Heat insulator brand Comfort properties and characteristics
Penoplex "Comfort" is a modified and improved "Penoplex 31C" with universal characteristics. The material is actively used in the insulation of country houses, country houses and cottages. High installation speed and minimal labor costs popularize the insulation among private homeowners - it is used to insulate the subfloor, foundation and basement of the house, basement and roof, walls and partitions inside and outside the building. Penoplex "Comfort" has high rates of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. In the line of the penoplex series, the Comfort brand is recognized as universal.
Penoplex protects the soil from heaving during freezing - when the soil is insulated with this material, the freezing point of the soil will rise. This series is optimal for thermal insulation of road and railway tracks, runways and technical areas of airfields. Plates "Comfort" retain their unique characteristics throughout the entire period of operation. Characteristics of the brand of insulation penoplex "Comfort" - in the table below:
It is a delusion to think that foam and polystyrene are brother materials. Some properties of foam can be equated to the parameters of the foam, but not combustibility and water absorption.
Manufacturers have long mastered the manufacture of both non-combustible foam plastic and well-burning foam plastic. But the truth is that foam plastic cannot ignite spontaneously, and in the open fire zone it will only melt, releasing carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) gases. If the fire is eliminated, then the penoplex will not even smolder.
When choosing the thickness of expanded polystyrene sheets that will be used to insulate a building, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region where it is located, the dimensions of the building and the material from which it is built. There are two operational and technological characteristics that directly affect the quality of foam insulation - thickness and density
There are two operational and technological characteristics that directly affect the quality of foam plastic insulation - thickness and density.
In the general case, sheets with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 25 kg / m3 are considered optimal. It is this material that is usually recommended to developers or repairmen who do not know how thick the foam is to insulate the house. However, the specified thickness and density are not an inviolable norm and may vary depending on the specific conditions indicated above.
Penoplex Roof properties and characteristics
Foam insulation of the Roof series is a renamed Penoplex 35 material, which is recommended for use in the insulation of pitched and flat roofs of any design. The use of the "Roof" series makes the further operation of the roof as simple as possible, since the reliability and long service life of the insulation minimize the possibility of repairing the roof surface. The popularity of this innovative insulation material is also due to the fact that greenhouses and summer gardens can be arranged on such a surface - such trends are now in fashion. Penoplex can withstand such high loads that it can handle a load of soil up to several tons. Characteristics of the brand of insulation penoplex "Roof" - in the table below:
What to choose
If we compare these two heaters, then Technoplex is more technologically advanced and has better qualities, but the difference between it and Penoplex is so insignificant that it is impossible to say for sure which one is worth choosing.
Choosing a heater from polystyrene foam, regardless of whether it is Technoplex or Penoplex, you can get not only thermal insulation, but also sound and vapor barrier.
Please note: the service life of extruded polystyrene foam boards is more than 50 years, which is a lot.. However, it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam is still a chemical insulation, and not a natural one.
Therefore, when burned, it releases very caustic substances.
However, it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam is still a chemical insulation, and not natural. Therefore, when burning, it releases very caustic substances.
How many bricks replace Penoplex
The tightening of requirements for heat and energy conservation of building structures prescribes at least a twofold increase in the thickness of walls and ceilings. For brick and concrete walls, this figure is 90 and 110 mm, respectively. The problem is solved by using perfect facade and foundation thermal insulation. So how much brick does Penoplex replace, and why is this material considered optimal for insulating almost any building structure?
The material is difficult to fake, so the risk of acquiring low-quality counterfeit is reduced to zero.
What properties of Penoplex determine the high level of consumer demand?
When choosing a material, its uniquely low thermal conductivity, light weight, easy installation and long service life are taken into account.
- Extruded polystyrene foam insulation of a new generation differs from foam plastic in its perfect homogeneous structure, resistance to compressive loads and other adverse external influences.
- For all its merits, mineral wool has severe weight restrictions. Therefore, for the insulation of devices that do not have a sufficient margin of safety, lightweight materials based on polystyrene foam are used.
The disadvantages of Penoplex Facade, which you can buy in our company at any time of the year - zero vapor permeability and rather low heat resistance, are partially or completely compensated by the use in facade systems with slotted ventilation and the arrangement of heat-resistant protective and decorative coatings.
As for the insulation of underground structures, including foundation structures, moisture and frost-resistant polystyrene foam has no worthy alternative in this option.
The strength of the foundation cladding is sufficient to protect the waterproofing from damage by seasonal movements of heaving soils. The range of polystyrene foam insulation includes panels of different sizes: from 30 to 100 mm thick. In most central regions, panels with a thickness of 50-60 mm are in high demand. You can buy Penoplex 50 mm in Moscow with significant discounts at promotional and seasonal sales of building materials.
How much brickwork does Penoplex take?
For those who plan to order Penoplex, the ratio of thermal insulation material to brick plays an important role. We will tell you about the most popular thickness of thermal insulation boards and their correspondence to the thickness of brickwork.
- Penoplex 20 mm replaces a brick wall 370 mm thick - this is almost 40 cm, that is, 2 times the thickness of the insulation itself. If you wanted to purchase reliable thermal insulation, but you were stopped only by ignorance of how much the Penoplex thickness of 2 cm replaces a brick, today you learned an additional plus in the piggy bank of this material!
- How much does Penoplex 30 mm replace brickwork? Based on the data on the correspondence of 2 cm of insulation to a brick wall, it turns out that Penoplex 30 mm replaces as much as 555 mm of brickwork in terms of energy efficiency. Here is the answer for you, how much brick replaces Penoplex 30 mm thick!
- What brick thickness does Penoplex 50 mm replace? A pleasant surprise awaits you! Technical characteristics Penoplex 50 mm in comparison with a brick will conquer not only the homeowner, but also an experienced developer. Brickwork with a thickness of 925 mm can be compared with Penoplex 50 mm - that's how much this insulation replaces bricks!
Now that you have found out what wall thickness Penoplex replaces, there is no reason to postpone the purchase of thermal insulation material indefinitely - call us and order insulation at a bargain price today!
Expanded polystyrene insulation in country houses and cottages
Many developers use the material for external insulation of facades and ceiling structures of country houses, which are converted for year-round use. The main range of application of polystyrene foam insulation is the finishing of foundations, blind area, insulation of cement screeds under floor tiles.
Unlike mineral wool, expanded polystyrene does not need to be equipped with film or mastic waterproofing, therefore it can be mounted directly on a flat ground surface.
The more than moderate cost of polystyrene foam materials is complemented by the possibility of do-it-yourself installation, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of thermal insulation work by 35-40%.
Buy right now in our company high-quality Penoplex insulation at a bargain price!
What to buy
There is a huge selection of polystyrene foam boards on the building materials market. The high thermal conductivity of insulation boards depends on their type. For example: a sheet of foam plastic PSB-S 15 has a density of up to 15 kg / m3 and a thickness of 2 cm. For a sheet from 2 to 50 cm, the density is not more than 35 kg/m3. When comparing foam plastic with other similar materials, one can easily trace the dependence of the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam plates on its thickness.
In order to apply one of the insulation methods, it is necessary to correctly select the dimensions of the material. The following algorithm can be used to calculate:
- It is necessary to specify the total thermal resistance. This value depends on the region in which it is necessary to perform the calculation, namely, on its climate.
- To calculate the thermal resistance of a wall, you can use the formula R = p / k, where its thickness is equal to the p value, and k is the thermal conductivity of the foam.
- From constant indicators, we can conclude what resistance the insulation should have.
- The desired value can be calculated by the formula p \u003d R * k, you can find the value of R based on the previous step and the thermal conductivity.
Thickness calculation
The heat transfer resistance R is tied to the thickness of the building structure, and its minimum value, established by regulatory documents, varies depending on the climatic conditions in the region. For example, in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the walls of residential buildings must have a heat transfer resistance of at least 2.1 m 2 °C / W. It is proposed to take this value as a basis and calculate how many bricks and Penoplex will be needed to comply with it. The minimum indicator is calculated by the formula:
δ=Rxλ, where:
- δ is the thickness of the wall structure, m;
- λ is the thermal conductivity of the material from which the wall is built, W / m 2 ° C.
- R is the resistance to heat transfer, in the example it is 2.1 m 2 °C / W.
If we take the coefficient of thermal conductivity of ordinary brickwork λ = 0.7 W / m 2 ° C, then in the southern regions of the Russian Federation the thickness of the walls of the ceramic product should be: δ = 2.1x0.7 = 1.47 m.
The same wall, but made of Penoplex with a density of 30 kg / m 3, will have a thickness: δ \u003d 2.1x0.037 \u003d 0.077 m, or 77 mm.
The difference between the materials will be 1.47/0.077=19. So many times the brickwork must be thicker than the polystyrene foam layer in order to reach the same indicator of the thermal insulation of the building. A complete picture showing a comparison of different types of brick walls and polymer insulation is shown in the table:
Now the table clearly shows how much the brick wall differs from extruded polystyrene foam in terms of thermal conductivity for the worse.
Brick lacks thermal insulation properties, and Penoplex lacks bearing capacity.Together they will give an excellent result: it is enough to insulate a masonry of 1.5 hollow products with 50 mm expanded polystyrene sheets, and the total cross-section of the fence will be only 0.43 m.
Due to the fact that the range of heaters on the building materials market is very large - each consumer can choose the type of insulation that suits him.
One of these heaters is penoplex.
It is a synthetic insulating material for indoor and outdoor insulation.
Comparison by main parameters
Mineral wool has an indicator of 0.032-0.046, while foam plastic has a coefficient of 0.03-0.032. The lower the indicator, the better, because the heat loss is lower and the temperature inside the room is better maintained.
Penoplex is a fairly solid material that does not rot, dry out and crumble. The insulation has a long service life under the right storage conditions, when it is reliably protected from prolonged sunlight and excessive heat. Mineral wool also does not dry out. Without exposure to high physical exertion, it is able to last for a long time, is not afraid of high or low temperatures and long exposure to sunlight on the surface.
She is not threatened by the occurrence of mold and other harmful organisms, and she is also not susceptible to destruction by rodents. But on the other hand, mineral wool is able to crumble and settle on the wall. In general, both materials have a huge service life, the duration of which is at least 50 years.
Environmental friendliness.
Both materials are produced without the use of any hazardous components that could be detrimental to human health, but nevertheless, absolute isolation is required to protect the respiratory tract.
When insulating a perfectly smooth surface, work using foam plastic is carried out much faster. It is light in weight, easy to cut and grind, and with an L-shaped edge, it eliminates the formation of cold bridges. When using it, it is not necessary to produce a vapor barrier coating. If there is no thorn-groove edge, then it is tedious to seal the seams or lay them in two overlapping layers, which will lead to unnecessary costs.
Mineral wool has a little more weight, but it is much more efficient and simplifies installation with existing heavy disproportionate areas and structures. But when working with it, you must purchase special clothing in advance, along with a respirator and goggles.
In the case of using for insulation of the facade of the house, if the foam will have a thickness of 50 mm, then the mineral wool should have a thickness of 60 mm in order to have a similar effect. The difference is not entirely drastic. Depending on the situation, each of them is good in its own way, because cotton wool is able to pass air, unlike foam plastic, which has an absolutely hermetic structure.
Mineral wool absorbs water much more strongly, subsequently losing some of its thermal insulation characteristics. In this case, penoplex is much better, because even with intense and frequent rains, its mass will practically not change.
Mineral wool has the best performance in this parameter, because it is almost inflammable. Its melting point must be more than 1000°. The cotton wool contains an adhesive base that can ignite, but it occupies a very tiny part of the total volume of the material, and does not become a significant danger.
Penoplex is completely opposite in its qualities. It is able to melt, and in an open fire and burn, while releasing toxins that are very harmful to the human body. To ensure a high level of protection of buildings from fire, penoplex is categorically unsuitable for use. For these purposes, mineral wool is the best and unconditional option.
The price of materials is practically the same.A slight difference can only be depending on the choice of the manufacturer's company.
Expert answers
And brick and foam are different.
Formally, the thermal conductivity of red brick is 10 times greater than that of highly porous foam. (0.56 and 0.05 W / m * deg - respectively)
That is, boldly multiply the thickness of the foam by 11 and get the thickness of the brick wall.
Kirill Gribkov:
Extruded polystyrene foam "Extraplex" with a thickness of 20 mm in terms of its heat and sound insulating properties is equivalent to a brick wall with a thickness of 370 mm
Samson Altunyan:
Hello best one!
You forgot to mention the conditions (parameters) of the assessment ...
1) If you mean thermal conductivity?. . The engineer answered you.
2) If we are talking about mechanical strength?. . Styrofoam brick is NOT a replacement. Especially in seismic regions.
3) Durability? Brick will last longer.
4) Resistance to environmental influences (changes in temperature, humidity, etc.)? Styrofoam, in this case, is not even a building material ...
5) Safety (physiological, chemical, environmental)? .. Again, the comparison will be in favor of baked clay (brick) ...
And generally speaking.. . That's not what they teach you... ;-( Styrofoam is NOT a good choice of material for construction or interior decoration. And in this ODIN is absolutely right .. .
Good luck to you!
Nurgaliev Marat:
5 cm of foam plastic is half a meter of brick !!! And don't listen to the reindeer herders!
I read the answers and go nuts. What kind of tusk do you need to be in order to answer the question on the equivalence of brick and foam plastic to compare their bearing capacities ... Of course, they compare thermal conductivity ...
10 cm of foam replaces 50 cm of brick
thickness is the same. in terms of strength, thermal insulation and other qualities - this is for builders !!!
Igor Chekalin:
Considering the beginning of winter, I suspect that we are talking about thermal conductivity?
Is the brick hollow or solid, silicate, ceramic, silica or even slag? The difference between different types is almost two times, and with silica it is 5 times.
For the worst case - a solid sand-lime brick - the thickness ratio is approximately 20 times. That is, in terms of thermal conductivity, a wall of 250 mm (usual masonry in one brick) corresponds to only 13 mm of foam. For hollow bricks, the ratio is ~ 10 times. That is, in our case - ~ 25mm foam. However, brickwork is almost airtight, and when insulated with foam plastic, gaps remain at the joints, loose edges, etc., so it’s not entirely correct to approach it so formally and mathematically.
Well, more accurate figures - google for the query "table of thermal conductivity of building materials"
Alexander Kulikov:
The thickness of your knowledge of the Russian language ...
Albert Belkov:
In the case: 1 cm of foam plastic in terms of thermal conductivity can be estimated for half a brick inside the masonry or backing.
10 cm of foam replaces 50 cm of brick
Operational and technical properties of penoplex, advantages and disadvantages
- Thermal conductivity - 0.03 Wm 0 С, the indicator does not decrease even with strong moisture;
- Water resistance - 0.4-0.6% when immersed in water for 24 hours and for a month;
- The vapor permeability of the material can be compared with the same indicators of roofing material with a layer thickness of 20 mm;
- Chemical passivity: penoplex does not react to contact with mortars and most aggressive substances. Substances with which Penoplex contact is contraindicated: kerosene, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, formalin, methyl ethyl ketone, ether, diesel fuel, gasoline, tar, paints and epoxy resins;
- High mechanical resistance to stretching, compression, tensile forces and multi-vector pressure. The compressive strength index of foam plastic is 0.2-0.5 MPa;
- Biological neutrality - penoplex does not get sick with mold, does not decompose and does not rot;
- Wide range of operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 0 С.The temperature range for each brand is indicated on the packaging;
- Combustibility groups for different brands are different, from G1 to G4, depending on the operating conditions;
- Environmentally friendly material without the use of phenols and freons in the production;
- Guaranteed service life ≥55 years without noticeable loss in properties.
Advantages of penoplex:
- Thermal conductivity properties make it possible to use penoplex even in the Far North - multiple freeze / thaw cycles of the material do not affect its characteristics;
- Light weight makes it easier to transport, store, store and insulate the object, makes it possible to lighten the foundation and not to strengthen the ceilings;
- Simple installation without the help of specialists and special tools - penoplex is easily cut with a conventional hacksaw or cutter;
- Safety and environmental friendliness - you can work with the material without personal protective equipment;
- Low cost of all brands of insulation. Even with a high consumption of a heat insulator, the cost of its purchase and installation pays off in 2-3 seasons.
Disadvantages of penoplex:
- Low fire safety - a material of any combustibility group, even with flame retardant additives, can ignite with the release of acrid toxic smoke;
- Low coefficient of vapor permeability, and under certain weather conditions - negative. Therefore, penoplex is not recommended for internal insulation of the walls of the house. To maintain optimal operating conditions for the insulation, it is necessary to provide forced ventilation in the house and ventilation of channels in walls insulated with foam plastic;
- The destruction of the material when exposed to ultraviolet radiation - sunlight. It is necessary to protect the insulation layer with plaster or other methods;
- Due to the smooth surface, the adhesion of foam plastic with solutions is rather low, therefore, it is necessary to fix the insulation only on dowels or special expensive glue, but not on mortars.
How much Penoplex will replace a brick wall
How much does Penoplex brick replace? The latter is not the name of the building material. This is one of the most popular brands producing polymer thermal insulation boards. This refers to extruded polystyrene foam, one of the best heaters that currently exists. It is worth figuring out in what respect it can be compared with a brick.
Clarification of terms
First of all, you need to understand to what extent polystyrene foam can replace brickwork. These are completely different building materials.
Considering that both materials take part in the construction of the outer walls of buildings, only one comparison is appropriate between them - in terms of thermal conductivity. It is this characteristic that is meant when raising the question, but it must be correctly reformulated: what thickness of Penoplex and brick will create the same thermal resistance. For other characteristics, the comparison is not in favor of the polymer.
Thermal conductivity indicators
The ability to resist the passage of a flow of thermal energy is characterized by the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ, expressed in units of W / m 2 °C. As a rule, sellers of various heaters provide the value of this coefficient for products in a dry state. At the same time, regulatory documents prescribe to calculate according to real performance indicators, the values of which are not so impressive.
The considered materials are produced in several varieties. Brick is made from different materials and using different technologies. The grades of extruded polystyrene foam differ in density, which affects its thermal conductivity. Operational thermal indicators for products of different types look like this:
The list shows the values for the finished brickwork, erected on a cement-sand mortar. On other types of solutions, the performance will be slightly different.The characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam of various densities are strikingly different downwards:
- Penoplex with a density of 30 kg / m 3, λ \u003d 0.037 W / m 2 ° C,
- the same, with a density of 50 kg / m 3, λ \u003d 0.038 W / m 2 ° C.
It is noticeable how much the thermal conductivity of polymer insulation is less than that of a brick wall. But these figures are abstract and therefore difficult to understand for the average person. To understand the situation, it is necessary to bring all the indicators to one concept - thickness. To do this, it is necessary to determine one more characteristic - the resistance to heat transfer R, expressed in units of m 2 °C / W.
Thickness calculation
The heat transfer resistance R is tied to the thickness of the building structure, and its minimum value, established by regulatory documents, varies depending on the climatic conditions in the region. For example, in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the walls of residential buildings must have a heat transfer resistance of at least 2.1 m 2 °C / W. It is proposed to take this value as a basis and calculate how many bricks and Penoplex will be needed to comply with it. The minimum indicator is calculated by the formula:
- δ is the thickness of the wall structure, m,
- λ is the thermal conductivity of the material from which the wall is built, W / m 2 ° C.
- R is the resistance to heat transfer, in the example it is 2.1 m 2 °C / W.
If we take the coefficient of thermal conductivity of ordinary brickwork λ = 0.7 W / m 2 ° C, then in the southern regions of the Russian Federation the thickness of the walls of the ceramic product should be: δ = 2.1x0.7 = 1.47 m.
The same wall, but made of Penoplex with a density of 30 kg / m 3, will have a thickness: δ \u003d 2.1x0.037 \u003d 0.077 m, or 77 mm.
The difference between the materials will be 1.47/0.077=19. So many times the brickwork must be thicker than the polystyrene foam layer in order to reach the same indicator of the thermal insulation of the building. A complete picture showing a comparison of different types of brick walls and polymer insulation is shown in the table: