Usually, all possible malfunctions with a toilet bowl have the following symptoms:
- water constantly flows into the bowl;
- liquid continuously flows from the plumbing system into the tank;
- the toilet itself is leaking;
- flush button broken
- it takes repeated pressing of the button in order for the drain to occur or the liquid to stop flowing into the tank.
To eliminate the breakdown, it is very important to determine its cause.
First option
Overflowing the tank is the likely reason why water is constantly flowing. All "extra" water goes into the bowl through the overflow.
Let's highlight a few reasons for this problem:
- valve crack (found only in plastic products);
- problems with the pin holding the float lever;
- low gasket pressure;
- its wear.
Understanding the reasons, you can roughly figure out how to act.
How to solve:
- We remove the cover.
- Raise the float a little. The flow must end. If this happens, it will only be necessary to slightly bend the lever in order to ensure that the water supply is shut off.
- If it doesn't help, you will have to inspect the valve. Instead of a broken stud, you can use a piece of copper wire. If the hole in which it is attached has become large, the entire valve will need to be replaced. To do this, you should take a sample of the old one with you to the store in order to find exactly the same one.
- If the gasket is worn out, then the entire valve will still need to be replaced, since they are not sold separately.
Second option
Consider the option in which water flows, and its level in the tank is less than overflow. A common cause is a broken bolt that tightens the toilet and shelf. A similar problem existed especially acutely in older models, where there was a pair of steel bolts. Naturally, under the influence of water, they quickly became unusable. In this case, they need to be replaced. Moreover, it is desirable to choose products from corrosion-resistant materials.
You can solve the problem by disassembling and assembling the tank:
- turn off the cold water supply;
- remove the tank cover;
- empty it;
- disconnect the flexible hose;
- we unscrew the bolts that fix the shelf on the toilet: if it doesn’t work, you can use a hacksaw;
- tilt the tank back to get the shelf out of the cuff;
- drain the remaining liquid, lay the tank on a flat surface.
Replacing the bolts with new ones, you should assemble everything
At the same time, it is important to replace the rubber elements so as not to return to repair in the near future.
When tightening the bolts, you need to be careful not to overdo it with force. The toilet material breaks quite easily.
Third option
What to do if the bolts are intact, there is a lot of space before overflow, and the liquid flows. When there is water in the tank, it does not flow into the bowl as long as the rubber bulb holds it. By pressing the button, the pear rises, the liquid flows out. Over time, the material from which it is made loses its qualities, which means that there is every chance that the pear will begin to let water through.
It is necessary to change the pear. It is fixed on the stem with a thread. You can unscrew it by turning it counterclockwise. You need to go to the store with a sample of the old product in order to pick up an identical one.
A temporary solution could be some kind of weight hung on the stem to press down the rubber, preventing the liquid from constantly flowing out.
Causes of liquid snot pathological
The main causes of abundantly flowing fluid from the nose:
- inflammatory processes of an infectious nature;
- rhinitis;
- different forms of sinusitis;
- sinusitis;
- allergic reactions.
A few examples of reasons why there may be liquid snot
- If the snot flows constantly, a burning sensation appeared in the nose - these are the first signs of a cold.After a while, the liquid secretions acquire a thick consistency, nasal breathing becomes difficult. The duration of the disease is no more than two weeks.
- Quite often, a runny nose manifests itself as an independent symptom, for no apparent reason. This means that the person has been in the cold for a long time. Special treatment is not required, such snot is a protective form of the body and passes on its own.
- If fluid flows out of the nose when tilted down, you need to see a doctor, as this is a symptom of a serious pathological process - the maxillary cyst.
- If snot pours in a certain season and a runny nose is accompanied by sneezing, this indicates an allergic reaction. The easiest way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms is to identify and eliminate the allergen. Additionally, the nasal passages are washed and nasal preparations are used.
What to do to stop snot quickly
Considering the discomfort that rhinitis causes, many are interested in the question - "what if the snot, without stopping, flows in a stream?". The easiest way is to use vasoconstrictor medications. Such drops instantly stop nasal discharge, but it should be understood that the use of drops or spray is a temporary measure that only affects the cause of the pathology.
What drops will help cure snot with a stream:
- "Otrivin";
- "Nazivin";
- "Galazolin";
- "Naphthyzin".
Worried about clear nasal discharge pouring like water? Antihistamines will help temporarily eliminate such a runny nose. They are used for allergic rhinitis.
The most popular drugs:
- "Claritin";
- "Diazolin";
- "Tsetrin";
- "Tavegil".
How to blow your nose
Take a clean disposable tissue. Inhale air into your mouth, close one half of your nose and exhale the air strongly enough through the other nostril. Exhalation should be intense and single.
Proper blowing technique is like trying to blow out candles on a cake from a distance of 10 cm.
Common Blowing Mistakes
- Blowing through two nostrils at the same time.
- Open mouth while blowing your nose.
- You can not simultaneously close one half of the nose and blow your nose, often closing and opening the second nostril. As a result, increased pressure is created in the nose.
- You can not draw the contents of the nose into the nasopharynx and spit out through the mouth.
Fixing toilet overflow and bolt issues
The most common problem that causes water to flow in the toilet is overflowing the tank. So let's start with a simple experiment.
We remove the cover. After that, you should slightly raise the float. If this helped and the tank bowl does not overflow, then the search for the problem at this stage is completed. It is enough to pull the float lever a little so that the water stops flowing earlier.
Another option is that the water continues to leak. Perhaps the problem is in the valve, so it should be carefully examined. Initially, spend time on the pin that secures the float lever in the valve - it should be in place and solid. Otherwise, you will have to replace it with a piece of thick copper wire. At this stage, you need to inspect the hole into which it is attached, because with an increase in its size, you will have to completely change the entire valve.
And the last possible option, when, after the above inspections and even actions, water still flows in the toilet, this is a worn valve gasket. It will not be possible to purchase it separately, so the question regarding the culpability of a cracked valve or gasket loses its practical value.
But what if the water in the tank is less than the overflow level, but the toilet itself is leaking? Quite often, such a description has the problem of the unfitness of the bolt, which pulls together the shelf and the toilet. This, as a rule, is inherent in older models of structures, where manufacturers still used steel bolts. Of course, over time, the bolts deteriorate under the influence of water, so they should be replaced periodically.
The process itself implies the following:
- Shutting off the water supply.
- Removing the cover.
- Tank emptying.
- Disconnecting the flexible hose.
- Loosening bolts.
- Tilt the tank to remove the shelf from the cuff.
- We eliminate excess liquid and lay the tank on a flat surface.
Upon completion of the repair, the structure must be reassembled
It is important to tighten the new bolts not tight, because the material of the toilet bowl is quite fragile.
Why is snot liquid like water
Mucus in the nose is formed by water, salt, proteins and enzymes, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract from the penetration of pathogenic microflora and moisten the nasal mucosa. A large amount of liquid mucus indicates that many viruses have accumulated in the nasal cavity and an infection develops, accompanied by swelling of the mucosa. The body reacts to the pathological process by the formation of mucus of a liquid consistency, with the help of which pathogens are brought out.
If snot flows from the nose, this indicates rhinorrhea. Transparent discharge is a consequence of the body's struggle with pathogenic microflora (viruses and bacteria), which disrupted the natural processes in the nasal cavity. If you do not contact your doctor in a timely manner and do not undergo a course of therapy, problems with the respiratory system will inevitably arise. When fluid is constantly released from the nose, this causes:
- weaknesses;
- feeling unwell;
- headaches;
- dizziness.
Given the cause of the development of pathology, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:
- infectious;
- non-infectious;
- allergic;
- non-allergic.
If the snot that flows like a stream in an adult is not treated in a timely manner, the acute form quickly transforms into a chronic stage, the danger of which lies in complications - sinusitis, sinusitis, respiratory pathologies and even meningitis.
Attention, the photo may be unpleasant to view.
In order for the toilet to serve as long as possible without breakdowns, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive measures. The bowl and tank need a thorough cleaning (at least weekly). From the tank will have to remove debris and plaque. The condition of the fittings and all fittings should also be monitored. Toilets are “afraid” of mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes. If you remember this, you can extend the life of the entire system. If leaks nevertheless appear, then at first simple breakdowns are excluded, and only then serious problems are solved. When the toilet cistern is leaking, you can fix everything yourself. A fairly simple design is repaired without any tool. Thus, you will save on calling a specialist and enjoy a successful repair.
Replacement or repair of a pear or float
If the toilet is leaking due to the loss of elasticity of the rubber pear, which regulates the water supply with the button, it should either be replaced or repaired. To do this, you will first need to unscrew this part (counterclockwise, but when viewed from above, the position changes to the opposite) and disconnect from the stem. When buying a new such part, you should choose the softest, otherwise this problem will arise again, and quite soon.
If it is not possible to buy a new rubber bulb, it can be repaired for a while. To do this, simply attach a small weight to the rod, which will pull the pear to the saddle, respectively, after flushing, the water will not drain. Any weighty nut or washer is suitable as a load.
When water constantly drains due to a malfunction of the float in the tank, it can also be replaced with a new one. If a small hole is found in the float that is leaking liquid, an alternative, more economical option is to plug the hole with polyethylene or fused plastic.It should be borne in mind that such repair work will not eliminate the breakdown itself, but only postpone its solution for a while. Therefore, it is better to do everything right right away.
The tank is leaking - this can happen for several reasons:
- damage to the float valve - if a hole appears in the float, it begins to draw water; you can fix this with a sealant or simply by wrapping the float in cellophane;
- incorrect position of the float - a skewed float can be easily corrected manually, just move it from side to side, and the optimal position will be found by itself;
- rubber pear wear - in this case, the product will have to be replaced;
- limescale on different parts of the drain mechanism - lime does not allow the parts to fit snugly together, which causes disruptions in the operation of the drain mechanism; this problem can be solved with the help of special cleaning products;
- the nut that secures the overflow to the bottom of the tank is loosened - in this case, the mount can simply be tightened;
- unreliable connection of the tank and bowl - it may be necessary to replace the cuff connecting the two parts of the toilet;
- wear of rubber gaskets - gaskets are consumables and must be replaced;
- damage to the body of the drain tank - scratches and cracks are treated with a special composition for the restoration of plumbing;
- the fastening of the water pipe has loosened - in this case, it is usually necessary to replace the fastener.
Frequent problems. If the reason for the flowing water is not in the cistern, then you should examine the toilet bowl for damage. If a crack or chip is found from which water is leaking, then in order to avoid further problems, the bowl will have to be replaced. However, there is a temporary solution to the problem that will help fix the leak for a short time (long enough to buy a new bowl). To prevent the crack from growing, drill holes at both ends, always through. Then, from the inside of the bowl, grind the damaged area with an angle grinder and apply a coat of epoxy. As a rule, mechanical damage to the bowl is visible at first sight, so if these are not immediately found, then the problem is most likely something else:
The connection between the outlet of the toilet bowl and the water pipe was depressurized. This can happen if the connection is fixed with cement mortar with sand. After some time, the hardened putty begins to crack, resulting in a leak. To remedy the situation, you need to carefully remove the remnants of the mixture from the sockets and reconnect them with a modern sealant or the same cement mortar, but without adding sand.
The membrane, which should seal the corrugation joints, has worn out. This happens quite often with rubber products - they deform or dry out. Usually this part can be easily replaced, but if for some reason this is not possible, try sealing the joint with a sealant.
A leak in the toilet is the result of a breakdown in the overflow system or damper pear
After checking the float mechanism, many people are wondering what to do next, since the leak has not been eliminated. In this case, you need to go and check all the other systems, which, to tell the truth, fail much less often.
Next on the list, you need to check the rubber pear that blocks the drain hole from the tank. To do this, you must first perform a number of actions:
- shut off the water supply to the toilet tank using a special valve;
- drain all the water in the container, as it will interfere with us;
- manually raise and lower the damper itself into place. She must sit exactly in her seat;
- if this does not happen, then you need to adjust its position.
It often happens that due to poor water quality, either a rust or lime deposit forms on the valve itself or on its seat. As a result, he simply cannot normally sit down in his place and completely block the water. In this case, if all parts are intact and undamaged, you should simply clean. At the same time, it must be remembered that in order to achieve the best result, it will be necessary to clean two components - this is the valve itself and its seat.
Despite all this, the reason for the constant leakage of water in the toilet can also be a breakdown of the overflow mechanism itself, made in the form of a plastic pipe, which stretches from the very bottom, and exits slightly above the level of water intake. It is constantly in the water and at the same time has a mount, under which there is a rubber gasket. In this case, most often the water starts to run due to the fact that the gasket is out of order. To solve this problem, you just need to replace the unusable gasket.
Treatment of urinary incontinence in women
Therapy for menopausal incontinence in women is as diverse as their causes. With non-drug methods, you can try to treat mild incontinence and begin therapy for severe pathology.
Non-drug therapy for urinary incontinence
This type of treatment begins with a lifestyle correction:
- Exclusion of smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Exclusion of spicy, smoked foods, spices, spices, coffee, chocolate from the diet.
- The transition to a diet (table number 8), which contributes to weight loss. Obese women are 4 times more likely to have incontinence problems. Weight loss reduces the risk of pathology from 60 to 10%.
- Increasing water consumption to eliminate odor.
- Establish a strict regimen of visiting the toilet - every 2-3 hours, regardless of the urge.
- Carrying out personal hygiene procedures after each emptying.
- Use of sanitary napkins and wet wipes.
- Daily walks lasting at least half an hour.
- Physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation).
- Classes with a psychotherapist.
Special gymnastics
Patients are offered special complexes of physical exercises for:
- strengthening the tone of the walls of the bladder and the muscles of the perineum;
- normalization of the functioning of the urinary system in the phases of filling;
- activation of a woman's volitional control of the process of urination.
An exercise therapy instructor helps you choose effective exercises for each specific case.
The use of simulators for the treatment of urinary incontinence
Special simulators have been created to enhance the tone of natural sphincters located in the pelvic floor. A system consisting of a rubber balloon inserted into the vagina and a sensor (manometer or modern display) allows a woman to control the force of muscle contraction during exercise.
The founder of this treatment was Arnold Kegel. Not all doctors recognize the effectiveness of Kegel exercises. But with strict adherence to his methodology, positive results are sure to be achieved. It is simply impossible to borrow individual principles without observing the entire set of recommendations.
Since stress and pathologies of the brain play an important role in the development of enuresis, it is possible to restore impaired functions by influencing the central nervous system.
One of the modern techniques is biofeedback (Biofeedback) therapy. Sensors are installed on the patient's body that record brain signals and the bioelectrical activity of the muscles. The signal visualized on the computer allows a person to control the urge to empty, developing the correct conditioned reflexes.
Medical treatment for urinary incontinence
With insufficient effectiveness of the listed technologies in the menopause, doctors resort to drug treatment.Medicines are used:
To reduce the tone of the bladder | To increase the tone of the bladder | Antidepressants | hormone therapy | Homeopathy remedies |
Driptan Detrusitol Mirabegron |
Neuromidin Nivalin Ubretide |
Intrigue simbalta |
Klymen Klimonorm |
Climaxan Remens |
Patients are prescribed topical agents: vaginal cream or suppositories with estriol.
Drugs are taken only as prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable.
Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence
If incontinence is not eliminated conservatively, then an operation is prescribed to restore the function of the sphincters. Doctors prescribe:
- Installation of a sling - an elastic loop that holds the urethra in the required position, preventing spontaneous leakage of urine.
- Colposuspension. Under anesthesia, a laparoscopic operation is performed, in which the paraurethral muscles are sutured to the inguinal bands.
- Colporrhaphy - elimination of pelvic organ prolapse by pulling up the vaginal walls to a normal position.
- The introduction of silicone or collagen fibers into the submucosal region of the urethra.
Contraindications for such operations are:
- diabetes;
- inflammatory processes;
- neoplasms;
- blood clotting disorder.
Why does water flow from under the washing machine
The main reasons for this defect are: violations of the rules for the operation of SMA, the use of low-quality washing powders, as well as defects that have arisen in the manufacture of components and parts. If we talk about specific malfunctions, then these include:
- violation of tightness at the joints of the inlet and drain hose, violation of their integrity;
- leak in the drain pump (pump);
- damage to the tank body (crack or hole);
- violation of the tightness of the connections of the filler and drain pipes inside the SM body;
- damage to the elastic cuff of the hatch door;
- wear of the gland sealing the bearings on the drum shaft;
- blockage in the hopper of the detergent dispenser tray.
Types of pathology
Doctors distinguish types of incontinence by symptoms:
- Stress urinary incontinence caused by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure when:
- performing sports exercises;
- carrying weights;
- sneezing;
- cough;
- nervous tension;
- fit of laughter;
- sexual contact.
- Urgent incontinence. It manifests itself with such intense urges that sometimes a woman does not have time to respond to them. In this case, an overactive bladder is not at all full. Urgent incontinence is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the bladder.
- Paradoxical ischuria is a pathological phenomenon, when, at the maximum overflow of the bladder, there is a difficulty (often of a psychological nature) for emptying it. Urine is spontaneously excreted in separate drops from the urethra.
- A mixed form is a pathological condition in which there are separate symptoms of the first two types.
- Incontinence can be caused by the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system, as a result of which the bladder becomes hyperactive or there are obstacles to the work of the perineal sphincters.
Leaking toilet repair tips
The basic structural elements of the toilet bowl have not changed for decades. The changes affect only the materials used in the production, forms and methods of installation of plumbing equipment, but the design itself remains unchanged. The main parts of a standard toilet bowl are a cistern, a bowl and a seat (or, as it is also called, a toilet seat).
As a rule, the reason for the failure of the structure lies precisely in the malfunction of the tank. Inside it is a mechanism that operates on the principle of a hydraulic seal, for the correct operation of which it is necessary to maintain a certain level of pressure.
The mechanism of the drain tank contains the following elements:
- a rubber pear that opens the drain of water;
- overflow - a pipe through which excess water is drained if the toilet is faulty;
- thrust - a metal lever that activates the drain mechanism;
- float - a sealed capsule made of plastic that regulates the water level in the tank;
- float valve.
When we raise the draft (by pulling the lever or pressing the button), the drain mechanism comes into action: the pear rises and the water goes into the bowl through the drain hole. Then the valve opens, and water is drawn into the tank - to the desired level.
The main causes of urinary incontinence
Periodic or constant leakage of urine is a purely female problem. Men with such a pathology are much less likely to encounter. Most often, signs of incontinence are recorded in women who have given birth., and the greater the number of births, the more likely the occurrence of the disease. The main cause of incontinence is a disorder and weakness in the muscles that support the pelvic organs. Also often there is a change in the work of the sphincters of the urethra and the bladder itself.
Most often, signs of incontinence are recorded in women who have given birth, and the greater the number of births, the more likely the occurrence of the disease. The risk of urine leakage increases many times if:
- childbirth was protracted or vice versa rapid;
- the birth of a child was not without ruptures of the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Establishing the underlying cause of urinary incontinence is necessary to select the most effective treatment option. Women should remember that modern medicine can solve their problem in the shortest possible time, the most important thing is not to put off visiting a doctor.
Factors that cause incontinence
In addition to childbirth, provoking factors for urinary incontinence are:
- Operationsprescribed for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Most often, leakage is noted after hysterectomy and after panhysterectomy. During surgery, damage to the nerves involved in the work of the sphincter and detrusor is possible.
- Menopause. After the onset of menopause, the ratio of hormones changes, which negatively affects the work of the muscles.
Body aging. Age-related changes cause a decrease in the tone of the closure apparatus in the bladder.
- Perineal injuries.
- Omission or incorrect anatomical position of the bladder, uterus, vagina.
- Neoplasms in the urinary system.
- Diseases of the nervous systemoccurring with dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Incontinence often occurs after trauma to the spinal cord, against the background of impaired blood circulation in it. Urinary leakage is often detected in patients with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, with congenital disorders in the nervous system, and with tumors of the brain and spinal cord.
The likelihood of urine leakage increases with power sports.
Leaks between cistern and toilet
It happens that the tank does not overflow, and water flows from the tank into the toilet. Usually the problem is with the connecting bolt. It is made of steel, so over time it rusts and leaks. You need to carefully inspect this area and, if necessary, replace the fasteners.
Work is performed as follows:
- Turn off the water and empty the tank.
- Disconnect the water pipe.
- Unscrew the bolts. If they are rusted, they are cut down with a hacksaw.
- Move the tank aside and pull out the shelf from the cuff.
- Drain the remaining water and remove all rust.
- Replace gaskets and bolts.
- Reinstall all items.
Tank damage
Sometimes the problem is to look for in the tank itself. Most often, the tank is damaged due to improper use of the washing machine. If people frequently wash their shoes or don't remove change from their pockets, then metal objects can damage the tank.
If the tightness of the tank is broken, then it will have to be changed. In this case, you need to call the master to order a new part.
These are the most common problems that occur when using washing machines. For a more complex breakdown, it is better to seek help from a professional.
You can install a leakage protection on the washing machine. Some devices are supplied complete with full or partial protection. With partial protection, the machine is installed on a special pallet with a float and a switch. If water leaks inside the machine, then protection is triggered, and the machine goes into emergency mode. Washing machines equipped with full leakage protection, in addition to the tray, are equipped with a hose with a solenoid valve that closes in case of a leak.
Do not try to repair the damage if the device is under warranty. This is a violation of warranty obligations, and all possible consequences fall on the hands of the master.
You can fix the washing machine if it flows from below, and you can do it yourself. Most of the reasons why such a malfunction occurs are easy to fix. However, you should not do this without having minimal skills in working with technology.
Summing up
As you can see, there are not so many reasons why water can flow in the toilet. Therefore, even an unprepared person can cope with the problem, in principle.
It is only important to carefully read the instructions, as well as act consistently and accurately. Then everything will work out - the toilet will work without failures
Is the toilet bowl leaking? Well, let it flow - this is not the biggest trouble. After all, the flowing water will still merge into the sewer. And so do many homeowners. Until they receive a bill for the consumed water.
After that, a belated understanding of the whole danger of the situation comes to them, when your money flows from the tank into the sewer, almost before your eyes. Therefore, the leak of the toilet flush tank must be eliminated immediately, immediately after the discovery of this defect in the operation of your plumbing equipment. And in this article we will tell you how it is done.
How to fix a leaking toilet cistern if you are not familiar with its design? Of course not. Therefore, before reviewing the repair technology, we will dive into the structure of the object being restored.
A typical tank consists of the following elements:
Float valve (faucet)
- a fitting connected to the water supply, on which a shut-off unit controlled by a float is fixed. If there is no water in the tank, the float pulls the shut-off element of the tap down, opening the fitting. When the tank is full - the float rises, closing the fitting. -
- a hollow column connected to the toilet. This column protects the tank from overflow. When the water level reaches the edge of the column, the liquid will overflow into the toilet, and will not rush into the toilet room. -
Bleed valve
- a hinged hatch covering the drain hole leading to the toilet. If the hatch is closed, then water from the float valve fills the tank. If the hatch is open, then all the liquid accumulated in the tank flows down the drain hole into the toilet.
drain lever
- the control mechanism of the drain valve. This unit consists of a rack with a rocker, the edge of which is connected to the valve (hatch) by a polymer or metal chain. By pressing on the free edge of the rocker, you pull the chain up and slightly open the valve hatch. By releasing the lever (rocker), you loosen the chain and lower the hatch into place.
Of all the nodes described above, only the first three elements can provoke a leak in the toilet - a faucet, overflow, valve. Therefore, repairing a toilet cistern leak involves restoring the performance of these particular nodes.
As you can see: there is nothing complicated in the design of the drain system. But enough theory, it's time to move on to repair.
Where to start the repair?
Of course, from the search for the cause of the water leak. After all, only by understanding: why the toilet bowl is flowing, you will be able to eliminate the defect and establish the normal operation of the drain structure.
And there may be several such reasons, but most often plumbers deal with the following options:
The first option - leakage through the overflow
- it is diagnosed very simply - water is constantly flowing in the toilet bowl. As if we have a bottomless structure in front of us, and not a capacity of 10-12 liters (or even less). Therefore - we heard a murmur - get ready to change or repair parts of the float valve.
The second option is a defect in the sealing gasket
- noticeable by a constant stream, forming a characteristic lime "drip" on the inner surface of the toilet bowl. We saw him - get ready to dismantle the tank and change the gasket.
The third option is a loose bleed valve
- is diagnosed by an intermittent stream flowing from the drain nozzles into the toilet bowl when water enters the tank. Therefore, if water flows from the tank into the toilet during a set of containers, get ready to change the valve shut-off element without options.
As you can see, there are not so many prerequisites for the formation of a leak. However, each of them requires its own approach to repair. Therefore, further we will consider three technologies for eliminating a leak, linked to three reasons for its formation.
As already mentioned, the article does not claim to cover all possible problems with all types of reinforcement. A lot of them. Lots of. In each case, it is necessary to find out why water flows from the toilet bowl individually. If you can’t solve the problem yourself and don’t know, just invite a professional.
Despite the fact that all modern manufacturers are trying to produce high-quality products, nevertheless, nothing lasts forever. Given this, sooner or later, every person wonders why the water flows in the toilet. The reason for this was a malfunction in one of the cistern systems. To fix it, it is not necessary to turn to plumbers and at the same time pay big money for the work that almost anyone can do.
The constantly flowing water in the toilet affects, first of all, the family's budget, since a small trickle over time pours into a very large amount of water, which will have to be paid for. This is especially noticeable to those people who have water meters installed. In addition, given the condition of our water, a constant leak in the toilet over time leaves a rusty mark on the bowl, which is very difficult, almost impossible to clean up afterwards. To avoid many problems, you need to find and fix the breakdown at the first appearance of a leak.