Causes of leakage during washing and spinning
Since the technological operations in the process of washing and spinning are fundamentally no different from each other (draining during spinning occurs in the same way as during washing), it makes sense to consider the reasons for the appearance of water at the machine together.
One of the most common causes of leaks during the operation of the washing machine is a malfunction of the drain pump or filter. The first element is necessary for directly pumping water out of the working volume during any operation, and even the smallest solid object inside the washing machine can disable it.
Because of its small size, it can not only fly through the drain pipe, reaching the filter, but also knock it out because of its enormous speed (the average rotation speed of the washing machine drum is 1,000 rpm, so a conventional coin has a very decent starting speed) than damage the pump. Obviously, for the same reason, the filter can quickly become unusable.
Figure 3 - Drain pump
If water is predominantly collected at the rear wall of the apparatus, the cause is probably a malfunction of one of the two seals. The oil seal is another sealing device that is designed to prevent the formation of smudges from the drum bearings, which, in turn, ensure the silent operation of the machine. Therefore, if a leak is accompanied by a multiple increase in noise compared to what usually comes from a machine, this is a sure sign that the problem lies either in it or in the bearing.
Note: manufacturers strongly recommend that such a stuffing box be lubricated annually with a water repellent, as this will provide a better degree of sealing of the structure.
Washing machine leaking when filling with water, when spinning
With the advent of washing machines in our homes, we can no longer imagine how our parents could do without this miracle of our time. It only at first glance seems that her work is invisible, but as soon as a problem happens with this mechanism, the lack of clean things affects all family members. Therefore, any breakdown of the washing machine is a serious problem for many. What to do if the machine is leaking?
First steps
Before thinking about repair, you should perform a number of actions aimed at eliminating the danger.
First you need to turn off the power of the washing machine. This means not just pressing the power off button, but unplugging the cord from the outlet. If there is no way to do this safely (for example, there is a risk of touching water), then you will have to turn off the electricity at the switchboard.
Next, you need to close the water supply valve to the machine. If this is not the case, then we turn off the water supply to the entire apartment or house.
Next you need to see if there is water in the washing machine. If the wash is stopped halfway, then you need to drain the water through the drain filter and only then take out the laundry. The filter is located at the bottom of the machine on the right (closed with a lid).
When all the dangers are leveled, you can begin to identify the reasons why the washing machine is leaking.
Determining the causes of a leak
A leak can be caused not only by the failure of the machine itself, but also, say, by the appearance of a defect in the pipe. If everything is fine with the pipes, then you need to check the communications leading to the "washer".
In fact, a leak can occur when water is collected or when squeezing.
Therefore, it is very important to pay attention in the first minutes of detecting a leak, where the water comes from.
Often the problem lies in the hoses. Connections can be depressurized for various reasons, then they should be sealed. Or it could be a problem with the hoses themselves.Therefore, they must be carefully examined along the entire length.
If the problem is found really in the hose, then it will have to be replaced. However, this time you should purchase the highest quality product from a well-known manufacturer in order to protect yourself from such problems in the future.
After all, in such cases it is possible to flood not only your bathroom, but also your neighbors.
It should be noted that some brands provide a guarantee for their products with such conditions that in case of flooding of neighbors due to a hose break, the manufacturer will compensate for all repair costs. Therefore, by buying a quality hose, you can relieve yourself of responsibility for a low-quality product and the consequences that a washing machine leak can bring.
If everything is in order with communications, then you should pay attention to the machine itself, there should be a problem in it.
Causes of washing machine breakdowns
There are a large number of such reasons, because the machine is a complex mechanism that consists of many parts. Therefore, we will analyze the most "popular" reasons.
So, first you need to inspect the product. Sometimes it happens that part of the linen remains in the door. It could be some kind of shred that got stuck between the door seal and the drum. As a result, a trickle may form at the bottom of the door. This is the most "pleasant" reason why a washing machine can leak. If there is nothing in the door, but there is a leak, the seal may have “leaked”.
If the machine is leaking during the spin cycle, check the drain filter. It may not be tightly screwed on. If the device leaks from the dispenser when taking in water, then the blockage in the detergent hopper should be eliminated. There is also an option for excessive water pressure, which can be eliminated by screwing the supply valve a little.
If the washing machine is leaking from below, then one of the nozzles may be damaged. If when collecting water - from the inlet valve to the dispenser or from the latter to the tank. If during spinning - drain pipe.
There are many reasons, but it will have to be eliminated
As you can see, if the washing machine is leaking, then there can be many reasons for this. And it is not always possible to identify the real one for a number of reasons. Therefore, very often you still have to call a specialist. However, the first actions with a power outage and water supply must be unchanged.
Possible damage
Leakage - although in essence it is one and the same, - nevertheless, the leakage is different. I mean, what is unpleasant is the same, but the solution to the problem can be different.
For example, if the washing machine is leaking from below, the drain hose may be the issue. If it leaks while filling with water, the pump is most likely to blame.
Here is a list of the most common injuries:
- Inlet hose - a leak will be detected even at the stage of water intake.
- The same picture will be if the problem is in the pump that pumps water into the tank.
- The drain hose is most likely damaged if the leak makes itself felt while the washing machine is squeezing the laundry or flushing the water.
- If the washing machine is leaking while taking on water, the pipe that goes from the detergent container to the inlet valve may be damaged.
- When the leak comes from below when the water is drained, it is necessary to check the drain pipe connecting the drum to the drain pump.
- Often water flows from under the door - this is a signal that it is time to change the rubber seal that fixes the hatch during the washing process.
- Rarely, but still it happens that the machine flows after the completion of the cycle. Moreover, you do not see where it is dripping from. And after a short time you find a puddle on the floor. In this case, it is necessary to inspect the tank for cracks. Sometimes there is damage to the integrity of the case, due to which the device may leak.
- If the washing machine leaks during the spin cycle, and, in addition, during the cycle, a characteristic metallic rattle is heard - as if rusty chains are clanging, - most likely the problem is in the bearings.
Sometimes a leak can be fixed in minutes. For example, if you find out in time that the drain filter is clogged, due to which the pressure on the hose has increased, and it cannot fully drain the water. In other cases, a thorough inspection of the washer is necessary.
What measures to take
And now the diagnosis is established - what to do, you ask? If the car is under warranty, I recommend entrusting the elimination of breakdowns, no matter how difficult they may be, to the master. If it was issued in the store "exchange service", then it's time to use it. In the case when the device is “a hundred years old at lunch”, you can try to repair it yourself.
The only thing you should not touch with your own hands is the bearings. First, it is a rather laborious process. Secondly, if you are not a washing machine repairman, you are more likely to ruin the unit than replace the bearings yourself.
And yet, how to fix the leak yourself. You can replace damaged parts: pipe or hose.
To replace the nozzle, it is necessary to determine whether it is attached to the adhesive. In this case, take out a new part, if necessary, clean it of dust, dry it and wipe it with acetone to improve the hitch. Spread the joint with waterproof glue or epoxy, use a thin layer. Carefully glue the piece in place.
When replacing the drain hose, ensure free access to the pump by turning the machine on its side
Carefully unscrew the end of the tube from the pump with pliers and pull it out. Then disconnect the part of the hose connected to the body, first remembering how it is attached
Attach the new hose in the same sequence on both sides. Make sure the mount is well fixed.
Be careful with your equipment, and it will last you longer. Good mood, I will be glad to help you!
What to do if the washing machine vibrates strongly during the spin cycle? Read this article...
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Causes of water leakage
Since the washing machine is a fairly simple unit from a technical point of view, the causes of leaks come down to two main factors:
- Incorrect installation of the device (for example, the machine may be at an angle or pressed against the wall of the room);
- Poor quality of component materials or their irregular maintenance.
In order to prevent leaks for the first reason, it is enough to read the instructions; in the second case, a complete replacement of the failed element usually helps. So, if a washing machine is leaking from below, then you must first check:
- Inlet hose, which in most cases is made of rubber. Budget devices usually have a standard type hose, devices of the middle segment and above - two-layer compacted;
- The work of pipes. In this and the case described above, the machine only leaks when the tank, the powder container are replenished and additional water is supplied from the outside.
- The fullness of the dispenser (drawer for washing powder, fragrances, antistatic agents and other liquids). When operating in normal mode, it should not be filled even by a third. Water can overflow from it due to strong pressure (regulated by a tap) or a high degree of clogging of the filter grid further (cleaned with a toothpick, etc.);
- The degree of sealing of the door with a sealing cuff. Again, for the most part, it concerns budget models, since poor-quality rubber over time can crack when dried and become unusable from constant exposure to high temperatures.
To understand the processes described below and the location of the main structural elements, you should look at Figure 1.
1 - Electric motor;
2 - Drain pump;
3 - Control unit;
4 - The mechanism for locking the hatch;
5 - Inlet valve;
6 - Outlet valve;
7 - Pressotate;
8 - Heating element;
9 - Temperature sensor;
10 - Grounding;
11 - Regulator mode.
Common Causes of Samsung Washing Machine Leaks
As for another South Korean company, there are a little more reasons for the appearance of a leak on the floor in this case.Firstly, in several forums, owners of equipment from this manufacturer complain about the poor quality of the inlet hose, in particular, the fastening element that connects the hose directly and the device itself.
Secondly, for some reason, Samsung washing machines quite often fail a device that controls the level of liquid poured into the dispenser - pressotat. Being one of the main indicators of the processes taking place in the machine, pressotate, in the event of a breakdown, can cause a huge number of troubles:
- A set of excess water by the system, as a result of which it can pour out through the hopper and dispenser;
- An incorrect determination of the amount of water in the working space can cause it not to be removed, and a new bay, with the machine loaded to the top, is able to squeeze out the “excess” water through the sealing cuff out.
Finally, a leak can simply be caused by poor assembly. As practice shows, the quality of the execution of the same model depends very much on a particular plant: for example, a plant in China supplies devices to the market with a better assembly than a plant in Kaluga, from which goods began to be delivered to Europe only in 2016.
Crack in the hose
First of all, you need to determine at what stage the leak began. If this happened after starting the program, then the reason may be in the water supply hose. You need to check its integrity. This can be done with thin paper or a napkin. In this case, it will be possible to detect even the smallest leak and quickly fix the problem.
If the hole from which water oozes is located at the junction of the hose with the body, then it is enough to simply replace the gasket. A damaged hose can be sealed using a rubber gasket and a quality rubber adhesive. You can temporarily cover the defect with electrical tape, but in this case it will be necessary to make a replacement, and in the coming days.
Why does water flow from under the washing machine
The main reasons for this defect are: violations of the rules for the operation of SMA, the use of low-quality washing powders, as well as defects that have arisen in the manufacture of components and parts. If we talk about specific malfunctions, then these include:
- violation of tightness at the joints of the inlet and drain hose, violation of their integrity;
- leak in the drain pump (pump);
- damage to the tank body (crack or hole);
- violation of the tightness of the connections of the filler and drain pipes inside the SM body;
- damage to the elastic cuff of the hatch door;
- wear of the gland sealing the bearings on the drum shaft;
- blockage in the hopper of the detergent dispenser tray.
Leakage from dispenser
If water starts to flow out after the set of water has started, then the problem is in the dispenser. This is a special retractable device from above, where washing powder, rinse aid, stain remover, and conditioner are loaded. The reason why there are problems in the dispenser is that the grate is clogged or the water pressure is too high. The grate becomes clogged if the incoming water is very dirty, which causes sediment, or the grate is clogged with powder grains.
To eliminate such a breakdown, it is necessary to remove the dispenser and thoroughly clean it together with the hopper. Then return to its place and start the device. If the water is supplied under high pressure, it is necessary to screw the supply valve slightly. If the problem persists, the intake valve must be replaced.