How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

How does he work

All used water and domestic waste flows into the septic tank through pipes from the house. There they settle and with the help of special microorganisms undergo primary purification. At the end of this process, wastewater can be taken to the filtration fields.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

According to the technology, the tank goes deep into the ground to a depth of one and a half to two meters, which is enough not to resort to additional insulation. Indeed, in most of the territory of Russia, the earth simply does not freeze so deeply. In addition, a small amount of heat comes from the container itself, generated due to the vital activity of bacteria and chemical reactions during the decomposition of organic substances.

In any case, it is worth taking care of sufficient thermal insulation of the pipes connected to it, since they do not lie so deep and can freeze even with slight frosts.

But if for some reason the container is on the ground or you live in a region where the thermometer drops significantly below zero, then it is necessary to insulate the septic tank in advance.

Is it possible to install a sewage treatment plant in winter

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Surprisingly, many experts advise installing a treatment plant in winter. Installing a septic tank in winter has the following advantages:

  • Since during this period construction and repair work stops, you do not have to wait for a specialist. Also, the masters will be able to give you maximum attention.
  • It is better to install a septic tank in winter, and for the reason that the groundwater level during this period decreases to a minimum, therefore, with digging a pit and a trench for the supply of wastewater and their removal will not occur.
  • In principle, there is no difference when to conduct installation work. The only problem may be adverse weather conditions.
  • Since no one lives in the country during the winter, the work will not bring any inconvenience to the household.
  • In winter, discounts often appear on many building materials and services provided, so you can save money.

Installation of a septic tank in winter is carried out in the same sequence as at other times of the year:

  1. First, a pit and trenches are dug for the supply sewer pipeline and the removal of treated wastewater.
  2. After that, sand cushions are made at the bottom of the pits, which are then rammed.
  3. A septic tank is installed, a pipeline is laid and connected.
  4. The pit and trenches are backfilled.

5 popular ways to insulate septic tanks

Do I need to insulate a septic tank made of brick or concrete? This is not required, but highly recommended. Moreover, taking into account the "monumentality" and durability of structures, it is better to choose materials that will last for several years. So the owner of the site will save himself from the need to constantly replace the insulating layers of straw or sawdust, which are prone to rotting.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Scheme of insulation of a seasonal septic tank

Method # 1: expanded clay backfill

The main advantages of expanded clay are reasonable price, good thermal insulation characteristics, resistance to moisture and adverse weather conditions, and durability. It is a granular porous material made from clay. It does not rot, does not decompose, does not promote the growth of fungus and mold.

Expanded clay is poured into the space between the walls of the pit and the sewer well. Minimum layer thickness - 20 cm

When insulating a septic tank, special attention should be paid to the entry point of the supply pipe. It is desirable to isolate it additionally, as well as part of the pipe itself

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Expanded clay - a popular heat insulator

Method # 2: mineral wool and glass wool

Mineral wool and glass wool are much more convenient to use than expanded clay. These materials perfectly cope with the task of insulating tanks, are resistant to aggressive environments and temperature extremes.Heat insulators are not afraid of fire, do not deform under mechanical stress, retain their insulating properties for several years, but strongly absorb moisture.

Perfect materials do not exist, therefore, disadvantages should also be taken into account. From an environmental point of view, mineral wool and glass wool are not the best choice. They may contain phenol, a substance hazardous to human health. Therefore, the insulating layers of these materials should be covered so that poisons do not enter the soil and groundwater.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Mineral wool for septic tank insulation

Method #3: Extruded Styrofoam

A worthy alternative to mineral insulation is extruded polystyrene foam. This is a material that does not lose its properties even with strong temperature changes and in damp conditions. Due to its low weight and thickness, it is easy to install. All these advantages make extruded polystyrene foam one of the most practical insulation for building structures.

The disadvantages of the material include the release of toxic substances during combustion. However, this is not relevant for sewer systems, because. the risk of fire is minimal. The heat insulator is used to protect septic tanks, pipes, their entry points into the house and wastewater tanks. Mount the material using special compounds. The only objective disadvantage is the higher cost compared to expanded clay or mineral wool.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Scheme of installation of extruded polystyrene foam

Method #4: Polyurethane foam

Foamed polyurethane is considered one of the most popular materials in the modern construction market. It is used almost everywhere - for the insulation of pipes, building structures, facades, etc. This determines the variety of forms of release - in the form of sheets, blocks, panels, rolls.

The material is strong, durable, not afraid of fungus and mold, water, high temperatures. It is elastic, so it does not crack under mechanical stress. Thermal insulation with polyurethane foam is far from the cheapest way to protect a septic tank from freezing. But it is reliable, and the owner will be able to forget about insulation for many years. This problem will be solved once and for all.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Method #5: heating cable

Some septic tank owners install electric heating cable. It prevents the system from freezing even in the most severe frosts. It is a good option for septic tanks in areas with harsh climatic conditions, suitable for wastewater treatment plants with aerobic bacteria.

The heat that the cable radiates is sufficient for the normal functioning of microorganisms in the septic tank. The cable must be protected from water, and the entire sewer system as a whole is insulated. As a heat insulator, you can choose bulk, roll or sheet material

Do I need to insulate the aeration field of the septic tank? Yes, it is desirable to do so. For thermal insulation, you can use any roll or sheet material. It is laid on a layer of rubble and closed from moisture. It is also desirable to insulate the pipes. Most often, mineral wool is used for this, but other options can be chosen. The main thing is that the insulator well protects against freezing of drains on the inner walls of the pipes.

Conservation of the septic tank Topas

Activated sludge contains bacteria that consume human waste, process it into harmless substances, and then can be used as fertilizer. If you completely drain the water from the septic tank for the winter, then the critically low temperature below -15 ᵒС can completely destroy all existing living flora.

In addition, an empty tank in the spring can be torn off from the foundation by the lifting force of groundwater and raised to the surface, which will lead to the complete failure of all equipment.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winterHow to clean the septic tank "Topas"

All purchased models of Topaz septic tanks are supplied with detailed instructions on how the septic tank should be prepared for winter.It can be popularly expressed as follows:

1. First of all, the installation must be completely disconnected from the electrical network in the main electrical distribution board. If the design allows, it is advisable to close the shield with a padlock in order to avoid accidental switching on, which can lead to electrical injury.

2. All chambers of the septic tank and the filter are cleaned of solid undecomposed residues. Activated sludge remains intact in the chamber so that the bacteria do not die.

3. All removable electrical equipment, such as a compressor for water aeration and a suction pump, is turned off and dismantled.

3. The level of water that remains in the septic tank for the winter must be at least 75% of the optimum. Excess water must be pumped out, and the missing water must be added from the water supply network.

4. Even with careful insulation, water may freeze. In order to prevent the formed ice from crushing the septic tank, plastic bottles can be lowered into the water. They are filled with sand to 1/3 of their volume in order to take a vertical position. Each bottle is tied with a rope to the body of the septic tank so that they can be easily removed in the spring.

5. The lid of the septic tank is carefully insulated. For this, polystyrene foam, sawdust, hay and straw are used. The insulation layer must be covered with plastic wrap or other similar material. At the same time, it is imperative to ensure active air exchange inside the tank in order to support the vital activity of bacteria. You can make small holes in the foam.

6. How to insulate a septic tank for the winter depends on its performance for the entire summer period. The main thing is to keep the bacteria alive.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winterThe location of the elements of the septic tank "Topas"

Unilos septic tank conservation

In this case, the algorithm of actions is approximately the same. First of all, the stabilizer tank is cleaned or from various solid residues that are not subject to decomposition. Given that the septic tanks of this manufacturer are intended for use all year round, then such cleaning must be performed periodically.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winterPreservation of the Unilos septic tank for the winter

The water level is brought to 1/3 of the total. All existing equipment is disconnected from the mains, dismantled and placed in a warm place.

The maintenance hatch is insulated in any way, but air circulation inside the septic tank must be ensured so that bacteria do not die. In case of possible freezing of water, it is necessary to perform approximately the same measures as in the previous version.

Astra septic tank conservation

These cleaning plants are equipped with a special device called an airlift. With it, you can clean the tank from silt and other sediments. Therefore, before conservation, this procedure is performed without much difficulty.

With the help of a drainage pump, the septic tank stabilizer is cleaned and the filter is washed. The power is turned off and the electrical equipment is dismantled. The lid of the septic tank is insulated by all available means.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winterThe scheme of the septic tank "Astra"

High-quality and timely conservation ensures long-term operation of such devices. Only specialized enterprises will be able to provide full preparation for the winter period, which, for a relatively small fee, will perform all the work in accordance with the regulations.

Useful tips for preserving a septic tank for the winter

Local treatment facilities in the form of an inventory septic tank, a rather complex device. Therefore, after the installation has been assembled and put into operation, it is advisable to carefully study the attached instructions for the device and operation.

All recommendations of the manufacturer must be strictly followed so that the Tver septic tank can be operated in winter and summer without unwanted breakdowns.

How to properly preserve a septic tank for the winter

If the treatment plant was purchased ready-made, it should be accompanied by an instruction detailing the winter preservation of the septic tank. Here is the sequence of actions that are recommended by the manufacturers of Topas septic tanks:

  1. First you need to de-energize the station. To do this, you need to use an automatic switch mounted somewhere in the house, and / or press the on / off button right on the station case.
  2. The air compressor must then be removed. Since this device is mounted in the working compartment of the station using special clips, it will be quite easy to detach it.
  3. If the treatment plant is equipped with a forced ejection system, it is necessary to dismantle the pump, which removes clean water from the system.
  4. Then you need to check the liquid level in the septic tank. The optimal size for loading a septic tank before winter conservation is ¾ of the total volume.
  5. If the amount of liquid in the septic tank does not reach this value (which happens quite often), you need to add ordinary water to the container to make up for the missing volume.
  6. It remains to insulate the septic tank lid by placing a layer of insulation (for example, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam) under a layer of stones hiding the septic tank lid.

The last point is not necessary if the winters in the area are not severe. A properly preserved and insulated septic tank will endure the winter cold without much damage to its inhabitants, since the temperature of the liquid inside the system will remain quite high.

In more detail, the process of warming the lid of the septic tank is presented in the video:

A few more useful tips for owners of industrial models of septic tanks:

  • if the treatment plant is equipped with a sludge stabilizer with a built-in airlift, it is recommended to clean this section before preserving the septic tank;
  • the receiving chamber of the septic tank should also be cleaned of solid accumulations;
  • if foam plastic is not available, insulate the lid of the cleaning station with other suitable materials, such as dry grass, straw, mulch, etc.

Please note that the preservation of the septic tank should begin closer to winter, when the ground is cold, possibly slightly frozen. This will slightly reduce the impact on the septic tank of changes in the soil caused by cooling.

When preserving industrial septic tanks, de-energize the device and remove all electrical appliances. Usually they are mounted in accessible places, dismantling requires minimal time and effort.

Some owners are worried that an ice crust will form on the surface of the liquid inside the plastic container and damage the walls of the septic tank. These fears are justified only in areas with a sufficiently large depth of soil freezing. To prevent such a nuisance, several floats should be made for the septic tank. Making them is very easy:

  1. Find several plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Pour a little sand into each bottle so that part of the float remains on the surface when immersed in water. In this case, the bottle must maintain a vertical position.
  3. Tie a long rope to the neck of each float.
  4. Lower the floats into the container.
  5. Fix the rope so that when the septic tank is reopened, the floats can be easily removed.

These simple steps will protect the septic tank from damage even during very severe frosts.

Technology of spring reactivation of a septic tank

In the spring, the septic tank must be properly reactivated. To do this, almost all operations that were carried out during conservation should be done in reverse order:

  • remove the insulation layer;
  • take out the floats;
  • install pumps, compressors and other equipment;
  • connect the power supply.

After that, the septic tank can be used as usual.After a few days of normal use, the system will return to normal. Usually it is not required to add new bacteria to the septic tank.

All owners of self-contained treatment facilities know that live bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) live inside plastic tanks, which help to purify wastewater so that it can be used for watering a garden or as process water. However, the septic tank is often left unattended in winter if you leave the cottage, or if you live in the house year-round, it is exposed to low temperatures. What happens to the microscopic workers of this structure? And how to protect them and drains from freezing in winter? Some owners are interested in the question of how to equip a septic tank that will work in the winter, or how to build this structure in the winter? You will find the answer to these and many other questions in our article.

Some owners, fearing that the septic tank would freeze in winter, made one big mistake - they completely drained the wastewater from the treatment plant and pipeline. Most likely, they did this by analogy with the heating and plumbing system, fearing that if the water freezes, the plastic tank will expand and burst. You should not do this, because the result will always be sad:

  • If you return to your dacha in the spring, you will find your septic tank upstairs, floating in the pit. The thing is that during a flood, groundwater will easily push an empty container up, since its volume is quite impressive, and its weight is small.
  • But the worst can happen. Since the soil in which the tank is dug is not a static state, it can move as a result of temperature changes and changes in the groundwater level. During this process, the septic tank will experience significant stress. As a result, the autonomous sewer tank will simply burst or deform.

As a result of this, the septic tank will become unsuitable for further operation in winter. Owners will need to change the damaged product, buy a new septic tank and install it, which will entail rather big expenses.

Rules for the conservation of the treatment plant for the winter

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

If you use a ready-made factory cleaning product, then an instruction must be attached to it, which describes in detail how the septic tank is preserved for the winter. If for some reason you cannot study the instructions, then you can use our tips on how to preserve the cleaning device for the winter:

  1. First of all, the volatile station must be de-energized
    . To do this, you can use the machine installed inside the house, or turn it off using the button on the unit itself.
  2. Now you can pull out the air compressor
    . This product is fixed in the working compartment of the treatment plant with the help of special clips, so you can detach it yourself.
  3. If water is drained from the station forcibly, then pumping equipment must be dismantled
    . You can also remove the pump that drains purified water with your own hands.
  4. After that, the water level in the septic tank is checked.
    . This can be done with a rope or other improvised product. For proper wintering of sewage, the water level in the treatment plant must be at least ¾ of the total volume.
  5. If there is too much liquid in the tank, then it is worth draining wastewater from the tank
    . But more often it happens that the water is somewhat less than required for wintering, so it will have to be topped up.
  6. In conclusion, it is necessary to carefully insulate the cover of the sewerage system
    . This can be done with foam, polystyrene or polystyrene foam. A layer of stones is laid on top of the heat-insulating material, securely fixing the lid.

If the winters in your area are not very severe, then the cover can not be insulated.Proper conservation and insulation of the septic tank will help the microscopic inhabitants of the treatment plant survive the winter cold, since the temperature in the tank will remain quite high (+4 ° C). This ensures that the septic tank does not freeze in winter.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

The following tips will come in handy for owners of factory-made deep cleaning products:

  • If the septic tank has an activated sludge stabilizer with a built-in airlift, then this section must be thoroughly cleaned before conservation.
  • The chamber, into which effluents enter immediately from the sewer, must also be cleaned of solid deposits at the bottom.
  • To insulate the lid, you can use improvised materials - dry grass, mulch, straw, etc.
  • Preservation can begin with the onset of cold weather, when the soil is a little frozen. This will reduce the effect of soil deformation movements on the reservoir.

In regions where the depth of soil freezing is significant, an ice crust may form on the surface of the water in the septic tank, so that this does not happen, you can do the following:

  1. You should take several PET bottles with a volume of 1.5 to 2 liters.
  2. Sand is poured into the bottles for half the volume. This will allow her, when immersed in water, to float like a float in an upright position.
  3. We tie a rope to the neck of each float bottle.
  4. We lower the products into a tank of water.
  5. We fix the ends of the rope on the surface so that in the spring you can easily remove the container from the tank.

And if a septic tank is still needed in winter

According to experts, the winter preservation of the septic tank makes sense only if the house is left unattended for more than one month.

And if the dacha is still visited every 2-3 weeks, the treatment facilities will perfectly winter without any special precautions.

For example, the same one calmly tolerates the absence of effluents for two weeks, the bacteria remain alive, active and reproduce quite successfully. The energy consumption of such a system is not at all high, so the owners will not ruin the bills for the electricity used by the septic tank, and the level of comfort in the country will remain the same.

Cheap option for septic tank insulation

It is not necessary to invest large sums for the insulation of a septic tank. After all, to cope with such a task is quite simple with the help of cheap materials.

This section of the septic tank is the most tender. Organic materials are not suitable for its insulation due to their short service life. Indeed, straw and sawdust perfectly retain heat. But they quickly deteriorate, thereby losing their useful qualities. The summer resident will have to regularly replace rotten material in order to prevent the septic tank from freezing in the cold.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Expanded clay - a cheap option for insulation

Expanded clay allows you to save the family budget. It is famous for its thermal performance. And the price of this material is quite low. Another advantage of expanded clay is its naturalness and lightness. With it, the summer resident will be able to independently insulate the pit. In order for expanded clay to benefit, it should be laid in a layer of at least 20 centimeters. They are recommended to tightly cover the top of the septic tank, as well as the conductive pipe.

How to insulate a septic tank

If there is a possibility of drains freezing, then proper insulation of the septic tank will help you in this difficult matter. But what kind of insulation to use for a septic tank is best, you will learn further.

Styrofoam will not work, because it tends to absorb moisture, which is an excellent conductor of heat and the situation will only get worse. For the same reason, when deepening, you should not sprinkle the tank with expanded clay to insulate it. Since this mineral quickly collapses under the pressure of the soil, as well as from the effects of moisture.

When insulating any septic tank with their own hands, experts recommend using special heaters. The extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex will cope with the task best of all.It has a very low thermal conductivity and zero moisture absorption, which allows you to reliably protect the septic tank from freezing. It is also perfect for insulating concrete rings, and for insulating a plastic eurocube.

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

For additional safety, it is also necessary to insulate pipes with special materials, since, as practice shows, they are the weakest link in the drainage chain in the winter.

With thermal insulation with Penoplex, the sewage system will regularly perform its functions even in the most severe frosts.

The advantages of Penoplex when isolating a septic tank

How to insulate a septic tank cover for the winter

Penoplex has a number of advantages over other types of thermal insulation materials:

  • has low thermal conductivity,
  • does not absorb moisture at all
  • ease of use - all manipulations on the thermal insulation of the septic tank are easy to do with your own hands,
  • durable - service life of more than 50 years,
  • environmentally friendly - does not contain phenolic resins and is produced without the use of freon,
  • safe - completely non-flammable material.

Take care of the high-quality thermal insulation of the sewer in advance and you will not have to think about its work throughout the winter!


