How to clean the pool - ways to clean water
There are chemical, mechanical and electrophysical cleaning of the pool.
At a minimum, the water in the pool should circulate through the water treatment system 3-5 times a day. The pump overtakes it. And additionally decide where and what kind of pool water purification system to install. It can be manual, or it can be automatic. It may be purely chemical cleaning. Or combined with another.
I.) Chemical pool water treatment
1. The most common in water purification technologies: Chlorination. This is one of the most common and simple ways to disinfect water. Kills most bacteria. This method has some negative effect on the body.
When organic compounds (such as urea) contained in water are oxidized with chlorine, so-called chloramines are formed as by-products. Substances of this class have a whole bunch of undesirable properties: Skin dries. Eyes get irritated. Causes corrosion of pool structures and equipment. Therefore, alas, the bad habit of some people, as in a joke, in the company of chlorine causes serious consequences.
2. Cleaning the pool water by adding active oxygen. This method is particularly used in indoor pools for a small number of people. The technology is simple. Purification also occurs by adding chemicals to the water. A special mixture is poured into the water and reacts with the oxygen contained in the pool water. This reaction works like pool water purification. Overdose to be dangerous to humans
Therefore, this method should be used with caution.
Experts on the forums widely promote perhydrol. It's about the same. Calculations show that this method is not cheaper. Plus one more funny drawback. Blondes know that perhydrol is great for lightening hair.
3. The modern method is electrolysis. Sodium chloride (salt) is added to the water and an electric current is passed through it and chlorine, which has decomposed, reacts with organic pollutants. Such a device is called a chlorine generator, for example INTEX chlorine generator
4. Ozonation. The ozonation system is also quite simply mounted in the water purification system. See diagram.
II.) Electrophysical
1. Purification of pool water by irradiation of water with ultraviolet rays is used to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is one of the most effective and safe methods in electrophysical cleaning.
2. Ionization. Addition of silver and copper ions (Cu and Ag). Water is passed through a chamber in which there are electrodes. The direct current activates the ions and these ions, getting into the pool, purify the water. And we can add that they are useful for our body.
III) Mechanical cleaning of the pool.
Solid heavy particles settle to the bottom. The pool must be cleaned mechanically.
1. Handheld vacuum cleaners that are under water, they can clean both the bottom and the walls, they just need to be connected to a sand filter. The automatic robotic vacuum cleaner is equipped with a dirt bag.
2. Filters through which water passes, leaving mechanical particles of dirt in the sand or cartridge. They are able to purify the volume of water 2-3 times a day. read more about filters in the article Swimming Pool Filtration System
Ozonation, electrolysis and ultraviolet process the water passing through the cleaning device. In this case, the walls and bottom of the pool are cleaned worse.
The use of chlorination is mandatory in public pools according to sanitary requirements.
To achieve the best result, it is better to use several methods of purifying pool water. For example chlorination about ozonation. Chlorination and ultraviolet.The smell and harmful effects of chlorine almost disappear. And the effectiveness of water disinfection increases several times.
Cleaning the pool water should be carried out regularly: if not cleaned, the water in the pool will become cloudy, as it will create an ideal environment for bacteria and algae. And this is a direct road to gastric disorders in swimmers.
But the methods of introducing chemistry into the pool can be different. For a small pool, it may be enough to drop a chlorine tablet by hand once a week. For large Olympic pools, with high traffic, complex large automatic systems for disinfection and disinfection of water are installed.
The main thing is the beauty of the water and the health of the swimmers. And complete pleasure from such a pleasant and relaxing procedure as swimming.
Other innovative cleaning systems
There are alternative cleaning methods such as:
- cleaning with active oxygen;
- ozonation;
- ultraviolet treatment;
- disinfection by salt electrolysis;
- ionization;
- ultrasonic cleaning.
Today, the market for cleaning devices and devices without chlorine or other chemicals is so rich and diverse that you can choose a number of modifications that are ideal for high-quality disinfection of pools and decorative ponds with a wide variety of volumes, but work without a network and connection to electricity.
Outwardly, chlorine-free cleaners resemble plastic boxes with slots on the sides of different sizes, designed on average for a volume of up to 30 cubic meters of water. These mini-units work on the basis of water ionization. Ions, getting into the liquid, with their charges clean and disinfect the water in the pool with the maximum effect. Active molecules issued by aggregates are silver, magnesium, copper and other elements that have increased environmental friendliness and the ability to fight harmful microorganisms.
Having saturated the reservoir with silver and copper, everyone receives long-term protection from all kinds of pathogenic microbes. The destructive effect of ions does not cause the development of resistance to them in bacteria, so the effectiveness of such devices will always be maximum.
Ozone purification also actively fights microbes and viruses. Ozone is known to have antibacterial properties. Therefore, by adding ozone to water, we clean it as much as possible from harmful microorganisms. To do this, there is modern equipment that produces ozone, which is used specifically for cleaning purposes.
Active oxygen also activates beneficial microorganisms and destroys harmful ones.
Ultrasonic cleaning is also a modern method of water purification. Ultrasound is emitted by special devices and has a detrimental effect on viruses and fungi that are in the water. Such devices can constantly work during the operation of the pool and be recharged from the mains.
Salt electrolysis disinfects water especially thoroughly. Such purification makes the water more transparent and blue, while there is no smell and the quality of water in terms of chemical composition practically does not change.
The cost of a UV disinfector varies from 15,508 to 51,491 rubles.
Therefore, when choosing methods and means of water purification in the pool, the choice for everyone is as wide as possible. The main thing is to choose your reliable tool or device that will constantly keep the water in the pool in a clean, good condition.