Do-it-yourself log house for a well

Presentation on the theme of the Village Soul Well Project 2012. Village soul well project Reconstruction and decoration of an old well The well has the best water, And in ancient times, Transcript


Project “Village Soul Well!” year 2012

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Project “Village Soul Well!” Reconstruction and decoration of an old well The well has the best water, And in ancient times, it happened, They always came to us for it From the end of the village and from the beginning. We were proud of our water, And we drank for a long time and to the point of trembling. And the taste, transparent and icy, She had nothing in common... The well was dilapidated a long time ago, The village became tiny, Only five yards remained. And before! Before... It used to be...

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


The urgency of the problem. How the younger generation will be educated, and most importantly, brought up, will determine what kind of society we will revive, and whether it will be happy, interesting to live in it. We all talk about the revival of Russia, but it is impossible without the revival of cultural values ​​and folk traditions. Each generation, perceiving a number of traditions, must choose not only the future, but also honor its past, sacredly and carefully preserve not only the traditions of its family, but also its people. Starting to draw up the project, we, teachers and pupils of the Orphanage, thought about how to work together with the villagers so that our children grow up to continue the traditions of their parents and true patriots of their homeland. And the richer we are in positive traditions, the more likely it is to form a cultural society. We assume that this project will be aimed at reviving traditions that, like “forged dowry chests”, will be passed down from generation to generation, which will be remembered throughout life as the brightest, kindest, brightest from childhood, which will transform slow river of time into a pleasant road with stops and milestones. So that in the future, children, walking along this road, understand: this is their world, familiar, understandable and loved. So, our project: "The well of the soul of the village!" aims to familiarize pupils with the foundations, customs of a rural settlement and pass them on from generation to generation.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Mission of the project Creation of conditions for the joint work of the children's public association of the orphanage and the villagers on the revival of folk traditions.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


The purpose of the project: the development of patriotism and love for their small homeland.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Project objectives: 1. To identify the level of knowledge of children, teachers, about the folk traditions of the village. 2. To rally children, teachers and villagers with a single creative thought through the study of rural traditions, holding folk and family holidays. 3. To create conditions for the joint work of the children's public association of the orphanage and the villagers in the revival of folk traditions. 4. Develop interest in the history of your small homeland. 5. Develop practical skills in small-scale construction, woodworking, etc.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Expected Result. Construction and painting of a canopy for a well in the Russian style. Grand opening with the invitation of honorary residents of the rural settlement.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Participants of the project Pupils of the orphanage years. Orphanage teachers Villagers

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Implementation mechanism. The construction will be managed by a team of members of the children's public association of the orphanage under the guidance of a labor training instructor. The brigade will consist of children from the orphanage and villagers.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Stages of implementation Stage I - "The origins of traditions" - introductory. - Questioning of teachers on the topic: "Do you know rural customs, traditions?" -Visit families of villagers to get acquainted with their way of life, customs, relics.-Interview with children about the folk traditions of the village in Russia. Stage II - "Pages of History" - educational Stage III - "Work on the project" Stage IV - "Love for the Motherland begins small" - the final one. - The opening-presentation of the new well will be held solemnly. Project implementation period: June - August.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Financial support of the project. The orphanage has: a circular saw, an electric planer, an electric jigsaw, an electric grinder. For construction, lumber is required: - edged board, - timber, - bar, - nails, - hammer, - hacksaws, - ax. Painting and painting will be done by members of the art studio in the amount of six people, under the guidance of a teacher of additional education. For painting you need: - enamel of various colors, - brushes, - solvent.

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


Presentation of the project Organization of a holiday dedicated to the opening of the well with the invitation of honorary residents of the village, heads of the rural settlement and district. In the program: - Grand opening - Concert program - Photographing Posting information on the website of the orphanage about the implementation of the social project "The Well - the Soul of the Village!"

Do-it-yourself log house for a well


