We decide together which sink is better

Materials for manufacturing

When choosing a bathroom sink, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. Each has pros and cons

  • The most popular is ceramics. Materials such as faience and porcelain are often preferred by buyers. Porcelain is less porous, has a smoother surface, and is therefore considered to be of much higher quality.
  • Sinks made of marble look aesthetically pleasing, beautiful and expensive. A minor disadvantage is that this material is porous, which means that bacteria and dirt can collect there. Care for such products must be carefully and often.
  • There is also an artificial stone, the price of which is much lower. In the process of manufacturing products from such a material, various pigments can be added, due to which the color is different.
    Cheap such sinks are obtained as a result of production, which is carried out by injection and molding.

Fake diamond

This sink weighs much less than that of natural stone, besides it:

  • very strong;
  • not afraid of exposure to chemicals and temperature extremes.

We decide together which sink is better

The low porosity of the material and the ideal surface of the sink help it stay clean for a long time, and it is also easier to care for.
Artificial stone refers to hygienic materials that do not retain water. In case of accidental chipping, it can always be masked with special compounds. A sink made of artificial stone retains its appearance and performance properties for a decade.


Glass washbasins are a unique design solution.
For their manufacture, tempered durable glass with an increased thickness of at least 15 mm is used. An increase in its mechanical strength is achieved by adding special additives. Basically, such models are not mounted on the wall, they are installed on the countertops. They have a lot of advantages, namely:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • light weight, resulting in easier installation;
  • attractive appearance;
  • safety when using, thanks to the processed corners.

We decide together which sink is better

The disadvantages include the fact that they are noticeable streaks that remain from detergents, drops, dirt.

Product types


All shells are divided into several types. It depends on how they are installed. The tulip-shaped washbasin, which looks like a bowl standing on a leg, has become very popular.
All plumbing is removed into it: a bending connection to the mixer, an exhaust corrugated pipe necessary to drain water from the sink into the sewer.

We decide together which sink is better

Sink - "Tulip"

Thanks to this, everything superfluous is hidden, and it is not necessary to carry out work to mask the pipes. This type of shell, which lacks the back of the leg, is called a semi-pedestal. These products are different:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of installation;
  • service convenience.

"Water lily"

For the same small rooms, the water lily is an excellent choice among all types of bathroom sinks. To save space, this washbasin is often placed above the washing machine.

We decide together which sink is better

Sink - "Water Lily"


There are other convenient and popular types of sinks in the bathroom, for example, the built-in option. This fastening of the bowl gives this design many advantages. First of all, it is an opportunity to create non-standard design and special interior solutions.

We decide together which sink is better

These designs allow more rational use of space and organize additional storage space. Equally important is the fact that it will not be difficult to install and secure them. There are two ways of cutting, in which the edges of the bowl:

  • located on the same level with the countertop;
  • has a small protrusion.


Laid on sinks are modern fashionable plumbing products. They are mounted on different surfaces, including the countertop. The positive aspects are convenience and unusualness. In addition, such sinks have no joints, and the countertop serves to store all kinds of accessories. You can put a washing machine under such a device, but it will also take a lot of space for it.

We decide together which sink is better

The disadvantage is the need to hide all communications, otherwise they will spoil the view, hanging under the sink.


Once you have dealt with the question of which toilet is best for you - porcelain or faience, you have to decide on the manufacturer. In order not to buy a fake, give preference to the brand, the reliability of which is confirmed by numerous consumer reviews and quality certificates.

  1. Iddis - offers budget models of toilet bowls and various plumbing fixtures with a rather attractive appearance and good technical characteristics.
  2. Sanita is a manufacturer of inexpensive sanitary ware, the quality of which does not raise any doubts or claims.
  3. Gustavsberg - toilets from this manufacturer will cost you a little more than the products of the 2 previous brands, but the class of goods is an order of magnitude higher.
  4. Jika - it is beneficial to purchase plumbing of this brand from the point of view that the company offers the widest range of models: from the most budgetary to the elite. The design corresponds to all fashion trends, executed in various styles, and the quality of materials is impeccable.
  1. If you are considering other material options:
    • The most interesting will be the purchase of a toilet bowl made of a composite - polymer concrete. Such models look very luxurious and elegant, and the strength characteristics correspond to the highest values.
    • Glass looks interesting and brings a special flavor to the interior, but requires special care.
    • Stainless steel is strong and durable, easy to clean, but such plumbing is more suitable for public places, as the appearance is too utilitarian, and the price is high.
    • Natural stone in plumbing looks very elegant and expensive, but such products will be very expensive and not always practical. For example, it is undesirable to wash toilet bowls made of natural stone with aggressive household chemicals, but only with soft products specially designed for this purpose.
  2. If you still bought a porcelain or faience toilet bowl and immediately thought about how to clean it in order to maintain strength and attractive appearance for as long as possible, use one of the effective and safe folk remedies:
    • Lemon acid. Lime and rust deposits can easily remove citric acid crystals. To do this, just rinse the bowl with water, pour powder from 2-3 sachets onto the surface, leave for a couple of hours and then rinse thoroughly with a brush. The whole raid will come down.
    • Vinegar + soda. These 2 substances in combination are often used to clean a wide variety of surfaces. They also do a great job of removing dirt from the toilet. To apply such simple and accessible substances to everyone, sprinkle soda powder on a soiled or lime-stained surface of earthenware or porcelain. Next - sprinkle it with vinegar, it is more convenient to do this from a spray bottle. Leave everything in this form for 30-40 minutes and carefully clean with a brush.

Choosing a bathroom sink is not an easy task, because you have to choose from a variety of models, characteristics, manufacturers, price categories, etc. How not to get lost in this variety and make a purchase that will not disappoint you in the end? We will try to help you with this difficult issue by talking about different types of bathroom and toilet sinks, their advantages and disadvantages.

So, based on what criteria is it generally worth approaching this issue? Which sink is best for you? There can be no single correct answer here, and we will not decide for you.However, here are some clues: price, material, installation method. Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

The best sinks are those that will serve you faithfully for more than one year. What are shells made of, you ask? From glass, ceramics, metal, as well as stone (natural and artificial). The appearance of the product and the degree of its practicality directly depends on the material used. For example:

Anti-splash system

Modern models of sanitary equipment are increasingly equipped with this system, the name of which speaks for itself. It is designed to compensate for splashes during toilet operation.

It is worth noting that manufacturers most often indicate the presence of this system in the technical specifications, but in practice the situation may be quite different.

That is why, when buying an ordinary toilet, it is worth checking the plumbing equipment in action. Good advice - do not trust the laudatory odes that consultants sing to toilets in plumbing salons.

We decide together which sink is better

The "anti-splash" system is a specific drain hole, which is made in an unusual geometric shape. Perhaps the presence of this function will become the determining factor in the case when buyers are faced with the question: “How to choose a toilet?”. It is worth noting that toilet bowls made of faience, porcelain, ceramics or steel can be equipped with such a function.

Porcelain making

In the manufacture of porcelain, in addition to white and plastic clay, quartz, silicate and mineral impurities are used. After heat treatment, a thin, light, non-porous and durable material is obtained, resistant to high temperatures, water and processing.

Today, two types of porcelain are made, depending on the composition and proportion of the mixture. The result is a soft and hard type. The first option is very delicate, thin and sensitive to temperature changes. Soft porcelain is suitable for the manufacture of aesthetic products. For example, figurines, figurines, jewelry, etc.

The dishes are made only from hard porcelain, as it is a dense and more stable material that can withstand mechanical stress. The solid appearance is distinguished by light weight, transparency and a smooth surface. It is not only suitable for the manufacture of decorative items and dishes, but also used in plumbing. Let's find out how to distinguish porcelain from a fake.

We decide together which sink is better

Similarities and differences

Both considered materials are representatives of noble ceramics. Their main similarity is the composition (only the proportions and the presence of various additives have been changed) and the method of production. It can even be said that porcelain is an improved and modernized faience. Outwardly, it is sometimes very difficult for a simple layman to distinguish them from each other. However, there are some secrets. For example, you can consider the bottom of the product. If there is a rim of glaze, it is faience. If not, porcelain.

We decide together which sink is better

To understand in detail the features of these materials, consider the main differences between them:

  1. One of the main visual signs is translucency. Porcelain has it, faience does not.
  2. Product whiteness. The shade of porcelain is lighter, this is due to the amount of clay in the composition. Due to the high content of clay in faience, a dark shade is formed when fired. However, recently they began to achieve the "whiteness" of faience due to various additives: chalk, dolomite, etc.
  3. Product strength. Fragile due to its porosity, faience is difficult to compete with reliable porcelain. That is why the thickness of ceramic products also differs: faience products are usually made thicker in order to increase its strength. The thickness of porcelain is much thinner, which makes them more elegant.
  4. Another sure sign is the “voicing” of the product. When tapped, the sound of porcelain is very high and melodic, while faience will respond with a dull and low tone.
  5. Moisture resistance. Faience is much lower than porcelain. This is explained again by the porous structure of faience.

Faience and porcelain sink repair features

Regardless of whether you decide to buy a faience or porcelain sink, force majeure sometimes happens - such that no material can withstand. For example, if a hinged shelf fell on the product. Then there are only two options - make a new purchase or repair

If you are a supporter of repair, then pay attention - porcelain will be easier to glue compared to

We decide together which sink is better

If a porcelain sink can only be repaired with different types of glue, a porcelain item can also be repaired with a gypsum-based adhesive. The advantage is that the color of the seam will not be so noticeable. Also, regardless of the method, porcelain holds better because the stronger material adheres more easily with glue.

Six ways to distinguish porcelain from faience and ceramics

  1. Porcelain is a dense, white at the break, hard and ringing like glass material. How to distinguish between crystal and glass, see;
  2. Lightly strike the porcelain with a wooden stick and you will hear a high, long and clear sound. The faience product has a deaf, short and low sound;
  3. Any product with glaze or painting is faience. Such products have a bright color and a coating that is applied to eliminate porosity, moisture permeability and other material imperfections;
  4. Porcelain, unlike other ceramic products, looks attractive throughout its service life, does not lose its original external properties and does not crack. Faience and cheap ceramics become covered with microcracks over time;
  5. Porcelain is a more expensive material with light weight, resistance to mechanical stress and a long service life;
  6. Faience is a more accessible, cheap and practical material. But it is less hygienic as it absorbs moisture. Faience products do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Features of porcelain

Porcelain has a more complex manufacturing technology than faience; in its production, the initial composition is fired at a higher temperature. This affects the cost of finished products - they are somewhat more expensive than similar faience items. But the complication of technology justifies itself. Porcelain products are not hygroscopic, the dye is not absorbed into their surface, as well as dirt. That is why it is much easier to maintain the cleanliness of porcelain products than earthenware - dirt is removed from the porcelain surface much faster.

If you translate the above into real plumbing, what can you see? A standard faience plumbing kit will be cheaper than porcelain. At the same time, you should not think that faience is for a couple of years. Not at all. It's just that if faience products will adequately serve for twenty years, then porcelain - all fifty.

So what should be the plumbing, porcelain or faience? It all depends on the initial financial capabilities and the final claims of the Customer. Someone is ready to pay immediately and in sufficient amounts to obtain a quality item with a claim to the highest quality. For such a buyer, porcelain sanitary ware would be the best option. Someone wants to save money and at the same time agrees to pay more attention to maintaining the proper appearance of plumbing. For each potential client, manufacturers have provided their own proposal, which is formulated in the choice: porcelain or faience for a toilet bowl, sink, bidet, etc.

That is why it is wrong to consider that faience is definitely bad, and porcelain is good. If everything were so unambiguous, there would be almost no faience products on sale. But in practice, they successfully share sales volumes with more resistant porcelain "brothers".

Whatever the sink, porcelain or earthenware, it will have to be washed periodically. If you remember this, then the faience copy will please the eye. Well, if you forget about it, then porcelain as a material will not save the situation

Taking into account this circumstance, you can purchase plumbing from any material, the main thing is that the manufacturer is a company with a name. Then everything will be done according to the technology, and the plumbing will serve the period prescribed in the quality certificates

You can get detailed advice on choosing ceramic and other sanitary ware by calling the numbers listed on our website. Specialists will carefully study your wishes and offer the best option.

Expert answers

Asya K.:

Washbasin - wash, sink - wash, the first in the bathroom, the second in the kitchen. As for the sink, no idea. Rather, indeed, the name of the fact of the drain)

Oleg Alekseev:

A sink is something similar to a shell from the sea, hence the name, a toilet is also a sink and a sink is a sink for washing dishes and a washbasin is also a sink, only it differs from the sink in the shape of the bottom, you can’t put promises there, in general, each sink its purpose hence the name, so as not to be confused: toilet, bidet, sink, washbasin


sink is the common name for plumbing fixtures. it’s like saying “car”, but what kind of car (by body type) is the same with shells.

eduard shiukaev:

The sink is basically a product made of porcelain or faience. toilets and bidets are in no way related to sinks and washbasins. as they usually wash their face and hands. The sink may be more suitable for metal products. The sink in the kitchen is usually made of stainless steel.. . the washbasin is more associated with what was once, when water was poured into some basin, a basin was placed under it or fastened over an enameled sink, and by tapping the spout of the washbasin with a hand and releasing water, a person could wash. In principle, in everyday life, a sink and a washbasin are associated in one concept ...


Comparative characteristics, as well as all the pros and cons of each material and useful tips on choosing and caring for toilet plumbing, you will find in this article. gidroguru m/vnutrennyaya-kanal/santeh-pribory/unitazy/1642-kakoj-unitaz-luchshe-farfor-ili-fayans

Faience Faience is made from white clay, which gives the finished product a dense, finely porous structure. To level a sufficiently high coefficient of water absorption, the surface of the product is opened in layers with a special glaze. It is due to the glaze that not only the service life of plumbing, its strength characteristics are significantly increased, but also a more attractive appearance is achieved, since the toilet bowl turns out to be glossy. Pros: Compact in size and light in weight, as the walls of faience toilets are very thin. Optimal reliability. Good resistance to aggressive chemicals and moisture. Low price. Disadvantages: Strength and moisture resistance directly depend on the quality of the glaze used by the manufacturer. Products of eminent imported brands can cost even more than domestic counterparts from porcelain.

Porcelain Porcelain is also made on the basis of white clay, but strengthening minerals are added to it - feldspar and quartz. And the clay base itself has a higher quality class. As a result, an ultra-smooth dense surface of the material is obtained. Advantages: High mechanical strength. Resistance to pollution, due to the density of the structure. Porcelain toilets are much easier to clean and maintain. Unpleasant sewer odors during the installation of such plumbing appear much less frequently. Disadvantages: High price, but it fully corresponds to the quality class. Since the surface is also opened with additional glaze, the appearance differs little from faience counterparts. As a result, unscrupulous suppliers may pass off faience sanitary ware models as more expensive porcelain items.

Read more: serviceyard /sovetyi/farfor-ili-fayans-chto-luchshe-dlya-unitaza


on the toilet

Ivan Ivanov:

The best I think is Qin Dynasty Chinese porcelain....


Farvor is a little stronger and lighter than faience, it seems

Hero of the day:

Porcelain toilets.Sturdy and durable plumbing. With careful handling, it can last for decades. Has an attractive appearance. The main disadvantage of porcelain is its rather high price. Faience toilet bowls The most demanded equipment due to its low cost. They are made of faience fired using a special method with an additional coating, which increases strength and reduces the porosity of the surface of the product.How to choose the right quality toilet

a lion:

It doesn’t matter what it is made of, let it be golden, it is important that it fulfills its duties 100%. When you buy, you will agree with me


Put a toilet bowl 2a in one t / e with a bidet device, there are such ....

Ceramic products

Faience and porcelain are almost the same material, but made using slightly different technologies. Both for this and for the other, the basis is clay, which is fired in a kiln. The firing temperature is the decisive factor for obtaining either faience or porcelain. Each of them has its own specifics.

The following video will tell you which sink is better to buy: faience or porcelain:



This material differs from porcelain in its simpler quality. The indicator of porosity and moisture permeability of faience is higher than that of its counterpart. Therefore, to improve the performance, faience shells are covered with a layer of waterproof glaze. This is the secret of a smooth and shiny washbasin surface. By the way, shells made of this material are cheaper than all the others.

Let's talk about several popular faience models:

  • "Boreal". Faience sink from one of the domestic leaders in the production of sanitary ware, the company "Santek". Hinged model with an oval-shaped washbasin. The tap hole is located in the middle. Equipped with an overflow, which is equipped with a chrome-plated steel ring. Product dimensions 58.5x47.5x20.5 centimeters. Installation of a product on a pedestal is possible. The pedestal is not included. The price of the model is 1449 rubles;
  • "Elegance". Faience washbasin from the Russian factory "Kirovskaya Keramika". Equipped with wall mounting, overflow and tap holes. The sink bowl has the shape of a semicircle. The dimensions of the washstand are 60x49x20 centimeters. The cost is 1549 rubles;
  • "Drea". Faience sink from the Dreja company of the same name. The washbasin has additional side "wings" on the sides to accommodate cosmetics. The shape of the bowl is oval. Equipped with wall mounts and overflow hole. The mixer is attached in the middle of the product. Dimensions 75x51x7.5 centimeters. There is a washstand 3549 rubles.

By the way, among the manufacturers of faience, one of the most inexpensive and popular is Oskolskaya Keramika. Products of this factory are of high quality and durability. Moreover, the price of Oskol Ceramics sinks is one of the lowest in the country.

Photo of faience sinks for the bathroom

We decide together which sink is better


We decide together which sink is better

Rainbow – Oskol Ceramics

We decide together which sink is better

Ardo 255104 – Oskol Ceramics

We decide together which sink is better


We decide together which sink is better




Porcelain has greater durability and less porosity. Its moisture resistance is several times higher than that of faience. In addition, it is one of the most durable materials. The glossy glaze applied to porcelain sinks adds to the strength and moisture resistance properties. Porcelain sinks are slightly more expensive than faience.


  • "SevaFresh W504801". Built-in top oval porcelain sink from the Bulgarian factory "Vidima". The hole for the mixer is located in the center, equipped with an overflow. The dimensions of the product are 56x46x20 centimeters. Twenty-five year manufacturer's warranty. The price of the washbasin is 2083 rubles;
  • Strada K077801. Belgian porcelain sink of a rectangular shape from the company "Ideal Standard". Equipped with a system for fixing both on the wall and on the countertop.The hole for the mixer is located in the middle, there is an overflow. The dimensions of the washstand are 60x42x14.5 centimeters. The warranty is twenty five years. The cost of the model is 9400 rubles;
  • Basic 593-2. Porcelain sink Swedish firm "Gustavsberg". Equipped with an additional surface for placing cosmetics for washing. It has a hole for the mixer in the middle of the bowl and overflow. Product dimensions 71.5x43x21.5 cm. Twenty-five year manufacturer's warranty. It costs "Basic 593-2" 3980 rubles.

It is worth noting that porcelain sinks are mainly produced by foreign companies, but they are also found among domestic ones, although much less frequently.

Painted porcelain sink

We decide together which sink is better

How to care

Faience and porcelain sinks are completely unpretentious in their care. They are characterized by increased resistance to aggressive environments of almost all types of detergents and cleaners.

They are excellently cleaned with both abrasive powders and substances in the gel or liquid state. Simply apply the detergent to the washbasin, let it sit for five minutes and wipe the surface with a sponge. In the end, wash off the remnants of the product and dirt with water.

Blue and white porcelain painted bathroom sinks

We decide together which sink is better


