25 degrees Celsius to Planck temperature

How is the comfortable sea temperature for swimming determined?

To understand at what temperature they bathe in the sea, it is necessary to distinguish how the human body reacts to different conditions:

  • Sea water 0 degrees. Bathing is possible only for a short time, otherwise hypothermia will come. People who are accustomed to "winter swimming" can afford such conditions a little longer. From 1 to 8°C. Even for the trained and hardened, the dipping and diving procedure can be dangerous. Such water allows a stay of no more than a couple of minutes. From 9 to 13°C. Unacceptable conditions for swimming, but safer for human health. Hardened can afford to swim for 5-7 minutes. From 14 to 16°C. Sea baths are possible, but not long. Staying in such water for more than 2 hours can lead to loss of consciousness. From 17 to 22°C. A cool pond that gives you a feeling of freshness. Acceptable conditions for dipping or diving, but not for everyone. From 23 to 26°C. Optimal conditions for a long pastime in the pond. From 27°C. Comfortable conditions in the sea for long bathing, however, the development of microbes in such an environment is possible. Even the pleasant warmth of the sea becomes bacterially dangerous.

When is the most comfortable water temperature for swimming

Depending on the location of the reservoir on the globe, the climatic conditions around also change. The most comfortable sea water temperature for swimming is observed in summer, although some begin to swim in nature from May, continuing until September. In addition, a lot depends on the degree of air: if you get very hot in the sun, then even a pond with + 19 ° C will bring pleasure to a child and an adult.

In the Black Sea

In Crimea, the beach season starts from the end of May and ends almost in October. The warm and mild climate keeps the water warm for a long time. In addition, sunny weather creates excellent conditions for recreation. Comfortable water temperature in the Black Sea for swimming is from +18 to +24°C. You can also dive in cooler times, but there is a possibility of leg cramps.

On the Azov coast

Due to the intense heat and sun activity on the Azov coast, experts recommend swimming before 12 noon and after 4 pm. This period will allow you to enjoy sunbathing and refresh yourself. All summer months have a suitable temperature regime. June and July are especially favorable. In August, the water can heat up to +26 and above. It is believed that with this degree, the content of healing components decreases.

25 degrees Celsius to Planck temperature

The most optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea

25 degrees Celsius to Planck temperatureThe positive effect of sea water on our body has been noted for a long time. Those who were lucky enough to read "Iphigenia in Taurida" probably remember the words of the main character: "Only the sea washes away sins from people." Staying by the sea as a separate method of treatment has been recommended since the 19th century. Somewhat earlier, a student of S.P. Botkin, N.P. Dmitriev, wrote a work on the “Climatic conditions of the Southern Crimea”. By the way, the Russian Geographical Society awarded this work with a silver medal (1880).

To what temperature limits can water warm up and cool along the coast of the peninsula? What is the optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea?

The indicators depend on the location and depth of the sea. A little to the south, in shallow water, the water can warm up to 25 ° C by the end of June (Feodosia, Evpatoria, Kerch), by August the figures reach 27 ° C (and sometimes up to 30 ° C). The sea becomes especially cold in February, cooling off the southern shores to 5 °C, and in the northwest to 1 °C. The Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Azov may freeze.

The water temperature suitable for swimming opens the “sea season”. This term is used by doctors who recommend water procedures for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

The optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea is also determined by physicians. However, water procedures at rates less than 20 ° C are not recommended. It is believed that the best water temperature for swimming is 24.25 ° C and above. Unless, of course, you do not belong to the category of "walruses". Let's consider in more detail.25 degrees Celsius to Planck temperature

1. At a temperature of 0.9 °C, Epiphany rituals are performed. Such an "execution" does not cause hypothermia and negative consequences if the dive is short-term (several seconds).

2. Bathing at 10. 14 ° C is possible only if the hardening is good and no more than 4-5 minutes.

3. Temperature 15.17 ° C - cold enough for swimming, but some are already able to make short dives. A two-hour stay in such water threatens with the onset of a “marginal zone”, when the possibility of losing consciousness from hypothermia doubles.

4. At 17.20 ° C, favorable impressions are, of course, not guaranteed, but a feeling of cheerfulness is sure to come. "Marginal zone" is still possible after four hours of continuous bathing.

5. Indicators 17.22 °С are considered acceptable for swimming. But some prefer warmer water.

6. 22. 24 ° C - the optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea, suitable for everyone.

7. From 25 °C and above. The sea does not often please with such a temperature of water. Hypothermia when bathing does not threaten, so the adoption of water procedures can be quite long.

25 degrees Celsius to Planck temperatureOfficially, it is believed that the duration of the swimming season in the Crimea lasts about 120-125 days. But the optimal water temperature for swimming in the sea is fixed only for a little over two months, although the swimming seasons are not always the same.

Why is sea water so useful? Firstly, swimming is always a joy, which means a surge of positive emotions. Secondly, when diving, the body receives a kind of shake-up from the impact of a number of unusual factors:

The body is forced to respond to changes, to adapt to them. The water takes the heat, and the muscles and thermoregulatory mechanism work to compensate for the loss. This is how hardening occurs. So swim well!


