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it’s interesting for me to read the answers)) I’m so at work .. I pour it, it’s crystal clear, a tear .. and boiled ... yellow (((
Maybe the pot is rusty?
High content of iron compounds.
Olga Oleinik (Maletina):
High iron content. When interacting with oxygen, iron forms an insoluble form and forms rust.
Roman Panteleev:
Possibly due to the high iron content. Use a special water filter with a high Fe content.
Why guess on coffee grounds? The one who drilled the well was obliged to conduct a water analysis. If you are screwed up, hand it over to the nearest laboratory of the plumbing system. Only water should be fresh no more than a day
Vladimir Petrov:
Try to pump the well and hand over the water for testing, everyone will tell you there. They will perform a complete water analysis and make recommendations.
Andrey Ponomarev:
When boiling, water-soluble forms of iron become insoluble - a precipitate (suspension) precipitates. pump the well
Alex Mishin:
What kind of water is available in your area - this will have to be used. Or use imported water, and this one - only for washing and watering. At the dacha, we carry water for drinking from a spring, and at home (a village in the Near Moscow Region) we carry it in bottles from work from the tap, the water in the Moscow Water Pipeline is good. I don’t want to buy “bottled water” (the level of literacy of manufacturers is amazing!) - I don’t want to: otvet.mail /answer/96566837 In your case, it is very likely that the water has a high iron content, and when boiled, it gives ferric hydroxide colloid - Fe (OH ) 3. "Home remedy" for cleaning water from iron is to pour it into a plastic barrel through a shower head and defend the rust flakes. Water analysis (chemical and biological) for its suitability for drinking is officially done at the Rospotrebnadzor Centers - before they were called Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations. Drillers are not required to do this.
Nikolai Potafeev:
Pump the well, there will be no problems.
iron yes. But an excess of manganese is also possible; when boiled, the water also darkens. Take it to the laboratory for analysis, it costs about 2 thousand rubles.
Don't hesitate to drink it.
We had the same. I had to put in a filter. Iron exceeded the norm by 10 times, and manganese by 6 times (((
Causes of Bad Smell
The unpleasant smell of water from the well is a sign of vital activity of microorganisms
The main reason for the appearance of marsh stench from water is the decomposition of organic substances in it, their decay. The above substances get there in this way:
- Together with particles of sand seeping into the casing. When the bottom of the source is silted, the growth of organic substances in the water increases.
- Through the unprotected top of the well/well. Small debris, insects, small specimens of the fauna (bat, bird) may well fall into the column.
- Low intensity of operation of the source. Stagnant water in it leads to the formation of a layer of silt from the bottom. This can cause a swamp stink.
In all three cases, in the lower layers of the well, processes occur in which anaerobic (living without oxygen) bacteria actively develop. They also provoke the appearance of a marsh smell.
Such a liquid foams strongly when boiled.
Why does water from a well turn yellow?
The main reasons for the appearance of yellowness in water are associated with the concentration of such substances:
- clay;
- sand;
- iron (bi-, trivalent or in the form of organic compounds);
- humic acids and tannins.
In the air or in the sun
The cause of yellow water in the well may be an increased iron content.
If the liquid is clear when it rises, but turns yellow after a few hours under the influence of ultraviolet or air, this is a sign of the presence of iron in it.Yellowness appears when it precipitates.
Increased metal content is typical for wells:
- feeding on swamp waters or underground rivers flowing through rocks;
- located in areas of occurrence of iron ores, rocks containing pyrite.
Iron is found in the soil in various forms. From an insoluble form, it passes into a soluble form as a result of the vital activity of iron bacteria, which live in the soil at great depths and receive energy due to chemical reactions between iron-containing substances. Basically, the metal enters the water in the form of microscopic flakes along with clay particles washed out of the soil.
Water containing humic acid is colored yellow. Humic substances are present in any aquatic environment, but in wells built on peatlands, their concentration is highest. Deposits of plants rotted without access to oxygen can extend as deep as 0.8 km, and when connected to an underground river, humus is actively washed away. The liquid acquires a color from pale straw to more intense, depending on the amount of humic acids dissolved in it.
A yellow or red tint may appear if there is a lot of clay and sand in the water.
By boiling or heating
The yellowing of clean-looking water when heated occurs as a result of a reaction: a lime precipitate interacts with ferric iron. Such a liquid leaves rusty spots on linen during washing, on dishes and plumbing, renders water-heating equipment unusable - washing machines and dishwashers, showers, boilers, heating radiators, etc.
Best Answers
shangrin: Sprite 2 liters 2.pour into a kettle 3.boil a couple of times
Sergey Kurbanov:
You can clear. Only then do I advise water to pass through the filter. At least the most common "Geyser". Filters rust very well. And then just clean the cartridge.
There is no difference between an electric kettle or a gas stove. It looks like you have bad water. Use a water filter before boiling and cooking.
Olga Oleinik (Maletina):
Defend the water if there is no filter. The kettle can be cleaned with citric acid or lemon peels can be thrown into the kettle and boiled.
Remove scale with a lemon.
Rust stains the water. Donate your teapot to a museum and buy a new one.
uncle Ivan:
Pour half a glass of vinegar essence 9% into the kettle, add water and boil twice. The teapot will sparkle. Filters won't help. Water hardness is reduced only by a special filter-softener filled with cationite granules. For domestic purposes, such filters are not available.
Causes of yellowing water
Water from the well turns yellow due to the high concentration of impurities
If the water from the well turns yellow after a few hours from the moment it rises or literally immediately, the following factors play a major role in this process:
- The presence of ferrous (dissolved) iron in the liquid. In this state, the element is not visible to the human eye. But when oxidized (combining it with oxygen), it changes its structure to a trivalent one, precipitates and takes a visible form. Particles of such iron can be filtered out. The process of Fe2 oxidation is inevitable when well water rises. If the liquid collected in the glass turned yellow over time, and small grains of iron settled to the bottom, then it is enriched with a chemical element.
- Casing corrosion. Here, iron (rust) is present in the liquid in a trivalent form and is immediately visible to a person.
Water enriched with manganese. Here, the same processes occur as in the enrichment of the resource with iron. Manganese water is unusable. In addition, a liquid with an impurity of Mn changes its color when boiled or heated. If this happened, we are talking about manganese.
- Admixture of clay or sand.If the bottom filter is defective or the casing string is depressurized, fine soil fraction seeps into it. Such impurities in the form of clay or sand change the color of the liquid to yellow. The intensity of the shade and turbidity depend on the concentration of dirt in the water.
- Humic acid or tannin. If the well is drilled on peaty soils, such impurities are not uncommon. The resource is unusable.
- Hydrogen sulfide. In this case, when boiling, the water becomes covered with a cloudy film and smells extremely unpleasant even when it rises.