Making a shelf in the toilet

How and from what materials can you make a closet in the toilet behind the toilet with your own hands

First you need to decide what kind of things you will store in the closet. If Making a shelf in the toiletthey will be heavy, then take chipboard. If these are powders and household chemicals, in this case it is better to stay on plywood, its thickness is enough for 1 cm.

To make the design look good, take a chipboard, it can be pasted over with a film or somehow decorated.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the cabinet, correctly calculate all the dimensions. Sketch a drawing of your design, taking into account your desires and capabilities. Do not forget that in the cabinet you should close all the pipes and accommodate everything that you want to put in it. At the same time, meters and valves should be easily accessible.

Prepare materials and tools in advance. Among the materials you need to take:

  • furniture magnets;
  • corners;
  • aluminum corner profiles to fix shelves;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • furniture hinges;
  • bars for the frame;
  • dowels.

Take the following tools:

  • screwdriver, screwdrivers;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • marker.

Making a shelf in the toiletTo install the frame, you need to take bars of size 30 × 30 mm. Marking should be done with a level and a tape measure. Marking is done where the cabinet will be located. Using corners and self-tapping screws, assemble the frame from the bars. Then fix the frame to the wall. This will be the backbone of the future locker. Do not forget to treat the bars with stain, varnish and paint.

Make blanks for shelves, having made all the measurements and markings on the boards in advance. The base of the shelves will serve as metal corners. Since shelves are needed not only for storing household chemicals and other things, but also for hiding pipes, so make a slot where the pipe will pass. Install the shelves on the corners. If you want to be able to remove the shelves or change them, then you can simply put them on the corners or fix them so that they hold firmly.

If the goal is only to hide the pipes for aesthetic reasons, then it is best to stop at dense plastic panels. After all, the main thing here is strength, Making a shelf in the toiletso that the blow does not violate the integrity. A quick way to check the quality of plastic is to squeeze a corner of it: if it wrinkles, then this is not the right option. Choose better quality and more expensive.

Such panels are fastened with clamps. The design must be disassembled, because you need easy access to the risers. Make an L-shaped profile along the wall to start. The valves will be behind a plastic hatch that can be installed on the plastic pipe sealant. Ventilation grilles must be installed at the top and bottom so that the pipes do not succumb to rust due to excessive moisture in such places.

It is clear that this is just a list of options for how to make shelves and cabinets in the toilet. Show your imagination by comparing it with the possibilities and desires. This design will help to make the free space functional.

Built-in closet behind the toilet

Making a shelf in the toiletThe furniture production market is dominated by a wide selection of bathroom and toilet furniture. They differ in size, shape, color, material of manufacture and price. But often the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet does not allow you to choose suitable cabinets and racks. In this case, the ideal option would be a built-in closet in the toilet with your own hands according to individual sizes.

A built-in closet behind the toilet will save space, create additional space for storing household chemicals, toilet accessories and various small things, and hide communications. Well-chosen dimensions and design will make the toilet aesthetically attractive and functionally comfortable. Properly selected materials, a well-planned design and assembly of the structure will help to get a practical and inexpensive wardrobe that will last for many years.


