How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Features of piping made of polypropylene

The main advantage of propylene pipes, as they look like in the photo, is the ability to create a heating circuit of any design. If a rather complicated piping scheme for heating radiators is used to equip the heat supply system, it is quite possible to use polypropylene products. But it should be borne in mind that a long pipeline is characterized by a high degree of heat loss.

Before creating a heating system, the property owner should think carefully about everything, it may be better to make it simpler and thereby increase the efficiency of heat supply. There is no need to use pipe benders and "grinders" when a radiator piping assembly is formed. The connection between polypropylene pipes can be performed in one of two ways. The first one is soldering. This method is considered the most reliable and, with high-quality work, leakage is excluded.

The second connection method is to use fittings. But this method is less reliable: in the case of even a minimal displacement, the coolant begins to leak. When tying radiators is being performed and it is possible not to make a connection, it is certainly better to use it.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Modern polypropylene products for pipelines, manufactured using the latest technologies, have remarkable characteristics:

At the same time, there are restrictions regarding the installation of polypropylene pipes in the vicinity of the heating boiler, which it is better to know about in advance before installing the system and before putting the heating battery into operation.

In no case is it allowed to use tow or fum-tape. It is known that when heated, rubber gaskets can significantly decrease and in some cases the gas supply can be shut off. At the same time, tow or fum tape often catch fire from high temperatures, which leads to rather sad consequences. After the piping of the heating radiator is completed, until the battery is turned on, everything should be carefully checked.

How to make a bypass for a heating radiator, details on the video:

Purpose of the heating system

In a private house or apartment, the optimum temperature must always be set. which varies from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter, this indicator can only be achieved with a high-quality heating system. Its efficiency must correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, and the radiator connection diagram must also be correctly selected.

It is the heaters that compensate for heat losses, which are mandatory in any room, since heat leaves through windows, doors and even communication elements.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to what schemes exist for connecting heating radiators, and choose the best option. It is advisable to make a choice even at the stage of building a house or apartment, but often you have to change a poor-quality system, so you can do work in an already finished private house or apartment

But in this case, the installation will be more complex and specific.

The most optimal is the connection of heating radiators to the central heating system, since in this case an efficient and reliable system is obtained that provides uniform and constant heating in winter. However, many private houses are located at a certain distance from the city, so it is not always possible to use a connection to centralized heating.

That is why you have to create your own autonomous systems in a private house. which:

  • must have high efficiency;
  • if you want to do everything on your own, you can watch the training video to avoid mistakes;
  • numerous nodes must be correctly formed and adjusted;
  • installation must be carried out in accordance with all requirements and conditions;
  • a reliable and correct piping of the system must be provided.

What factors affect the efficiency of a heating system?

To ensure uniform and high-quality heating of the premises in the house, it is important to know which elements affect it. These include:

  • correct wiring of the network, which affects the efficiency of heating and how evenly the rooms will heat up, and the cost of heating also depends on this;
  • well-chosen equipment for the system, for which it is necessary to make certain calculations that will allow you to determine what efficiency, power and other parameters the main elements should have, and even fuel consumption depends on this;
  • correct installation of the main components and elements of the heating system, which include pipelines, radiators, fittings and even a boiler with a pump, because if any actions are performed incorrectly, the heating will either not work at all or function poorly, so it is advisable to view the training in advance video.

Therefore, before the installation of all heating elements is carried out, it is necessary to concentrate on the calculations and the choice of the connection scheme for heating radiators. It is necessary to choose the batteries themselves, which will have the desired efficiency and other characteristics. Other types of products intended for installation must be purchased, and they must be of high quality. The work itself should be done by hand only after carefully studying the instructions and videos with sequential actions.

Pipes price for quality

The heating battery is mounted using pipes. When choosing these products, it is worth considering the material of manufacture, which has different characteristics.

It is worth deciding on the type of radiators. A cast-iron heating radiator is tied with pipes made of any material.


Bimetallic heaters are tied with steel lines. A welding machine is used for connection. Threaded fittings are used as connecting fasteners.

Steel products are used in systems with natural circulation, when a pipeline of large cross section is required. Strength is one of the strengths of the material.

Designs are characterized by resistance to high temperatures and throughput. At the same time, steel pipes can last longer than 100 years.

Steel pipes are more often used in the heating system of private houses

It is recommended to use seamless models to eliminate the risk of leakage.

Tying heating radiators requires certain skills.

Metal-plastic: we do it together with a thermostat

Different types of heating radiators are tied with metal-plastic lines, but under certain conditions:

  1. Such piping is used in systems with limited pressure.
  2. During installation, press fittings are used.
  3. If compression fittings are used, a calibrator will be required to keep the O-rings from moving.

This material combines the qualities of plastic and steel materials. Metal-plastic has a multilayer structure. Inside the heater is equipped with a smooth surface, which prevents the formation of sediment.

The structures are easy to assemble. They are picked up without special equipment.

Polypropylene paired with strapping kit

Polypropylene piping is recommended for stand-alone systems.This material is rigid, so it bends under a large radius.

More corner fittings are required during installation. The connection is made using a welding unit. This material will not rust or clog. The advantages include resistance to aggressive environments. These pipes are frost-resistant and resistant to temperature extremes.


Competent piping of radiators contributes to the efficient operation of the entire heating structure. Tying heating radiators is not a difficult task and everyone can do it.

Features of connecting a radiator to pipes

The piping must be done correctly, and it is important to pay attention to the correct connection of the device to the pipeline. It is important that the connection is sealed. Quite often, it is the diagonal mount that is used, but other options can be used.

Quite often, it is the diagonal mount that is used, but other options can be applied.

  • A one-way connection consists in the fact that a coolant supply pipe (top) and a return pipe (bottom) are connected to one section of the device. This allows you to increase efficiency, since all sections of the battery are heated evenly. This option is suitable for one-story buildings in which there are many sections in one radiator.
  • The bottom connection is considered ideal for underfloor heating. Here, the supply and return are connected at the bottom of the sections that lie opposite to each other. The disadvantage of this option is considered to be low efficiency, since the radiators warm up unevenly at the top.
  • The diagonal connection is intended for appliances with many sections. Here, the coolant first passes through the Mayevsky tap and the plug, then enters the battery itself. The coolant moves in a direction, so a high heat transfer rate is ensured.

Thus, if the battery connection scheme is correctly selected and the installation is correctly performed, then you can get high-quality, uniform and reliable heating with optimal fuel consumption. The strapping must be correctly implemented, and all nodes must be connected tightly and securely. It is advisable to watch the training video on our website in advance, which will provide the correct sequence of steps and talk about possible errors and problems. Not only uniform heating, but also the safety of heating depends on the result.

Scheme and stages of connecting a gas heating boiler to the heating system Features of installing heating radiators Scheme for connecting solar panels Ten for heating radiators

Rules for the installation of the main structural elements

Work on the organization of the heating system must necessarily fully comply with the requirements of experienced highly qualified professionals. Otherwise, the results of a set of measures to create a system in the house will be something that clearly does not meet the expectations of future users.

A responsible approach to the installation of radiators in the system is a very important point, which in no case should be missed throughout the entire period of work. Thus, the Specialists put forward a whole range of requirements, among which are the following:

  • the battery should be installed at a distance of about ten centimeters from the floor surface;
  • the window sill should not be closer to the radiator than ten centimeters;
  • when connecting the device nodes to the trunk, you must perform all the actions prescribed in advance by the manufacturer of a particular product;
  • a minimum distance of two centimeters must be left between the wall and the appliance.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes Even a beginner can draw such a diagram

Thanks to many years of almost domestic specialists and "home" masters, a certain algorithm of actions was developed in connecting batteries:

  • at the place of the future location of the device, it is necessary to mark the areas on which the brackets will then be placed;
  • do not resort to experiments by fixing the brackets, just attach them to the wall;
  • before installing the device, you need to prepare it, that is, install elements of shut-off and control valves on it (at this stage, the so-called Mayevsky cranes);
  • after checking the correct installation of shut-off and control valves, you should proceed with the installation of the remaining elements, among them a variety of plugs, as well as valves;
  • fully prepared battery. They are installed on the place intended in the room, then its connection with the brackets is fixed;
  • try to carefully adjust the device so that it is firmly and securely on the table, check all connections;
  • one of the last stages is the diagonal, one-sided or lower connection of the product to the system;
  • now it is necessary to pressurize the structure, and then let the coolant into the device (this will make sure that the connections between the pipe and the product are tight, and that everything works as envisaged in the project).

As you can see, the algorithm is quite simple and quite within the power of any novice master.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes Approximate scheme of radiator heating

The heating system in your home: various radiator piping schemes updated: June 14, 2017 by: Lesy

How to install

Now about how to hang the radiator. It is highly desirable that the wall behind the radiator be flat - it is easier to work this way. The middle of the opening is marked on the wall, a horizontal line is drawn 10-12 cm below the window sill line. This is the line along which the upper edge of the heater is leveled. The brackets must be installed so that the upper edge coincides with the drawn line, that is, it is horizontal. This arrangement is suitable for heating systems with forced circulation (with a pump) or for apartments. For systems with natural circulation, a slight slope is made - 1-1.5% - along the course of the coolant. You can’t do more - there will be stagnation.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Proper installation of heating radiators

wall mount

This must be taken into account when mounting hooks or brackets for heating radiators. Hooks are installed like dowels - a hole of a suitable diameter is drilled in the wall, a plastic dowel is installed in it, and the hook is screwed into it. The distance from the wall to the heater is easily adjusted by screwing and unscrewing the hook body.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Hooks for cast iron batteries are thicker. This is fasteners for aluminum and bimetallic

When installing hooks for heating radiators, please note that the main load falls on the top fasteners. The lower one serves only for fixing in a given position relative to the wall and it is installed 1-1.5 cm lower than the lower collector. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to hang the radiator.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

One of the brackets

When installing the brackets, they are applied to the wall in the place where they will be mounted. To do this, first attach the battery to the installation site, look where the bracket will “fit”, mark the place on the wall. After putting the battery, you can attach the bracket to the wall and mark the location of the fasteners on it. In these places, holes are drilled, dowels are inserted, the bracket is screwed onto the screws. Having installed all the fasteners, the heater is hung on them.

Floor fixing

Not all walls can hold even light aluminum batteries. If the walls are made of lightweight concrete or sheathed with drywall, floor installation is required. Some types of cast-iron and steel radiators come with legs right away, but they do not suit everyone in terms of appearance or characteristics.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Legs for installing aluminum and bimetal radiators on the floor

Floor installation of radiators from aluminum and bimetallic is possible. There are special brackets for them. They are attached to the floor, then a heater is installed, the lower collector is fixed with an arc on the installed legs. Similar legs are available with adjustable height, there are fixed ones. The method of fastening to the floor is standard - on nails or dowels, depending on the material.

The place of radiators in the heating system

The use of radiators in residential heating plays a key role today. Not all residential properties, especially apartments in multi-storey buildings, can be converted to underfloor heating. Therefore, the main work on heating the internal living spaces is performed by radiators or the good old and well-known to us, batteries.

Radiators transfer thermal energy from the coolant to the surrounding space. Heat transfer is carried out due to the large heating surface of the heating device. In modern models, there are a number of technical improvements, thanks to which it has become possible to connect in a variety of ways and with any wiring scheme.

in old cast-iron and steel batteries there was only one upper and one lower branch pipe, through which hot water is supplied and the return flow is carried out.

In modern models, in addition to the main supply and output pipes, there are built-in air vents. This battery design has radically changed the quality of the functionality of the heating system. If there are air pockets in the heating devices, it is enough to open the bleed valve and bleed the air.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

In many respects, thanks to modern models of heating batteries, it has become possible to choose the most convenient connection scheme, to install heating devices in those places in the living room in which they are most effective. The quality of the heating water circuit depends on the correct piping. The process is necessary if you are using a pipeline made of polypropylene pipes.

Important! In the presence of metal risers, the strapping is made from other consumables. It can be metal copper pipes or metal-plastic

The use of polypropylene pipes in this case is strictly prohibited.

The reason for the incompatibility of metal pipes with polypropylene products is the presence of a threaded connection. Given the fact that propylene pipes have a high coefficient of thermal expansion, when a hot coolant is supplied, the threaded connection will lose its tightness and stability. Therefore, if you want to connect a heating radiator made of polypropylene pipes, try to use fittings, adapters and couplings made of similar materials.

take into account the difference in diameters of pipes made of different materials

Scheme of arrangement of the heating system

The main element in every heating system is a heating boiler. In many ways, the wiring diagrams for heating radiators depend on it. If a floor-standing heater is selected, it should not be mounted on top of the heating structure, as such an arrangement reduces the efficiency of the system or can even lead to a malfunction in its operation.

Typically, such boilers do not have devices for venting air, and this often leads to air locks. It must be taken into account that in the absence of an air vent, the pipes of the supply section of the line should be mounted strictly vertically.

It is not difficult to find out if the boiler has an air vent - you need to look at whether or not there are nozzles in its lower part that are intended to connect the heater to the heating system.In this case, the supply line is connected to the return pipes using a special manifold. Usually, pipes are available for wall-mounted gas and electric heating boilers.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Some models of heating units do not have a circulation pump, expansion tank and pressure control device. All these components can be purchased and installed, if necessary, taking into account their location. So it is most reasonable to place a circular pump on the return pipes.

As for the safety group, it is allowed to mount it both on the supply section of the circuit and on the reverse (read: “Safety group for heating - we make the system reliable“).

When tying radiators with polypropylene is done, you need to consider the type of system on which additional components are to be installed. If the design provides for the natural circulation of the coolant, then they are unlikely to be required. In the case when the radiator is piping with polypropylene in a forced circulation design, it will be necessary to additionally use both a circulation pump and other elements. After that, to check the quality of the system, the heating radiators are pressure tested.

In apartments with central heating, it is now customary to install bimetallic radiators, and in private housing construction, piping of an aluminum radiator or a steel heating battery is more common.

How does the tie-in scheme of the radiator affect its efficiency

Long-term practice of domestic workers in the construction industry has made it possible to identify several types of piping schemes for heat transfer devices. They are dictated by their connection options:

  • diagonal bilateral at the top giving;
  • one-way when the coolant is supplied from above;
  • one-sided with water supply from below;
  • double-sided with the connection of both eyeliners from below;
  • diagonal bilateral at giving from below;

Experts have developed much more original tie-in options, however, they are far from being so popular.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes Basic schemes for connecting radiators

Each of these types of connection has its own characteristics and, in particular, disadvantages. The latter must be evaluated in advance and calculate which option will work with maximum efficiency:

  • Thanks to a one-way connection, it turns out to significantly increase the efficiency of the entire system and a particular radiator. This is due to the fact that the heating of each individual section of the object is carried out evenly. This option is optimal for buildings with a height of one floor, in which units with a large number of sectional connections are installed.
  • The bottom connection is made directly under the floor surface. However, this is not a very effective analogue. This is primarily due to the fact that the heating of the radiator is absolutely uneven.
  • The diagonal scheme involves the installation of a Mayevsky crane, as well as a specialized plug. The direction of the heat carrier is set in advance, due to which the level of heat transfer of the object increases significantly.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes The difference between connection types is obvious

Stages of connecting heating radiators

Installing batteries in the house and subsequent connection will require additional equipment and accessories from you. All valves, as well as the main consumables, must also be made of polypropylene. Ball valves today are available in any modification, both straight and angled.

For reference: You can use brass fittings, but it is more expensive and, most interestingly, the joints of brass fittings with a propylene pipe or coupling will lose their strength over time.

To make the connection correctly, you will need: seals, a set of keys, thread paste, mounting tape, threads for making threads.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

The binding is performed as follows.

A multiflex is used - a tooling into which a coupling equipped with a union nut is inserted. Such a connection is able to interact with any outputs and inputs.

Polypropylene pipes are laid at a suitable height. The allowable gap between the line and the wall is 20-30 cm. Special brackets are the places where the pipe is attached to the wall.

If you want to hide the pipes in the wall, then the pipe is brought to the surface only at the points of connection to the radiators.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Batteries are usually attached to the wall with pins. In some cases, corner brackets are used to hang the batteries. For sectional radiators, the number of brackets is determined by the number of sections.

Installation of the crane in the battery. The plastic faucet is disassembled. Then the fitting is screwed into the seat and fixed with a union nut, after which the nut is tightly tightened. The plastic body of the faucet is put on over the fitting.

The supplied pipe, with the help of bends, is brought directly to the tap, after which the soldering iron comes into action. To work with polypropylene pipes, use an 800W burner, which is set to a heating temperature of 270 0 C. It is not recommended to set the temperature more or less. The heated sleeve is put on the tap outlet. The whole process, with appropriate preparation, takes no more than 5-10 minutes. Do not forget to install thermostatic regulators at the connection points.

For reference: pipes connected to the radiator must be geometrically correctly located, without tension and inclinations. Otherwise, the junction will be under constant voltage, and the slope of the line created will disrupt the normal circulation of water in the system.

To get an idea of ​​how the finishing work is done: connecting pipes to a radiator, we suggest you watch this video.

The choice of radiators

Paired with polypropylene, aluminum sectional radiators are traditionally used.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Aluminum radiators with different piping spacings.

What is the reason for such an unambiguous instruction?

What is worse than cast iron, steel or bimetallic products?

  • The price of aluminum radiators is lower. than any analogues, except perhaps the registers made by hand from steel pipes.
  • Due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminum, all the fins of the sections have the same temperature. which ensures maximum heat transfer with minimum dimensions of the heater.
  • Overpaying for a bimetallic radiator with comparable thermal characteristics is meaningless. since the strength of any circuit is equal to the strength of its weakest link. In our case, polypropylene will be the weak link.

Connecting aluminum radiators with polypropylene pipes implies their complete set with shutoff valves. What and why?

The simplest and cheapest option is a pair of valves. Better - ball: unlike screw and cork, they are extremely reliable, always maintain tightness and do not require maintenance. The valves perform a single function - they allow, if necessary, to completely turn off the heater for repair or replacement.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

The battery is equipped with a pair of ball valves.

An advanced option is to complete the battery with a choke or a pair of chokes.

What are they needed for?

  • The throttle allows you to manually reduce the heat output of the device at a high temperature in the room.
  • A pair of throttles are used in cases where a two-pipe system requires not only adjustment, but also balancing - flow restriction through radiators closest to the boiler or pump. For balancing, a choke is usually used on the return supply, to adjust the temperature in the room - on the supply.

Finally, the most convenient (but also the most expensive) option in terms of ease of use is to connect the radiator to a polypropylene pipe using a thermostatic valve and a thermal head.

The thermostat uses the thermal expansion of some media already familiar to us: when heated (and the linear dimensions of the bellows in the thermal head housing increase), it closes the valve, limiting the flow of coolant; when cool, the valve opens. This ensures a constant temperature in the room with any change in external conditions - the weather outside or the parameters of the coolant.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

The thermostat must not be placed in an updraft of warm air from a radiator or plumbing.

Note: in a two-pipe heating system, the thermostat is often equipped with a balancing throttle on the second supply line.

In addition to shut-off and control valves, with a lower connection, the radiators are equipped with air vents - valves for bleeding air after the circuit is discharged.

Air vents can be:

  1. Mayevsky cranes. Their advantages are compactness and low cost.
  2. Ordinary valves or taps installed in the upper radiator plug. They are convenient with high throughput: air is bled through the valve much faster.
  3. Automatic air vents that remove air bubbles from the circuit without the participation of the owner.

What fittings and how to connect a heating radiator with a polypropylene pipe?

Insertion into horizontal filling is carried out through a socket tee with a diameter transition. A typical filling diameter in a circuit of reasonable length with forced circulation is 25 - 32 mm; the outer diameter of the connection to a separate heater is 20 mm.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

The tie-in to the filling is made by socket welded tees.

  • 1/2" weld socket adapters allow the connection of valves, throttles or thermostatic valves.
  • To connect shutoff valves with radiator plugs, American women are used - quick-release fittings with union nuts and rubber gaskets. They allow you to reduce the time of dismantling the radiator to 30 - 45 seconds.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

In the photo - a combined solution: a ball valve with an American.

Tying with polypropylene pipes

Piping of radiators can be carried out using a variety of pipes, but experts recommend using polypropylene. Ball valves for strapping are also bought in polypropylene, they can be straight and angled, this option is the simplest and most inexpensive. Brass fittings are more expensive, and installation is more difficult.

Polypropylene strapping is performed as follows:

  • the coupling with the union nut is inserted into the multiflex, which is easily connected to any outlet;
  • the pipes themselves are attached to the walls at a convenient height, they should not fit snugly against the surface, it is better to leave a gap of 2-3 cm. The pipes are fixed with special brackets, which are fixed to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws.

Polypropylene strapping to radiators can also be carried out when pipes are laid into the wall, in which case they come to the surface only at the connection points.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

Piping of radiators can be carried out using a variety of pipes, but experts recommend using polypropylene.

Fasteners for batteries can be very different, most often it is a pin connection, which is fixed on the wall surface. Corner brackets can also be used, which also allow you to hang radiators at the required height. For panel batteries, fasteners are supplied in the kit, for sectional batteries, you need to buy separately. Usually, two brackets or pins are enough for one section.

The connection of cranes is carried out in this way:

  • the crane is disassembled, a fitting and a union nut are screwed into the radiator;
  • the nut is tightly tightened with a special wrench.

As you can see, this process is extremely simple.To perform such work, you only need to purchase a special plumbing key for American women, without which it is unlikely that you can simply install a tap.

The following materials and tools are required for battery installation and piping:

  • a set of special keys;
  • seals for threaded connections;
  • tow and thread paste;
  • thread for carving.

Features of connecting radiators

Installation of heating differs in some features:

  1. It is necessary to observe the distance from the radiator to the window sill of 100 mm. If the gap between the batteries and the bottom of the window sill is different, then the heat flow is disturbed, the effect of the heating system will be low.
  2. From the floor surface to the battery, the distance should be 120-150 mm, otherwise a sharp temperature drop occurs.
  3. In order for the heat transfer of the equipment to be correct, the distance from the wall must be at least 20 mm.

At the same time, we take into account that the installation method and the efficiency of heating radiators are greatly influenced by the installation method: under the window sill in the open form, the efficiency of the heating system is maximum - 96-97%, in a niche in the open form - up to 93%, in a partially closed form - 88-93 %, fully closed - 75-80%.

The heating radiator can be installed using a variety of methods, its piping is carried out with metal, polyethylene, polypropylene pipes

It is important during installation to correctly position not only the pipes, but also the batteries themselves, to connect in accordance with all recommendations and standards. In this case, the heating system will work very efficiently and will not require repairs.

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Working with polypropylene pipes is not particularly difficult. Previously, any installation of the heating system has a ready-made scheme and thermal calculations. With the help of the drawn up scheme, you will be able not only to calculate the required number of pipes for your heating circuit, but also to correctly place the heating devices in the house.

The use of polypropylene pipes at home allows you to reinstall the radiator at any time. The presence of appropriate shut-off valves will ensure that you turn the radiators on and off at any time. However, during the installation process, certain rules and instructions should be followed.

How to connect a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes

  • avoid using a combination of individual pipe fragments made of different materials during installation.
  • Excessively long piping without the proper number of fasteners can sag over time. This applies to small heated objects, where there is a powerful autonomous boiler, respectively, the water in the pipeline has a high temperature.

When installing, try not to overheat the pipe, fittings and couplings. Overheating leads to poor soldering quality. Molten polypropylene boils, obscuring the internal passage of the pipe.

The main condition for the durability and quality of the pipeline of the heating system is the strength of the connections and the correct piping. Feel free to install taps and valves in front of each radiator. By installing an automation system and adjusting the heating mode, with the help of taps you can mechanically turn on and off the heating in the room.

Oleg Borisenko (Site Expert).

Indeed, the configuration of the room may require a combined connection of radiators. If the design of the radiator allows, then several radiators can be mounted in one circuit by connecting them in different ways - side, diagonal, bottom. Modern threaded fittings, as a rule, are high-quality products with consistent thread parameters. However, to ensure the tightness of threaded connections, various seals are used that differ in characteristics.The sealing material must be selected depending on the design features of the heating system and its location (concealed, open), since sealants can be designed to adjust (tighten) threaded joints, or they can be a one-time use that does not allow deformation after curing. Select a sealant for sealing threaded connections will help the material of this article:

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