Features of the device and the composition of the cartridges for the Geyser filter
The water treatment plant has a rather complex design. Before you start replacing the Geyser water filter cartridge, you need to understand its device. The system includes the following elements:
- The filter of rough water purification from mechanical impurity from a polypropylene thread.
- BAF filter element with multicomponent loading, providing ion-exchange processes and adsorption.
- SHS cartridge based on activated carbon obtained from coconut flakes. Purifies water from residual chlorine.
- Nanofiltration membrane provides liquid purification from salts of heavy metals, bacteria and viruses.
- Connecting pipes, bypass valve and clean water tap.
- The kit must contain a special key that is needed to service the installation.
Each of the cartridges has its own resource, and it is necessary to replace the Geyser water filters as needed. Keeping track of water consumption through a tap using a meter is inconvenient. Only a small part of it passes through the filter, which is used for drinking. Knowing the daily indicators of water consumption, you can calculate the average use time for each of the listed elements.
Too frequent maintenance of Geyser water purifiers with the replacement of cartridges will lead to unreasonable expenses. Our specialists can assist you in determining the optimal frequency of service procedures. In order to contact the office of the company, you need to call the contact number. Qualified consultants will explain all issues related to the water filter and suggest solutions to other water treatment problems.
The cartridge set has the following resources
- PP module 5-7000 liters with replacement after about 2 years;
- module Aragon J Bio - 7000 liters with replacement after 2 years;
- MMV module - 10,000 liters with replacement after 3 years.
The complete Prestige M system uses a set of Geyser filters for reverse osmosis with 6 stages of water purification:
- PFM module (PFM polypropylene fibers) - performs the tasks of mechanical cleaning;
- the second and third stages - SHS blocks from activated carbon remove active chlorine, organics, oil inclusions; their porosity is 0.6 microns, the operation of these steps increases the durability of the membrane;
- the fourth stage - directly delays all elements, except water, by reverse osmosis;
- the fifth stage - granulated coal takes away unpleasant odors, improves the taste and color of water;
- the last (sixth) stage is a cartridge with a ground mineral for saturation with calcium and magnesium.
By the way, in order for the membrane filtration system to work successfully, the water supply system must have a pressure of 3 to 9 atm.
BA Cartridge Overview
When choosing cartridges for Geyser-3 water filters, you should find out what quality the water in your home's plumbing system has. If it is characterized by a high iron content, then you can choose the aforementioned cartridge, which is used in everyday life to purify water from dissolved iron. Such replaceable elements can be operated at temperatures from 4 to 40 degrees, their productivity is 2 liters per minute, and the resource with a dissolved iron content of 1 milligram per liter is 2000 liters or less. The height of such cartridges is 10 inches, while the diameter is equivalent to 73 millimeters.
If you have Geyser-3 (water filters) installed, you will need it after some time of operation. After the filter is removed from the package, you should get rid of the transport plugs, press the plastic ring with the end of a screwdriver, then the plug can be removed without effort.At the stage of filter installation, experts recommend mounting it in a place convenient for operation and replacement of cartridges.
In order to make it comfortable to change consumables, the system must be fixed 15 centimeters from the floor surface. For those consumers who have "Geyser-3" (water filters), cartridges should be replaced as they become dirty. If you decide to do such work yourself, you must turn off the outlet water.
After the master opens a clean water tap, which will relieve pressure in the system. The filter flask is unscrewed using a special key that comes with the kit. After that, you can start changing the corresponding cartridge. Experts advise lubricating the o-ring before reinstalling, for this you should use Vaseline, which should not be confused with a sealant. Once the flask is in place, it must be tightened with a wrench. You can open the outlet water to check how tight the system is.
Filter replacement frequency depending on the type
Clean and completely drinkable water, and even with the taste and smell of mountain springs, is a long-standing desire of many people. You can get it in urban conditions with the help of Geyser BIO three-stage filters.
At the same time, cleaning from possible scale does not reduce the presence of calcium and magnesium elements necessary for a person. Numerous checks and tests every time confirm the reliability of these water treatment systems. The unique protection system is confirmed by documents in accordance with GOST RF and conclusions of the Consumer Rights Service.
Active silver in the purification blocks suppresses bacterial residues, and the Anti-discharge system protects the purified water from filtered impurities.
Geyser reverse osmosis filters are based on the operation of a membrane that traps the molecules of dissolved particles, passing only water molecules, and the mineralizer supplements the purified water with useful elements, including various salts.
What is required to replace
The list of necessary devices is small:
- A set of new cartridges suitable for the cleaning system model installed in the apartment.
- Plastic wrenches for unscrewing the filter flasks included in the device kit. You can do without them, but then you need to replace them together.
- Basin and rag - to prevent the formation of puddles and leaks due to spilled water from the system.
The new filter set must be installed in the same way as the old one. In order not to confuse anything, it is better to first fix the position of each part on the mobile phone camera before removing it. This will greatly simplify the replacement of replaceable cartridges: there will be no need to painfully remember how this or that part was installed.
How to replace the cartridge in the Geyser 3 system
Putting a new module for the filter mechanism on the liquid is not difficult if everything is done in strict sequence. Some believe that replacing modules does not require care, as a result, they face numerous problems (water is not cleaned or regularly leaks in places where everything should be sealed). Therefore, we advise the reader to refer to the article below, where the instruction is located.
- If you need to change the obsolete module, when starting the operation, be sure to analyze all the important points. Initially, prepare all the tools and material (including the newly purchased module). The design must be new and with a document confirming this. Replacement begins with the preparation phase.
- Then turn off the faucet that supplies water directly to the filter elements under the sink. Usually it is located at the junction of the water supply and flexible hose to the cleaning system.
- Now open the water tap. We remind you that for this you will need to unscrew not an ordinary mixer, but the tap that supplies purified water.Often it is installed on the sink (in the spare hole) or next to the countertop. This event is done in order to release the accumulated pressure in the system, otherwise you simply will not unscrew the flasks.
- Under the containers through which water passes from the pipeline, we lay a dry cloth in thick layers (here it will play the role of an absorbent rag in case of leakage of liquid residues) or you need to put a deep bowl with low sides.
- After making sure that none of the points is missed, we take a special key that comes with the design and try to carefully unscrew all the flasks one by one. We emphasize - you do not need to make great efforts, otherwise there is a risk of stripping the threads on the fasteners of the containers.
- We remove all tanks, pour out the remaining liquid (if any), rinse all containers in hot water, and then wipe dry with paper or rag napkins, or with a thick waffle towel.
- A new system is put in place of the old Geyser cartridges. What it will be in terms of performance depends on the choice. We twist the flasks back into place, check that all the sealing rubber bands are in place and not twisted. If this material is already worn out, you need to purchase a new one.
- We check everything well and start the liquid, then open the tap. We lower the first filtered liquid into the sink, and at the same time we check how our structure works. If nothing flows, then we have approached the issue of changing the module correctly and responsibly. Otherwise (if liquid flows, add tightness to the connections, seal all twists with a special key. You can also lubricate the threads with petroleum jelly.
Installing new cartridges and assembly
After preparing the flasks, which must be washed and dried, you can proceed to install new filter elements.
Purchased cartridges are unpacked and placed in flasks. Using previously taken photographs, they are screwed back in the same order in which they were located earlier.
- It remains to change the post-filter, which serves to improve the taste and smell of water. Not all models of cleaning systems have such a filter, but it does not hurt to know how to replace it. We photograph its initial position so that the direction of the arrow on the filter housing is clearly visible. After that, it can be safely removed from the holders.
- We are preparing a basin: it is necessary to disconnect all the tubes suitable for the post-filter, and water will inevitably pour out of them.
- On the tubes there are special clamps, usually blue. They are picked up with nails or an improvised tool and pulled out. It is worth pressing the ring held by the latch, and the hose will be released and easily pulled out.
- After disconnecting all the tubes, unscrew the plastic tee.
- We take out a new filter from the box and remove the plugs on both sides of it.
- Guided by the previously taken picture, put it in place, after which we connect the tee.
- We connect the tubes: with a little effort we insert them all the way, then we pull off the plastic ring and place a blue lock in the gap formed. It will securely hold the handset in place.
Step-by-step instructions for installing new cartridges in Geyser filters
Installing new elements in the filter does not require special skills from the performer. Below it will be described in detail how to change the cartridges in the Geyser filter, and what is needed for this. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- You need to stop the water supply from the water supply and through the tap, relieve pressure at the filter outlet.
Using the key that is included in the delivery, we unscrew the flasks one by one. Before performing this operation, it is necessary to observe sanitary norms and rules and thoroughly wash the body of the unit and hands. In the Geyser model, cartridges are replaced in filters after the water is completely drained from the flask and old elements are removed.In the process of work, it is not necessary to touch the internal surfaces. Now you can put new water filter cartridges into the flasks into the flasks, put on the seals and screw them into the body. In this case, you need to be very careful to avoid distortion.
After replacing the cartridges, you need to rinse the Geyser water filter with plenty of water. For which you need to drain the liquid from the storage tank into the sewer at least three times. This is necessary to completely clean the filter, the drained water cannot be used either for drinking or for watering plants.
Liters and months
However, we pay attention to the insidiousness of this very “average”. The exact resource of the filter cartridge is indicated in liters of treated water, which is difficult to calculate
For main filters of mechanical cleaning, an intra-apartment water consumption meter can help, and on other types of household water purifiers, only finished pedants are able to keep such “accounting”, each time substituting measuring utensils under the filter tap. But most owners will reasonably consider this pampering.
The same number of liters can be filtered for different periods of time, depending on the following factors:
volume of water consumption; someone lives alone, and someone has a big family;
the natural composition of filtered water: in different regions it can be soft, hard, super-hard, glandular;
degree of water pollution; for someone it is transparent, but for someone it was not lucky - a reddish liquid with sand and rust flows from the tap.
All this can be found out in a dialogue with the seller when you came to the store, intending to purchase a filter or buy a replacement filter cartridge. The specialists who sell the products of the Geyser company have the necessary competence and will orient the buyer in the right direction. Ideally, it is desirable to submit a sample of your water for analysis, which will give more accurate information, which means it will allow you to speak more confidently about the time of using the cartridge. Geyser provides this service with high quality at an affordable price (900 rubles).
Flushing the cartridges
The operating instructions indicate a rather long service life of the main part of the reverse osmosis purification system - the membrane. The frequency of its replacement is from 1.5 to 4 years. Therefore, it is not touched during the usual renewal of filters, but in order to extend its uninterrupted operation, it is necessary to drain some water so that small particles from new filters do not clog the membrane holes. To do this, do the following:
We remove the tube going from the first three flasks with filters to the membrane. It is equipped with the same retainer as the post-filter and is released in the same way. Substituting the basin on it, turn on the water supply and drain 15-20 liters. During this time, the cartridges will be washed and all impurities will go into the basin, bypassing the membrane.
After flushing, put the tube in place, fix it. The entire cleaning system can be hoisted back under the sink.
The video at the end of the article will help you understand the process more clearly.
The pros and cons of a reverse osmosis filtration system, as well as myths and interesting facts about it, are here.
Disassembling and cleaning the device
The procedure is as follows:
- A faucet is usually installed at the point where the filter is connected to the water supply. It must be shut off to stop the water supply to the device. If there is no valve, then you will have to completely shut off the flow of cold water into the apartment.
- So that the pressure in the system does not interfere with the unscrewing of the filter cassettes, water is drained from it: the tap is opened and left in this position. The liquid can completely disappear in about five minutes.
- To prevent leakage, we substitute a basin under the filter, if it is too large - under the spinning flask. In extreme cases, a rag is also suitable, which will need to quickly collect the water that has spilled out of the flask.
- Unscrew the flask using the supplied plastic key. If the tool is missing for some reason, we find an assistant. While he holds the body of the cleaning system with both hands, the flask is unscrewed. Also with both hands.
- This operation will have to be repeated three times to remove all replacement filters. And it is better to photograph them immediately after dismantling, so as not to forget the order of their installation.
Empty flasks are washed with warm water and laundry soap. This will help remove sand and dirt from both the inside and outside. Contamination from the bushings and sealing gum is removed with paper towels.