Connecting an electric boiler and safety rules
The connection of an electric boiler to the mains must be carried out according to safety rules. Here are the main recommendations that you need to follow when performing electrical work:
- The connection of the electric boiler must be carried out with the electricity turned off.
- Its installation must necessarily take place at a certain distance from other objects:
- Leave 5 cm of space between the wall and the boiler.
- The front panel must be accessible to open. For this, 60 cm is enough.
- From the ceiling, the distance should be 75 cm.
- If the device is of a suspended type, then at least 50 cm must be left from the floor.
- The distance to the nearest pipes should be about 60 cm.
- The connection of the electric boiler must be carried out in a three-phase network. If a single-phase network is installed in your house, then it simply cannot withstand the load. Subsequently, a short circuit may occur.
- Wire connections must be sealed. They must be reliably protected from moisture. Also, when laying wiring for an electric boiler, experts recommend using a corrugated pipe. It will provide reliable protection and easy access to the cable. Also, when the wiring ignites, the corrugated pipe can prevent the spread of fire.
Now that the required power of the boiler for heating the house has been determined and a specific model has been selected, we make electrical wiring for it.
To do this, we will use the data from the article “Scheme for connecting an electric boiler to the mains”, which shows in detail all the main schemes for connecting any electric boilers to electricity, and in addition, recommendations are given for choosing a cable cross-section and a circuit breaker.
Our boiler "ZOTA - 12" is three-phase, designed to work in a network with a voltage of 380 V, this information is reflected in the documentation for the boiler, in addition, the power consumption indirectly indicates this, 220 V boilers are quite rarely more than 8 kW.
In addition, you can look at the number of installed heating elements (Tubular electric heaters) and their connection diagram. At 380 V boilers, at least three are usually installed.
There are at least two possible schemes for connecting the boiler to a three-phase network. one is used when the heating elements are rated for 220 V and connected in a "star", and the other is used in cases where the heating elements of the electric boiler are rated for a voltage of 380 V and connected in a "triangle".
There are several ways to determine which connection scheme is suitable for your boiler. the simplest is to refer to the diagram in the documentation, for the ZOTA - 12 boiler it is located on the back of the control panel and looks like this:
As you can see, this boiler has a “Star” connection scheme, which means that the heating elements are designed for a voltage of 220 V. This is also confirmed by a direct inspection of the contacts for connecting wires to heating elements, they are also prepared for connecting with a star. Their contacts for connecting the neutral conductor are connected by a jumper, phases will be connected to the free contacts in turn, each with its own.
It follows that we are suitable for connecting a three-phase electric boiler to electricity with heating elements for 220 V, a star connection.
It remains to choose the desired cable cross-section for the electric boiler in terms of power and the rating of the circuit breaker. To do this, look at the table from the article:
Whence it follows that with a route length of up to 50 meters, we will need to lay a power of 12 kW to a three-phase electric boiler. five-core cable VVGngLS with a core cross section of 4 sq. mm. ( VVGngLS 5× ) and install a 25A differential circuit breaker. or a bunch of circuit breaker (AB) rated for 25 amperes - C25 and a residual current device (RCD) for 32A.
Now, having chosen an electric boiler and having decided on the connection diagram and wiring parameters, you can install it, after which we will continue connecting to electricity.
Connecting the ZOTA electric boiler to the mains is described in the next part of the article - HERE!
Features of calculating the performance of the boiler for apartments
The calculation of the boiler power for heating apartments is calculated according to the same norm: 1 kW of heat per 10 square meters. But the correction is going on in other ways. The first thing that needs to be taken into account is the presence or absence of an unheated room above and below.
- if another heated apartment is located below / above, a coefficient of 0.7 is applied;
- if there is an unheated room below / above, we do not make any changes;
- heated basement / attic - coefficient 0.9.
It is also worth considering the number of walls facing the street when calculating. Corner apartments require more heat:
- in the presence of one external wall - 1.1;
- two walls face the street - 1.2;
- three outer - 1.3.
Take into account the number of external walls
These are the main areas through which heat escapes. It is imperative to take them into account. You can also take into account the quality of the windows. If these are double-glazed windows, adjustments can not be made. If there are old wooden windows, the figure found must be multiplied by 1.2.
You can also take into account such factors as the location of the apartment. In the same way, you need to increase the power if you want to buy a double-circuit boiler (for heating hot water).
Volume calculation
In the case of determining the power of a heating boiler for an apartment, you can use a different method, which is based on the norms of SNiP. They prescribe the norms for heating buildings:
- heating one cubic meter in a panel house requires 41 W of heat;
- to compensate for heat loss in brick - 34 watts.
To use this method, you need to know the total volume of the premises. In principle, this approach is more correct, since it immediately takes into account the height of the ceilings. A little difficulty may arise here: usually we know the area of \u200b\u200byour apartment. The volume will have to be calculated. To do this, multiply the total heated area by the height of the ceilings. We get the desired volume.
The calculation of the heating boiler for apartments can be done according to the standards
An example of calculating the power of a boiler for heating an apartment. Let the apartment be on the third floor of a five-story brick building. Its total area is 87 sq. m, ceiling height 2.8 m.
- Finding volume. 87 * 2.7 = 234.9 cu. m.
- Rounding up - 235 cu. m.
- We consider the required power: 235 cubic meters. m * 34 W = 7990 W or 7.99 kW.
- We round up, we get 8 kW.
- Since there are heated apartments above and below, we apply a coefficient of 0.7. 8 kW * 0.7 = 5.6 kW.
- Rounding up: 6 kW.
- The boiler will also heat domestic water. We will give a margin of 25% for this. 6 kW * 1.25 = 7.5 kW.
- The windows in the apartment have not been changed, they are old, wooden. Therefore, we use a multiplying factor of 1.2: 7.5 kW * 1.2 = 9 kW.
- Two walls in the apartment are external, so once again we multiply the figure found by 1.2: 9 kW * 1.2 = 10.8 kW.
- Rounding up: 11 kW.
In general, here is the method for you. In principle, it can also be used to calculate the power of a boiler for a brick house. For other types of building materials, the norms are not prescribed, and a panel private house is a rarity.
Calculation of the heating boiler power by area
For an approximate assessment of the required performance of a thermal unit, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises is sufficient. In the simplest version for central Russia, it is believed that 1 kW of power can heat 10 m 2 of area. If you have a house with an area of 160m2, the boiler power for heating it is 16kW.
These calculations are approximate, because neither the height of the ceilings nor the climate is taken into account. To do this, there are coefficients derived empirically, with the help of which appropriate adjustments are made.
The indicated rate - 1 kW per 10 m 2 is suitable for ceilings 2.5-2.7 m. If you have higher ceilings in the room, you need to calculate the coefficients and recalculate. To do this, divide the height of your premises by the standard 2.7 m and get a correction factor.
Calculating the power of a heating boiler by area - the easiest way
For example, the ceiling height is 3.2m. We consider the coefficient: 3.2m / 2.7m \u003d 1.18 rounded up, we get 1.2. It turns out that for heating a room of 160m 2 with a ceiling height of 3.2m, a heating boiler with a capacity of 16kW * 1.2 = 19.2kW is required. They usually round up, so 20kW.
To take into account climatic features, there are ready-made coefficients. For Russia they are:
- 1.5-2.0 for northern regions;
- 1.2-1.5 for regions near Moscow;
- 1.0-1.2 for the middle band;
- 0.7-0.9 for the southern regions.
If the house is located in the middle lane, just south of Moscow, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied (20kW * 1.2 \u003d 24kW), if in the south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, for example, a coefficient of 0.8, that is, less power is required (20kW * 0 ,8=16kW).
Calculation of heating and selection of a boiler is an important stage. Find the wrong power and you can get this result ...
These are the main factors to be considered. But the values found are valid if the boiler will only work for heating. If you also need to heat water, you need to add 20-25% of the calculated figure. Then you need to add a "margin" for peak winter temperatures. That's another 10%. In total we get:
- For home heating and hot water in the middle lane 24kW + 20% = 28.8kW. Then the reserve for cold weather is 28.8 kW + 10% = 31.68 kW. We round up and get 32kW. When compared with the original figure of 16kW, the difference is two times.
- House in the Krasnodar Territory. We add power for heating hot water: 16kW + 20% = 19.2kW. Now the "reserve" for the cold is 19.2 + 10% \u003d 21.12 kW. Rounding up: 22kW. The difference is not so striking, but also quite decent.
It can be seen from the examples that it is necessary to take into account at least these values. But it is obvious that in calculating the power of the boiler for a house and an apartment, there should be a difference. You can go the same way and use coefficients for each factor. But there is an easier way that allows you to make corrections in one go.
When calculating a heating boiler for a house, a coefficient of 1.5 is applied. It takes into account the presence of heat loss through the roof, floor, foundation. It is valid with an average (normal) degree of wall insulation - laying in two bricks or building materials similar in characteristics.
For apartments, different rates apply. If there is a heated room (another apartment) on top, the coefficient is 0.7, if a heated attic is 0.9, if an unheated attic is 1.0. It is necessary to multiply the boiler power found by the method described above by one of these coefficients and get a fairly reliable value.
To demonstrate the progress of calculations, we will calculate the power of a gas heating boiler for an apartment of 65m 2 with 3m ceilings, which is located in central Russia.
- We determine the required power by area: 65m 2 / 10m 2 \u003d 6.5 kW.
- We make a correction for the region: 6.5 kW * 1.2 = 7.8 kW.
- The boiler will heat the water, so we add 25% (we like it hotter) 7.8 kW * 1.25 = 9.75 kW.
- We add 10% for cold: 7.95 kW * 1.1 = 10.725 kW.
Now we round the result and get: 11 kW.
The specified algorithm is valid for the selection of heating boilers for any type of fuel. The calculation of the power of an electric heating boiler will not differ in any way from the calculation of a solid fuel, gas or liquid fuel boiler. The main thing is the performance and efficiency of the boiler, and heat losses do not change depending on the type of boiler. The whole question is how to spend less energy. And this is the area of \u200b\u200bwarming.
How many kilowatts is this 22 answers
15 kilowatts 3 phase how many amps
In the Construction and Repair section, to the question of 380 volts and 50 amperes: how many kilowatts is this? given by the author Yolava Filippov, the best answer is Regardless of the connection by a triangle or a star, the total power for the three phases of the consumer is: *50=33kW. BUT you need to look at the project. The maximum allowed power is indicated there. And in counters they usually write, for example, 10 (50) A.And this means that the peak current is 50A. Here I have a counter of 10 (100) A, but the power according to the project is 6 kW.
Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: 380 volts and 50 amperes: how many kilowatts is this?
Answer from Lech Bezfamilny To find out the power allocated to you, you need to know which introductory machine you were given to start with.
Answer from *** That's right. Three phases are three wires of 220V each. Have you seen the voltage sine wave? When in one wire it goes down, in another it rises, in the third it is at a minimum. That. it is possible to have tension at some level. More precisely, 220V * root of three \u003d 380V. Power is current (A) multiplied by voltage (V). 380V * 50A \u003d 19 kW. Approximately 6.3 kW per phase will have. Now about the wiring. In high-rise buildings, this is exactly what they do, as you wrote - phases are allowed through the risers of apartments, and zero is common to everyone. If you will be doing the wiring, carefully calculate the load, do not load everything on one phase wire. And be sure to make a protective ground (fifth wire). Details are set out in the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules)
Answer from YoarkasmSo they usually do. Between the phases 380V, and between the phase and zero - 220. It happens and vice versa. But these are not Spanish. for domestic needs. A 50A and 380 V - This is 380 times 50 = this is 19 kilowatts. But the meter does not consume such power - it will simply be able to withstand a current of less than 50 amperes (but not more - it will burn out), and this power will be - how much you yourself demand from the network, if you demand more, damage the meter (but for this purpose they put automatic pakteniki 3 to 15 A - (total current - 45A - they will not allow a large current to flow through your meter. But I strongly doubt that to you have 3 phases.Only by risers.There cannot be more than 1 phase in one apartment.
Answer from Ilya KalmykovWatt \u003d Ampere * Volt, or Ampere \u003d Watts / Volt, that is, 50 * 380 \u003d 19,000 W or 19,000/380 \u003d 50!
Answer from 1 do not mislead people. 50 amp automatic with three phases is 50 amps for each phase. From this follows 220V (single phase) * 50 A = 11000W = 11kW 11kW * 3 phases = 33kW
You will find out the answer from Ђra M vayUmnozh!
Hey! Here are some other threads with relevant answers:
Scheme of connecting the electric boiler to the mains
An electric boiler installed in the heating system is often the most energy-intensive device in the whole house, moreover, its power consumption is often higher than that of all other electrical equipment of the premises combined.
And this is not surprising, because even the unspoken rule for choosing a boiler for a house says that 1 kW (kilowatt) of power is required to heat 10 square meters of a house. Following it, for heating a relatively small (by modern standards) house of 100 sq.m. a 10 kW electric boiler is required.
Of course, this rule is general, in real conditions, when choosing the power of the boiler, many factors are taken into account, but in general, the rule reflects the approximate, average requirements for the boiler correctly.
Therefore, for such a “gluttonous” consumer of electricity as an electric boiler, on the stable operation of which a lot depends in winter, it is important to make the correct wiring, select reliable protective automation and make the connection correctly. To better understand the principle of connecting the boiler, you need to know what it usually consists of and how it works.
We will talk about the most common, heating elements boilers, the heart of which are Tubular Electric Heaters (TEH)
To better understand the principle of connecting the boiler, you need to know what it usually consists of and how it works. We will talk about the most common, heating elements boilers, the heart of which are Tubular Electric Heaters (TEH).
The electric current passing through the heater heats it up, this process is controlled by an electronic unit that monitors important indicators of the boiler using various sensors. Also, the electric boiler may include a circulation pump, control panel, etc.
Depending on the power consumption, electric boilers designed for a supply voltage of 220 V - single-phase or 380 V - three-phase are usually used in everyday life.
The difference between them is simple, 220V boilers are rarely more powerful than 8 kW. most often, heating systems use devices with no more than 2-5 kW, this is due to restrictions on the allocated power in single-phase supply lines of houses.
Accordingly, 380V electric boilers are more powerful and can effectively heat large houses.Connection diagrams, cable selection rules and protective automation for 220V and 380V boilers are different, so we will consider them separately, starting with single-phase ones.
Benefits and scope of products
Electric boilers are often used to heat the premises of a summer house or a private house. This was due to many factors. The main factor is that they have a low price, and the installation process does not take much time.
Connecting the boiler to the mains also has several advantages. The main ones include:
- Completely safe design. The design does not provide for an open flame and that is why it is the safest.
- The performance of an electric boiler will not be affected even if its water heaters are turned off for about a year.
- It has a small design. That is why you can mount it almost anywhere.
- Today you can find a huge number of varieties of the system. They can differ significantly in their power and type of device.
- When water is heated, soot will not occur, which can harm a person.
380 volts and 50 amps is how many kilowatts
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To choose the right electric boiler for heating your home, you need to consider many factors. including the material and thickness of the walls, the area of glazing, the air temperature outside in winter in your area, the height of the ceilings and many others.
Often, such calculations are entrusted to specialists who make a home heating project that takes into account all the necessary characteristics of the system, including the type and power of the electric boiler, often even a certain specific model or several are offered to choose from.
When choosing the required power of an electric boiler for heating on your own, it is usually customary to use the following formula: 1 kW of power is required for heating 10 sq.m. Houses.
The rule is relevant for single-circuit boilers used only for space heating, but if there are two circuits, one of which is used to heat water in the hot water supply system, the calculation must be changed, the same should be done with ceiling heights above the standard 2.5-2.7 m and in some other cases.
So, in our example, the area of the house is 120 sq.m. Therefore, an electric boiler with a capacity of 12 kW was chosen. model ZOTA - 12 series "Econom".
After all the theoretical calculations, let's see if this boiler is suitable for the permitted (allocated) power for the house. For us it is 15 kW, with a three-phase input, respectively, in terms of power, a 12 kW boiler suits us.
Of course, if the electric boiler operates at the maximum of its capabilities, only 3 kW of the permitted ones will remain for the rest of the consumers at home, which is quite small. But since the boiler will be a backup, and will turn on only when the main gas boiler is out of order, this decision was acceptable.
Electric boilers
Let's start with the fact that there are several serious reasons limiting the distribution of electric boilers:
- far from all sites have the opportunity to allocate the electrical power required for heating the house (recall that for a house with an area of 200 sq. M. This is about 20 kW),
- relatively high cost of electricity,
- power outages.
On the other hand, if the problems described above are absent in your case, then an electric boiler may well be an ideal option for heating. The advantages of this type of boilers, indeed, are many. Among them:
- relatively low price of an electric boiler,
- ease of installation of the electric boiler,
- light and compact, they can be hung on the wall, as a result - saving space,
- safety (no open flame),
- electric boilers are easy to operate,
- electric boilers do not require a separate room (boiler room),
- do not require the installation of a chimney,
- do not require special care,
- electric boilers are silent,
- electric boilers are environmentally friendly, there are no harmful emissions and odors.
In addition, in cases where power outages are possible, an electric boiler is often used in conjunction with a backup solid fuel boiler. The same option is also used to save electricity (first, the house is heated using cheap solid fuel, and then the temperature is automatically maintained using an electric boiler).
It is worth noting that when installed in large cities with strict environmental regulations and coordination problems, electric boilers also often outperform all other types of boilers (including gas boilers).
Briefly about the device and configuration of electric boilers.
An electric boiler is a fairly simple device. The main elements of an electric boiler are a heat exchanger, consisting of a tank with electric heaters (heaters) mounted in it, and a control and regulation unit.Electric boilers of some companies are supplied already equipped with a circulation pump, programmer, expansion tank, safety valve and filter.
It is important to note that low-power electric boilers come in two different versions - single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V). Electric boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are usually produced only in three-phase
The vast majority of electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW are produced in multi-stage, which makes it possible to rationally use electricity and not turn on the boiler at full capacity during the transitional periods - in spring and autumn.
When using electric boilers, the most relevant is the rational use of energy. Significant energy savings can be obtained by installing remote programmers that maintain the temperature in the room according to a predetermined schedule. It should be borne in mind that the cost of such programmers is not at all high and usually ranges from 50 to 150 euros. In addition to saving energy, programmers significantly increase the comfort and usability of heating equipment.
If you decide to purchase an electric boiler, then the following tables will be useful to you with approximate values of the cable cross-section for the electrical connection of the boiler (table No. 1) and the current values \u200b\u200bof circuit breakers depending on the power of the boiler (table No. 2)
Table No. 1 Guide values for the cable cross-section for connecting the electric boiler
Boiler power | Cable cross-sectionfor single-phase electric boilers | Cable cross-sectionfor three-phase electric boilers |
up to 4 kW | 4.0 mm2 | |
up to 6 kW | 6.0 mm2 | |
up to 10 kW | 10.0 mm2 | |
up to 12 kW | 16.0 mm2 | 2.5 mm2 |
up to 16 kW | 4.0 mm2 | |
up to 22 kW | 6.0 mm2 | |
up to 27 kW | 10 mm2 | |
up to 30 kW | 16 mm2 | |
Up to 45 kW | 25 mm2 | |
Up to 60 kW | 35 mm2 |
Table No. 2 Current values of safety circuit breakers depending on the power of the electric boiler
Boiler power | For single-phase electric boilers | For three-phase electric boilers |
4 kW | 25 A | 10 A |
6 kW | 32 A | 16 A |
8 kW | 40 A | 16 A |
10 kW | 50 A | 20 A |
12 kW | 63 A | 25 A |
14 kW | 25 A | |
16 kW | 32 A | |
18 kW | 32 A | |
22 kW | 40 A | |
27 kW | 50 A | |
30 kW | 63 A | |
45 kW | 80 A | |
52 kW | 100 A |
Among the most prominent brands of electric boilers on the Russian market are: RusNIT and EVAN (Russia), ACV (Belgium), Bosch (Germany), Dakon (Czech Republic), Eleko (Slovakia), Kospel (Poland), Protherm (Slovakia), Roca ( Spain), Wattek (Czech Republic), Wespe Heizung (Germany).
Gas boiler manufacturers |
Oil boilers |
How many kilowatts can withstand SIP
Looking through the simplicity of the Internet for electrical installation, I found a topic on one forum with a discussion of “whether the sip 4x16 15 kW can withstand it.” The question arises because 15 kW 380 volts are allocated to connect a private house. Well, the people are wondering if it’s not enough to lay 16 squares on a branch from the overhead line? I looked into the PUE, but for some reason I didn’t find anything on the topic of SIP power.
There is only a plate 1.3.29 "Permissible continuous current for bare wires in accordance with GOST 839-80." And it shows that the maximum allowable current for a cross section of 16kv. mm. wire type AC, AKS, ASK outdoors is 111 amperes. Well, at least something to start with.
How many kilowatts can withstand SIP 4x16?
But then there is GOST 31943-2012 "Self-supporting insulated and protected wires for overhead power lines." At the end of the guest, in paragraph 10 of the instruction manual, there is a sign
How many kilowatts can withstand SIP - table:
SIP 4x16 | 62 kW | 22 kW |
SIP 4x25 | 80 kW | 29 kW |
SIP 4x35 | 99 kW | 35 kW |
SIP 4x50 | 121 kW | 43 kW |
SIP 4x70 | 149 kW | 53 kW |
SIP 4x95 | 186 kW | 66 kW |
SIP 4x120 | 211 kW | 75 kW |
SIP 4x150 | 236 kW | 84 kW |
SIP 4x185 | 270 kW | 96 kW |
SIP 4x240 | 320 kW | 113 kW |
Method of calculation (update from 19.02.2018)
We take plate 10 and from it we find that one vein of a vulture is 16 sq. mm. withstands - 100 amperes. Next, we take the following calculation formulas:
for single-phase load 220V P=U*I
for three-phase load 380V P=(I1+I2+I3)\3*cos φ*1.732*0.38
update dated 02/19/2018 As for the calculation of power for a three-phase load, it is necessary to understand that a lot depends on the type of consumers (more precisely, what kind of load they provide active or reactive, it depends on which cos φ needs to be substituted into the formula, in this case for calculations it is equal to 0.95 )
Dear visitors of the site and I probably would not have noticed your sharp, but technically correct comments on the article if, just today, a person called me with the question: “what kind of vulture do I need under 120 kW?”. According to the plate, SIP with a cross section of 50 mm square is perfect for him. Even if we omit the fact that the length of the line affects the voltage drop (it has 150 meters), do not forget that the load on the phases can vary, as can be seen from the formula - the average value for the three phases is taken there. Here you just need to understand that the phase current can exceed the maximum allowable values for a given wire section.
Therefore, if the value of the load you need is closer than 10% to the table, you should choose a larger section of the vulture from the list. Let me explain with an example of 120 kW. According to the table, for this three-phase load, SIP with a cross section of 50 mm conductors is suitable, but this is less than 10%. That is, 121kW * 0.9 = 109 kW. Accordingly, you need to choose SIP 3x70 + 1x54.6.
At the beginning of the topic, the question was raised: "Will a 4x16 15kW sip withstand"? Therefore, for a private house, we multiply 220Vx100A = 22kW by phase. But do not forget that we have three phases. And this is already 66 kilowatts in total for a residential building. What is a 4-fold margin relative to the issued technical conditions.
General points
In order for the house to be warm, the heating system must make up for all the existing heat losses in full. Heat escapes through walls, windows, floor, roof. That is, when calculating the power of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account the degree of insulation of all these parts of an apartment or house. With a serious approach, specialists are ordered to calculate the heat loss of the building, and according to the results, the boiler and all other parameters of the heating system are already selected. This task is not to say that it is very difficult, but it is required to take into account what the walls, floor, ceiling are made of, their thickness and degree of insulation. They also take into account what windows and doors cost, whether there is a supply ventilation system and what is its performance. In general, a long process.
There is a second way to determine heat loss. You can actually determine the amount of heat that the house / room loses with the help of a thermal imager. This is a small device that displays the actual picture of heat loss on the screen. At the same time, you can see where the outflow of heat is greater and take measures to eliminate leaks.
Determination of actual heat losses - an easier way
Now about whether it is worth taking a boiler with a power reserve. In general, the constant operation of the equipment on the verge of capabilities negatively affects its service life. Therefore, it is desirable to have a margin of performance. Small, about 15-20% of the calculated value. It is quite enough to ensure that the equipment does not work at the limit of its capabilities.
Too much stock is unprofitable economically: the more powerful the equipment, the more expensive it is. And the price difference is significant. So, if you are not considering the possibility of increasing the heated area, you should not take a boiler with a large power reserve.
50 KW HOW MUCH AMPERS - How many amperes in 1 kilowatt
That is, 1 kW \u003d 1000 W (one kilowatt is equal to thousands of watts). Those. the total power of all consumers that will be powered by a machine with a rating of 25A should not exceed 5.5 kW. Now imagine that a coffee machine (1.5 kW) was placed in the kitchen and connected to the same electrical wiring. For optimal cable selection, you need to know how to quickly convert amperes to kilowatts, respectively.
Watt, according to the SI system - a unit of power. Nowadays it is used to measure the power of all electrical and not only appliances. For example, if you want to choose a circuit breaker or fuse with a known total power of all consumers. I bought a 3 to 2.5 wire and a plug with a limit of up to 16 amperes (a standard plug like on all electric appliances), but I think that I need a separate socket and a special plug? What should I do?
The very formulation of the question of converting amperes to kilowatts, and kilowatts to amperes, is somewhat incorrect.Due to the fact that in Russia the voltage in the electrical network is variable, it is possible to independently calculate the Ampere / Watt ratio using the information below. For example, in a single-phase network, a 5 ampere machine is installed. So, according to the formula, you can calculate the ratio of quantities, i.e. how much power it can handle. Power (watts and kilowatts) describes the rate at which that charge was transferred. It follows from this - the greater the power, the faster and more charge carriers moved through the body. There are a thousand watts in one kilowatt, this must be remembered for quick calculation and translation. Thus, to get amperes, you need to divide watts by supply volts - divide power by voltage I \u003d P / U (volts in a household network 220-230). It turns out that amps are calculated by dividing watts by volts.
3 phases and zero, at the very beginning there is a counter for 50 amperes ... 3 phases - this is 380 (and the phases are 220 each). How much energy do we have?
220 V is enough 25 Amperes, for transformers 380 V - 32 Amperes. Amps measure current, not electrical power.
For a better understanding, consider a well-known light bulb with a power of 60 watts. The duration of its work is 2 hours, that is, it took 60 watts * 2 hours = 120 kilowatts * hour. As you know, in amperes (A) they measure the strength of electric current, in watts (W) and kilowatts (kW) - electrical power, in volts (V) - voltage. In order to convert the resulting value into kilowatts, divide 5500W by 1000 and get 5.5kW (kilowatts). These are completely different characteristics, showing: the first is the power of the device, the second is the electricity consumed by it (or the work done).
Unit installation
To get started, you will need to install your electric boiler indoors. This process is the simplest. The unit can be installed both on the floor and on the wall. If its installation will be done on the floor, then you will definitely need to make a special stand.
If the electric boiler is to be installed on a wall, then you will need special anchors. First you need to make markings on the wall. Remember that your holes must be placed exactly on the wall. Next, you need to drill holes and insert the anchor. After the anchor is firmly placed in the wall, you can hang the boiler.