What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground


Sometimes the wolves did not eat for weeks, a blizzard howled over the forest and fields, covered the camp, and pinched their eyes. The wolves looked at each other eagerly. The flock broke up - they walked in pairs and alone, for many miles, in all directions, yearning and looking for food. In search of food, the flock went far, across the river, approached the forest gatehouse, to the very windows, and listened to the crying of a human cub behind the wall. Wolves rarely saw people, almost never, but they always felt their presence - they hated and feared a person. In these cruel days, far from the camp, across the river, wolves attacked a horse corpse in the forest. A sledge track unfolded near the bastard, it smelled of a man. At first they were afraid to take it, they licked their lips, sitting on their tails between their legs, then the young, unable to stand it, rushed to tear - they dumped blue offal on the snow, quickly baring their yellow ribs. The whole night, resting on their paws and shaking their heads, they tore the frozen meat and, choking, swallowed unchewed pieces, and when the stomachs swelled and became heavy, they retreated not far into the forest and burrowed. The following night the flock returned to meat. Ate not so greedily. Having torn off a piece, they retreated at a distance, lay down on their belly, holding the meat in their front paws, nibbling slowly. In the early morning, when the flock went to the camp, a red fox ran out of the forest from under the overhanging spruce paws, stopped, tucking its front leg, and in a small jog, carrying its tail over the snow, ran to the wolf scraps, dug for a long time in the frozen blue offal, under the gnawed ribs. At noon, people in sheepskin coats and felted boots came on skis, and the fox quickly swept into the forest under the fir trees. People examined the wolf tracks and the bones scattered across the clearing; taking off their mittens, they lit a cigarette and, pulling up the belts on their jackets, dispersed around the wolf trail. The next day, the same people brought a dead horse on a sleigh and dumped it in the snow in a clearing. The wolves did not go out for meat for two nights, they aged out, climbing into the spruce forest. One morning, the flock rose anxiously: unfamiliar sounds rolled through the forest, approaching and moving away, and suddenly filled the forest. Straining their ears and sniffing the air, trembling with the knees of their hind legs, the wolves huddled together. The old wolf, who knew well what unfamiliar sounds promised, raised his fur and, flattening his ears, disappeared into the forest. The flock realized that there was a great danger and the fact that the old man left the flock means: everyone take care of yourself!


What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

I walked along the steep bank of the familiar river. Water flowed under the steep sandy slope. Below, over the swift water, the green branches of willows bent. At the very surface, no, no, yes, and gleaming in the sun, sparkling with silver scales, a side of small top-melting fish. Looking down, I saw a small bluish-azure bird, rushing like an arrow from a high sandy slope into the clear water of the river. For a few moments the bird disappeared under the water. It was a kingfisher - an amazing bird, rare in our area. I recognized the kingfisher by its bright plumage, by its long beak, by its fast flight and ability to dive. Having emerged from the water, carrying a small silver fish in its beak, the kingfisher hid at the edge of the sandy bank slope.

Kingfishers live along the banks of fast and transparent rivers with steep sandy banks. They make their nests in deep burrows dug in the sand on steep slopes. At the very bottom of the burrow is a nest lined with dry fish bones and fish scales. Here the kingfishers breed and feed their chicks.

Kingfishers are not like our usual songbirds. They can dive, swim and catch small fish. The plumage of an adult kingfisher is remarkable, so similar to a rare exotic bird. The popular name - kingfisher, probably came from the fact that even in the winter cold, like dippers, kingfishers sometimes remain on the banks of fast, non-freezing rivers and streams. In severe winters, kingfishers fly south, like other migratory birds. On bird wintering grounds, in the Kyzyl-Agach Bay, in the southern Caspian, I often observed kingfishers. There they stayed in tall reeds rustling in the wind, vigilantly looking for prey in the water.In spring, kingfishers flew north to the familiar banks of small and large rivers. In Central Russia, I only saw beautiful kingfishers only two or three times, and I clearly remember these rare meetings.

Vertical collectors for heating a house from the ground

Most often, such collectors are used - they are immersed in the ground to a depth of several tens of meters. To do this, at an insignificant distance from the house, the required number of wells are drilled, then pipes (usually made of cross-linked polyethylene) are placed in them. At such a depth, the soil temperature remains high and stable, respectively, heating a private house with the heat of the earth is highly efficient. With this option, the collectors do not require a large area.

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

However, one should take into account a significant drawback of this scheme: heating from the bowels of the earth is expensive. Of course, the initial costs will pay off later, but still not every family can afford such expenses. The cost of drilling is high, and it will take a lot of money to make several wells 50 meters deep.

Helium-3 deposits are strong evidence of fusion reactions occurring in the bowels

The essential proof of nuclear fusion reactions in the Earth's inner core, which consists of metal hydrides, is the concentration distribution of helium isotopes. The group of Professor Mamyrin (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology) in 1968, while studying the chemical composition of gases from volcanic emissions in Kamchatka, found that the 3He/4He ratio in the Earth's mantle is stable and a thousand times greater than in the Earth's crust. Later, the effect of 3He outflow from deep cracks in the earth's crust and during volcanic eruptions was also discovered in other regions of the globe.

We emphasize that Helium-3 is formed exclusively during fusion reactions. Under no decomposition reactions of heavy elements, its formation is impossible.

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

It should be noted that 3He cannot be "primary helium" - the remnants of the substance of a supernova from which the planets were formed, because in this case the maximum temperature of the Earth during its formation should not exceed 800-1000K, which is clearly unrealistic.

The 3He/4He ratio in the earth's crust decreases sharply, as 3He mixes with the 4He isotope, which is mainly formed during the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. Further, helium enters the Earth's atmosphere through faults in the earth's crust and volcanoes and escapes into space.

If the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century are characterized by a boom in information and communication technologies, then the next decades will be a century of revolution in the energy sector, and primarily in hydrogen energy, in understanding the origin of hydrogen flows from the bowels of the Earth generated by “quasi-nuclear” fusion reactions. A practical solution to these problems may come unexpectedly. And that country (that team of scientists) that manages to find this solution will make a giant technological leap into the future, become a trendsetter not only in science and technology, but also in politics.

  1. Anderson (.Anderson Don L.) New Theory of the Earth // Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2007, 384
  2. Lay, Nernlund, Buffit (Lay T, Hernlund J. and .Buffett B.A.) // Nature geoscience, V.1, 2008, p.25-32.
  3. Terez E.I., Dabakhov I.A. / Fusion reactions are the main source of the Earth's internal energy and the abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons / ResearchGate / 01.2019
  4. Baranov M.I. / Electrical and Electronics. 2010. V. 6. C. 46–48.
  5. Gando A., Gando Y., Ichimura K., et al. // Nature Geoscience. V.4, pp. 647–651.
  6. Zharkov V.N. Internal structure of the Earth and planets. M .: Nauka, 1983.
  7. Zeldovich Ya.B. // Zhur. expert and theor. physics. - 1957.- v.33. - issue 4. – P.991-993.
  8. Wang Hong-zhang // Chin. Astrophys. 1990. V. 14/4, P. 361
  9. Dabakhov I.A. / The ground below us expands / 10.10.2017
  10. Letnikov F.A. Superdeep fluid systems of the Earth and problems of ore genesis // Deep magmatism, magmatic sources and problems of plumes. Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar, Vladivostok, 2002 Irkutsk; Vladivostok: Izd-vo ISTU, 2002. P.5-24.
  11. Mamyrin B.A., Anufriev G.S., Khabarin L.V. et al. / Pattern of distribution of the Earth's helium isotope concentration. / State Register of Discoveries of the USSR. Priority No. 253 dated July 2, 1968.
  • 33
  • 5

Heat balance components

The main influx of energy to the Earth is provided by solar radiation and is about 341 W / m² on average over the entire surface of the planet.Internal heat sources (radioactive decay, density stratification) are negligible compared to this figure (about 0.08 W/m²).

Of the 341 W / m² of solar radiation that hits the Earth, approximately 30% (102 W / m²) is immediately reflected from the Earth's surface (23 W / m²) and clouds (79 W / m²), and 239 W / m² is absorbed in total atmosphere (78 W/m²) and the Earth's surface (161 W/m²). Absorption in the atmosphere is mainly due to clouds and aerosols.

Of the 161 W / m² of energy absorbed by the Earth's surface, 40 W / m² returns to outer space in the form of thermal radiation in the range of 3–45 microns, another 97 W / m² are transferred to the atmosphere due to various thermal processes (80 W / m² - water evaporation, 17 W /m² - convective heat transfer). In addition, about 356 W/m² of the Earth's radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, of which 332 W/m² (161 - 40 - 97 - 356 + 332 = 0) is returned as back radiation from the atmosphere. Thus, the total thermal radiation of the Earth's surface is 396 W / m² (356 + 40), which corresponds to an average thermal temperature of 288 K (15 ° C).

The atmosphere radiates 199 W/m² into outer space, including 78 W/m² received from solar radiation, 97 W/m² received from the Earth's surface, and the difference between surface radiation absorbed by the atmosphere and return atmospheric radiation of 23 W/m².

Prospects for geothermal heat

New energy sources like geothermal heat are playing a significant role in promoting a cleaner, more sustainable energy system. It is one of the few renewable energy technologies that can supply heat continuously. In addition, unlike coal and nuclear power plants, binary plants can use a flexible source to balance the variable supply of renewable resources such as wind and solar energy with various types of solar panels.What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground
Costs for new energy sources in the form of geothermal heat are becoming more and more competitive.

Energy information forecasts for new installations will cost less than 1 ruble per kilowatt-hour (kWh). For example, electricity on natural gas costs more than 2 rubles and more than 2.5 rubles on conventional coal-fired power plants.

There is also the prospect of using this type of resource directly as a source of heating for homes and businesses anywhere.

Expansion of geothermal thermal systems

Heating due to the heat of the earth as a new source of energy is possible everywhere under the surface of the earth, but not the entire surface of the earth's land has the conditions that can realize the circulation of water to the surface. The approach to using heat in dry areas is known as advanced systems or "dry heated rock".

Hot water bodies are usually found at greater depths below the surface than conventional devices. The water is first pumped under high pressure to the surface to generate electricity. The water is then returned through the injection wells to complete the circulation cycle. Some power plants may use a closed binary cycle and release no liquids or heat-trapping emissions other than water vapour.

Joint production of geothermal heat together with oil and gas wells

Many existing oil and gas reservoirs contain significant amounts of high temperature, high pressure water. This high temperature fluid can be shared to generate geothermal heat along with the extraction of oil and gas resources. In some cases, the joint exploitation of these resources can even increase oil and gas production. However, in order to exploit the full potential, it is necessary to strengthen technological systems and co-generate geothermal electricity for oil and gas wells.

Earth Expansion

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground
Earth Expansion Model Based on the Age of Ocean Floor Rocks

For many years, two ideas have been competing in geology: "fixists", who claim that the earth's crust stands still relative to its "deep roots", i.e. magma generation zones in the mantle, and "mobilists" who claim that the globe is growing, and parts of the earth's crust are constantly shifting (floating) along the upper part of the mantle (asthenosphere). In the light of the foregoing, the most plausible is the hypothesis of the growth of the earth's surface, which occurred and continues in rift zones, mainly due to an increase in the area of ​​the ocean floor while the outlines of continental plates remain unchanged.


What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

From my earliest childhood, I remember a small carrier-carrier. We lived near the bank of a wide mill pond. My mother took me to swim on the sandy shallow shore. Having undressed, I floundered in the water heated by the sun, picked strawberries growing on the shore, and brought them to my mother in a wet handful. Above the smooth surface of the pond, reflected in the water, every now and then, with a cry, flew from shore to shore, fluttering its wings, a small carrier. I really liked this cheerful little cake.

It is unlikely that in the bird world there is such a variety of species and breeds of small and large birds as in the vast family of waders. Sandpipers live almost everywhere in the north and south. In summer, they fly to the very Far North, to the coast of the Arctic Ocean, nest and live in the bare tundra. Russian common people had a good-natured attitude towards cheerful, fast waders, jokingly said: "The wader is small, but still a bird."

I was not a naturalist and I do not know the names of all breeds and types of waders. I know that there are very small sandpipers running along the sandy shores of our rivers and lakes. There are also large sandpipers, usually living in large swamps and unmowed green meadows. The peasants, I remember, translated the loud cry of these waders into our human language in this way: “Burn hay, burn hay, the new is ripe!”

These words meant the beginning of mowing, harvesting new hay.

Waders include large and small curlews - strict birds with beaks bent downwards. Not every hunter manages to shoot the watch-curlew. Many of you have probably seen long-winged lapwings living in hummocky swamps, in plowed fields. Waving their long wings, they tumble in the air, shouting loudly: “Whose are you? Whose are you? This is how their loud cry translates the people into human language.

Traveling through the deserted Taimyr Peninsula in the treeless, bare tundra, where there were probably no people before us, in the summer I saw and heard a great many waders. Some of these waders were completely unknown to me. I listened to their strange voices resounding over the desert tundra. Small pistils sometimes broke from under my very feet.

In small, shallow lakes I saw phalaropes, approached them closely, admired how smartly they swim between small reeds, swim and dive. It was possible to reach out to the bold little phalarope with a hand, but he did not allow himself to be taken in hand and flew to a new place.

There I also observed beautifully and magnificently dressed turukhtan waders, in the spring mating season, arranging funny fights among themselves. These little birds wore lush collars, and each male little bird was distinguished by the peculiarity of his wedding dress.

I also observed a lot of waders on wintering grounds in the southern Caspian, in the Kyzyl-Agach Bay. The sloping shores of the bay were covered with many large and small bird tracks. Sandpipers of the most diverse species and breeds spun here. They did not pay the slightest attention to the formidable white-tailed eagles, sitting motionless on the shore of the bay and waiting for easy prey. Here I saw large waders with upturned beaks and noses. With these curved beaks, they deftly lifted soft silt, looking for worms, snails and insects.

In autumn and spring, many breeds of waders make long flights. The waders familiar to us are seen in winter on the banks of rivers and lakes in Central Africa. The flights of nomadic birds are amazing, their ability to accurately find the way to their nesting places.

Off the coast of Franz Josef Land, one day we landed from a boat on a small sloping island covered with nests of eiders. Large eiders are known to cover their nests with light and soft down, which female eiders pluck from their breasts. Flying from the nest, the eider covers the eggs with this warm fluff.

On a small island, in addition to eider nests, there were many nesting terns - small birds similar to gulls. These birds are close to the breed of waders. They bravely hovered over our heads, perched on our hats, trying to protect their nests. Zoological scientists told me that small terns every year make long journeys to the southern hemisphere of the Earth, fly over the equator. In the spring they return to the shores of the cold Arctic land again.

Much can be said about waders and birds close to them. I limit myself to what I have seen for myself. Wandering in my youth with a hunting rifle, I admired the cheerful waders, followed their life. Except for woodcocks, great snipes, snipes and garchneps, I did not kill the little sandpipers that enlivened my native landscape. Of all the large and small waders, I remember most of all the carrier-kidney seen in childhood. I still sometimes see him in my dreams; When I wake up, I involuntarily smile with joy.

Horizontal collectors for heating the house with the heat of the earth

They are used in regions with a relatively warm climate, where the depth of soil freezing does not exceed 1-1.5 meters. In this case, it is much easier to organize the heating of a house from the ground, because you can dig trenches yourself, and the cost of work will decrease significantly.

But such a scheme also has drawbacks. First of all, it is not so easy to do heating from the ground with your own hands: for example, for a house with an area of ​​​​275 “squares”, you will need to lay 1200 meters of pipes in trenches. In addition to the fact that you have to spend a lot of time digging trenches, the pipes will also take up a large area. It is impossible to use this site, for example, for a garden or vegetable garden: the roots of plants will freeze due to the characteristics of the collector.

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

Thus, heating with the energy of the earth is a good idea, but very difficult to implement. The same is true with solar heating. It is for this reason that alternative energy sources are not widely used today.

Sources of geothermal heat. Ways and methods of its use in the world

geothermal energy (GTE) - the deep heat of the Earth - is a potential source of electricity and heat supply. Sources are divided into three types:

  • • thermal waters, steam-water mixtures, dry steam contained in underground fissure-vein collectors and porous reservoir systems (steam hydrotherms);
  • • heat accumulated in rocks;
  • • heat of magma chambers of volcanoes and laccoliths (embedded in sedimentary rocks of magma).

GTE sources are mainly used as a geothermal coolant (GeoTT) and geothermal power plants (Geo-TPP). The volumes of use of these sources of energy resources in the world are shown in Table. 5.1.

French experts evaluate geothermal water with a temperature of more than 30 ° C as a source of thermal energy. Most of the GeoTTs in the world are used in balneology (60%) and heating (16%). The first place in the world in this is occupied by Japan (44% of heat utilized in the world). The former USSR was in fourth place (9%).

Of interest is the experience of a geothermal district heating system in Reykjavik (Iceland) with a capacity of 30 Gcal/h to serve more than 100,000 residents. The station employs only 60 people.

The leading place in the world in terms of geothermal power plants is occupied by the United States, they account for 46% of operating capacities up to 7000 ... 8000 MW. In the USA, all stations use high-temperature thermal waters or dry steam extracted from geothermal deposits associated with areas of young volcanism or thermal anomalies.

Table 5.1

Volumes of GeoTT use in the world, MW

The country

Heating air-conditioned, hot water supply























































































  • 1665
  • 16
  • 1288
  • 13
  • 369
  • 3,7
  • 6179
  • 60
  • 551
  • 7,3

10 052 100

At the beginning of 2000, GeoTPPs operated in 21 countries. Over the past 5 years, 1150 wells with a depth of more than 1000 m have been drilled.

GeoTPPs operating on dry steam are now considered the most economical.

According to experts, a very promising future technology will be the creation of underground circular systems (UCS) for the construction of GeoTPP, which use the heat of "dry" rocks. Two such experimental systems have now been set up in the US and the UK. In the USA, the Los Alamos Laboratory began in 1974 work on the creation of a PDS at a depth of 2.75 km; in 1979, a PDS with a capacity of 3 MW was created; in 1983, the power was increased to 9 MW (wells 3.6 km deep, reservoir temperature 240 °C). The costs amounted to 150 million dollars. with the participation of Japan and Germany. In the UK, an experimental PCS was set up by the Camborne School of Mines on the Cornwall peninsula. The initial circulation circuit was created at a depth of 300 m, then the second - at a depth of 2100 m (temperature - 80 ° C), in 1985 - expansion of the system to a power of 5 MW;

it is planned to increase the capacity by increasing the depth of the wells up to 6 km (temperature - 220 °C); total costs 40 million dollars. Similar work has been started by France and Germany (Alsace), Japan (Gifu and Yamagawa prefectures). In all these projects, the technology of creating fracture systems between wells in rocks using hydraulic fracturing (HF) was implemented. Another technology is being developed by the American national laboratory "Sandia", which intends to use the high-temperature part of petrogeothermal resources in rock melts of intermediate volcanic foci.


The young wolf experienced what every wolf experienced - fear, from which the skin shrank and pressed on the forehead and back, and a keen desire to live. With her animal mind, she understood that it was impossible to run straight along the old trail, and she turned to the side in spite of the voices. She walked slowly, her ears pressed to the back of her head, sniffing the wind. The trees stood still, crushed by the snow. Snow caps knocked down by a squirrel fell from the tops, clinging to the branches, and the she-wolf squatted fearfully in the loose snow. Where the forest ended and the shrubs protruded, she saw a red tongue dangling above the snow. Not daring to come close, she turned to the right, but even there - but even there, the same tongue, red and long, flickered. Red tongues hung one by one under the trees.

The she-wolf walked along the back and cautiously. So she went out into a hollow overgrown with alders, onto a forest river covered with snow, and stopped

A hare ran out of the forest, tying in the snow. And then, for the first time in her life, she saw a man. He stood in the snow, covered with the trunk of an old Christmas tree, and looked at the hare.

The she-wolf sat down, crossed her legs and, pushing off with all her strength, showering frost, jumped into the bushes and ran. The man grabbed, the she-wolf heard a sharp sound, felt a blow on her leg and, bloody snow, skipped with all her might along the bushes along the river. There was another lash behind her, they tore at her back and sides with branches, and she ran, clumsily tossing her ass. She ran along the river as long as she had enough strength, then landed, stopped and sat down. In the distance it clicked again and again, and then again and again. The she-wolf quietly, choosing a thicker thicket, went to where, in her opinion, was Naydenov Meadow, where she was born and grew up.


  • Kondratiev K. Ya., Radiation factors of modern measurements of the global climate. L., 1980.
  • Kondratiev K. Ya., Binenko V. I., Influence of cloudiness on radiation and climate, L., 1984; Climatology, L., 1989.

Earth's Radiant Energy Balance and Oceanic Heat Fluxes. - oceanworld.tamu.edu.

On the Global Average IR Radiation Budget. — miskolczi.webs.com.

Jeffrey L. Anderson et al. The new GFDL global atmosphere and land model AM2/LM2: Evaluation with prescribed SST simulations. — Submitted to the Journal of Climate, March 2003.

Global Heat Flow - International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC).

Global Heat Flow - International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC).

Don L. Anderson Energetics of the Earth and the Missing Heat Source Mystery - www.mantleplumes.org.

A.M. Hofmeister, R.E. Criss Earth's heat flux revised and linked to chemistry. Tectonophysics 395 (2005), 159-177.

Henry N. Pollack, "Earth, heat flow in," in AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008.

J. H. Davies and D. R. Davies Earth's surface heat flux. Solid Earth, 1, 5-24, 2010.

Carol A. Stein Heat Flow of the Earth (unavailable link), AGU Handbook of Physical Constants, edited by T.J. Ahrens, Am. Geophys Un., Washington, D.C., 1994.

What is warmer snow or air

The temperature of the snow cover depends both on its thickness and on the temperature of the air above it, as well as on the temperature of the soil. The earth, accumulating heat in summer, cools down slowly with the onset of cold weather. Snow, as an excellent heat insulator, covering the ground, retains this heat even in the most severe frosts.Therefore, the temperature of the snow depends on the thickness of the snow "spread" and the temperature of the air above it. If the snow covered the ground by 10-15 cm, then its temperature and air temperature will be almost the same. In the case when snow falls to a depth of 120 - 150 cm, the temperature difference can change both directly in the snow cover itself and in relation to air temperature. The snow at the top will be colder than at the surface of the earth, since taking heat from it, it begins to warm itself. At the same time, frosty air affects the surface of the snow, cooling it. Therefore, at a depth of approximately 45-50 cm, its temperature will be higher than on the surface by approximately 1.5 - 2 grams, and near the ground - by 4-6 degrees. In this case, the air temperature at a distance of up to 1 m will be the same as the temperature of the snow cover. At the same time, at a height of 1.50 m and above, this figure will be significantly lower.

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

According to the experiments of scientists, the temperature of the air, as well as snow, also depends on the time of day. Observing the studies, they concluded that the highest snow temperature (-0.5 degrees) is observed during the day from 13:00 to 15:00, and the lowest (-10) from 02:00 to 03:00. During the same period, the air temperature during the day rose to +6 degrees, and at night it dropped to -15 degrees. Thus, we can conclude that the snow temperature is controlled by three indicators - air temperature, snow depth and soil temperature. Having studied these indicators, it is possible to make forecasts in many sectors of the national economy.

The impact of snow on the environment.

Snow, covering the ground, keeps it warm, protects the soil from freezing. And this is a very important factor, first of all, for agriculture and, first of all, for the preservation of winter crops. Grains sown in autumn and germinated under a snow cover calmly endure even severe frosts, while in places where there is no snow, and frost binds the earth, they freeze out. The same thing happens with garden plants. In snowless winters, the soil freezes, which contributes to cracking and freezing of the roots, “burns” on the bark of trees.

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

At the same time, sudden temperature changes can also have a negative impact on both nature and human activities. So, with an hourly change in air temperature from + to -, the snow begins to melt at positive temperatures, and then, when it decreases, it freezes, which contributes to the appearance of a frozen crust. Nast complicates the use of winter pastures. Melt waters wash away the fertile layer of the earth, which often leads to soil erosion. Accumulating in the lowland, they contribute to the soaking of winter crops. But now people have learned to control the level of snow. So, in areas where there is little snow, special shields are placed on the fields that trap snow. And in places where a lot of melt water accumulates, drainage channels break through.

And yet, despite all the negative factors, we are always happy with these white, fluffy stars. Again and again, with a smile, we follow the children sledding down the snowy hill, take beautiful photographs of snow-covered trees, and together with the kids we make a snowman. And laugh, laugh, laugh...

Options for arranging geothermal heating

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

Methods for arranging the external contour

In order for the energy of the earth to heat the house to be used as much as possible, you need to choose the right circuit for the external circuit. In fact, any medium can be a source of thermal energy - underground, water or air.

But it is important to take into account seasonal changes in weather conditions, as discussed above.

Currently, two types of systems are common that are effectively used to heat a house due to the heat of the earth - horizontal and vertical. The key selection factor is the area of ​​the land. The layout of the pipes for heating the house with the energy of the earth depends on this.

In addition to it, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Soil composition. In rocky and loamy areas, it is difficult to make vertical shafts for laying highways;
  • soil freezing level. He will determine the optimal depth of the pipes;
  • Location of groundwater. The higher they are, the better for geothermal heating. In this case, the temperature will increase with depth, which is the optimal condition for heating from the energy of the earth.

You also need to know about the possibility of reverse energy transfer in the summer. Then the heating of a private house from the ground will not function, and the excess heat will pass from the house into the soil. All refrigeration systems work on the same principle. But for this you need to install additional equipment.

It is impossible to plan the installation of an external circuit away from home. This will increase heat losses in heating from the bowels of the earth.

Horizontal geothermal heating scheme

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

Horizontal arrangement of outer pipes

The most common way to install outdoor highways. It is convenient for ease of installation and the ability to relatively quickly replace faulty sections of the pipeline.

For installation according to this scheme, a collector system is used. For this, several contours are made, located at a minimum distance of 0.3 m from each other. They are connected using a collector, which supplies the coolant further to the heat pump. This will ensure the maximum supply of energy for heating from the heat of the earth.

However, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Large yard area. For a house of about 150 m², it must be at least 300 m²;
  • Pipes must be fixed to a depth below the freezing level of the soil;
  • With the possible movement of the soil during spring floods, the likelihood of displacement of highways increases.

The defining advantage of heating from the heat of the earth of a horizontal type is the possibility of self-arrangement. In most cases, this will not require the involvement of special equipment.

For maximum heat transfer, it is necessary to use pipes with a high thermal conductivity - thin-walled polymer pipes. But at the same time, you should consider ways to insulate heating pipes in the ground.

Vertical diagram of geothermal heating

What is the earth made of and why is it warm underground

Vertical geothermal system

This is a more time-consuming way of organizing heating of a private house from the ground. Pipelines are located vertically, in special wells

It is important to know that such a scheme is much more efficient than a vertical one.

Its main advantage is to increase the degree of water heating in the external circuit. Those. the deeper the pipes are located, the more the amount of earth's heat for heating the house will enter the system. Another factor is the small area of ​​land. In some cases, the arrangement of the external geothermal heating circuit is carried out even before the construction of the house in the immediate vicinity of the foundation.

What difficulties can be encountered in obtaining earth energy for heating a house according to this scheme?

  • Quantitative to quality. For a vertical arrangement, the length of the highways is much higher. It is compensated by higher soil temperature. To do this, you need to make wells up to 50 m deep, which is a laborious job;
  • Soil composition. For rocky soil, it is necessary to use special drilling machines. In loam, to prevent shedding of the well, a protective shell made of reinforced concrete or thick-walled plastic is mounted;
  • In the event of malfunctions or loss of tightness, the repair process becomes more complicated. In this case, long-term failures in the operation of heating the house for the thermal energy of the earth are possible.

But despite the high initial costs and the complexity of installation, the vertical arrangement of the highways is optimal. Experts advise using just such an installation scheme.

For the circulation of the coolant in the outer circuit in a vertical system, powerful circulation pumps are needed.


