Available methods of water resource disinfection
For the correct choice of a water purification scheme from a well or a well in a private household, it is necessary to take fluid samples for analysis at the SES. In most cases, the gas content is not too high and it can be eliminated with the help of properly selected reagents in the filter system-iron remover.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to make a choice of the desired method of water treatment, installing equipment not only against hydrogen sulfide, but also to remove bacterial flora, soluble and insoluble impurities. The allowable amount of hydrogen sulfide in water is only 0.03 mg/l.
Turbid water in old wells
The situation when muddy water comes out of the well is also found in already existing sources. Moreover, this can be caused by a number of reasons. And in some cases, in order to find out and eliminate it, the help of specialists may be required.
Reasons why dirty water comes out of the well:
the mesh filter in the casing is clogged - with prolonged use of the well, this is normal. Solved by cleaning or replacing the filter;
- well silting is a fairly common cause of cloudy water. By the way, rapid silting can be caused by a too high installation of the pump. Also, a common cause of this phenomenon is a small water intake. In this case, small suspensions settle at the bottom rather quickly;
- Another reason why water can be dirty is when using a vibrating pump. In general, the use of such devices is highly discouraged - they destroy the walls of the casing;
- when the source is shallow, there is a risk of water penetration into the casing pipe. And this leads to contamination of the source. In this case, the solution to the problem lies in a good waterproofing of the top of the column and the installation of a canopy over it;
- also, contamination can occur when, as a result of improper construction, the gravel pad near the casing is washed out. In this case, soil from the surface and other layers freely enters the source.
Deposits on pipe walls
In addition, black water may come out of the source if it is contaminated with manganese and iron. This is possible when iron-bearing ores occur next to the aquifer. However, chemical causes are quite rare - usually mechanical pollution is caused, and it is much easier to deal with them.
Reasons for the appearance of hydrogen sulfide compounds
The unpleasant smell of sewage or rotten eggs in water comes from the gas dissolved in it, which appears as a result of several common causes:
The activity of bacteria.
Bacteria can settle at the bottom of an old and not cleaned well for a long time, processing organic compounds into hydrogen sulfide. For this reason, most often it starts to smell like a swamp in the well after heavy rainfall, which wash various debris from the surface into the water intake. The rest of the time, the smell becomes less pronounced. -
Violation of the tightness of the walls.
Gas can enter the well or well from the surrounding soil and surface water layers if cracks appear in the casing or concrete rings. Their size can be microscopic, and the defect is invisible on examination. The smallest damage is enough for the penetration of gas. -
The presence of sulfur ores in the aquifer.
This cause leads to the appearance of odor in new wells or a well. Water begins to stink already in the first hours of operation. -
man-made causes.
A large amount of oil products and other chemical compounds based on sulfur, sewage, etc. can seep into surface aquifers. This happens more often during floods or heavy rainfall.These waters can enter an artesian well through defects in the walls of the pipe or from above, through a head not raised high enough above the ground.
Hydrogen sulfide water.
Best Answers
nothing, pull out the pipes and flush
Vladimir Z:
if the well is shallow - 15 meters (on a sandy layer) - hammer it and forget it. do not restore it. they work for 7-8 years, no more. one more drill. if deep - 60 meters - on limestone, call a serious company. they blow a well special. solution under pressure from the tank car and work will be restored.
Dmitry Vasiliev:
will most likely have to cut a new one
... I saw a car that breaks through the sewer with water under very high pressure? ... here it will help ... you will not find a new one to drill ... it makes no sense to pull out pipes - it will cost 2 times more ..
We usually "shoot" a well, the method is called so. A glass vial is taken (from under naphthyzinum, for example, gun sleeves were used before, but they often pierce the filter mesh), gunpowder is poured into it (the dose is selected empirically) and wires (thin stranded 2 * 0.75 or even thinner, so that the ends touch each other so that the spark turns out), then close the bubble tightly and into the well so that it does not touch the bottom half a meter and close the wires with a battery. Alternatively, you can do the same without a bubble, make a type of explosion of a bag of thick paper, be sure to tightly wrap it with electrical tape and into a balloon.
Well cleaning
When there is cloudy water in the well, there are several ways to clean it:
- use of a vibration pump;
- the use of a bailer;
- use of two pumps.
All these methods are effective and allow you to solve the problem. You can get acquainted with them in more detail, as well as learn about others, in the article “Well Cleaning”.
vibration pump
This is a fairly simple method, for its implementation you will need the simplest pump, for example, "Baby". The work is carried out in the following way:
- a small pipe is attached to the pump so that it does not touch the bottom of the source;
- it descends into the casing, while you can shake the water a little with it;
- after that, the device rises 50-60 cm from the bottom and turns on.
During cleaning, you need to monitor the consistency of the liquid - if it is too thick, black water, the "Baby" needs to be slightly raised. And then gradually lower it as you clean it. In addition, it is recommended to periodically rinse it with clean water - otherwise it may burn out.
Bailer cleaning is a radical method that is used in case of dense deposits on the bottom. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- a frame with a bailer is installed above the well;
- the projectile is dropped down, and then rises a little and is dropped again;
- then it rises to the surface, is cleaned and again dumped into the column.
The disadvantage of this method is that it will not work to completely clean the well. After the bulk of the dirt has been removed, the column will need to be pumped.
two pumps
This is an efficient method. To use it, you will need an additional pump, which is placed on the surface and pumps clean water into the well. The principle of work:
- a container is being prepared into which dirty water will be supplied;
- a primitive filter is made in it to delay suspensions;
- one hose from the pressure pump is lowered to the bottom of the column, and the second is placed in a container;
- further, everything is simple - the pump takes water from the tank and delivers it to the bottom, washing away the sediment. And the submersible pump pumps it out and feeds it into the tank through the filter.
Use of two pumps
During work, you need to monitor the installation level of the submersible pump and adjust it depending on the degree of contamination.
Expert answers
300 bucks! For such money, the company will bring drinking water to the country!
FU Chesme MR:
Have you tried changing the plumbing?
We defended the water in a twenty-liter plastic container for two days, then carefully removed the top layer of rust, and filtered the rest of the water through three layers of gauze. starling:
Invite a specialist, give the water for analysis. Then make a decision.
Mikhail Ryabov:
of course, the water needs to be purified. before installing filters, it is advisable to do a water analysis
John G:
forum.yourdom /message61972-1-10d
User deleted:
Change plumbing? It all depends on the length of communications and the age of the overall system for cleaning and supplying water! One option is to drill a well! The price will depend on the depth of the underlying layer.
Sergey Tashkinov:
In any case, the filter will “break down”, exhaust its resource. For watering, in general, you can do nothing - water and that's it. Although it is better to water with water at an air temperature, that is, to collect it in the morning, it will heat up, and water it with the wind. For drinking, you need to do an analysis. I defend the water myself, drain the rusty foam that has surfaced. In winter, the water settles on the tiles - no foam is formed. A flask of water 36l on a warm tile. But in any case, I boil the settled water. And straight from the tap I drink water calmly and nothing. If I didn’t have to store water due to interruptions, I wouldn’t know that there is so much iron there.
Alex 301:
Drill a well in the country and no crap! And the filter will die in a week. Marley will not save vseravno rust will remain!
Luke' :
What nonsense they write, of course you are not preparing water for drinking! :-))) Install a filter in which a cartridge with the function of iron removal and decalcification. For the host needs and protection of plumbing - that’s it. At the dacha itself, such water was
Vladimir Z:
from the well itself. there is a lot of iron in the water
"Stainless steel" does not mean. that it does not rust! And it all depends on the aggressiveness of the environment. in this case, water, something dissolved in it.
it's not rust... this is a flight….
As far as I know, stainless steel doesn't rust. It's just glandular plaque. There is a monstrous amount of iron in our waters.
Options: 1 This is rust 2 There are many types of stainless steel, they have different resistance to oxidation (some stainless steel rusts but very slowly). Austenitic stainless steels (non-magnetic) are usually very resistant to rust.3 This is a rusty water stain4 not all parts are stainless steel - rust from them stains stainless
I am inclined to the first option, because the market is full of fakes, so full that I do not believe in the existence of household items made of magnetic stainless steel.
The casing pipe is rusting.
Take the “baby” for verification, it is made of silumin and should not rust. But if the iron content in the water is high, then there will be traces.
Expert answers
User deleted:
Unobtrusive Tip:
Nothing! Only defend! Of course, you can add acids, and then extinguish with soda or chalk, but this is not an option! You can take the Barrier filter, even filter it for drinking! If it has recently appeared, then perhaps the pipes have rusted over the winter and it takes longer to drain, and the clean one will go when everyone starts using it!
Nina Duke:
the filter must be installed. and let the water drain for about twenty minutes, no less. this happens in the spring
Put down the magnet!!!
Andrey Donskoy:
pump for two days, do a chemical analysis in a decent laboratory, consult a doctor, choose a decent filter.
They say right - you need a filter. Now about what kind. For a start, it would be nice to put a coarse filter, not "Barrier", not "Atoll", not "Geyser" or something else. This thing looks like a piece of pipe with a 45 degree branch, in which there is a grid. If you take such a filter on a pipe with a diameter of 2 inches, then you will have to clean it oh, how long. (I recommend a mesh of 400 microns) Next. Magnets. If the pipe allows, then you need to put on it (in front of the first filter) a magnet from the speaker - depending on the size of the latter, it can fit on a tube with a diameter of up to 110 mm.Not a bad method, but from time to time it will require you to clean the inside of the pipe with a wire brush. But in general, iron scales will not pass! Third: if you want to drink this water, then you definitely need to buy a drinking stationary filter - two- or three-flask, depending on how polluted the water is and whether there is life in it. Of the above companies, I recommend production filters "Geyser" and "Atoll". Everything! You can drink this water
Best Answers
Sergei ----:
put a filter
Put a good filter at the exit of the well
put filters, first coarse cleaning 100 microns, and then a polyethylene filter and finally a carbon one
ringing all the bells and writing to all authorities, this is not a plumbing issue - this is a HEALTH issue! To the housing office, to the sanitary and epidemiological station, to the newspaper, to the mayor, to the City Health Department, Regional Health, to all Zdravy ...
Elena Filimonova:
I heard that there are filters that are placed on a water pipe entering a house or apartment. Firm "Merchant's House" and "Soyuz-intellect". Prices from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles, but the service life is at least 5 years. I can't give you more details, try looking online.
Gennady Taskaev:
change the pipes, they are rusted, which are still normal in the water, and the rest can be changed, I think it’s not much to change.
I think just wait out the pipes will be washed and the rust will stop going
Install a mini water iron removal plant. Removing iron from water is the most difficult task in water treatment. Looking at the existing methods of water iron removal, we can conclude that at the moment there is no universal economically justified method applicable in all cases of life. Each of the water deironing methods is applicable only in certain cases, it has both advantages and significant disadvantages. The choice of a specific iron removal method (or a combination of both) is largely dependent on the experience of the water treatment company.
Natural water, and especially water from underground sources, contains a large amount of iron and often manganese. The norms of their content in drinking water are according to SanPiN 0.3 mg/l for iron and 0.1 mg/l for manganese. The EU regulations limit the content of iron at 0.2 mg/l, and manganese at 0.05 mg/l. For some types of production, the standards are even more stringent (for example, according to the requirements for water for the production of vodka - the iron content should not exceed 0.13 mg / l with a total hardness of more than 1 meq / l, and 0.1 mg / l with a hardness total up to 1 mg-eq / l).
The removal of iron from water is called iron removal. Often, manganese is also removed at the same time, i.e., demanganization is carried out.
Iron in water is found in the following forms:
• divalent - dissolved in the form of Fe2 + ions; • trivalent (although Fe3 + chlorides and sulfates are highly soluble in water, Fe3 + ions hydrolyze into insoluble Fe (OH) 3 hydroxide, which is in the form of a suspension or precipitate); • organic iron (found in the form various soluble complexes with natural organic acids (humates), having, as a rule, a colloidal structure); • bacterial iron is a waste product of iron bacteria (iron is in their shell). In groundwater, there is mainly dissolved ferrous iron in the form of Fe2 + ions . Ferric iron appears when such water comes into contact with an oxidizing agent, such as air, or in worn-out water distribution systems when it comes into contact with the surface of pipes.
In surface waters, iron is mostly already oxidized to the trivalent state and, in addition, is a part of organic complexes and iron bacteria.
The approach to cleaning such waters from iron is different.
You can’t do anything. Locally for yourself, only a household filter can save. But it will be very ruinous for you - since the cartridge resource is not long, you will have to change it often.
Antti Iholainen:
It is necessary to swing the well, dump the water until the light comes out.
Causes of cloudy water in new wells
When a well was just drilled on the site, water with dirt impurities can come out of it. In most cases, the problem is not drilling errors - everything is much simpler.
The fact is that any new source should be well rinsed before use. Another name for this process is pumping a well.
During drilling, soil from passable layers and from the surface gets into the water. In addition, water with impurities of sand and other fine suspensions also comes out of the water carrier. So, the situation when the water in the well is dirty is quite normal.
Therefore, the first priority of any homeowner is to remove all small impurities from the liquid. Usually, washing lasts about a day. The exception is wells fed from clay water carriers - it can take more than a month to flush them.
The process itself is quite simple:
- a pipe is lowered into the well and installed near the bottom;
- along it, water is pumped into the source, which erodes the layer of sediments;
- at the same time, a submersible pump works, which pumps out the dirt.
Instead of water, air can be supplied to the bottom - the cleaning principle still remains the same.