Towel dryers

water coil

Towel dryerswater coil in the bathroom

A water coil in the bathroom is a classic option that most of the population installs in their apartments. This is the simplest solution. When buying a water coil, you need to be prepared for the fact that utilities turn off hot water very often, so the unit can turn into an ordinary clothes hanger.

There is a way out of this situation. You can use an autonomous heating system. in this case, hot water is available in the apartment all year round. however, in this situation, scale can form in the coil, which disables the unit.


In the installation of electric coils, in fact, there are no particular difficulties. It is only necessary to ensure the presence of an outlet protected from moisture, read the instructions that came with the device, and then connect according to the diagram.

Photo of the correct water coil connection diagram

The situation is somewhat different with water devices. The fact is that pressure plays a big role here, the presence of water hammer, water pressure surges inside the system, and so on.

The installation can be directly affected by the peculiarity of your heating system, the presence of the required pipes, the wiring of communications, and so on. The most optimal solution is to contact a plumber, find out with his help all the nuances, and then connect.

Remember that the choice of the device itself, the model, the manufacturer of the coil sometimes depends on the characteristics of various parameters and data.

If you decide to connect yourself, then we recommend that you read the prepared step-by-step instructions.

  1. Turn off the water, unscrew the nuts that the old coil was attached to in the bathroom. As a rule, he was present in all apartments. After removing all fasteners, remove the devices.
  2. Carefully study the new heated towel rail, familiarize yourself with the contents of the box, the set of fasteners. The manufacturer does not always offer everything you need in the kit. Some items may need to be purchased. Find out about this before you start fastening.
  3. Screw to the device the necessary holders, couplings, corners and other components that will be required for subsequent fixation on the wall surface.
  4. Attach the device to the wall, make the necessary markings. Make sure that the length of the pipes or cord is long enough to connect to the water supply or outlet, respectively. For marking, it is better to enlist the help of a second person. One will apply the device to the wall and level it with a building level, and the second will make marks with a marker or pencil.
  5. Now arm yourself with a drill with the appropriate nozzles, make holes in the wall according to the markings. Insert dowels into the hole.
  6. It remains to lean the coil against the holes obtained, take the screws, tighten them with a screwdriver or screwdriver, thereby fixing the device on the surface.
  7. The final step is to connect the heated towel rail with a water supply or an outlet, or maybe with two sources at once, depending on what type of coil you are using.

As you can see, the coil is a useful thing when arranging a plumbing unit. It performs a number of functions, plus it can often serve as an excellent addition to the interior.

The choice on the market is huge, so do not rush to stop at the first available option. Sometimes, behind a beautiful, attractive shell of a heated towel rail, there is a completely unreliable design, cheap paint, dubious coatings, which after a couple of months of operation will turn your device into a rusty coil.

Focus on your personal tastes, take into account the features of the bathroom, its size, the ability to connect to water supply or electricity. This is one of those few serious repairs that can be easily done without the help of specialists, relying only on one's own hands.

This is one of those few serious repairs that can be easily done without the help of specialists, relying only on one's own hands.

Installation of a heated towel rail

First you need to pay attention to what material this device is made of. If from different, for example, steel and copper, or copper and aluminum, then you need to ensure that a special gasket is present at the junctions of different materials

It does not allow the current to “wander” and delays the time when the first corrosion traces appear.

Towel dryers

When installing an electric towel warmer, remember that the bathroom is quite humid. And even a child knows that water is the main enemy of electricity. And that is why, before making the connection, you need to make sure that the sockets are well fixed in the wall. Do not skimp, it is better to overpay a little, but choose a model that is protected from moisture splashes.

Coil installation

Installing a coil is a rather complicated, but interesting business. Almost everyone will be able to cope with this task. The most important thing is to follow the instructions. Many invite plumbing professionals to carry out such work. Actually, it is not necessary to do so. The coil, in fact, is a pipe that has a curved shape, so installation is practically no different from installing a conventional pipe.

Before you purchase and install the unit, you need to make some very important calculations. The following criteria should be considered:

The working pressure for the coil should not be lower than the pressure in the hot water supply system itself

If pressure surges occur in the system, then care must be taken to find out what maximum pressure the purchased unit can withstand.
It is worth paying attention to the calculation of the standard thermal power according to the documentation attached to the coil. Now, after the choice has been made and the calculations have been made, you can begin to mount the coil

Installation features for water and electric units are slightly different. It is necessary to take into account various nuances

Now, after the choice has been made, and the calculations have been made, you can begin to mount the coil. Installation features for water and electric units are slightly different. It is necessary to take into account various nuances.

If we are talking about buying a water coil, then initially it is necessary to consult with a plumber who can give recommendations on the technical possibilities of connection and the features of a particular heating system. Only then can you choose a specific model that can perfectly fit into the bathroom.

Towel dryerscoil installation

When installing, it must be taken into account that the elements to be connected can be made of different materials. For example, the pipes are steel, and the coil itself is copper. In this case, it is necessary to install a special dielectric gasket. It will be able to prevent the appearance of stray currents that occur at the junction of two different materials with different types of conductivity.

When it comes to installing an electric coil, you should also pay attention to some of the nuances. Of course, the electrical unit is very easy to install, but it’s worth listening to the advice of professionals, so that there are no unforeseen situations.

By the way, the coil in the bathroom photo will help you visually see how this or that model looks after installation

Visual perception is always very important no matter which model is chosen for installation.

So, when installing an electric coil, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • It is worth drawing up a competent project together with a competent electrician, because the bathroom has high humidity, and this can lead to electric shock to a person.
  • All sockets that are in the bathroom must be securely mounted in the wall. This prevents contact between the wires and the liquid, which is abundant in this room.
  • The best outlet option is a splash-proof model that has a special cover.
  • It is necessary to install a special protective device that prevents the supply of electricity to the outlet in the event of a short circuit.
  • The connection is made using a thick cable with double insulation.

Thus, the installation of one or another type of coil is a rather difficult task that requires compliance with many nuances. If all of them are observed, then the installation will be done correctly. When working, it is still better to turn to plumbers so that they competently help you choose the right unit and make the appropriate calculations. In the case of an electric coil, the situation is a little more complicated. Here, in addition to a specialist in plumbing, you will need the help of an electrician. All the main work is done by hand, so installing a coil is not such an expensive task.

A matter of choice

Photo of an electric coil in the bathroom

Coils are inherently heated towel rails. This name is simply explained by the shape of the product, which resembles a writhing snake.

One way or another, but before installing this device in a plumbing unit, you must first decide which type of coil suits you best. There are three options:

Now let's look at each of them in more detail.


This is the simplest solution in terms of device design. Plus, connecting it is not difficult, since all standard apartments provide for a heated towel rail. However, from the point of view of efficiency and practicality, the water coil cannot be called optimal. The work of the housing office, constant shutdowns of centralized hot heating will turn the device for drying towels into an ordinary metal hanger.

Another thing is if you have autonomous, individual heating, from which heated water will flow into the coil system, thereby activating its main functions. But here lies another problem - the likelihood of scale formation is high. The water in the tap is far from ideal in quality, and scale will lead to the need to change the entire coil.


Such devices are a kind of conventional electric heater, inside which there is oil.

Many people think that a mains-operated dryer will consume a lot of electricity. In fact, this is a delusion, since the level of electricity consumption of the coil can be compared to a light bulb of low power.

As a result, we are dealing with an efficient, fairly economical device that can heat a room without affecting the final electricity bills.

With such a device, you should be careful when connecting it, strictly following the instructions. Another plus is the ability to turn the coil on and off when you need it. Some models are equipped with timers, thermostats and other additional elements.


However, given the fact that combined devices can be turned on from two heat sources, choose when which is the most profitable, then the cost should be considered justified.

Main functions

Towel dryers Coils are a useful thing, and they have four main advantages, because of which, in fact, they have become so widespread in houses, apartments and even public toilets.

  1. Qualitatively heats the room of the sanitary unit.
  2. Do not allow mold, dampness, fungus to form in the room.
  3. Quite often used as a means for drying clothes or even heating towels when you get out of the shower, bath.
  4. They add sophistication to the interior, as some models of coils look really cool. This is especially true for chrome-plated models.


