Why is there yellow water in the well?

Water color

The color depends on the content of ferric iron and humic substances in the water, whose concentration depends on:

  • the nature of the soil
  • proximity to swamps and peat bogs,
  • aquifers,
  • geological conditions
  • other natural aspects.

It is not always possible to determine the color by eye. The parameter is measured in degrees. The limit for drinking water is 30०. The indicator does not speak about the nature of pollution - it only indicates the presence of impurities.

The analysis will show the exact composition of the impurities, but the water turns yellow most often due to the high iron content. It is not the color of the water that occurs, but the turbidity. It is advisable to clean the well shaft, it is necessary to introduce an iron-absorbing filter into the water supply system (often a regular paper filter is enough). It is necessary to periodically check the equipment - iron particles settle on the parts and disable the pump.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Iron removal filter

It is recommended to install shut-off valves on two connections so that the water from the system does not have to be drained when the filter needs to be removed.

If the water is green, again, this is not color, but turbidity - phytoplankton. Wells without covers are at risk - the sun's rays contribute to the flowering of water. But phytoplankton is not the only reason for the green color: in addition to almost harmless algae, chromium, which is no longer so harmless, gives a green tint to the water. Analysis is needed. If the problem is in living organisms, decontamination will help. If the case is in chrome, the only true recommendation is to dig another source, to another layer.

Expensive water treatment does not always help. Masters do not dig wells if the MPC is exceeded - geological research is carried out in order not to open a reservoir with a high content of chromium (and other harmful impurities). If you managed to dig a well with your own hands and land exactly on a chrome-plated layer, enter the expenditure of time and effort in the “loss” column and dig a new source, or better, contact a specialist (so as not to make a colander out of an unfortunate layer, but still find a normal water).

Muddy water in the well

Turbidity is one of the indicators regulated by SanPiN. It is measured in mg or IU (depending on the suspension for photometry). Permissible maximum - 2.6-3.5 IU / dm3.

Turbidity appears due to the content of various suspensions of organic / inorganic origin in the water. Seasonal floods, downpours, melting ice / snow erode clay, sand, silt, and their small particles mix with water. These particles form a favorable environment for the development of bacterial colonies and the growth of algae. Reasons for the penetration of melt and flood waters into the well:

  • waterproofing failure,
  • lack of waterproofing
  • lock breaking,
  • no lock.

In addition to plant and animal microorganisms (phytoplankton, zooplankton), turbidity is caused by:

  • carbonates,
  • aluminum hydroxides,
  • humus impurities,
  • oxides of iron and manganese.

Turbidity itself only makes it clear that there are impurities in the water. The nature and composition of impurities is determined by analysis.

Why is there yellow water in the well?muddy water

Causes of cloudy water in the well

The water in the new well after digging is cloudy - this is the norm, in this case it is necessary to pump. To find out what caused pollution in an already operating structure, you will have to go down into the mine and carefully examine its walls, bottom, and equipment.

Violation of the tightness of the well rings

If the soil in the area is mobile, heaving, when lining the mine, they did not waterproof the joints between the rings or did it poorly, then over time, liquid with clay and other soil particles will begin to ooze from the joints and cracks. This will cause the water in the well to turn yellow.

The solution to the problem is to re-seal the seams and cracks with a hydraulic seal, and treat them with coating cement waterproofing from above.It is impossible to use bituminous mastics, sealants, polyurethane foam, epoxy resins in drinking water intake structures - they will spoil the water.

The procedure for sealing seams and cracks in a mine well made of concrete rings:

  1. Examine the walls.
  2. Remove loose concrete.
  3. Expand and deepen the seams so that it is convenient to fill them with a hydroseal. Remove concrete dust and crumbs.
  4. If the reason for the depressurization of the seams is the displacement of the rings from the effects of movement or swelling of the soil, then it is necessary to fasten the elements of the shaft with metal brackets. Below the level of soil freezing put 2 brackets each, above - 4 each.
  5. Dilute a small portion of the hydroseal with water according to the instructions. The amount of the composition is taken based on a few minutes of work. The tool hardens quickly - from 3 to 8 minutes.
  6. Insert the seal into the gap and spread with a spatula.

If a strong leak is detected, then the hydroseal is taken dry in the hand (with a glove), placed directly into the seam or crack and wait for several minutes. There are special ultrafast hardening compounds designed to seal pressure leaks. They freeze in 30-50 seconds.

Change in the composition of the aquifer

Why is there yellow water in the well?

Diagram of the aquifer.

If there are no defects in the walls and bottom of the shaft, then the problem lies in the changes that have occurred in the aquifer on which the well stands.

Runoff from structures located upstream can get into it. Water not only becomes cloudy, but also acquires an unnatural color, a chemical smell.

A solution to the problem is to install after cleaning the filtration system.

To do this, it is better to contact a specialized company that will offer sampling and selection of equipment based on the results of analyzes, installation and maintenance.

Excess iron

If the water turns yellow in the air, brown flakes appear in it, but the smell has not changed, then the iron content in the aquifer may have increased. In this case, special filters-iron removers will help. They purify yellow water not only from iron, but also from manganese, chlorine, organic and mechanical impurities. Such equipment is offered by all companies professionally engaged in water treatment and cleaning of private systems.

The problem of stagnant water

If the well is used irregularly or the clearance is too small, then the water stagnates. Bacteria develop in it, which decompose organic substances that get inside the mine, a greenish tint (or even black color), an unpleasant odor and a specific taste appear.

This problem is solved by repeated regular cleaning and disinfection.

Well design defects

Why is there yellow water in the well?

The design of the well should be protected as much as possible.

If there is no canopy, a “house” above the well, or it is installed incorrectly, then garbage, foliage, etc. gets into the mine. Sunlight creates optimal conditions for the development of bacteria, in the most neglected cases, the walls become overgrown with mosses.

The water, as if stagnant, turns green and smells unpleasant. After cleaning, a reliable cover and a canopy are installed over the structure, or defects in existing fixtures are eliminated.

Pump installation error

Sometimes a pump installed too close to the bottom (at a distance of less than 70 cm) raises sand, silt, etc. when turned on. The reason may also be the excess power of the device. If the reinstallation of the water-lifting equipment did not help, then it is necessary to replace it with a device of a different design or less powerful.


To protect the structure and prevent pollution, a shield made of fine metal mesh or wood is installed at the bottom: aspen, bog oak, fir, larch, juniper. A bottom filter made of sand, gravel, pebbles or special minerals - shungite, zeolite, jadeite - is poured over the shield.

What to do if there is cloudy water in the well

First of all, it is necessary to find out what caused the turbidity, that is, to conduct an analysis (you can do without analysis in 2 cases: seasonal changes in the state of water, improperly installed equipment). Based on the results of the study, take action.

If the water becomes cloudy during periods of floods, melting snow, heavy rains, most likely the problem is in the clay castle or waterproofing. They either don’t exist at all, or everything is done incorrectly: melt or storm water penetrates through the clay (or freely passes through the soil, cracks in the well rings) and mixes with well water - blurry particles of soil and create turbidity (the water is simply dirty).

For the construction of a clay castle, it is necessary (according to SanPiN

  • dig a pit around the head with a depth of 2 m, a width of 1 m;
  • thoroughly wash and compact the clay (or greasy loam);
  • fill the pit with clay or loam;
  • compact clay / loam;
  • make a blind area of ​​​​2-meter radius with a slope of 10 cm from the well.

The blind area can be made of asphalt, concrete, stone, brick. SanPiN require source fencing.

Why is there yellow water in the well?muddy water

What color is amniotic fluid

Normally, amniotic fluid is a colorless liquid without a pronounced odor. However, in the presence of certain conditions that are different from the normal course of pregnancy, the color of amniotic fluid can vary from slightly cloudy to dark brown.

  • If the departed waters have a transparent color - this is a very good signal for you - it means that the child feels well, and there is no need to speed up the birth with medications. Doctors, in the same way, with the normal color of the waters, do not seek to speed up childbirth, but allow nature to do its job in the allotted time.
  • Amniotic fluid green.

Green amniotic fluid is taken in the event that the child has passed the meconium in utero (in other words, the child pooped). This situation often develops in case of severe oxygen starvation and requires the use of emergency measures.

If the waters have broken at home, you should get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible and be under the supervision of doctors.

If the waters have broken in the maternity hospital, this is an occasion for doctors to conduct additional examinations of the baby’s condition, or a reason for a caesarean section in order to get the child as soon as possible and give him first aid, normalizing his physiological state.

Amniotic fluid red.

Such situations are extremely rare, but they indicate a serious danger. Red color means that there is internal bleeding, however, it is unrealistic to determine who is the cause - mother or child at home. Therefore, in such a situation, the count goes on for minutes, and you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

The ambulance operator must be informed about the problem, and in this situation they will send you an intensive care team, and not a regular ambulance.

Brown amniotic fluid, like red, does not mean anything good. Most often, brown color is a signal that the child is in the most difficult, critical condition and it is necessary to apply emergency, surgical measures for his birth.

However, it is worth considering that such situations, unless you avoid medical care and do not ignore all the procedures and examinations that doctors prescribe for you, are simply minimized.

As you can see, the color of amniotic fluid is of great diagnostic value. Therefore, it is worth paying attention and remembering the color of your amniotic fluid, in order to then describe the current situation to the doctor of the maternity hospital as fully as possible.


Preparations for SanPiN disinfection are not regulated, you can use any suitable ones (permitted by the Ministry of Health), but most often they use bleach or DTSGK (two-thirds of the basic salt of calcium hypochlorite - 3Ca (OCl)2x2Ca(OH)2)

If the disinfection of the well is carried out according to indications, then it includes:

  • preliminary disinfection,
  • cleaning,
  • re-disinfection.

First of all, the volume of water is determined - they tritely multiply the height of the water column by the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe well. Then a solution is prepared: bleach - 5%, DTSGK - 3%. With this solution, the walls of the mine are irrigated from the hydraulic console (0.5 l per square meter of surface). The drug is added to the water at the rate of 100-150 mg of chlorine (active! See the contents on the package) per liter. Mix thoroughly and leave for a couple of hours, after closing the well with a lid.

Water is pumped out of the well, foreign objects, silt are removed. The walls are cleaned mechanically (they simply tear off everything that has grown) and, if necessary, repair (close the seams). After that, they are irrigated from the hydraulic control with a solution (0.5 l per cubic meter of mine) for disinfection.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Wall cleaning

After cleaning, they wait for the mine to be filled. Measure the water column again. Introduce a disinfection solution into the water (the norm is 100–150 mg of active chlorine per liter of water) and mix it for 10 minutes. Leave for 6 hours, after closing the well with a lid. After 6 hours, the well is opened and the water is checked for residual chlorine (by nose or using the iodometry method). If there is no residual chlorine, the solution is again introduced into the water, but less - about a third of the volume. Again close the well, leave for 3-4 hours. And so on, until after the next test for residual chlorine, the result is positive (that is, chlorine remains, it has nothing more to fight with). The water is pumped out until the chlorine smell is eliminated.

If disinfection is carried out for the purpose of prevention, the well is cleaned and treated, bypassing the preliminary stage.

Water from the well turns yellow what to do causes, when boiling, heating

Why is there yellow water in the well?

Did you use well water without problems, but after a while you began to notice that it was turning yellow? There are not many reasons for this, the main thing is to identify your own and take timely measures to clean it up, and therefore protect your health. After all, drinking water of this quality is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. What affects the acquisition of a dark shade of well water and what to do about it?

Why does water from a well turn yellow?

The main reason why water extracted from a well has a yellow tint or sediment after settling can only be established by an examination or chemical analysis. But if it is not possible at the moment to carry out such a procedure, you can try to find out the reason yourself.

Rust that turns water brown

The presence of iron in water contributes to the appearance of corrosive processes, which in turn colors the water yellow or brown. The interaction of oxygen with iron and the surfaces of the structure also give rise to these processes with all the ensuing consequences. Rust occurs where there are metal pipes in the well structure.

Iron and manganese as the cause of yellow water

Not only give it an unnatural shade, but also make such water undrinkable. In addition to the characteristic shade, the water has an unpleasant smell, as is the case with the presence of rust in it.

Sand and clay penetrated the structure and rusty water comes out of the well

The presence of these substances is common, especially in sand wells. Even in small quantities, they can change the color of the water.

Presence of tannin or humic acid

They color the water light yellow and although there is no evidence that these elements are harmful to human health, they interact with the filter elements and give a yellow tint to the water, so do not get carried away using this water. This problem is not uncommon in peaty soils.

Low quality equipment

Savings on materials for the construction of a well in the near future may result in a reduced quality of produced water.

In the air or in the sun

When water rises from the well, it is saturated with oxygen, and interacting with iron, they give a yellow tint to the liquid. Water colored by this process can be easily recognized by simply pouring it into a glass and placing it in the sun. You will see a yellowish tint, which will be proof of the presence of iron in it.

If, when water was obtained, its color was transparent, but after standing in the air it acquired a yellowish tint, and after a day a precipitate fell out - also a sign of the presence of sand and iron.

The reason for the appearance of these elements in the water may be the incorrect introduction of water into the house, close to sources of pollution (roadway, outbuildings for livestock, garbage dumps), the water itself, which is characteristic of this area, or rather its chemical indicators, soil structure, as well as mistakes when drilling with your own hands.

For what purpose can this water be used?

If the water has a light yellow tint, you can use it for washing household equipment, car and watering. But it is worthwhile to understand that the redder the water, the more harmful bacteria it contains that can harm cultivated plants.

What is fraught with the use of rusty water:

  1. For drinking. It is not recommended to eat yellow water, because in addition to its unnatural shade, it has an unpleasant taste and smell, and also contains harmful bacteria that can harm human health.
  2. For household appliances. Washers and washing machines, plumbing, showers and other appliances that need water to work will not cope with rust. Things washed in a washing machine in a country house without running water using such water can acquire a yellow tint that is almost impossible to remove, as well as a rust smell. Washing in the shower with such water is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous. In addition, rust will gradually settle in pipes and heating radiators, brown deposits will appear, which will eventually disable them.

Is it possible to get rid of the problem and what to do

It is possible to restore the original purity, taste and transparency of water, the main thing is to determine the cause of the problem, and only then begin a targeted struggle.

Rust on the toilet? Find out what to do.

Acrylic bath care - secrets and remedies.

Learn how to bring water from a well into your home.

What determines the amount of water and level stability

The search for defects, the exact determination of the reason why there is little water in the well, allows you to plan further restoration work, predict their result. Analyze the technical features and composition of the soil.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Surface water intake is the main cause of flow instability

According to the source of filling with water, tubular and shaft wells are conditionally classified:

  1. Cumulative. They are distinguished by slow filling - after complete drying, the restoration of the level is observed for 10 days. The standard thickness of the water column varies from 3 to 8 rings (with a ring height of 90 - 100 cm). The influx of liquid occurs through the walls of the mine and seepage from the bottom. The low inflow rate is due to the absence of a strong fluid pressure inside the aquifer.
  2. Key. The water intake, located directly above the springs flowing through the sandy layer, is distinguished by a higher rate of water inflow under favorable conditions and the absence of pollution, but a weak debit. After complete evacuation, recovery of the level is observed after several hours, maximum - 2-3 days. If there is little water in such a well, it is possible that there are dirt or foreign objects at the bottom that block the access of liquid to the inside of the trunk.
  3. River. Wells with water intake from underground rivers are characterized by a large depth of arrangement and stability of the debit. The height of the water column usually does not exceed 150 cm, but the restoration of the level after pumping occurs almost instantly. The reason that there is little water in the river well is a change in the course of the underground stream.The situation can be corrected only by digging a new trunk.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Scheme: how and where the liquid enters the mine

Disinfection of well water

Disinfection is carried out when a microbiological analysis of water has shown that it does not meet the requirements for non-centralized water supply sources (bacteria, microbes were found), and for preventive purposes (in foci of infections).

Disinfection of water is carried out after disinfection of the well. Water is disinfected with a dosing cartridge (the simplest and most effective method) containing a preparation with chlorine. The amount of residual chlorine should be 0.5 mg per liter.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Dosing cartridge diagram

To calculate the required amount of the drug, the following parameters are needed:

  • water volume,
  • debit,
  • volume of water intake,
  • chlorine absorption.

First, they calculate how much the drug is needed, then they select a cartridge (or several) of the desired capacity. The amount of DTSGK will be = 0.07 water volume + 0.08 debit + 0.02 water intake volume + 0.14 chlorine absorption. The amount of bleach is twice as much. The calculation is valid for 52% (active chlorine content) DTSGK and 25% bleach. If the purchased preparation has a different content of active chlorine, it must be recalculated based on the ratio of parameters.

The drug is placed in a cartridge, water is added and mixed until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Then a rope is attached to the cartridge, placed in the well at a level of 20–50 cm from the bottom, tying the rope to the head.

The effectiveness of disinfection is determined by residual chlorine - 0.5 mg / l. Then they do a microbiological analysis of water - determine the number of colimorphic bacteria. Within a month, the analysis is done at least weekly. A month later, the level of residual chlorine is checked - if it has decreased or disappeared, it is necessary to remove the cartridge, wash it, fill it with the preparation and lower it into the well. Decontamination can be considered successful when after one month the level of residual chlorine is 0.5 mg/l.

Rusty water or brown tap water Causes..

Why is there yellow water in the well?

Water represents Life! Can you imagine life without water? And yet there are millions of people around the world who do not have access to clean and safe water. Dirty water is the root cause of many potentially fatal diseases.

Do you have any reason to catch yourself thinking that the water that flows from your tap is always clean and safe? Especially if the water has a brown tint.

After all, real clean water has a crystal clear appearance and a change in this property indicates its pollution.

Brown water coming from the tap is a common complaint of householders. But why? How to fix problems and make sure it doesn't bother you again? We tried to answer as openly as possible the questions of a typical homeowner who has rusty tap water and which water filter cartridges to choose to remove rust?

1. Underground source

Too much iron and/or manganese in the water will cause the water to turn brown.

So, if you turn on the faucet and see brown water flowing out of it, you can be sure that your home's water supply has been contaminated with one of these metals.

Water going through the soil into your house meets iron elements on its way, as a result of which it takes on a brown tint, this is especially not uncommon if you get water from an underground source (well).

2. Rusty pipes

Rusty pipes are another common cause of brown water. Pressure fluctuations in a water pipe, especially when the supply is turned on and off, usually to loosen rust on the inner wall of the pipe. Rust comes into contact with water flowing through the pipeline and turns it brown.

2. How harmful is rusty water to humans?

There is an interesting answer to this general question.Iron and manganese are among the most important elements required by a person to maintain health.

But wait! You should not leave this question open for any reason. Rusty water in your pipes causes a health hazard by being a breeding ground for various forms of bacteria that cause disease.

On the other hand, rust buildup tends to corrode and crack pipes, which in turn will attract contaminants from the ground and air to your water supply and increase the chances of leaks in your home.

Leaky pipes in homes are one of the most common causes of mold and mildew. Rust in your water actually has the potential to develop into a more serious hazard!

3. What else can rusty water affect?

The presence of high levels of iron and manganese in the water will give a metallic taste to your drinking water. If you use such water in the preparation of hot or cold drinks, they come out with a rather pungent and unpleasant odor. Using water with high levels of iron in cooking gives fruits and vegetables a dark, unpleasant appearance.

Iron in water leaves rust stains on clothes after the washing machine, and can also stain the ends of your hair. If you have a boiler, rust can damage it within a few months, due to deposits on the bottom of the tank and the corrosion process.

4. How can I get rid of rusty water?

To eliminate rusty water, first of all you must first find out the cause of its occurrence, this can be easily done with the help of water analysis. There are several ways to deal with this problem:

The first way is to replace the pipes, unless of course it's all about them.

The second way is to buy a water deferrization system.

The third way - the oxidation of iron, chlorine dioxide oxidizes ferrous iron into ferric iron, which precipitates and is removed by a mechanical filter.

5. How can rusty water be prevented from reoccurring?

If, however, the cause of rusty water is high iron content in it, then the most reliable way to prevent the recurrence of rusty water is to install a mechanical water filtration system and maintain it regularly!

Summing up, one conclusion can be drawn - rusty water is harmful to your health and badly affects your household appliances. Lucky for you, there are several effective ways to remove rusty water from the water supply, one of these methods is the in-line water filter and enjoy all the delights of clean water.

Methods for increasing water in a well shaft

How to increase the flow of water in a home well? The specific method is chosen after determining the cause of the dehumidification. It is necessary to calculate how much repair and deepening will cost and what is the probability of restoration of inflow. If specialists cannot guarantee the complete success of the repair work, it is worth thinking about arranging a well: deep sources are more stable and durable, and water quality practically does not suffer from groundwater penetration.

The main activities that allow both increasing the flow rate and improving the quality of water in the well are professional cleaning and deepening. Work is always carried out in a comprehensive manner: cleaning is needed in order to assess the real state of the bottom and walls, to predict the expediency, the result of deepening.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Deepening with the formation of walls with a plastic pipe

The deepening of the source is carried out directly in the mine: manually or using drilling equipment. The method is effective if an error was found in the initial determination of the depth - when digging the well, work was stopped when it reached the groundwater carrier, or the well was deepened to too hard ground.

The composition of the reservoir in the lower part also affects the expediency of the work: if you have to crush boulders and stones, raise them to the surface, it is better to dig a new well.

It is better to order the slaughter of a full-fledged well or the digging of a new source, instead of looking for a method to increase the volume of water in an old well, if:

  • There is a destruction of the trunk: the walls lined with metal sheets are rusted, the lower rings are torn off and strongly displaced.
  • The quality of water does not meet the standards, and foreign impurities are constantly present in the liquid, changing color and transparency.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Dirty Water and Displaced Rings: Major Repairs Needed

The well is old and after cleaning the situation worsened.

There are violations of the verticality of the trunk.

Why is there yellow water in the well?Tilt of the barrel and depressurization of the walls

Deepening has already been carried out once - the procedure is carried out only once and to the maximum possible depth.

Why is there no water in the well?

Water disappears for several reasons:

  • neighbors dug a deep spring or drilled a well, opening the same reservoir;
  • banal drought, the reservoir was left without recharge;
  • the mine is out of order (the seams have parted, the rings have shifted);
  • well silting.

If the pump worked correctly, sand and silt did not pump out from the bottom, but suddenly it started, most likely, the well also silted up, but not yet so powerful as to completely shut off the water.

Why is there yellow water in the well?empty mine

You can either dig a well or you can't.

You can dig if:

  • clay/sand got into the shaft through the seams (the problem of wells made of concrete rings is divergent seams; a sure sign of divergent seams is soil failures around the well);
  • sand / silt enters the mine through an unsealed hole for connecting a pipeline;
  • the seams are not sealed (through the joints of the rings without locks, sand / silt penetrates into the well and settles at the bottom);
  • water enters through the side seams, not through the bottom.

More on the last point. There are two types of wells - in the first (full) water enters through the seams, in the second (incomplete) - through the bottom. In the wells of the first type, filters are installed at the seams (it is strictly forbidden to use rotting materials!), so that sand does not enter the mine. If this was not done in time, the bottom level will gradually rise (the rate of the process depends on the water), and it will have to be lowered.

The rapid rise of the bottom indicates that the aquifer lies above it - at the level of the seam. In this case, you should immediately contact the specialists: they will either dig a well or raise the bottom by laying drainage. It will not be possible to determine what exactly should be done, whether it is possible to do anything at all, without specific knowledge. Remotely, this is also unrealistic. If you come across a know-it-all who is wanking on the phone, contact other masters.

We also do not recommend digging a well on your own. After all, how is it accepted? The water has gone - everything is ready. What if it's a swimmer?

Why is there yellow water in the well?Scheme of structures: complete, incomplete, with a sump

If the well is incomplete (water enters through the bottom), it is useless to dig it: at first everything goes fine, but then liquid sand begins to flow into the mine - not water, just sand. This means that the well is on a quicksand. In this case, you can dig until graying, but not until victory - the reservoir equalizes the hydraulic pressure and will level. Performing such a number is not only inefficient, but sometimes dangerous.

Similarly, it is useless to try to dig a well when voids form around it. The sand is removed from the well, and it enters again (the pressure equalizes) until the lower ring is displaced. Sand will joyfully pour into the torn seam, fill the ring, and this will all be over. Or the rings will sag, the seams will, of course, open up, opening the way for perched water, sand, clay. Occasionally, having spent a huge amount of effort, it is possible to dig a well, but after a couple of months the situation repeats itself.

Of course, you can use any of the above recommendations, bypassing the water analysis, but in this case, you must be prepared for the fact that the measures taken will be ineffective due to an incorrect interpretation of what happened. This happens often. Almost everything made by one's own hands ignores the theory of probability, since it relies on Murphy's law: if the well, in principle, can become silted up, and the water can become rotten and stink, this will definitely happen. If, digging blindly, they run the risk of running into a quicksand, they will run into it.


