So what will be
On this, of course, "very important" question, there are several alternative points of view:
- The crowbar will bend.
- Scrap will pop back
, putting an experimenter on himself and sticking into the ceiling. - The crowbar will dig the ground along with the sleepers.
- The train will derail.
- The car will lose some wheels.
- The railway will suffer damage in the millions of rubles.
- The scrap will quite firmly and deeply stick into the earth's crust, as a result of which the globe will continue its rotation in the direction of the train.
- The toilet will crack.
- The crowbar will stick into the roadbed and the train will drag the entire branch, followed by the next one, etc. In a word, fuck the entire railway network on the continent.
- The conductor and the driver are fiercely, furiously offended and go into a binge.
- A huge black hole will open up and suck everyone in.
It will not be difficult for a person who knows the materiel to calculate everything in his mind and come to the correct conclusion. Shkolota will prove his point of view with foam at the mouth. But in reality, everything will be very dull. So it's better to throw a crowbar in the gas turbine engine. It will turn out a good, suitable terrorist attack. And cheap - no explosives costs.
Also, the beginning of the game "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" tells us about the subject. The protagonist did throw his crowbar down the toilet of the train.
- Option 1: the crowbar will simply bend, slightly bending the toilet bowl - the strength of the material is the same! No mass casualties, crashes and dismemberment. True, later this squiggle can get under the wheel, but this is another task and the results have long been known. Option 2 (more possible) simply nothing will happen, since the maximum length of a REAL scrap is 1-1.5 meters [SHIELD?], and he will not be able to be in the toilet, and on the ground and just fall down
The captain states: “Throwing a crowbar into the toilet of a train has something to do with Bashorg. So that!" |
Throwing a crowbar down a train toilet is an integral part of the transport life of this country. |
Real story
And we found this story in the vastness of Runet. How real it is, we do not know, but it does not sound quite believable.
So we have two main characters. Let's call them Lech and Borya. At that time, both worked on the railway as machinists. The question of what will happen to the crowbar, they were asked by friends a thousand times, and each time they laughed it off about it. And then one day our characters decided to nevertheless conduct an experiment in order to understand what would happen and whether it would happen at all?
To do this, Lyokha and Borya went to the sidings, where there was an ancient decommissioned passenger car. It was decided to use a diesel locomotive as a pusher. Of course, it was decided to put the experiment away from the station - you never know what? ..
One of the characters gets into the cabin of the locomotive, and the second goes to the car to the toilet. The guys prepared in advance a handle from a shovel, a crowbar and a piece of a metal pipe. After a short acceleration, it was decided to start the experiment. First, a shovel handle flew into the pipe. At first, something rumbled somewhere under the car, after which the noise stopped. Our heroes breathed a sigh of relief.
Now came through the crowbar. Lyokha stood up in the opening of one of the compartments, while Borya put a crowbar in the toilet and hit the pedal with a piece of pipe ... The speed of the train at that time was about 70 kilometers per hour. There was such a thunder, as if there had been an accident involving several dozen cars! There was a terrible noise around the car, everything vibrated, cracked and shook. A few seconds later, the train slowly began to stop ... By the way, by this moment Borya managed to retire from the toilet.
When there was a complete stop, it was decided to inspect the toilet stall. As it turned out, the pedal fell out of its groove, the toilet bowl split into several parts, and the bolts on which it was held were torn off. However, it was one of the smallest troubles. As soon as they got out of the car, our experimenters discovered that one rim was missing, the other turned out to be bent, the rails did not deform, but began to resemble a huge file due to the large number of notches. Several sleepers were also damaged. As for the scrap, for some reason it was not possible to find it.
Once again, we do not know if this story is real, but we do not advise you to repeat the above in any case, as this can turn into big problems for you.
Alternative point of view
Gift option with engraving
When a crowbar penetrates into the train toilet seat at speed, the spectacle space will be sharply filled with crowbar, as a result of which the light radiation, which was previously blocked by the spectacle pedal, will act on the crowbar, which, without losing inertia, will continue to move along the horizontal and vertical axes. |
There are many versions of this, but immediately take into account the fact that all these are just assumptions. So here's what people think and say:There will be nothing
The scrap will simply fall on the sleepers, and the train will go further along the intended path.
There will be nothing. The scrap will simply fall on the sleepers, and the train will go further along the intended path.
The crowbar will pop back and may bend.
The toilet will break into many small pieces, so much so that you won’t be able to pee until the end of the journey.
If scrap gets into a part of the rolling stock, then, probably, the train will simply go off the rails and the most real catastrophe will happen with the loss of human lives.
Nothing will happen to the crowbar, because it is made of too strong metal.
The scrap can break through the brake line, which in turn will lead to a train stop for several hours.
Nothing will happen, because the toilet bowl is not an ordinary hole at all, but a so-called knee. This was done just to protect against various smart people.
eyewitness account
There was a terrible thunder, as if several dozen cars collided with each other at full speed. The car shook, rocked, the floors cracked, everything rattled and vibrated. The brake pads screeched, and the train began to stop. |
From somewhere |