absorbing moisture, with anti-slip properties, inclines buyers to the side of this model.
If you have a shared bathroom, then such products can be placed near all plumbing.
Externally, microfiber is often made in the form of pasta (makhrushka), acrylic has different shapes, colors, corresponding to a standard carpet. The absorbent qualities of the mats are not inferior to the natural composition and PVC foam models.
With a separate bathroom, the same rugs are also used, although they are located in different rooms.
Acrylic rugs
The variety of rugs is great. All of them are beautiful and add coziness to your bathroom. Each of them has advantages, no doubt. So, for example, why do people prefer acrylic rugs? Firstly, this material is resistant to moisture, that is, you will not have additional problems with such an accessory. Secondly, acrylic is an environmentally friendly material, manufacturers assure this. In addition, this rug is thermoplastic, does not burn out in direct sunlight and will remain in usable condition for many years.
The main advantage of acrylic rugs is safety. They do not slip on the surface of the laid tiles and will not pose any threat to your health. Due to its practicality, acrylic rugs do not bring worries with their cleaning. You can wash these rugs in the washing machine or simply clean with detergent.
There are also moss rugs. They are also called children's, as they fully provide you with safety and hygiene. The moss rug is soft and pleasant to the touch. The environmental friendliness of such products has also been confirmed. You can purchase a set of such rugs, thereby creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the bathroom and toilet.
Moss handicrafts are able to absorb moisture, that is, they save you from microbes (fungi and mold). However, these pads need to be washed frequently to keep the bathroom clean. Wooden rugs (bamboo) are considered the most environmentally friendly. Why? Their high hygiene is due to natural material. No chemicals, natural raw materials from wood will be the right solution in any bath. These natural decorations have a lot of useful qualities. They have antibacterial properties, which is essential in such rooms. Wooden bedding for the room does not cause any static stress, they perfectly absorb moisture into themselves, preventing it from spreading in the room.
Do you want to highlight the design of the bathroom? Get a photo print rug. A bright, unusual pattern on the base will give the bathroom an appropriate mood. Among other characteristic features, this rug will not bring you inconvenience and trouble. The combination of convenience with style - all this prevails on one rug.
Mats made of plastic lids and pom-poms
Some rugs are beautiful, some are practical and comfortable. And there are rugs that combine all these qualities along with creativity. A rug made of plastic covers will look unusual and attractive.It is not difficult to make it, and you will hardly spend finances.
For such a product, you will need caps from plastic bottles with drinking water or any drinks. If you are a creative person, then you will surely collect different covers and create a drawing or pattern with their help. As for the massage effect that you feel when walking on such a rug, it is worthy of everyone's praise.
Making a rug from plastic covers is quite simple, it just takes a few steps. You need to take a rubber mat on which you glue these lids upside down with special glue. Fixation with silicone glue is appropriate here, as it will securely fix the surfaces of the covers to the base.
Here is the finished rug. You yourself can make any changes to the design of the rug, the imagination is limitless. To make a litter of lids is both simple and does not take time at all. But it will please you for more than one year. The pom pom rug is surprisingly soft and comfortable. Any bathroom will be filled with comfort and good mood if there is such a children's rug. Surely every housewife knows how to make fluffy pompoms from ordinary threads. These skills will be useful to you in the manufacture of this type of rugs.
The manufacturing scheme is as follows:
- take a cardboard rectangle (8X3), wind synthetic or woolen yarn on it (the skein should be thick);
- thread, 20 cm long, thread through a thick needle, pass it between a layer of wound threads and, accordingly, cardboard, tie it to a strong knot;
- the skein, which turned out on the opposite side of the cardboard, is cut, the finished pompom is adjusted.
Make the right amount of such products, then sew them to a knitted or fabric base. In addition, there are rugs woven, knitted, made of felt. In the first two cases, you only need skill, knitting needles and balls of thread. By the way, do-it-yourself rugs are obtained, especially beautiful. There is nothing better than your own work.
A rug made of felt is also amenable to needlework. These rugs look especially good in children's bathrooms. Indeed, in non-standard coloring of such rugs there is a certain charm.
For experienced craftsmen
Experienced craftswomen can choose to crochet more complex patterns and variations, where most techniques use columns that are difficult to knit. It should also be noted the compatibility of complex patterns - pineapples are connected with cones, and cones with floral motifs, and so on. But you should still present several models for self-crocheting rugs.
Rug based on the napkin "Grand"
You can easily make carpets from crochet napkin patterns, and here, if necessary, you can increase the size of the future canvas by combining or “wedging” several rows with certain patterns. So the “Pineapple Song” napkin inspired experienced craftswomen to knit on the basis of the existing rug pattern, called “Grand”. The new model fits perfectly into Provence, Rococo, Baroque, Classicism, more luxurious Gothic or Empire style interior design. There is nothing complicated in his knitting - the main thing is to use the following diagrams with a description:
Dial 8 air loops and close the chain into a ring. Then continue knitting according to scheme 1. If necessary, you can increase the diameter by repeating the last few rows.
Next, go to knitting pattern 2 - here you can also increase the size of the carpet by adding a third row of petals above the pineapples.
At the end of the work, go to scheme 3 - this will allow you to finish the carpet smoothly and textured.
- For edging, scheme 4 is used, consisting of air loops and pico.
The presented model is recommended for self-fulfillment in white, but if necessary, more attractive shades of the thread that are suitable for the color scheme of the room are taken into account. The finished rug is simply soaked in cool water and laid out on fabric - you can immediately on the floor until completely dry
pineapple lace
Further, the rug in question becomes convenient for implementation by those craftswomen who cannot independently increase the schemes to the required dimensions of the canvas.An openwork rug with additional pineapples can be knitted in two ways.
The first method implies the beginning of knitting immediately according to scheme 2, where the required number of air loops is dialed, but taking into account the proposed rapport. Further, knitting is carried out according to the scheme without deviations.
The second method involves increasing the size of the rug - they begin to knit according to scheme 1 by the required amount, and only then they move on to scheme 2 presented above. It turns out that the openwork "fans" from the chain of air loops smoothly pass to the double crochets of the middle part. Thus, it is possible to "adjust" the dimensions of the finished canvas.
Simple but attractive blue lace
An openwork rug can be knitted using a simpler pattern - here it is only important to correctly position the petals from ordinary double crochets. So, it is proposed to use the scheme below, which will help to realize a completely attractive and versatile crochet rug model - change the shade and you will get a completely different version of the canvas
Rugs from packages
Rugs from bags are knitted using the same technique as from T-shirts and knitted fabrics. Here you will also need to cut long strips from the packages and use a simpler pattern for crocheting a rug. It is not recommended to resort to the use of an openwork pattern, because the junctions of the bundle threads may become available to the public.
Of course, rugs from packages are not used everywhere - they can be laid in the country, since such an application will save you the hassle of cleaning the room from dirt and garden soil. But skilled needlewomen easily use batch threads to knit a rug in the hallway of an apartment - this is both convenient and stylish. The following is a full video of a knitting master class for a similar product.
Which option is better to choose
When choosing such products, it is necessary to pay attention not only to external beauty, but also to functional features.
It is important to take into account the anti-slip properties and ease of use. Today, almost all types of toilet and bathroom rugs are equipped with a special coating that prevents them from slipping.
Today, almost all types of toilet and bathroom rugs are equipped with a special coating that prevents them from slipping.
Such products may have suction cups, which ensure safety when it lies on a wet floor and you step on it with your feet. It will not budge because it is securely fixed to the base of the floor, so the risk of slipping and falling is minimal.
When choosing children's carpets, safety should be taken into account, it is important that they are not slippery. Here, too, it is better to give a choice in favor of rugs that are equipped with suction cups, they will not allow them to slip at a time when the child will take water procedures.
With regards to design and shapes, it is a matter of taste for everyone, because children's products are presented in an assortment, and you can easily choose the version of the accessory that the baby wants. There are rugs in the form of fish, balls, animals and so on. They are bright and colorful, which will arouse the interest of the child and turn the bathing procedure into a fun game.
Baby bath mats and more
If you like warmth and comfort, in this case, pay attention to the carpets in the toilet and bathroom, which are equipped with a heating system. The safety of such products is guaranteed, because the heat is provided with the help of electric heating flexible systems laid inside the mat, which are located in a moisture-proof cover, which eliminates the risk of electric shock.
Such products can become an alternative to underfloor heating, while the cost is several times lower.
Heated mat
And now about design.If you decide to equip a bathroom, you need to take into account a large number of details that will be needed during operation. The same applies to the finishing option, the choice of furniture and plumbing, accessories and lighting fixtures.
Along with engineering solutions, one should not forget about the correct design, this is the only way to create really comfortable conditions in the toilet or in the bathroom. But the last stage of the arrangement will be the floor mats, they will add the finishing touches to the interior.
If you want to make a pebble rug with your own hands, the video presented here will help you with this:
Rugs in the bathroom
A crochet bathroom rug can be the key to the whole design. So, a set of a rug in the toilet, in the bathroom, “seats” on the toilet bowl and an “organizer” for toilet paper can overshadow expensive tiles or a super-functional bathroom. Moreover, such knitted bath and toilet rugs make a great housewarming gift. The following are the most interesting crocheted crocheted rugs for the bathroom and toilet.
A knitted bathroom rug can be made in the shape of a whale, which is knitted quite simply:
Knitting begins in a circle - this is the body of a whale.
Having tied it to a suitable size, they begin to tie the tail, where the fins are simple and standard patterns for tying pineapples.
- Next, you can begin to tie the harness from half rows of fan-shaped rapports. It is better to do this even before knitting the tail - this will eliminate the need to constantly turn over an already bulky canvas.
At the end, a fin is tied - this is the same standard pineapple pattern.
Finish the whale by knitting and attaching an eye and a waterfowl mouth line. You can separately make a bow and splashes for the whale - let it be soft and cute.
A rather interesting option is a crochet owl crochet bathroom rug. Such products attract craftswomen with their extraordinary design, especially if a whole set is knitted, as well as ease of implementation. Here you should follow the following sequence:
To begin with, choose a more suitable pattern for knitting the body of an owl - the body is knitted in the shape of a pineapple, where simple and standard patterns are used.
- Next, resort to tying the resulting pineapple to the required size of the rug or other part of the kit.
At the end, the eyes of an owl are knitted - these are two circles connected together in the last row. The connected eyes are tied, while tying the ears of an owl.
- All the details are connected and an owl is obtained. It is easy to knit a knitted owl bath rug - a video with a detailed master class proves this unconditionally.
You can use a slightly different option for knitting owls for the toilet and bathroom. A complete knitting pattern is also provided.
For knitting rugs in the bathroom and toilet, it is better to use natural types of yarn. The addition of synthetic materials can cause the rug to slip on the tiles in the bathroom. The same fact does not allow you to realize a crocheted bathroom rug from bags - this is traumatic.
Below is a selection of crochet rug sets for the bathroom and toilet - simpler variations for beginners and experienced ones. Simple schemes contribute to the formation of a masterpiece.
Crochet knitted rugs are not only simple and beautiful, but also stylish, fashionable, enchanting! Yes, yes, all invited guests will be delighted - after all, it is far from always necessary to see a lace fabric on the floor. And if the rug is an element of decor, then be prepared for the fact that he will take on all the admiring glances and dominant notes.
But on this I do not say goodbye to you, come back again, and I also sincerely wish you creative success! Subscribe to my page updatesfacebook and be sure to share with your friends!
See you soon, dear friends!
With love,Be on topic!
Children's variations
Children prefer their own rooms with the appropriate furnishings - everything should be bright and fabulous. Therefore, the task of parents is to take into account every little thing. If earlier you did not take care of purchasing furniture or textile items for the children's room with appropriate prints, then today you can easily fix the situation:
- First, get curtains with a children's pattern in the child's room.
- Secondly, replace the existing dark blanket on the bed with a bright children's version.
- Third, tie the mat! But not simple, but special - in the form of any animal.
Think knitting animal rugs is hard work? Not at all - here only circles, ovals, squares, hexagons, rectangles and other separately connected figures are correctly assembled into a single composition
For example, you can disassemble the knitting of a simple rug in the shape of a bear:
- tie the muzzle of the bear - a simple circle of a suitable size in gray;
- bear ears - 2 semicircles of white and gray;
- the nose of the bear is a white circle, and the triangle is cut out of black suede (later it is sewn on);
- bear cheeks - 2 circles of pink;
- eyelashes - 2 parts made of suede, which are also sewn in the intended places in the future.
The rest of the children's rugs are knitted according to the same principle - show your imagination and do not look for difficulties in the models! Everything ingenious is simple!
Making bath mats from other materials
If you make a rug from pebbles, you will create an oriental atmosphere in the bathroom. For a homemade rug from this material, you will not need much time, so you can make it in just a few hours. He will delight you for many years.
To make a rug from pebbles, you will need:
- any waterproof, elastic, non-slip material (linoleum or rubber mat);
- flat pebbles, you can bring it from the sea or place an order in a specialized store;
- strong glue (universal), which will be able to attach the pebbles to the base;
- surface varnish.
Get started by following a specific sequence of work:
First of all, thoroughly wash and dry the base on which you will glue the pebbles.
The next step is to glue the stone onto the surface of the base.
Attention! To avoid cracks or gaps between the stones, make a sketch in advance and work on it.
Let the glued pebbles dry for a day.
Finally, varnish the surface of the finished rug.
Do-it-yourself textile rug
Another good solution for the bathroom would be a textile rug. Many people face the problem of washing the rug due to the high humidity in the bathroom. Therefore, so that your feet do not freeze on cold tiles, make an unusual “shaggy” rug with your own hands.
Making a textile rug requires the following materials to work:
- knitted fabric; it does not matter what it will be, new or old, the main thing is that the fabric is suitable for work;
- dense fabric of the same color as knitwear (this will be the base of the rug);
- sewing machine;
- scissors;
- Scotch;
- a set of threads.
Bath mat - instructions for doing the work:
- Cut the jersey into narrow strips 1.5 cm wide and 10 cm long.
- Sew the cut strips to the main fabric. The seam should be done every 3-4 cm.
- Now you have a fluffy item for the bathroom. The second option is to fix the strips, stick them with adhesive tape (double-sided) to the surface of the base.