Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirements

Counter storage rules

One of the prerequisites for the supply of electricity is compliance with the rules for proper storage of electricity meters. In particular, they include the condition for the safety of the magnetic seal on the electric meter.

Most often, metering units are mounted outside the apartment, on the landing. In this case, the conditions for their storage must be observed. They should be located:

  • in a metal cabinet;
  • behind a metal grill;
  • in a locked state.

Such measures help to avoid intentional or accidental damage to the devices. If the specialists of the energy supply organization find that the seal on the electric meter has been broken, such a violation of the rules for storing and using the meter can turn into big trouble for the homeowner.

In private homes, metering devices are more secure than in a standard apartment building. However, whatever the reasons for the absence or damage of the seal, in any case, a fine for breaking the seal will be issued in the name of the owner of the residential property.

In practice, there are cases when the seal can be torn off by employees of the organization that supplies electricity when checking the testimony. In case of detection of such negligence, the owner of the object must immediately contact the relevant organization with the requirement to draw up an act and record the fact of violation in it.

But what if the consumer suddenly discovers the absence of an electrical appliance that should account for the supply of energy to a residential or industrial facility? In such a case, the owner of the object should apply with an appropriate application to law enforcement agencies. The application must indicate all known circumstances related to the loss of the meter. The police will initiate a criminal investigation into the theft. In this case, the energy supplier will not impose a fine on the owner of the facility for the lack of a seal on the meter.

When is filling performed?

Now it is difficult to find the owner of a city apartment who does not have a water meter installed, many have had them for a long time. But in some cases, re-filling is necessary. You should not try to install water meters on your own, because before registering the device, you will have to provide a document on the installation of the device from an organization that has the right to install and replace metering devices.

The reason for the replacement and re-sealing of water meters may be:

  • expiration of the warranty period of the device;
  • premature failure of equipment;
  • faucet needs to be replaced.
  • accidental damage;
  • replacement of pipes, valves, and some other elements;
  • unexpected system failure;
  • purchase or exchange of housing.

From this it follows that it is necessary to re-seal the water meters in almost any case, if they have been changed or damaged.

How to seal the counter

Purchase and registration of water meters

Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirementsIn order not to encounter problems in the future, you need to take a more responsible approach to the issue of choosing a water meter. According to experts, you do not need to buy a special device. The best option would be to purchase a mechanical apartment meter. Electronic devices can break down, which happens quite often, which entails unnecessary costs and worries due to the need to re-register.

The device for calculating the consumed water must be certified. After installation and installation of a seal, the responsibility for the meter will lie with the organization carrying out this work.
Meters for accounting for hot and cold water supply have design features.It is almost impossible to make a mistake when purchasing, because a cold water meter has a blue stripe, and a hot one has a red one.

On the body of the shut-off valve there must be an eyelet for installing a seal. If this is not the case, the installation of the seal is not possible. With a missing ear, it is possible to shut off the tap, disconnect part of the pipeline and draw water without taking into account.

The most important point when purchasing a water meter is a passport. Devices without a corresponding passport printed by the printing house do not need to be purchased, it will not work, as well as a photocopy.

Registration of a water measuring instrument

Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirementsTo register a meter, you must write an application indicating information about the owner. The application also contains the desired period for the sealing. You will also need a photocopy of the device passport.
Country houses can also have centralized water supply. It also needs to install cold water meters. Hot water supply is likely to be boiler room.

Installation of devices in private households should be carried out only in a building with a cold period temperature of at least 50 degrees. Otherwise, it will be necessary to carry out work to insulate the pipeline, water meter and premises.

Lighting is another important requirement. It should be convenient for maintenance and taking readings.

Who is entitled to it

Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirementsIf you need to recalculate for water, you need not only to install water meters, but also to register and seal them. Without going through this procedure, billing will occur at the general rate. Not everyone can install and seal meters. Only a few companies have the right to do this. Before installing seals, an employee of the company must check the integrity of the devices and the correctness of their installation. The same person provides the property owner with the documents on the basis of which the water meter is registered.

Of course, you should not contact the first office that came across. When choosing a company, be sure to check whether the organization has a license to provide such services. Check if the company provides warranty service. Naturally, for all the work carried out, the relevant documents must be drawn up. All types of work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of higher organizations.


Where should I go to get a filling? These issues are handled by authorized persons of the organization to which you pay for the use of water. To a municipal or managing organization, HOA, Vodokanal, etc. This is a kind of legal entity that grants you the right to use water resources and charges for it.

The installation of a water meter is regulated by regulatory documents. According to which, firstly, you need to apply to a local organization.

The application must include the following information:

  • Full name, passport details of the applicant;
  • The timing of the proposed commissioning of the meter;
  • Registration number and type of meter, as well as the place where it is installed;
  • Data of the company that installed the meter;
  • The indication of the water meter at the time of its establishment;
  • Next verification, date.

Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirementsThe application must be accompanied by a copy of the meter's passport, as well as copies of all documents from the last verification of the meter.

Next, you are waiting for a technical inspector who checks the water meter for the presence of a manufacturer's seal and the necessary documentation for it. If everything matches, then the meter is sealed with a water utility.

Then an Acceptance Certificate is issued, which has the following data:

  • Date of seal installation;
  • Data of two parties;
  • Address data of the meter installation;
  • Counter data;
  • Water meter data of the last check;
  • water intake plan;
  • seal number;

Two copies of the Acceptance Certificate are signed. One copy is kept by the owner.
Summing up, the question is brewing - why do you need to seal the counter?
Well, first you need to clarify that it is not the meter itself that is sealed, but the place of the water supply where the device is attached.

Properly performed sealing cannot interfere with the normal functioning of the water meter. Cannot interfere with shutoff of water if needed

And the inspector in the process of verification work, first of all, pays attention to the integrity of the seal

How many highways are available on the territory of the living space, such a number of installed seals should be.
It is not always enough to install and seal the device once. If the seal is not correctly installed, the device data will not be correct and you will have to pay at the established rate.

Water meter sealing is performed when:

  • initial installation of the meter;
  • when replacing the meter due to failure of the previously installed one or if its validity period has expired;
  • when replacing a pipe fragment on which the water meter is located;
  • in case of leakage, eliminating which had to damage the seal;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the seal.

That is, the installation of seals on the meter is necessary when installing it, changing it, or in case of damage (intentional or accidental).

Who seals the water meters in the apartment features, rules and requirementsWhen analyzing the question of who should be engaged in sealing water meters, it should be noted that some organizations, in order to protect themselves from performing unnecessary work, send subscribers to private organizations dealing with this issue. This, of course, can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the work, but you first need to find out if this organization has a license to perform such services.

And the most important thing is to draw up a sealing act and issue you a second copy. Also, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 102 “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, it follows that when installing a water meter, it is mandatory to install filters that protect the devices from clogging.


