How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

Features of installation of submersible models

There are many ways to install pumping equipment. This is due to the fact that each manufacturer tries to develop a device that is unique in its own way. And therefore, in the configuration for each model, instructions for installing and connecting equipment to the sewer system are always attached.

Installing a submersible pumping unit is not difficult. The sequence of actions:

  1. Install an automatic connection system. To do this, a branch pipe is installed at the bottom of the tank, and guides are fixed on the wall of the well.
  2. From the coupling, one end of which is fixed at the bottom of the tank, and the other to the pump, pipes are laid, pre-equipped with a valve and a check valve.
  3. A control system is connected to the device and the level of operation of the float switch is set.
  4. With the help of a cable along the guides, the unit is lowered to the bottom of the tank.
  5. Carry out a test run.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

If the test passed without remarks, the well cover is hermetically closed and the system is started for continuous operation.

When installing a fecal unit equipped with a grinder, a number of recommendations must be observed:

  1. The control system should be located separately in an accessible place. The pump cable must be free of kinks and securely sealed.
  2. Place the device so that the grinder is located in front of the impeller.
  3. Before starting the system, thoroughly rinse the device with running water.
  4. When connecting the pump to an existing pipeline, be sure to use the fasteners supplied with the device.

A preventive examination should be carried out at least once a year. At the same time, during the operation of the device, it is necessary to monitor the condition and level of the oil. The first check should be carried out within 5-7 days after installation. If, upon visual inspection, the oil has a grayish tint, this indicates that water has entered it. This can be caused by a defect in the shaft seal. Frequent clogging of the device can signal the wear of the chopper.

With the right choice of a fecal pump for a septic tank and the proper operation of treatment equipment, you will save yourself from the hassle of a sewer system for a long time. In order not to be mistaken with the configuration of the equipment, consult with a specialist.

Varieties of fecal equipment

Unlike traditional counterparts, which are vulnerable to all sorts of blockages, fecal equipment easily copes with effluents in which solid particles are present.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

The main purpose of a septic tank pump is to pump waste water.

Depending on the installation method and design solution, there are three main types of fecal pumps: surface, submersible and semi-submersible.

Surface-type equipment is used for pumping water from local treatment facilities. They are compact and low cost.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

Surface-type devices are capable of pumping out liquid, the size of inclusions in which does not exceed 5 mm

Surface pumps are good because they can be placed at a considerable distance from the well (up to 9 meters). At the same time, the pump itself remains on the surface, and only the suction pipe is immersed in the drains.

Manufacturers design devices differently. Surface models can be a full-fledged station operating in automatic mode, or a compact unit operating in manual mode.

Water pumps for a septic tank are divided into two groups:

  • Non-self-priming - lift liquid from a depth of up to 7 meters. In this case, the suction hose is completely filled.
  • Self-priming - capable of lifting drains from a depth of up to 8 meters.However, the suction hose is not filled with water.

The operation of most devices of this type is based on centrifugal force. But still the most in demand are the so-called vortex devices. Although they work only at shallow depths, they are famous for their greater power with minimal noise during operation.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

If you focus on the type of engine, then there are gasoline, electric and diesel devices.

It is possible to install a stationary surface pump only indoors. If there is no suitable room near the septic tank, the craftsmen recommend making a pit or caisson near the tank, inside which the unit is placed.

Submersible-type models are designed to pump out household waste from storage tanks of autonomous sewage, which contain large long-fiber impurities.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

Submersible models are able to operate smoothly in aggressive environments

Submersible pumping equipment is characterized by high power, which can reach 40 kW, and the ability to pump dense impurities up to 4 cm in size. Such a device cannot become clogged, since its flow channels are quite wide. The equipment is made of chemically resistant materials: cast iron, stainless steel.

The main difference between models of this type is the presence of a special float, thanks to which the engine remains above the surface of the water.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

Semi-submersible pumps are used for pumping mostly small pits.

An electric motor is used as a drive in semi-submersible models. They are characterized by an improved cooling system. The steel case and mechanical end seal reliably protect the device from influence of moisture and destruction.

A significant drawback of submersible devices is the small diameter of the flow channels. This significantly limits the possibility of using them when pumping liquids with solid inclusions, the diameter of which exceeds 15 mm.

Cleaning methods

Many are wondering how many times a year should be held. It all depends on its size, the volume of water used, this should be done at least once a year. It is impossible to completely pump out all the sludge, it is necessary to leave it about 20% of the total mass. This is done in order to initially infect the camera with bacteria.

The length of the pumping pipeline has a great influence on the quality of cleaning. If the length is large, then an intermediate well must be installed. Thus, it will be possible to carry out cleaning in two stages, using a standard corrugated hose for this.

A greater effect is achieved when the septic tank is cleaned more often, both specialists and the owner himself can do this.

How to install a septic tank yourself

The problem of waste disposal in the absence of a central sewage system is familiar to almost all summer residents and not only. Previously, it was solved by creating cesspools. But they have a lot of disadvantages: an unpleasant smell and other inconveniences. An excellent alternative to these pits has now been created - the creation of a local sewage treatment system. called a septic. There are many different models of different companies on the market that produce septic tanks for a country house and a summer residence. However, you should know that you can create a septic tank for a cottage or houses yourself and do the installation yourself.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

The septic tank device is a local sewerage system with two levels of purification.

Do-it-yourself installation of a septic tank for a country house or cottage has several advantages compared to creating a cesspool:

  1. Installation will not create unpleasant odors.
  2. Rare use of the services of a sewage truck or a complete rejection of them.
  3. Reducing the likelihood of soil contamination from household and hygienic waste.
  4. The possibility of using one pit (without transfers and falling asleep) for a long time.

These advantages are due to the positive factors of the design features of the septic tank.

They are available not only for ready-made models, but also for self-built septic tanks.

When creating, you must comply with the basic requirements.

Grinder in fecal pump

Separately, it is worth highlighting devices equipped with a built-in grinder, which is capable of grinding large solid particles. Advanced models are both outdoor and submersible type.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

The grinder is a structural element equipped with stainless steel cutting blades

Outwardly, such units look like storage tanks, inside which pumps with a chopper are installed. Once in the storage tank, dense particles are ground with knives for several seconds, from where they further enter the septic tank sump. The scope of fecal pumps equipped with a grinder is much wider. In addition to arranging an autonomous sewer, they are used for:

  • devastation of pits;
  • pumping fluid from reservoirs;
  • cleaning the muddy stormwater system.

Equipped with a shredder, the submersible unit easily copes with household waste, recycles paper and plastic, algae and branches without any problems.

How to make a vacuum pump for pumping sewage with your own hands

The grinder grinds undissolved grains into a homogeneous mass, which flows freely through drainage pipes even of small diameter

The main parameters of surface pumps with choppers:

  • power consumption up to 3 kW;
  • productivity up to 500 cubic meters / hour;
  • maximum fraction of processed sewage up to 50 mm;
  • forced feed height up to 30 meters.

On sale you can find models in the design of which a float chamber with automatic shutdown is provided. This helps protect the device from running dry. At the moment when the sewage reaches a certain level, the engine will simply turn off.


