How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Choosing a water supply system

First you need to decide how much water you need for normal living. Moreover, the calculations must be performed with some margin. Any existing water supply systems for summer cottages take into account all points of water intake and water consumption

At the same time, it is very important to take into account the number of people who will constantly use them.

Particular attention in the calculations should be paid to such water-consuming summer cottages:

  • bath;
  • swimming pool;
  • area of ​​irrigated beds;
  • fruit tree garden area;
  • greenhouses, etc.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

One of the bath water supply options

The location of the water supply points should be made taking into account the fact that every 10 m of the pipeline reduces the pump head by 1 m. This moment is extremely important in order to create conditions for delivering water to the most remote corners of the site when installing the water supply system.

Do-it-yourself water supply to a summer house can be arranged in several ways. It all depends on the source of water intake - a well or a well. In addition, such parameters of these objects as depth, the level of the beginning of the aquifer, as well as productivity are of great importance. Of course, at the initial stage, a water supply scheme for the dacha is being developed, among the most common options it is worth highlighting:

  1. Water intake from a well, based on the operation of a surface pump or a pumping station.
  2. Water intake from a well, based on the work of a well pump.
  3. Water intake from a well.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

An example of summer water supply from a well

Technical characteristics of HDPE pipes

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own handsDrinking water pipe marking

To create an aquifer, low-pressure polyethylene pipes - HDPE are used. High Pressure Polymers (HPE) are used only in small areas requiring flexural stability.

When choosing details for a future communication network, be guided by their colors. Elements suitable for potable water are required. They are black with a bluish or white stripe. You should also check the information about the section, wall thickness and GOST number. All this is indicated on the surface of the product.

Pipes are selected in accordance with the water pressure in the system, the length of the water supply, as well as the total number of connections and turns. For a small country house, you can take elements with a diameter of 25 mm, for a large one, you should choose four-centimeter pipes.

In addition to pipes, to create a communication highway in a summer cottage, you will need:

  • connecting and transitional couplings and fittings;
  • tees for wiring;
  • flanges for connection to the spillway;
  • plugs for shutting off water for the winter.

The selection of these details is approached especially carefully, because the tightness of the communication line depends on them.

Summer water supply

Summer water supply is designed to operate exclusively at positive temperatures. Before choosing the type of such a system, it is necessary to consider how often it will be used. And already in accordance with the needs, preference is given to stationary or collapsible water supply. The second modification is very simple in the device, since it involves the use of ordinary hoses lying on the ground. With the onset of autumn, they simply clean up in the barn until the next season.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Automatic watering

The stationary summer water supply system includes laying pipes in the ground, only water taps remain on the surface. Pipes for water supply in the country, intended for operation, both in summer and in winter, can be of two types:

  • polyethylene (HDPE);
  • polypropylene (PP).

HDPE pipes are distinguished by a lower price, but the components will cost a lot, and in the case of PP pipes, the opposite is true.Although when installing a polypropylene pipeline, you will need a special soldering iron.

Both types of pipes are resistant to freezing. If it is assumed that they will be used in winter, then the depth of the trench for laying should be at least 1.5 m, that is, below the level of soil freezing in the middle lane. If water is transported through pipes only in the summer, then a depth of 1 m is sufficient. It makes sense to lay tubes in trenches only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba residential building - in the garden and in the garden, wiring is carried out directly on the surface.

The best material for plumbing are:

  1. The building has pipes with a diameter of 15 mm.
  2. For eyeliner - pipes with a diameter of 20-25 mm.
  3. Inlet pipe - with a diameter of 32 mm.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Installation of the pipeline of the water supply system

Selection of the source of water intake

In rural areas, drinking water can be obtained from a public main, well or well. The first option is available extremely rarely, so summer residents equip their own source.

water well

A well is the best option for supplying a country house with water. The construction is more expensive than a well, but the flow rate is much higher, the water quality is higher. They hire drillers with equipment or do it themselves with homemade tools.

Plumbing from a well

Most sites have a well. Its depth is different, depending on the location of groundwater. If it does not exceed 15 m, they dig a well: construction is cheaper than drilling a well. The flow rate does not exceed 200 liters, there is a risk that the water will be contaminated with nitrates, bacteria, heavy metals. You will need to arrange high-quality filtration.

The well is easy to maintain, the normal condition is maintained at no tangible cost. The main disadvantage is that the source cannot always provide the necessary volume of water. 200 l / h is an indicator of the best well, more often it turns out to be less. It is required to calculate how much water is needed, whether the source can provide such a volume.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Plumbing from a well.

Search for water for a well on the site

About a quarter of users complain that drilling
did not lead to the desired result. That is, after the drill deepened by 30
meter depth of water suitable for consumption in terms of quality or
quantity did not appear.

In order not to replenish the number of those who threw money away,
you need to take a responsible approach to the search for water. After all, to reduce drilling costs
it is necessary that the aquifer lies as close to the surface as possible.

Ways to determine the presence of water:

biological signs. Plants can show which
water lies deep. So, for example, cattail grows where water is not
deeper than 1 m from the surface, wormwood - up to 7 m, yellow alfalfa up to 15 m;

dew. The closer the water is to the surface, the more dew will be on
plants in this place;

silica gel. It must be wrapped in cloth and buried in
depth up to 1 m. After a day, see how much moisture he absorbed. The more
the closer the water;

dowsing. A frame made of vine and wire also gives a very
accurate results and is the most popular method among users
determine the depth of the aquifer;

test drilling. Gives 100% result, but requires more

Necessary tools and materials

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own handsTo install a reliable summer water supply system, you need to use the following tools and materials:

  • Devices designed to automate irrigation, as a rule, are soil moisture sensors or a timer.
  • Fitting for connecting the tap and hoses. On the one hand, it is equipped with a “ruff”, which is inserted into the pipe, and on the other, with a spring grip.
  • Irrigation and sprinkler heads.
  • Sprayers and watering guns that are equipped with couplings. When changing nozzles of watering equipment, they automatically shut off the water supply.
  • Special equipment designed for organizing drip irrigation.

winter water supply

Winter water supply in the country can be performed in two variations:

  • for regular year-round operation;
  • for occasional use while maintaining the ability to run at any time.

The first option, in principle, is used not only in the country, but in ordinary country houses and cottages. It is assumed that people constantly live there, which means that the house is always warm. This saves the installation process from the installation of a conservation system, which provides conditions for the complete discharge of water from pipelines.

Installation of a water supply system with the possibility of conservation is complex and, most often, is performed by professionals with special skills. This is not surprising, because the conservation system is designed to keep the water supply fully operational all year round, even when no one lived in the house for a long time and it was not heated.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Required pipes and fittings

In both the first and second cases, the water supply system involves the implementation of an underground pipeline, the laying of which to the water source is laid at a depth of 1.4-1.8 m. or solenoid valve. Although if the length of the pipeline from the water intake point to the house does not exceed 8 m, then it is not necessary to include these devices in the water supply system.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own hands

Winter water supply option with well insulation

Very often, pumping stations for water supply are used for summer cottages. Any such installation works in automatic mode and with its help you can create a real autonomous water supply in a suburban area. It is an excellent alternative to a submersible pump and supplies water from underground tanks. The components of the pumping station are a hydraulic accumulator, mesh filters, relays, etc.

Drilling a well for water

Types of drilling depend on the depth of the aquifer and the budget:

Hand drilling

Allows drilling a well up to 10 m deep.
work at shallow depths will require a drill and casing pipes. To attain
greater depths use a drilling rig, winches and rods. barbells
interconnected (usually with the help of a thread), and the latter should be
equipped with an additional drill.

Manual drilling of a well for water

Tip: when making a drill on the lower rod, you need to consider
that the cutting mechanism should cut into the soil in a clockwise direction.

If the drill works worse with increasing depth, you can soften the soil by supplying water.

According to the condition of the excavated soil, it is possible to determine the presence
water. However, we are not interested in moist soil, indicating the achievement
aquifer. It is necessary to break through below to the waterproof layer. It is he who is able
ensure the need for sufficient water.

Visually, the process of manual drilling is shown in the video

Percussion-cable drilling of a well

Percussion-rope drilling of a well As the name implies, drilling is performed using a driving glass.

Principle of operation: a glass on a cable goes down, absorbing the rock, after filling it must be removed and the earth knocked out. Then the glass is again lowered into the well.

This heavy tool can be manually lowered on the rope. But the effort is not commensurate with the possible savings. Yes, and to get to the water you need to work long enough.

Drilling rig for a well A more technologically advanced way would be to install a derrick. A drilling rig is, in fact, an ordinary tripod made of steel.

Many members of the forum advise not to translate the pipe, but to use a wooden beam or log (up to the trunks of young trees). The tripod is equipped with a winch, and more
progressive users install the motor.

Tip: the height of the tower should be commensurate with the dimensions of the driving glass. The larger the glass, the greater the height needed for its effective use. Ideally, the height of the tower should exceed the length of the glass by 1.5 m.

The mechanized way of driving a well is shown in the video

The drilling rig "Strong Hydro SBU 60" is used.

Rotary percussion drilling

Percussion-rotary drilling of wells The only difference between this method and the previous one is that a special tool is used instead of a driving glass. Allowing you to choose the breed not due to impact, but due to screwing into the soil.

Hydrodynamic drilling of a well

Hydrodynamic drilling of a well It is carried out by a combination of a drill and a pump, so the water erodes the well. Users have different attitudes towards this method. But, everyone agrees on one thing: drilling in this way is dirty, the given shape of the well is difficult to maintain, drilling is effective only in loose rocks. As a result, this method is used less frequently than others.

The material was prepared for the site

Well hydraulic drilling video

It is carried out using a home-made installation from a drill with a pump

Well casing for water

After the well is drilled, and more often directly into
in the course of work, a casing pipe (plastic or metal) is lowered into the well.
It adheres tightly to the surface of the soil and does not allow it to crumble.

Well pumping after drilling

This is also a required step. It consists in extracting from
wells of a certain number of cubic meters. water (depending on soil and condition
aquifer) using a pump. When clean water comes out of the well,
process can be considered complete.

Tip: before you start pumping, think about where
water pumped out of the well will be drained.

Preparatory work and installation steps

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own handsPipes are not buried deep into the ground, as water is drained for the winter

The scheme of the water supply network on the plot will depend on which pipeline will be installed - permanent or collapsible.

The latter option is much easier to make with your own hands. It consists of hoses that are made of silicone or plastic and connecting parts made of plastic, plastic or steel. Using special quality connections, you can create a dock that will not flow.

Most often, water pipes are made of polypropylene pipes, which are inclined relative to the source of water supply. The slope towards the drain valve should be approximately 8-15 degrees. If the water supply system is stationary, it is best to place it in shallow trenches, and bring several irrigation taps to the surface.

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to prepare a drawing to make it easier to calculate how much material will be needed. At this design stage, you need to calculate the number and size of pipes, other tools and materials.

After marking, you can start digging a trench. Its optimal depth is 0.4 meters, except when pipes are laid under the beds.

Watering can be done with an irrigation system or a hose. At the junction of the pipeline and the central line, a valve or an inlet valve is mounted. Pipes made of low-pressure polyethylene are connected to the inlet valve with a coupling. It is located on the outer and inner side - it depends on the location of the thread. After fixing the connection, a piece of pipe with a hose and a tee are mounted.

Pipe bending

When installing a summer water supply system in a country house, it is important to know in what ways pipes can be bent so as not to violate their integrity.

  • To carry out the bend, you will need several plugs that are filled with sand. This method minimizes the chance of crack formation.Alternatively, wooden chopsticks can be used instead of plugs. Pipes are made of different strengths, therefore, it is difficult to say how much effort will have to be applied. The easiest bending method is to insert another one, but with a small section, into the pipe, find the stop and give it the desired shape, exerting a physical impact.
  • Pipes of square shape and large diameter are bent with a burner and sand.
  • For aluminum and steel pipes, you will also need a torch. The product is covered with sand and plugs are placed on both sides. The required area is heated red-hot and bent.

If used incorrectly, the burner can leave a hole in the building material, so it is recommended to move it aside regularly.

How to manually bend pipes

To independently bend pipes made of metal-plastic, you must strictly follow the following recommendations:

  • Bend slowly and without sudden movements.
  • To get the required angle of inclination, it is necessary to lay pieces of wire before bending.
  • The larger the lever of the pipe put on the structure, the easier it is to bend it.

To bend polypropylene pipes, heat the required area with a hair dryer to 150 degrees. The segment with the thickest wall is bent. They also bend the building material without preheating, but then the maximum angle of inclination will be 8 degrees. Before filling the system with water, the pipes are checked for defects and damage.

Step by step installation guide

Self-construction of a water supply system requires preparation.

Drawing up an action plan

The plan takes into account:

  • soil freezing depth;
  • at what distance from the surface groundwater;
  • relief;
  • underground communications;
  • buildings on the site and its boundaries;
  • points of consumption (house, bathhouse, outdoor shower, watering, etc.).

Draw a plan of the area and a profile image of the water supply to take into account its slope. Pipes are laid 20 cm below the freezing depth of the soil. Outline where and what fittings will be needed. According to the plan, the number of each species is counted, a list is made. Consider the total length of the pipes, buy with a margin of 10%.

Preparing the necessary tools

To mount a capital water supply, you will need tools, including special ones. You can buy a plumbing kit or separately:

  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • key gas and adjustable;
  • sealant gun;
  • knife, sandpaper;
  • tape measure, pencil.

If you need a welding machine for them. For earthworks, a shovel and scrap are prepared. If you plan to independently install the electrical part, stock up on electrical tape, screwdrivers, a tester, pliers.

Water supply device

First, dig a trench of the required depth. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Install the pump. Surface - next to the well in the caisson, pit or warm room. The submersible is lowered into the well.
  2. The water pipe is connected to the pump and laid in a trench. In case of insufficient deepening, they insulate or lay a heating cable. Lay the power cable.
  3. The second end is connected to a fitting with 5 outlets. A tank, a pressure switch, a pressure gauge are mounted on its free outlets.
  4. Before entering the pipe into the house, a shut-off valve is installed so that it is possible to shut off the water if necessary.
  5. Test the system to make sure there are no leaks. Fall asleep trench.
  6. Mount internal wiring, connect plumbing fixtures

At the inlet of the water supply to the house, a filter is installed, at least coarse cleaning. If the quality of the resulting water is poor, finer purification may be necessary.

Choosing a device for heating water

Hot water for the bathroom, washing dishes is obtained from flow heaters or storage (boilers). In terms of speed, performance, ease of use, gas water heaters are superior.It makes sense to buy if the house is connected to natural gas. Using a balloon to heat water is irrational. The column is connected only by specialists of the gas service.

A flowing electric heater can be installed by yourself, but in terms of heating rate it is inferior to a gas water heater. An electric boiler heats the water even more slowly. But if you use it constantly, do not turn it off, but set the thermostat to the desired temperature, there will always be hot water in the house. The boiler is inexpensive, anyone can install. The capacity is different, they are selected depending on the needs of the family.

The video will help to understand the intricacies of laying a water pipe in the country.

Installation rules

To install a water supply system in the country, you will need plastic pipes, couplings and fittings, ball valves, a threaded seal, as well as sand and gravel for a cushion. You will also need a set of tools:

  • shovel;
  • adjustable and gas key;
  • wrenches #17-24;
  • cutting tools for plastic or a hacksaw for metal.

If you intend to connect pipe sections by soldering, fittings can be dispensed with. But then you need a special soldering iron.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own handsWhen connecting to the central highway, it is necessary to officially certify the project, and call the specialists of the local Vodokanal. More often in dachas, wells are used or wells are drilled.

Stages of construction of an aquifer network with connection to autonomous water sources:

  1. A design scheme for the installation of a hidden water supply in the country from HDPE pipes is being drawn up. It should include all possible branches and lines. This will allow you to calculate the amount of material and find out which components will be required.
  2. Earthworks are underway. A trench is dug along the entire length of the pipeline in accordance with the plan and the depth below the freezing level of the soil. This is approximately 1.5 m (in cold regions they make the moat deeper). The width of the ditch is about 50 cm.
  3. At the bottom of the trench, 15 cm of gravel-sand mixture is poured to cushion the pipes.
  4. A pre-insulated pipeline is being laid. As a heater, it is convenient to use inexpensive polystyrene foam cases wrapped with tape.
  5. Pipe sections are connected by fittings, the nodes are also insulated. A drain valve is installed if the system is to be preserved.
  6. A pump is connected to the outer outlet. A separate groove breaks out for its electrical wire. The unit itself is located outside or plunged into the well, it depends on the model.

The system is connected and checked for leaks and stable operation.

Particular attention is paid to the junction of pipes, as well as the point of connection to the pumping device. With the stable functioning of the system and the absence of leaks, the trench can be filled up - first with sand, then with earth - and the installation of internal piping can begin

Plastic pipes are not subject to corrosion, which allows you to hide them inside the walls.

Faucets, plumbing, filtering systems are installed. Well water needs to be cleaned. The best option would be a flow filtration system or reverse osmosis. The latter make it possible to achieve complete purification from all kinds of impurities at the molecular level, but at the same time the price of their installation and maintenance is high.

Self-installation of water supply in the country

It is quite possible to mount a country water supply from polyethylene pipes with your own hands. You just need to choose the appropriate wiring diagram and select accessories.

Source of water supply

First of all, pay attention to where the power will come from. It is from the source that they are repelled when drafting

It could be:

  • city ​​or village network;
  • well or well;
  • river or pond;
  • autonomous water tank.

Connection to the central water supply is carried out using an overhead tee with bolting at the point of entry.

Water from a natural reservoir is usually used for watering the garden - it is not clean enough for drinking.

Pure water lies very low in the soil layers and is extracted from an artesian well through deep drilling. The sandy analogue does not differ in such depth, it will be necessary to install filters to remove impurities. The same applies to the country well. In all these cases, it will be necessary to connect the pump through a check valve and specialized fittings.

Construction type and wiring diagram

How to make plumbing in the country from a well with your own handsOutdoor type of water supply

If the cottage is used only for the summer, for relaxing on the weekends or growing vegetables and fruits, it is more cost-effective to install an external type of water supply. In this situation, the pipeline is carried out along the territory of the site and the walls of the country house. Usually this is a collapsible version of pipes or flexible hoses joined together by adapters. In this case, the elements are simply located on the ground or raised above it.

The outdoor water supply system is easy to assemble and does not require additional work associated with digging trenches and waterproofing pipes.

With frequent trips to the country or permanent residence, a hidden water supply system is equipped, as in ordinary private houses. Otherwise, in winter, the pipes will freeze and may be deformed. To avoid this, they are placed in the ground below the freezing depth of the soil to prevent freezing of water during extreme cold.

The wiring diagram itself may include:

  • tapping for drinking water;
  • water disposal to the bath, summer shower, pool;
  • a branch for watering a garden plot;
  • line for drip irrigation of the greenhouse;
  • a pipeline to a temporary building or a garage for technical needs.

The wiring begins with a schematic arrangement of all water pipes. Such a scheme will help calculate the amount of materials required and facilitate subsequent installation work. It will allow you to determine the exact location of the lines, which is important when conducting repair or construction work.


