Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

What are acrylic bathtubs made of?

The main material for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs is a polymer substance such as acrylic. This material has high plasticity, so bathtubs from it can be of completely different shapes and configurations. Acrylic is a fairly common polymeric material from which, in addition to plumbing fixtures, home textiles, clothing, sealants, wall primers and much more are made. Therefore, we can safely talk about the safety of using acrylic products, which we use almost every day.

In addition to acrylic, in the manufacture of bathtubs, epoxy resins and fiberglass are used, with which they are covered on the outside. This allows you to significantly increase the strength of acrylic bathtubs and other acrylic products, significantly increase their resistance to various mechanical damage.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Today, there are several different technologies for the production of acrylic bathtubs. According to them, sanitary products can be cast and extruded. Let us consider in more detail the technology for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs.

Acrylic bath production technology

Extruded acrylic bathtubs are made from sheet acrylic that is heated to the right temperature until it becomes plastic, after which the material is "put on" a special form.

After cooling, the outer part of the future sanitary ware is covered with a reinforcing layer consisting of epoxy resin and fiberglass.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Cast acrylic bathtubs are made by casting. In terms of strength, cast baths are superior to those made by extrusion, but their cost is much higher.

Choice of cast iron or acrylic bath

The design of the bathroom, the choice of style, specific elements of sanitary equipment and design is a matter of taste and financial capabilities of the owner. But whatever option you choose, from a minimalistic, austere bathroom to aristocratically sophisticated bathrooms, the bath has been, is and will always be the queen of this most important room.

When choosing a bath, the determining factors are dimensions, functionality, and design solutions. But the first, fundamental question is what material will the home pond be made of? Cast iron bath or acrylic will decorate your bathroom? Or maybe steel? Or marble?

The main advantage of a steel bath is its relatively low cost. Marble structures with a lot of positive qualities are not yet available for most families. Therefore, here we will consider bathtubs of the average price range. Let's take a look at the known pros and cons and hopefully this will help you decide between a cast iron or acrylic bathtub.

Indicators affecting the service life

In order for an acrylic structure to serve for many years, you need to pay attention to two main indicators - how, what it is made of and how strength is ensured.

Material and thickness

Of course, acrylic always has acrylic in its composition - but it can be combined with other materials, and in what proportion it depends on how long it can be used.

  • Three layers. If you are used to the fact that the more layers, the stronger the result, then this habit will fail here - three layers in an acrylic bathtub indicate that it is not of high quality. The internal material of her ABS is a porous cheap plastic, which is used as a base because of its low cost. Then it is covered with a thin layer of acrylic (no more than ten percent), and then the final structure is reinforced. As a result, after about five years, the reinforcement is wiped off, like the acrylic layer, and only ABS remains, which is quickly saturated with moisture and becomes completely unusable.This is worth buying only if you are going to use it infrequently - or will change it in the near future anyway.
  • Two layers. This one consists entirely of acrylic, and a reinforcing substance covers it on top - sometimes in one layer, sometimes in several. The result is more expensive, but will last much longer. It practically does not wear out, it is very difficult to achieve a crack on it.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Simply rinse with warm water

To check how many layers the vending structure consists of, just look at its very edge - the one that often bends down. The layers on it are visible to the naked eye.

In addition to the material, it is also important how thick the walls it forms:

  • two or three centimeters is very thin - it cracks easily, does not last long;
  • four centimeters is average - it cracks less often, lasts longer, up to ten years;
  • six centimeters is thick - it’s hard to make a crack on such a structure, it can serve for decades if you don’t clean it with a metal sponge.

To check how thick the bath walls are, it is not necessary to have a ruler with you, it is enough to shine them with a flashlight. If light is visible from the other side, then the wall is too thin. Additionally, you can tap it with your knuckles - the sound should be deaf.

Reinforcement and frame

Reinforcement of acrylic is a mandatory procedure, since the plastic itself is not very durable. Epoxy resins, fiberglass or polyurethane are commonly used. They protect the bath from mechanical damage, from abrasion, from small cracks and chips.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

Each product has its own advantages.
If we talk about structures made of acrylic, then their main advantage is that small scratches that may appear on their surface during operation can be easily eliminated by the owner. To do this, you need to use the usual sandpaper. A few movements with this material and you will be able to observe the ideal surface of your bath, while there will be no roughness or scratches on it.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Another advantage is the fact that such products have a long service life. Modern technologies that are used today in the manufacture of such products make it possible to produce products that can last up to 20 years. If the owner is aware of the rules of care and does not violate the operating conditions of such products, then the bath, which is made of polymer material, will not lose its attractive appearance during the entire service life.

Many owners of such products like the fact that such vessels are not damaged by accidental drops. Therefore, if such a vessel accidentally falls while moving, then nothing sad will happen to it. An undoubted advantage of such products is also the fact that they have a small mass. This provides ease of movement of such structures. In addition, the installation process becomes an easier task.

After buying a bath, you do not need to hire movers to deliver your purchase to your own home. You can manage on your own. The mass of such a product is insignificant, so you can easily cope with this task.

Acrylic bathtub dignity

Anyone who has bathed in an acrylic bathtub and previously used a steel or cast iron one will recognize that it is warmer to the touch. In addition, its surface is smooth and easy to clean. The advantage of acrylic products is their light weight: they have a mass less than all other types of bathtubs. For example, a bath measuring 150 x 100 weighs only about 20 kilograms. Therefore, they are easy to transport and install.

An acrylic bathtub maintains water temperature better than a steel one, although slightly worse than a cast iron one.It is also more soundproof: the set of water is not accompanied by noise, as is the case in a steel bath. In addition, you can install a hydromassage in an acrylic bathtub and rid it of scratches on the surface without any traces of repair. A very important advantage is the price: acrylic bathtubs are the cheapest in their group.

What about hygiene? An acrylic bathtub is more hygienic than an enamel one. The second, if it is not properly looked after (for example, with too aggressive means) or due to too much degreasing of the surface or old age, the enamel fades and turns out to be porous. Dirt settles on its surface, penetrates into the recesses on the enamel, and it is difficult to get rid of it. More and more drastic cleaning measures have to be taken, which, in turn, further destroys the product.

Acrylic bathtubs are easy to care for and easy to clean. Hygiene is enhanced by the natural resistance to discoloration caused by rust or lime deposits. The antibacterial properties of such baths are explained by the fact that acrylic has silver ions in its structure, which, as you know, prevent the growth of microorganisms.

Cons why they refuse cast iron

  1. The first minus is the reverse side of the plus and the consequence of the large weight of the cast-iron bath. Due to the massiveness of the structure, considerable difficulties arise during transportation and installation. In addition, for some buildings, additional load acting on floors should be taken into account. This is especially true for large bathtubs.
  2. Another disadvantage of cast iron baths is also directly related to their advantages. Enamel, for all its strength and hardness, is a rather fragile material, and, in the event of an impact, chips can form on its surface. Such a chip cannot be eliminated with improvised means, it is necessary to call a specialist with special tools, materials and relevant skills for the restoration of enamel coatings.
  3. In addition, even with external integrity, over time, the upper smooth layer of enamel is destroyed, the coating acquires a porous rough structure. Especially often, housewives who use products based on oxalic or phosphoric acid to maintain cleanliness face such a nuisance. In the future, damaged enamel, like a sponge, absorbs iron salts contained in tap water, turning yellow at the same time and practically not giving in to cleaning with mild means, so that in order to maintain the whiteness of a bath with damaged enamel, one again has to resort to acidic preparations.
  4. And, finally, the third minus of cast-iron bathtubs is the conservatism of the form. Cast iron does not have enough malleability to allow designers to experiment with bizarre configurations. Therefore, the strict classic form of cast-iron bathtubs remains unchanged. However, this drawback for someone turns into a virtue, because strict classics never go out of fashion.

Pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs

Even before the repair, you have to decide which acrylic bathtub to choose. To make it easier to decide, we weigh the positive and negative qualities of acrylic bathtubs. We will talk about good quality products, and not about cheap fakes.

Pros of replacing a steel or cast iron bathtub with an acrylic one:

  • Light weight. A medium-sized acrylic bathtub weighs about 12-15 kg, so it can be carried by one person. This reduces shipping costs and facilitates installation.
  • Low heat capacity. Even in the cold season, acrylic feels like a warm material. Standing and sitting on it is more pleasant than on metal, it heats up quickly. Many times faster than steel or cast iron.
  • Sanitary acrylic is a low-porous material, but even when wet it is not slippery.
  • There is almost no sound when taking on water.

These are positive points. Now about the shortcomings, they are serious.In order not to regret the decision made, it is necessary to choose an acrylic bathtub being aware of all the nuances. So, the disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs:

  • Acrylic requires special care. You can use only special non-abrasive products, wash the container only with soft rags, do not use graters, hard washcloths, etc. To wash acrylic baths, you can not use products containing ammonia and chlorine, bleaching additives (that is, washing powders are also undesirable). To wash off severe pollution, a special composition is simply left on the surface for a while, and then washed off.
  • Under load, the bottom bends a little, which causes the walls to move. For this reason, the installation of an acrylic bath is carried out according to a special algorithm - on regular or additional stops (bricks). The gap between the side or wall is closed with a special plinth or tile, but everything must be done according to the recommendations of the manufacturers.

  • Handle the container carefully - acrylic is scratched. For example, you need to lay some kind of fabric under the basins, do not get into the bath in shoes, etc. If it is high-quality sanitary acrylic, the scratches are shallow and do not interfere with operation, and besides, they can be sanded using special polishing pastes. In cheap composite models, scratches remain forever, and can also cause peeling of the protective coating.
  • If something heavy falls into the bath, chips may appear on the surface. They are repairable, but only if it is high-quality acrylic.
  • Acrylic bathtub has thin movable walls. And although during installation a frame is brought under the sides, it will not work to fully lean on the edge of the bath. Moreover, you can’t sit on its edge. This trick works only for people with low weight.

All these shortcomings are from the field of operation and maintenance, but you should know about all these nuances in order not to be aware of when buying.

Differences from other materials

Acrylic is a relatively young material. It appeared on the construction market only ten or fifteen years ago and is not yet as common as other, more familiar materials. It is a strong plastic, which can be given any color, any shape, forged under any other material.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Acrylic bathtub can be any color

Do you want a marble bath, but the stone is too expensive and heavy? Acrylic will definitely work for this problem.

It has a number of specific advantages:

Low thermal conductivity

For a bath, this is very important, because lying in the rapidly cooling water is not very pleasant. Acrylic, on the other hand, keeps the temperature unchanged for about half an hour, and it also has a special heater.


Acrylic can be given any, the most bizarre, shape. It can go in waves, it can have unexpected angles. There are even companies that make custom-made structures from acrylic.

Ease of care. Acrylic is not disposed to the formation of a layer of dirt on it, pathogenic microorganisms do not linger on it. Simply rinse with warm water after each use.

Light weight. It is easy to raise an acrylic bathtub to the desired floor, and it also does not have much effect on the floors.

No noise. Falling water produces a dull, faint sound.

Reliability. Acrylic will last more than two decades if you buy a structure not at the lowest price, and then carefully use it.

Special coating. Unlike cast iron, which is usually slippery, acrylic is coated with a special plastic, which, with external smoothness, is very difficult to slip and fall. For a house where an elderly person lives, it is very useful.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Acrylic is a relatively young material

But there are also downsides:
  • Special care. Acrylic is easy to clean, but if it does get dirty, you will have to use specialized mild products that will not damage it.
  • Temperature sensitivity.Like any plastic, acrylic will melt if the temperature rises too high. Models with a small price can even be deformed if you pour too hot water into them. In any case, it is usually recommended to pour cool first, and only then turn on hot.
  • Sensitivity to mechanical influences. Acrylic can be scratched and impact resistance varies from product to product. If something heavy is dropped into a model with a low price, there is a high probability that it will crack.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

The material is not disposed to the formation of a layer of dirt on it

If we compare acrylic with cast iron and steel - traditional materials for manufacturing - we get the following result.

Steel characteristics:
  • strength - low, sensitive to chips, cracks, scratches;
  • thermal insulation - low, water quickly changes temperature and cools down;
  • weight - relatively small, it is easier to bring a steel structure into a house than a cast-iron one;
  • noise - strong, when the jet hits the bottom, you can hear it throughout the apartment;
  • shape - well-defined, rectangular or slightly rounded corners;
  • the price is low, which is the main advantage of the steel structure.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Has low thermal conductivity

Characteristics of cast iron:
  • strength - the highest, it is difficult to break a cast-iron bath, even if you decide to do it on purpose and use a construction tool;
  • thermal insulation is high, but half the temperature will be spent on heating the cast iron itself, as a result of which the water will still cool;
  • the weight is huge, it is not easy to bring cast iron into the house, plus it puts pressure on the floors;
  • noise - medium, you can hear the water, but if you close the door, the sound will be muffled;
  • shape - strictly defined, either rectangular or slightly rounded;
  • the price is high, which is justified due to the high reliability of cast iron, which can last for several decades and only peel off slightly.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Acrylic will last more than two decades

Acrylic characteristics:
  • strength - low, dropping heavy objects into the bath is not worth it;
  • thermal insulation - high, enough to keep the temperature for half an hour;
  • weight - small, like any plastic, easy to bring into the house, the floor does not press;
  • noise - absent, because the plastic muffles the sound;
  • form - any, up to that invented by a specific buyer;
  • the price is high, which is justified because of the quality of the product.

Acrylic is worth buying if you need an intricate shape or high thermal insulation. In any modern interior, it will also fit best.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Falling water produces a dull, faint sound

Pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs

  • these bathtubs are light compared to cast iron products, which facilitates transportation and installation of the device, reduces the load on the ceiling (the weight of an acrylic bathtub is from 15 to 40 kg, depending on the size of the product, the weight of a cast iron device is 100 kg or more);
  • acrylic bathtubs are diverse in size (from small dimensions of 120x70 mm to impressive ones - 194x170 or 207x160 mm), shape (rectangular, oval, round, square, etc.), color and function (hydromassage, aeromassage), which cannot be said about cast iron and steel products;
  • they keep heat well, since the material has a significant heat capacity, it is much more pleasant to stand barefoot on the bottom of an acrylic bath than in a cold cast-iron or steel container;
  • acrylic bathtubs are impact resistant, as the design is based on a steel grate and fiberglass reinforcement of the walls;
  • in case of damage to the walls in the form of scratches, it is not difficult to restore the surface with the help of polishing paste, and the crack is eliminated with an acrylic restorer (you can find special repair kits for acrylic bathtubs on sale), you can do this work yourself, without involving specialists;
  • the disadvantages include the service life, for a quality product, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 10-15 years.

The service life depends largely on proper care and the choice of surface cleaning products. Do not use abrasive products.

If there are animals in the house, such as dogs, then special rugs must be used to wash them to avoid scratches.

Cast iron baths last much longer, the manufacturer's warranty is 20-25 years, it is stronger, with proper care it retains its original appearance for a long time.

Pros why consumers choose cast iron

  1. The first and, perhaps, the main reason is durability. The mechanical strength of the material used, plus the enamel's chemical resistance to virtually any type of cleaning agent, make this an attractive choice. With care, a cast iron bath will last as long as you want.
  2. The second reason is that the low thermal conductivity of cast iron and its high heat capacity keep the water poured into the cast iron bath hot for a long time. Thick walls accumulate the heat of hot water and then gradually give it back, allowing the bather to soak up longer.
  3. The enamel used to cover cast iron is highly durable, smooth, its colors are rich and bright, the enameled surface is shiny and gives the whole structure an elegant look. The absence of pores on the surface of the enamel facilitates cleaning from contaminants.
  4. Another distinctive feature of cast iron bathtubs is their large mass. Even the most modern lightweight models weigh at least 100 kg. This is not always convenient, but such a large weight also has positive aspects - cast-iron bathtubs are exceptionally stable and usually do not require any additional strengthening measures during installation. In addition, thick walls dampen the sounds of running water without requiring additional soundproofing.

Acrylic bathtubs critique

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

So, we have received the necessary minimum of information about what acrylic bathtubs are. It's time to analyze what, in fact, is bad for an acrylic bath: are these really disadvantages, or features that, under certain conditions, can be put up with.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

cracks in acrylic

So, disadvantages:

  • Insufficiently high resistance to high temperatures. As a rule, acrylic, which is used to make bathtubs, has a melting point of up to 160 degrees Celsius. Naturally, an acrylic bathtub will not be subjected to such a temperature load - but there are precedents when acrylic bathtubs filled with hot water are deformed. Of course, this applies to bathtubs from the economy segment, but if, for example, you have a steel bathtub, you can generally ignore such disadvantages, unlike the situation with an acrylic bathtub.
  • Another disadvantage of acrylic bathtubs is their mechanical fragility. Firstly, under your weight, an acrylic bathtub can bend and “play”, which may well cause some discomfort. And secondly, when a sufficiently heavy object falls into an acrylic bath, a crack or hole may form in it. Again, you can fix it - but the situation itself is not pleasant.
  • The third drawback is the sensitivity of acrylic to household chemicals. If a steel or cast-iron bathtub can be cleaned with almost any product (excluding very aggressive chemicals and abrasives), then for an acrylic bathtub you will have to purchase a special cleaning agent. And if you try to "walk" on an acrylic bathtub with more traditional cleaners, be prepared for scratches, haze, and discoloration of the acrylic.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Wash - only with special compounds!

The cost of acrylic bathtubs (taking into account their limited service life) also cannot be attributed to the advantages. A high-quality acrylic bathtub is quite expensive, and its service life of 10-20 years makes this financial investment even less justified.


"By eye" to determine the quality and authenticity of acrylic is quite difficult. Therefore, there is a risk that the bathtub you bought will lose its luster and turn yellow after a few months of operation.

This means that either extremely low-quality acrylic or simple plastic was used in the manufacture of the bath.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

And yet, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, it is the advantages of acrylic baths that often outweigh:

  • Acrylic bathtubs retain heat well, and the water poured into such a bathtub remains warm much longer.
  • Acrylic baths are not afraid of damage to the enamel for the bath - the scourge of baths made of steel and cast iron.
  • Acrylic bathtubs (of course, if they are made of high-quality acrylic) are easy to clean. In most cases, it is enough to rinse the bathtub with warm water and wipe it dry.
  • And finally, the design of acrylic bathtubs is much more diverse than the design of bathtubs made of steel and cast iron.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Acrylic bath design

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself quite obvious: acrylic bathtubs, as well as bathtubs made of any other material, are not ideal. They have a number of shortcomings that will be insignificant for someone, but for someone they will become critical and will serve as a reason for refusing to buy.

In any case, when choosing plumbing, you should not fundamentally ignore acrylic bathtubs: the advantages and disadvantages of these bathtubs very often balance each other, and at least it is still worth evaluating one or another model!

Disadvantages of an acrylic bath

Now, let's talk about the cons. One of the significant disadvantages of this model is considered to be low strength and instability to surface damage. To prevent scratches in the bathtub, it is worth using special mats. This is especially true for those who have pets, which are periodically bathed in the bath. Well, as for the price, which is sometimes considered too high, it is quite adequate, given the technology of its manufacture.

When buying a bath, you should think carefully and compare all the pros and cons of not only the acrylic model, but also other options. Because sometimes it makes more sense to choose an inexpensive cast-iron bathtub than to buy an acrylic one.

Pros: The novelty is in the lead

  1. The first plus of an acrylic bathtub is that the new material has taken the lead in an area where the superiority of cast iron has always been universally recognized: in keeping warm. It is believed that water in a cast-iron bath cools to room temperature in about an hour and a half. That is, the cooling rate is approximately 1 degree per 5 minutes. The rate of cooling of water in an acrylic bath is approximately one degree per 10 minutes. Of course, these calculations are very approximate, a lot depends on the conditions in the room, but one thing is certain - from the point of view of heat conservation, acrylic has intercepted the palm from cast iron.
  2. Another plus of an acrylic bath is the absence of an enamel layer. Shallow damages that have arisen on the surface, for example, scratches, can be cleaned and sanded almost without a trace using improvised means. The surface of an acrylic bathtub is not as shiny as enamel but is much safer as it can be made non-slip.
  3. The third plus of an acrylic bathtub that I want to note is its lightness. The mass of the structure usually does not exceed 30 - 40 kg, which makes it possible to do without the services of loaders for transportation and installation.
  4. And, finally, the fundamental difference between acrylic as a structural material is the opportunity for the designer to show all his imagination without driving it into the framework of strict forms. The plasticity of acrylic, the use of extrusion and molding technologies in molding baths, make it possible to create plumbing fixtures that approach the complexity of the form to works of art.

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

Cons of acrylic baths, of course, present.
Under no circumstances should they be overlooked.Otherwise, you may experience some disappointment after installing the product and starting to use it.

Specialists call the low resistance of these products to high temperature conditions as the main disadvantage of such vessels. This is due to the fact that acrylic, a material of polymeric nature, has a low melting point. It is 160C. Certainly, hot water in such containers can be poured and nothing will happen to them. There can be no doubt about this. However, such a bath should never be filled with boiling water. Otherwise, after such exposure, you can observe the appearance of the product that has changed for the worse.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Another disadvantage that you should focus on is that although acrylic is a material with high strength characteristics, it is better not to subject it to serious loads. This is due to the fact that the product itself has a rather small thickness.

Therefore, if a large weight falls on such a bath, then you can observe how it bends. However, even this unpleasant moment does not affect the integrity of this vessel and does not contribute to its destruction.

If you are a person of great weight, then having bought an acrylic structure, all you have to do is get used to such a feature of it.

An acrylic bathtub is a rather fragile product, so you should not test it for strength and conduct experiments by throwing various heavy objects into this vessel. If you neglect this recommendation, you may encounter cracks that have appeared on the surface. In the most severe cases, you can notice the breaks that appeared on the surface of the vessel.

Many people like an acrylic bathtub because it has a beautiful and even surface that is completely smooth. In order for this smoothness not to be disturbed, certain rules must be observed when cleaning this vessel from contamination. It is not recommended to use cleaning agents with aggressive substances. It is necessary to abandon the use of various solutions that are included in the composition of abrasive substances. It must be understood that in order to maintain the beauty of this bath, you need to provide the product with gentle care. And this means that it is necessary to use not ordinary means, but special ones that are designed for structures made of polymer material. Care must be taken with care, then it will remain beautiful for many years.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Another unpleasant moment associated with vessels made of acrylic is due to the fact that when looking at models made of this polymer material in a store, it is difficult to determine how high the quality of the material is. It is also difficult to understand whether the bathtub was made of acrylic or whether a substitute for this material was used to create the vessel. The products that you have purchased must not lose their color and smoothness during the entire service life. If this happens, then this means that you did not purchase an acrylic container, but a product made from a cheap substitute.

Advantages of modern material

Often the shortcomings of acrylic bathtubs are offset by its advantages, so this option cannot be unambiguously written off.

Pay attention to new items, as a rule they do not have the shortcomings of previous samples.

  • Preservation of water temperature. Hot water poured into an acrylic bath retains heat for a longer time than steel or cast iron. For those who like to soak in warm water, this will be the best solution.
  • Easy to wash. Simply rinse the surface with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth. Thanks to the features of the material, caring for it becomes many times easier.
  • Design. An undeniable advantage over competitors. The variety of types and shapes is much greater than that of cast iron or steel options. There is a suitable option even for the most demanding customer.

From the analysis of the pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. Here it is necessary first of all to decide what you expect from the new plumbing. Will it be an elegant solution to a non-standard bathroom, or a reliable, durable and practical bathtub, designed in its classic way. It's up to you to decide here.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic plumbing

Like any other product, acrylic bathtubs have their own pros and cons. Among the benefits, the most valuable are:

  • Light weight. An acrylic bathtub of standard sizes weighs an average of 30 kg. It can be transported, lifted, carried, installed even alone.
  • Easy installation. Bathtubs made of other materials are usually placed on legs. A special adjustable frame is provided for mounting the acrylic product. It comes with a kit, no parts needed.
  • Wide range of models. Among all the materials that are used to make bathtubs, acrylic is the most plastic. It can be given any, even the most intricate, shape. This property is successfully used by designers who create stylish models. For connoisseurs of a unique and aesthetic interior, this is a real find.
  • Easy maintenance and repair. To wash the bath, you can use dish detergents, liquid soap, but it’s better to buy special formulations. If there is a slight scratch, it is cleaned with sandpaper. Large cracks require restoration of the coating with liquid acrylic, and this work is performed by specialized companies.
  • The ability to keep the temperature. For lovers of relaxing treatments, this quality is priceless. The water cools slowly, and the surface itself is not as cold as in metal bathtubs.
  • Anti-slip coating. The surface of acrylic bathtubs is smooth, but non-slip, so the risk of injury is significantly reduced.
  • Hygiene. Acrylic does not rot, is not attacked by a fungus, does not promote the growth of bacteria.
  • Additional accessories. If desired, the owner of an acrylic bath can purchase nozzles and massage devices that will make water procedures even more pleasant.

The main disadvantages of acrylic baths include low static strength, insufficient scratch resistance of the coating and high cost. As for the price of products, it is quite justified, because high-quality acrylic bathtubs are made using complex technologies.

However, when choosing, you should weigh and compare: perhaps a cheaper cast-iron analogue will do.

Static strength is provided by a metal frame; without it, a bath filled to the brim changes shape. Special bath mats will help protect the product from scratches. They are used for washing pets and the like.

When bathing, you have to be careful: the material is easy to spoil with a sharp, hard or heavy object.

Acrylic bathtubs general information

Acrylic bathtubs (as their name implies) are made from a special polymer substance - acrylic.

There are two technologies for the production of acrylic bathtubs, and accordingly, all acrylic bathtubs are divided into:

  • extruded
  • cast

The plasticity of acrylic makes it possible to produce bathtubs of various shapes and sizes from it, which is why it is used to make designer models of bathtubs.

Acrylic bathtub pros and cons

Acrylic bath

For strength, acrylic bathtubs are coated with epoxy resins on the outside and mounted on a special metal frame.

The disadvantages and advantages of acrylic bathtubs are widely described on the Internet, and we will try to analyze all these facts as impartially as possible.


