The fum tape, the technical characteristics of which meet the requirements for the quality of work at a particular facility, will serve flawlessly for at least 10 years. In order to accurately select the most suitable product, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the film of the 1st and 2nd grades.
It is difficult for a beginner in plumbing work to understand all the intricacies of choosing sealing films the first time. Therefore, you can focus on the recommendations of experienced craftsmen and use the same materials in your work.
Often there are questions about which films to use when installing domestic water pipes. These are the most demanded plumbing works, during which the mistakes made will be noticeable immediately after the water supply or will be found out in the near future.
The most suitable water tape is as follows:
- for small threaded connections - width 12 mm, thin (0.075-0.1 mm);
- for large threads - width 19 mm, thickness 0.12-0.2 mm.
Advantages and disadvantages of fum tape
Fluoroplastic fum tape is sold at any building or household materials store. Therefore, one of the main advantages of the sealing film is accessibility. You can also note the low cost of this material. It is cheaper than all sorts of plumbing threads.
Masters also note such advantages of using films as speed and ease of installation. But to achieve these results, you will need to practice winding tape on threads of different calibers. After gaining the skill, working with this material will be easy, simple and pleasant.
The most important advantage of fum films can be considered that the joints made using these materials can be quickly and easily disassembled. Including, after several years after the completion of installation work.
- low aesthetics of the joints (the film partially protrudes beyond the outer boundaries of the fittings, which gives the pipeline a sloppy look);
- when tightening the connections, the tape can “move out” and partially enter the internal cavity of the pipeline;
- high risk of leakage.
Due to the fact that not everyone knows how to properly handle sealing films, it is not recommended to use these materials when installing complex highways. However, even in the absence of the winding skill, fluoroplastic seals can be fearlessly used on open structures, the distinguishing feature of which is free access to the joints. These can be garden plumbing systems, temporary water supply lines.
- hands do not get dirty during work;
- optimal for work with thin-walled fittings;
- winding on dirty and damp surfaces is possible;
- excellent for sealing small threads;
- ideal for sealing plastic threads when installing polyethylene pipelines.
Winding fum tape
How to wind fum tape correctly? It is necessary to wind the fum tape onto the threads of the outer connecting part of the pipeline (fitting). If you are repairing a connection that is old, then you must definitely clean it from corrosion. After that, it is necessary to degrease the surface. This can be done with a solvent. As soon as the surface dries, then winding is performed.
Mandatory procedure: the fluoroplastic sealing tape must be tightly stretched and wound.
This is necessary to fill the grooves. How many layers should be applied to the thread with fum tape? This number of turns can be different. Maybe six, maybe twenty-five. This condition depends on the size and diameter of the pipe.
Remember that the thread must be completely covered.
When compared with plumbing tow, then you will have to spend more fum tape for this procedure. Winding must be carried out over the entire width of the product so that it can be pressed into turns. After the twisting of the fiber has occurred, it must be broken into threads. Thus, the sealing material remains inside the interturn space. This is how sealing works.
Types of fum tape
Plumbing fum tape is of three types. Each brand is designed for use at facilities with different requirements for the production of work. The numbers indicate the grade of the product. 1 - the first grade, 2 - the second grade, etc.
- Brand "FUM-1". It is intended for performance of sanitary works on engineering highways of household and industrial function. Resistant to aggressive environments, heat-resistant (begins to melt at a temperature of 520 ° C). Contains lubricant: vaseline oil.
- Brand "FUM-2". Sealing films of this type are intended for use on objects that interact with oxygen and oxidizing agents. Does not contain lubricant.
- Brand "FUM-3" - these are narrow strips, which are cuts of the edge parts of the films of the first two types. It is often used to seal threaded connections during the installation of domestic lines.
Comparison of sanitary tow and fum tape
What is better linen or fum? Plumbing tow (linen) and fum tape have their pros, cons and distinctive properties. The first material is used to seal various steel pipe fittings.
Let's decide what to choose: fum tape or linen.
Consider the main advantages of sanitary tow:
- connection can be adjusted. The connecting part of the fitting can be unscrewed by as much as 45 degrees;
- tow provides reliable sealing. Has the ability to absorb moisture;
- this sanitary material is resistant to mechanical stress;
- if necessary, the plumbing tow can be dismantled.
So, which is better: fluoroplastic sealing tape or linen tow? The choice depends on what kind of plumbing work you want to do. In more complex procedures, it is better to use fum tape.
What brands of tape are found in stores
The tape is divided into classes:
- 1 class. This type of product belongs to professional materials;
- Grade 2 It was created to work with strong oxidizing agents;
- Grade 3 This type is designed for industrial use.
The first type of tape contains vaseline medical oil GOST 3164-78 from 17 to 20%. The second type of products does not contain such a lubricant. But the third type is the components of the 1st and 2nd class.
But there are 4 more types of tape, this is a simple tape, it is often bought by consumers, it naturally cannot withstand any aggressive media, alkalis and solvents, but it is ideal for sealing taps.
How to use FUM tape correctly
First you need to prepare the surface for the tape. If the pipes are new, then they still need to be treated with gasoline or a solvent. If the pipes are old, then it is necessary to clean the threads with high quality and treat them with a solvent.
When you clean the thread, start winding the tape. Make the winding along the thread. But do not twist the material, make a tourniquet out of it, try to wind it so that the product fits into the hollows of the thread. And every second turn overlapped the first, that is, wind without gaps.
The winding must be carried out directly from the coil, do not cut off pieces of the tape, otherwise the work will not be done well. Only by winding from the reel, you can create the necessary tension in the material, wind it tightly. Then take the second part and start winding it onto the resulting thread section. You will have the part spinning tightly, but make an effort. The tighter it twists, the more secure it will hold.
What actions should be taken when the tape is wound, instructions
First, make sure that the part is twisted with force. If you notice that it was easy for you, then you need to apply another layer of tape. Then twist, tighten tightly with a wrench. Now the twist has happened qualitatively. Next, you need to turn on the tap and carefully look for any smudges.
Why FUM tape is so popular
Everything is very simple, you wind the elastic material. When you start twisting the parts, the tape begins to disintegrate and penetrate into all the hidden corners of the second thread, that is, the internal thread. As a result, it tightly seals all the cracks and the water simply has nowhere to flow. It is an ideal material, easy to use.
how many layers of fum tape to wind, in which direction to wind the fum tape, in which direction to wind the fum tape, in which direction to wind the fum tape, in which direction the fum tape is wound
How to wind the fum-tape on the thread
The tape is wound on the outer thread of the fitting. When repairing plumbing, the old connection must be cleaned of rust, dirt, and then degrease the surface with a solvent. Winding is done only after drying. The main requirement: the fum tape should be pulled quite hard so that it fills the grooves and fits snugly around the thread.
Experienced plumbers say that it is better to break the tape than loose winding. The number of layers varies from 4-6 to 20-25 and depends on the thickness, width of the tape and the diameter of the pipe - the main thing is that all the threads are hidden. A little more plumbing tape is required than tow, since, unlike flax, it will shrink.
When working with fittings Ø from 1 inch, it is more convenient to wind the fumka with the entire width, making sure that it is pressed into the coils. After screwing the nut, the fibers of the fum tape are torn into threads that fill the interturn space - the sealant remains in the thread and seals it.
The method of winding sanitary tow
In order to prevent the flax from slipping along the thread, notches are made on it. If the thread does not have notches, then they should be made independently. If this is not done, then the sealing linen material will slide off.
Before winding, it is necessary to separate a small strand of flax. The definition of length and thickness depends on the diameter that the gas or water pipe has. Winding must be mandatory dense. The fibers are wound in the direction of the thread. And the end of the plumbing tow, which turned out to be free, must be fixed with a finger.
Next, you need to bring the turns into a strand, which is a guide. Remember that excellent tightness is ensured by the ideal layer thickness of the wound material. It is quite difficult to calculate the ideal thickness of the product on your own; this requires some experience. To rewind the product, the help of a specialist is also needed.