Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

How to choose the right pump for the Aquarius well

The selection and installation of the Aquarius borehole pump must take into account the characteristics of the well (its flow rate must provide the required volume of water intake) and the distance to the source of water consumption, we will consider the selection of a device with the necessary parameters in the following example.

It is necessary to provide water to a family of 3 people, the distance to the house is 30 m, the maximum distance to the water surface in the well (dynamic water level, determined when the electric pump is running) is 20 m.

When deciding how to determine the water consumption of a family of three, you can use averaged data, in most cases it is 1.8 cubic meters / h.

To determine the water pressure, it is necessary to sum up the length of the vertical and horizontal sections, taking into account losses, as well as the operating pressure in the system, converted to meters. If the pressure pipeline has a diameter of 1 inch, a meter of vertical water column is equated to 10 m of a horizontal section, the total loss in the line is taken equal to 20% (in calculations, the head in the pipes is multiplied by 1.2). The electric pump is lowered 2 meters below the dynamic level, for the correct operation of the automation in the control system, it is required to create a maximum pressure of about 3 bar in the line, which corresponds to 30 meters of vertical water column. As a result, we obtain the following formula for calculating the total head H in meters of a vertical column:

H \u003d (22 + 30/10) x 1.2 + 30 \u003d 60 meters.

To select a suitable model of an electric pump, pressure characteristics graphs are used, from which it can be seen that the specified flow rate is 1.8 cubic meters / h. and a nominal head of 60 m corresponds to the BTsPE 0.5 63U model.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Rice. 10 Electric pump Aquarius as part of a water supply installation

Installation of pumps in the well nuances of the process

First you need to decide on the type of pressure pipeline of the autonomous water supply system and carry out the main preparatory work at the top:

  • A flexible watering hose is suitable only for domestic purposes: watering the garden and filling water storage tanks, while you can easily and often get the pump;
  • A plastic (HDPE) or metal pipeline is suitable for permanent stationary operation, in which the pump will be constantly lowered into the well.

The diameter of the pipeline must be selected based on the calculated flow rate of the pump, while a prerequisite is the selection of the inner diameter of the pipe, and not the outer one.

For domestic purposes, a 32 mm HDPE pipe with an internal diameter of about 25 mm is usually used, which is convenient to connect to 0.5 series pumps, which also have a 25 mm outlet pressure pipe.

A brass non-return valve must be installed on the pump discharge connection. If the pump is mounted at a shallow depth (up to three meters from the ground), then the valve can be placed on the discharge pipeline.

The borehole pump must be connected to the pipeline using a crimp or brass coupling of the appropriate diameter. Depending on the models used and the diameter of the pipeline, the section of the coupling can be from 1 inch to 1 ¼.

The head must be connected in the same way to the upper end of the pipe.

The power supply cable must be fixed to the pipe using special clamps. This will greatly facilitate lifting the pump from the well and protect the cable from damage. The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to lift the pump by the cable, therefore it is necessary to mount it on the pipe with slight sagging to reduce loads.

It is necessary to attach a safety stainless steel cable with a cross section of 3 mm to the eye of the pumping part and connect it to the head of the well. It is permissible, but undesirable, to use a nylon cable.

After these works, it is necessary to cut the pipe and connect its end to the head using adapter fittings. Fix the head on the casing pipe.

Pump characteristics

Aquarius pumps are represented by three types:

  1. BTsPE - Household centrifugal submersible pumps, designed to work in wells with an internal diameter of more than 110 mm;
  2. BTsPEU - BTsPE pumps of improved design - the output of the power cable is made on top of the pump, which made it possible to use this series in wells with a diameter of 100 mm or more;
  3. NVP is a screw pump, the design allows using this series in wells with high turbidity or sand suspension.

General characteristics:

  • power consumption from 0.4 to 1.9 kW;
  • water pressure - from 16 to 140 m;
  • productivity - up to 5.8 cubic meters / hour is enough for the domestic needs of a family of 4 - 5 people;
  • inner diameter of the well - from 10 cm;
  • water intake depth - up to 200 m;
  • weight from 4 to 17.8 kg.
  • Supply voltage 220 V/50 Hz.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Main advantages of pumps

  1. The minimum operating life of the pumps is 10,000 hours, with a mode of 2 - 3 hours per day, it corresponds to 10 years of operation of the pump in an individual house;
  2. Affordable price;
  3. Application by the manufacturer of anti-corrosion materials and high-temperature polymers;
  4. The kit includes a power cable and a cable, as well as a starting protection device;
  5. The complete set is enough for a “hot” connection of the pump on its own, you just need to plug it into a power outlet;
  6. Availability of spare parts in warehouses in large quantities;
  7. High efficiency with low power consumption;
  8. Motor thermal protection built in;
  9. Centrifugal suction force;
  10. maintainability
  11. High reliability.

The main disadvantages of pumps

  1. The manufacturer provides a warranty period of 18 months from the date of sale. For more expensive imported analogues, the warranty is 2 years or more.
  2. No built-in dry run protection.
  3. Plastic impellers.
  4. The package does not include a check valve and a strainer, however, their absence in the water supply network will void the warranty in the event of a breakdown.
  5. Cannot be used immediately after drilling a well, only after flushing.
  6. For domestic use in private residences only.

How to choose the right well pump

For the correct selection of the pump, it is necessary for any user to collect some technical data that will ensure that the pump will be selected by specialists correctly and will give the required parameters.

  1. It is imperative to know the flow rate of the well, that is, what part of the water will enter the well in a certain time. If the flow rate is negative, then the pump will have time to pump out water faster than the well is filled with water again. And running the pump dry, as mentioned above, is the first way to break the pump.
  2. Checking the diameter and quality of the well casing: the diameter must be at least recommended: 120 mm for BTsPE pumps and 100 mm for BTsPEU.
  3. Determine the approximate required head of the pump: • sum up in meters all the height differences of the pressure pipeline from the pump to the highest draw-off point, • sum up all horizontal sections of the pipelines, while the pressure loss will be 1 m per 5-10 meters of the pipe; • excess pressure on the spout at the top point of the water intake - 25 meters; • losses in the local resistance of the pipeline (in corners, tees, turns), overpressure in the case of installing a hydraulic accumulator, etc. - these parameters can be determined together with specialists when buying a pump, having previously drawn up a diagram of the planned water supply station.
  4. Determine the required water consumption based on the number of water points: shower head 0.2 l/s, washbasin 0.12 l/s, sink 0.12 l/s, watering tap 0.3 l/s. In residential buildings where all appliances are not used at the same time, a load factor of 0.7 can be applied.

The final selection of the pump is made according to the operating point of the pump (flow rate, cubic meters per hour and head, m.a.c.) using the hydraulic curve of the closest model to the design parameters of the network.However, on your own, without experience in precise hydraulic calculations, you can only roughly decide on the model planned for purchase, and, nevertheless, entrust accurate calculations and more scrupulous selection to specialists. Consumer reviews are different: powerful, reliable, maintainable, easy to install, quiet, good water pressure, and they also write that the pump is heavy, it’s a little inconvenient to install it alone

Aquarius vibration pumps specifications

Brand "Aquarius" has a large range of equipment for water supply:

  • these are pumps for working with dirty water, in which there is a high content of sand;
  • electric pumps, with centrifugal system.

Borehole pumps Aquarius

Downhole pumps include the following models:

  • pumps Aquarius 1 BTsPE;
  • Aquarius 3 pumps;
  • Pumps Aquarius 16.

Aquarius pump BTsPE 0.32 - equipment productivity 0.32 m3 per 1 sec., for 1 hour - this is 3.6 m3 of water. Constant pressure at a height of 40 meters.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump SpecificationsIdeal for a private house, as well as a summer cottage. Also suitable for industrial water supply and for extinguishing fires. Silent when on.

Pump Aquarius BTsPE 032-32U - weighs only 10.5 kilograms, has a single-phase electric motor. In addition to supplying drinking water, it can also cope with watering the land. The height of the water pressure reaches 32 meters, and the productivity for 1 hour is 1.2 m3.

Pump Aquarius BTsPE 0.5 - used in wells with a diameter of 120 mm. Equipped with a powerful engine that provides water pressure to a certain height.

The most popular model is the Aquarius BTsPE U 05-32 pump. It is used for a well with a diameter less than 110 mm. Constant water pressure - up to 48 meters. Productivity is 3.6 liters per hour. The price for this model is affordable and is 7000 rubles.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump SpecificationsThe Aquarius 3 pump is easy to use. Equipped with an automatic shutdown system in case of emergency.

Designed for clean water only. Weight 4 kilograms.

It has a plastic body and a rubber piston. Treated with a compound, which makes such equipment waterproof.

Suitable for shallow wells or reservoirs. There is a remote control to control the pump.

Surface pumps Aquarius

Convenient if there is a body of water nearby. It is not permissible to lower this pump into water, because. all internal systems are not protected, and if moisture enters, they will immediately fail.Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Two main models, which in turn have subspecies:

  • pump Aquarius BTsPE 1.2 - productivity reaches 1.2 m3 in 1 sec. The pressure of the water column reaches 80 m. The weight of the pump also depends on the chosen model: from 7 to 24 kg.
  • Aquarius pump BTsPE 1.6 - pump performance indicator 1.6 m3 in 1 sec. Stable water pressure at a height of 40 m. The weight of the device also depends on the variety.

Drainage pumps Aquarius

Drainage - such a pump is used to pump dirty water from a freshly dug well, or to drain basements.Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Filter systems are necessarily built into the drain pumps to prevent solid particles from entering the equipment. The position in which these pumps are used is vertical.

The two-valve vibration pump Aquarius BV-0.14-63-U5 has the following characteristics:

  • produced in Ukraine;
  • meets all state standards;
  • meets all safety requirements;
  • submersible with a two-valve water intake system;
  • the height of the water column reaches 63 meters;
  • designed to work in wells and wells at a depth of not more than five meters;
  • installed vertically;
  • the diameter of the well should be from 90 mm.

According to reviews, the two-valve vibration pump Aquarius BV-0.14-63-U5 has the following advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • the equipment itself is light (only 3.8 kg.) and compact, so one person can easily handle it;
  • not required, fill with water first;
  • made of high quality materials, with anti-corrosion treatment;
  • unpretentious at work.

This model is ideal for supplying potable water, and for use in vegetable garden watering. The design of the Aquarius Poseidon pump is unique and made of high quality materials.

Vibration pump Aquarius consists of an electric motor and pumping equipment.

Each pump is accompanied by an instruction manual with operating rules, which reflects the following:

  • The temperature of the water in which the pump is located should not exceed 35C;
  • The pump control panel must be protected from precipitation;
  • There must be a distance of at least 40 cm between the bottom of the well and the pump;
  • The switched on pump must be completely in the water;
  • Before connecting the pump to the electrical network, it must first be lowered into the water for 10 minutes;
  • The pump is intended for pumping clean water only.

Benefits of using Aquarius vibration pump:

On the official website of Vinnitsa you will find a full range of Aquarius vibration pumps.

Possible breakdowns and nuances of repairing Aquarius pumps

The main reasons for the failure of the BTsPE electric pump are improper installation in the well, operation of the unit in polluted water, and physical wear of parts over time. Also, during long-term operation, the unit needs periodic cleaning, and the operation of the pump should be checked regularly for compliance with technical specifications.

To carry out work on the replacement of worn parts, the pump is disassembled by hand, using the following sequence of actions:

  1. Disconnects the device from the electrical network, remove it from the well and disconnect the pressure pipe and cable.
  2. Remove the strainer in the middle part and unscrew the four hex bolts with a 10 mm wrench connecting the electrical and pumping parts of the device.
  3. The block with impellers is fixed in the housing with a retaining ring, to remove it, compress part of the pump from above and below with a jack or press, after which the retaining ring is removed and the steps with impellers, guide rings and washers are taken out. They can be cleaned or replaced with new parts purchased from a service center.
  4. To disassemble the unit with the electric motor, the screws at the bottom of the pump are unscrewed, the cover is removed and the oil is drained, after which the electric motor can be removed to replace the end bearings.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Rice. 9 BTsPE electric pump - disassembly highlights

Start-up and maintenance

After the pump is in the well, the first start is made:

  1. it is necessary to close the valve on the pipeline,
  2. supply power to the pump (1 phase, 220 V, 50 Hz),
  3. slowly open the valve.

If the water from the pressure pipe has gone clean, then it is advisable to leave the pump in operation for a while, and then turn it off. Then you need to connect the pump to the existing water supply system at home.

If the pump began to supply muddy or silty water, the following measures must be taken:

  1. leaving it on, close the valve and leave the pump in operation for a while;
  2. wait for clean water.

Otherwise, all mechanical impurities that have been preserved in the discharge pipe and the pump structure may jam the hydraulic part or the check valve.

If it is necessary to remove the pump from the well and send it for long-term storage, it is recommended to rinse with water and then dry thoroughly. At the time of the secondary immersion, the pump should be left in the well for a while, and then run according to the above scheme.

Cleaning and repairing minor faults

In the case when the deep pump began to work unsatisfactorily, and its hydraulic part does not rotate, it means that the impellers or the internal mesh of the pump are clogged with fine sand or silt.

There is no internal filter-sump in the pump configuration!

To clean the wheels or mesh, you must disassemble the pump:

  • Dismantle the protective mesh. On recent models, pry off the clamp with a screwdriver and press on its middle; on older models, unscrew the screw connections.
  • Remove cable gland.
  • Using a wrench, unscrew the bolted connections and detach the motor from the hydraulic part of the pump.
  • Remove couplings.
  • Turning the shaft with a key, flush the pump part, removing mechanical impurities.

In the case when the shaft began to turn easily, it is necessary to assemble the pump in the reverse order.

If the impellers are jammed or damaged, it is necessary to disassemble the pump part. But only specialists of an authorized service center can perform such work while maintaining the warranty.

Procedure for repairing minor faults:

  • clamp the pump housing from above and below, rest against the brass part;
  • remove the stopper ring;
  • remove impellers;
  • remove the stop cover with the bearing;
  • try to eliminate jamming;
  • reassemble in reverse order.

However, service centers use a press machine when assembling / disassembling the pump, so self-repair of the pump can be difficult.

Scopes of the downhole electric pump Aquarius

Borehole pumps Aquarius are designed for domestic use and can be used for the following purposes:

  • for water intake from wells or wells in the organization of individual water supply to houses;
  • for lifting clean water from various types of reservoirs - pools, ponds, lakes or rivers;
  • when carrying out drainage work in case of flooding of basements in houses (underground garages, cellars, cellars);
  • for watering land plots with orchards and orchards, filling barrels and various types of containers with water.

Build Your Home Aquarius Submersible Pump Specifications

Rice. 2 Submersible pump for the Aquarius well - design


