How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Types and arrangement of roof boilers

The standards separately stipulate the possibility of operating a built-in and block-modular boiler house. Each type of technical and design solution has its own limitations and features. In general, placing boiler equipment on the roof has several advantages:

  • There are no costs for the construction of a separate technical building.
  • There is no need to build a high chimney.
  • The safety of operation of heating equipment is increased.

Block-modular roof boiler rooms

Installation includes the following steps:

  • A platform is installed, based on load-bearing walls and other building structures. Before installation, an examination is carried out aimed at determining the bearing capacity and determining measures to strengthen the structurally significant elements of the building.
  • The coating under the boiler room is made of non-combustible materials. As a rule, a concrete pad with a thickness of 20 cm is poured for this.
  • Separately, measures are provided to ensure safety (manufacturing of railings along the perimeter of the roof) and increase the sound insulation of the modules.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

The installation of block-modular heating equipment requires the preparation of a separate project and is suitable for buildings in which it was not originally planned to heat the premises in this way.

The modular boiler house is a fully equipped thermal station, ready for operation. All equipment is built into the module. BMC is additionally equipped with rooms for service personnel.

Built-in rooftop boilers

It is much easier to make and coordinate the project of a built-in boiler room. Soundproofing, noise-absorbing and anti-vibration measures are carried out simultaneously with the erection of walls and finishing works, which significantly increases their effectiveness. In fact, built-in boiler rooms are extremely rare, mainly in new houses, the construction of which began in the last 5 years.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Boilers for rooftop boilers

Domestic thermal units, for all their merits, do not differ in autonomy. Therefore, the choice mainly falls on the products of Italian, German and other European manufacturers:

  • Futera.
  • Rendamax.
  • Wessex.
  • Viessmann.
  • Buderus.
  • Protherm.
  • Ferroli.
  • Vaillant.
  • Lochinvar.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

When choosing a suitable boiler, they are guided by thermal power, registration and license issued by Rostekhnadzor, adaptation to domestic operating conditions and cost.

rooftop boiler cost

  • Type of selected boiler - the boiler room is assembled and completed at the request of the customer. Budget versions, equipped with boilers of Italian, Polish manufacturers. The station equipped with German boilers Viessmann, Buderus will cost the most.
  • Additional work - in addition to installing a boiler house, measures are being taken to eliminate structural noise, install a fire extinguishing system, power supply, etc. The total costs will increase by approximately 30% compared to the cost of the thermal plant.
  • Boiler room insurance – the annual costs of purchasing an insurance policy are mandatory, without which it will be impossible to put the rooftop boiler into operation.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

The full cost, including the preparation of project documentation and obtaining all necessary approvals, costs 5-10 million rubles, depending on the number of residents and the selected capacity of heating equipment.

Roof boiler - pros and cons

When determining whether a rooftop boiler is a viable option for heating a residential building, the advantages and disadvantages are considered separately.

Pay attention to the opinions of experts and reviews of consumers themselves

Benefits of a rooftop boiler

  • The supply of heat carrier and hot water in a multi-storey building with a roof gas boiler room is carried out directly to the building on which the station is installed. This leads to a decrease in heat loss during the delivery of the coolant from the boiler house to the consumer. No need to pay for heat losses that exist with centralized city heating.
  • Due to the full automation of the heating process, the fee for the maintenance of the boiler room is reduced to a minimum. If necessary, an agreement is concluded with a contractor who simultaneously serves several thermal power plants.
  • The heating season starts when it is needed, and does not equate to a specific date.
  • High safety - the gas boiler house is arranged in such a way as to ensure maximum safety of operation. The prevention of emergencies is facilitated by the many requirements and approvals that boiler equipment goes through before it is put into operation.

Disadvantages of rooftop boilers

  • Installation restrictions - for a rooftop boiler room, the number of storeys of the house is allowed, not higher than 9 standard floors. As mentioned above, this requirement can be challenged, but this is not always possible in practice.
  • Vibration problems - powerful circulation pumps operate in the boiler room, turbines are located in the boiler, emitting high-intensity noise and vibration. And these are significant disadvantages for the tenants of the last floor.
  • High cost - production and purchase of project documentation, soundproofing, etc., will cost 5-10 million rubles. To save money, order a turnkey boiler room.
  • Disadvantages of rooftop boilers at the regulatory level - as already mentioned, many officials in design organizations, as the main requirements, cite outdated building codes. To "persuade" them, it may be necessary to repeatedly apply to the courts. It all depends on the region of paperwork and the officials themselves.

Gas roof boiler

The device has the following positive aspects:

  • High efficiency. Thanks to the use of liquefied gas, which releases energy when heated, fuel consumption is reduced.
  • There are almost no external communications. This reduces the cost of funds. Heat loss is also reduced.
  • In low buildings (up to 26 m) there are no additional installation requirements, which reduces the cost of the project.
  • Automation, which reduces the cost of operation.
  • The device is not turned off for an annual check, which allows daily use of hot water.

The device has several limitations. To accommodate the boiler room, the roof is strengthened by installing a concrete pillow. Pre-calculate the load that the building can withstand.

For installation, they bring special equipment, the work of which creates inconvenience to residents. The cost is also unpleasant: the costs go to the creation of the project, the laying of the gas carrier, the automation responsible for control. Additionally, protective measures and a fire extinguishing system are installed.


To create a heating system on the roof, you need to build a separate room. The roof boiler house is autonomous: having launched it, it is enough to carry out rare scheduled checks.

The process depends on the device variant. There are 2 types - built-in and block-modular.


Boilers built into the roof are used in new buildings. Such a device is installed only in a building under construction or in a building that has a place to accommodate a thermal station. For built-in boiler rooms, they must calculate the additional load on the walls of a multi-storey building, create a fire extinguishing module.How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building The main advantage of the device is the ease of creating and implementing a project.Together with the installation, work is carried out to install sound-absorbing coatings and vibration protection. Carried out at the finishing stage, they have greater efficiency in operation.


To accommodate the roof boiler house in the constructed building, a block-modular type is used. The most common installation option is during a major overhaul. A roof boiler room is installed in case of restoration of the heating system. The project is created based on the characteristics of the building. Then the device is created and delivered to the required building.

Before installation, a roof audit is carried out:

  • Check the condition of the bearing supports.
  • Apply a protective coating to the mounting point. They are a concrete pad.
  • Carry out the installation of sound-absorbing material.

After completing the preparation, the boiler room is connected to the heating network. It is set up, the coolant is distributed. Having connected to the heating, they begin operation.

What to look out for

Before mounting the device, it must be taken into account that it creates a load on the structure. Because of this, the following rules must be observed:

  • It is forbidden to place the boiler room on the floor above the living quarters.
  • It is forbidden to place equipment in a room adjacent to a residential area.
  • When designing, the size of the house in which the placement is planned is observed.
  • When designing, an emergency shutdown system is created.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Positive and negative qualities

Gas heating of an autonomous apartment has many positive aspects, but, in general, it will be important only for owners of certain systems:

  • The owners of this type of heating system pay according to the heat they used. That is, there is no need to overpay, taking into account the delivery of heat from sources to the apartment itself, and this saves about 30% of your possible costs.
  • The owners themselves can regulate the temperature in their apartment and the period of heat supply in it without restrictions.
  • The presence of year-round hot water in the apartment.

But there are also negative aspects of the autonomous heating system:

  • The possibility of problems with heating and hot water during interruptions in gas pressure.
  • Additional costs for repair and maintenance of the boiler, as well as cleaning of chimneys.

Let's carry out the calculation

Knowing that 100 watts of heat is needed per 1 square meter of the room, it is easy to calculate the number of required radiators. Therefore, first you need to accurately determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where the batteries will be installed.

Be sure to take into account the height of the ceilings, as well as the number of doors and windows - after all, these are openings through which heat escapes the fastest. Therefore, the material from which doors and windows are made is also taken into account.

Now the lowest temperature in your region and the coolant temperature at the same time are determined. All the nuances are calculated using the coefficients that are listed in the SNiP. Given these coefficients, the heating power can also be calculated.

A quick calculation is made by simply multiplying the floor area by 100 watts. But it won't be accurate. Coefficients are used for correction.

Power correction factors

There are two of them: decrease and increase.

Power reduction factors are applied as follows:

  • If plastic multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed on the windows, then the indicator is multiplied by 0.2.
  • If the ceiling height is less than the standard (3 m), then a reduction factor is applied. It is defined as the ratio of the actual height to the standard. Example - the ceiling height is 2.7 m. This means that the coefficient is calculated by the formula: 2.7 / 3 \u003d 0.9.
  • If the heating boiler operates with increased power, then every 10 degrees of heat energy generated by it reduces the power of heating radiators by 15%.

Power increase factors are taken into account in the following situations:

  1. If the ceiling height is higher than the standard size, then the coefficient is calculated using the same formula.
  2. If the apartment is a corner apartment, then a factor of 1.8 is applied to increase the power of the heating devices.
  3. If the radiators have a bottom connection, then 8% is added to the calculated value.
  4. If the heating boiler lowers the temperature of the coolant on the coldest days, then for every 10 degrees of decrease, an increase in battery power by 17% is necessary.
  5. If sometimes the temperature outside reaches critical levels, then you will have to increase the heating power by 2 times.

Price list for gas boilers in the basic configuration from Teplostroy LLC

TBMK power, MW Price, rub)
Standard block "GAS"
Price, rub)
Standard unit "GAS + DHW"
Price, rub)
2-fuel option
0,50 4 835 367,90 5 372 631,00 5 909 894,10 45
0,60 5 780 367,90 6 422 631,00 7 064 894,10 45
1,00 6 671 359,80 7 412 622,00 8 153 884,20 55
1,50 7 978 879,35 8 865 421,50 9 751 963,65 55
2,00 10 185 566,40 11 317 296,00 12 449 025,60 55
3,00 11 725 308,90 13 028 121,00 14 330 933,10 55
3,20 14 545 251,00 16 161 390,00 17 777 529,00 60
4,00 15 824 790,45 17 583 100,50 19 341 410,55 60
5,00 17 575 236,90 19 528 041,00 21 480 845,10 60
6,00 18 235 454,40 20 261 616,00 22 287 777,60 75
7,50 26 115 313,95 29 017 015,50 31 918 717,05 75
9,00 30 456 754,65 33 840 838,50 37 224 922,35 75
10,00 31 803 093,45 35 336 770,50 38 870 447,55 90
12,50 36 910 505,25 41 011 672,50 43 062 256,13 90
15,00 42 294 522,60 46 993 914,00 49 343 609,70 90
18,00 49 968 538,20 55 520 598,00 58 296 627,90 90
22,50 57 019 270,95 63 354 745,50 66 522 482,78 120
30,00 66 481 488,45 73 868 320,50 77 561 736,53 120

Where should the boiler be located?

A very serious issue is the correct location of the boiler room. Most often, in apartment buildings, boiler rooms are installed either on the roof or in the basement. provide for the presence of the latter only in the basement or.

True, sometimes you can also see boiler rooms located in small buildings, standing a few tens of meters from the house. This can be a good solution: there is no need to lift and install equipment on the roof of the building, but at the same time there is no risk of explosion due to fuel leakage and accumulation in the basement of the building.

But still, this method is not very popular: the need for additional construction, pouring the foundation and carrying out a large amount of land work scares away many potential owners of autonomous heating boilers. Therefore, only two options are usually considered - a boiler on the roof and in the basement. And it is worth talking about them in a little more detail.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building


In order for the roof boiler house of a residential building to work stably, it is necessary to carry out careful calculations and not save on installation. Equipped on the roof of the house, it has advantages over other systems:

  • Installed on the roof of the house, the boiler room reduces energy losses during the transfer of the coolant from the roof equipment to the radiators. This reduces the cost of heating services by up to 30%.
  • Automation serves to use hot water during the absence, when the supply is turned off to check the media.
  • Maintenance of the device is reduced due to autonomy. Performance checks are rarely carried out, by agreement with the service company.
  • Numerous checks are made prior to operation to detect malfunctions and safety errors.

How to calculate the heating batteries of your own apartment

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators

Heating radiators are the most common heating device that is installed in residential, public and industrial premises. It is hollow inside elements filled with coolant. Through them, thermal energy enters the room to heat it.

When choosing radiators, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to two technical indicators. This is the power of the device and the coolant pressure it can withstand

But in order to finally determine the temperature regime of the room, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation of heating radiators.

This includes not only the number of devices themselves and their sections, but also the material from which they are made. The modern market for heating equipment offers a huge range of batteries with different technical characteristics. The main thing you need to know is the capabilities of one section of the battery, namely, its ability to release the maximum amount of thermal energy. This indicator will form the basis of the calculation for the entire heating system.

Help from experts

If suddenly it is not clear to you at the moment how to conduct heating in an apartment, then for this you need to contact qualified specialists. They will tell you everything and recommend how to choose the optimal parameters. First, a project is being carried out, on which an approximate plan for the location of the heating system in the room is noted.

After all the nuances are clarified and approved, you can purchase equipment and wonder about additional heating solutions in the house. The main thing is not to allow self-activity in this matter, otherwise the system may break down and flood the neighbors, who are unlikely to be grateful to you for such a gift.

Types of gas boilers

The following types of equipment can be installed:

  • block-modular.
    It is distinguished by mobility, versatility, attractive price. Gas boilers of this type can be used to heat residential facilities, as well as administrative buildings, schools, medical institutions, etc. Structurally, they are a container of sandwich panels;
  • roof.
    It is located on the roof in a specially built room or block module. Typically, such a gas boiler room belongs to one building, respectively, it becomes possible to turn on or turn off the heating as needed by the residents. The equipment can be installed on houses that have no more than 10 floors;
  • emergency.
    It is delivered on a trailer and promptly connected to the facility. It is used in case of breakdown of a stationary boiler room;
  • built-in.
    It is located in a special room inside the building. Such gas boilers are not intended for heating residential buildings, schools, hospitals and other structures where people are constantly located. During their operation, conditions should be ensured under which the gas pressure does not exceed 5 kPa.

All gas boilers from Teplostroy LLC operate in automatic mode without the need for the participation of technical staff. Control and processing of possible emergencies of the equipment occur with the help of remote control of the dispatcher. The main parameters (pressure, temperature, flow, and so on) are constantly transmitted to the command post. Alarms are immediately sent via cellular or radio communication to the control panel.

The principle of operation, characteristics and design features of modern gas boilers

Gas installations are actively used in many industries, with their help it is possible to ensure the supply of hot water and thermal energy to construction sites, office buildings, agricultural facilities, etc. They are safe, efficient and economical. The units are capable of operating on gas:

  • natural;
  • liquefied;
  • associated oil.

Gas autonomous boiler houses have the following devices and equipment in the basic configuration:

  • steam or hot water boiler;
  • burner;
  • supply line;
  • gas network pumping equipment;
  • instrumentation devices;
  • systems and security elements.

The principle of operation of gas boilers is relatively simple:

  • gas waste enters the boilers, while the fuel can come from a main or gas tank;
  • gas flows directly to the burner located in the boiler;
  • fuel is ignited and burned. As a result, the coolant is heated;
  • the coolant enters the radiator batteries, the “warm floor” system, etc. During circulation, it cools down and then returns back to the boiler, after which the cycle repeats;
  • combustion products are discharged to the street through the chimney.

The use of such boiler houses is economically justified. The ability to independently regulate the flow of heat allows you to significantly reduce the cost of hot water and heating, and at the same time not depend on utilities.

How to reduce current heating costs

Scheme of central heating of an apartment building

Given the ever-increasing tariffs for housing and communal services for heat supply, the issue of reducing these costs becomes only more relevant every year. The problem of reducing costs lies in the specifics of the operation of a centralized system.

How to reduce the payment for heating and at the same time ensure the proper level of heating of the premises? First of all, you need to learn that the usual effective ways to reduce heat losses do not work for district heating. Those. if the facade of the house was insulated, the window structures were replaced with new ones - the amount of payment will remain the same.

The only way to reduce heating costs is to install individual heat meters. However, you may encounter the following problems:

  • A large number of thermal risers in the apartment. Currently, the average cost of installing a heating meter ranges from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. In order to calculate the cost of heating for an individual device, they must be installed on each riser;
  • Difficulty in obtaining permission to install a meter. To do this, it is necessary to obtain technical conditions and, on their basis, select the optimal model of the device;
  • In order to make timely payment for heat supply according to an individual meter, it is necessary to periodically send them for verification. To do this, dismantling and subsequent installation of the device that has passed verification is carried out. This also entails additional costs.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

The principle of operation of a common house meter

But despite these factors, the installation of a heat meter will ultimately lead to a significant reduction in payment for heat supply services. If the house has a scheme with several heat risers passing through each apartment, you can install a common house meter. In this case, the cost reduction will not be so significant.

When calculating payment for heating according to a common house meter, it is not the amount of heat received that is taken into account, but the difference between it and in the return pipe of the system. This is the most acceptable and open way to form the final cost of the service. In addition, by choosing the optimal model of the device, you can further improve the heating system of the house according to the following indicators:

  • The ability to control the amount of heat energy consumed in the building depending on external factors - the temperature in the street;
  • A transparent way to calculate payment for heating. However, in this case, the total amount is distributed among all apartments in the house depending on their area, and not on the amount of thermal energy that came to each room.

In addition, only representatives of the management company can deal with the maintenance and configuration of the common house meter. However, residents have the right to demand all the necessary reporting for reconciliation of completed and accrued utility bills for heat supply.

In addition to installing a heat meter, it is necessary to install a modern mixing unit to control the degree of heating of the coolant included in the heating system of the house.

What is a block boiler plant

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

  • hot water boiler, fuel combustion chamber, heat exchangers;
  • pumps for circulating water in the system;
  • equipment for water treatment and water treatment;
  • flues, chimneys;
  • gas equipment (when using gas);
  • DHW circuit equipment (if any);
  • automatic control and dispatching system, instrumentation.

By type of fuel consumed
distinguish gas, solid and liquid fuel

BKU. Combinations of several types of fuel are possible.
Gas boilers are most widely used due to their high efficiency (up to 95%), and they are also the most environmentally friendly.Coal, firewood, peat, pallets act as solid fuels, while liquid fuels are fuel oil, diesel fuel, waste oil.

By type of performance
allocate the following modules of boiler installations:

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

The latter version is gaining popularity due to its technical and economic advantages, as well as the best safety and environmental performance.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mini-boiler room in an apartment building

Energy resources are becoming more expensive - this is a fact, therefore, the issue of saving energy resources has become especially acute recently. This also applies to the heating systems of apartment buildings. The cost directly depends on the method of supplying heat to residents, of which there are currently two: centralized and autonomous.

Mini-boiler room in an apartment building and its advantages

If everything is more or less clear with centralized heating, then with autonomous heating - not quite. Of course, in addition to the advantages, mini-boiler rooms in apartment buildings have a number of disadvantages. Let's look at the issue one by one.

By her own an autonomous boiler room for a residential high-rise building is a separate room
, in which equipment of such power is installed, which is enough to provide heat and hot water supply to the whole house.


  1. A shorter "path" from the generator to the consumer. Heat is less wasted along the way, because the distance itself from the mini-boiler house to the apartment building decreases.
  2. The distance is shorter, which means that the consumer receives heat faster.
  3. Mini-boilers are a relatively new thing: they are not as worn out as centralized heating mains, they require fewer resources for maintenance and repair.
  4. The cost of such a boiler house is much lower just because of the previous three points.
  5. We can say that the main and main advantage of a mini-boiler house in an apartment building is its proximity to a heated facility.
    In addition, turning on / off the heating can be adjusted to the actual air temperature outside the window, and not to accepted standards.
  6. Another "plus" is the absence of the need to obtain numerous permits for tapping into centralized heating networks. Often the process is delayed, and tenants are not able to move into the purchased housing in a timely manner.


Let's talk about the disadvantages of such systems.

  1. An autonomous mini-boiler room must be placed in a separate room: it is located in the immediate vicinity of the object, sometimes in the form of a stationary building, sometimes in the form of an extension.
  2. Cleaning systems need to be considered. Any boiler house in one way or another pollutes the environment, which is unacceptable for the yards of residential buildings. Therefore, it must be equipped with cleaning systems in accordance with the rules and regulations. This increases the cost of construction.
  3. High cost associated with the low prevalence of autonomous boiler houses - they have not yet been put on stream. Therefore, not all developers can afford them.

However, modern engineering solutions can eliminate some of the shortcomings. For example, an autonomous boiler room can be installed on the roof if the building complies with the standards prescribed in SNiP. It is good if the roof boiler house is included in the project at the construction stage.

Do you need a reliable project for an autonomous mini-boiler house for an apartment building? Fill out a questionnaire at AllianceTeplo - we will help with the design and construction of a boiler room of any kind.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mini-boiler room in an apartment building
Check out the materials on the topic "Advantages and disadvantages of a mini-boiler house in an apartment building" provided by Alyansteplo.

Features of installation and use

In the modern construction of apartment buildings, centralized heating is increasingly being abandoned.The choice of developers falls on rooftop boiler plants for several reasons:

  • The construction of a separate building is not required, the boiler room can be located on the roof or in the basement of the house.
  • Heat losses are reduced due to the fact that the coolant enters the pipes immediately, and when moving along the heating main, losses can reach up to 20%.
  • Costs are also reduced due to the fact that connection, maintenance and conclusion of contracts with boiler houses are not required.
  • Installation on the roof does not require strict conditions for chimneys and ventilation.
  • Human involvement is minimized as all systems are fully automated.

The disadvantages include the following points related to the requirements for the building:

  • Use in the installation of modern lifting systems, some elements of the roof of the house.
  • The weight of the boiler must not exceed that specified in the requirements.
  • Installation of complex automation and fire extinguishing systems for gas mini-boilers.
  • Compliance with all requirements for working with gas equipment.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Requirements for a rooftop boiler room are minimal, especially if its area is less than 27 square meters. Design should take into account the following requirements:

  • When using gas equipment in the boiler room, ventilation should be carried out by supply and exhaust valves.
  • The fire-fighting system must start automatically, and the fire must be extinguished by powder means.
  • In the event of an emergency, the gas supply to the house must be shut off by a gas insulating flange.
  • The warning system should give sound and light signals, as well as issue a message to the console about malfunctions or emergencies.
  • The chimney must be installed in accordance with all the requirements for the boiler and gas equipment; according to the standards, it must rise two meters above the roof.
  • The rooftop boiler room should have a separate power cable independent of the house, as well as a generator in case of emergency.
  • The floor must be insulated and made of reinforced concrete slabs. The location of the boiler room above residential apartments is strictly prohibited; the floor under the boiler room must be reserved for household needs.
  • The roof boiler room should provide an emergency exit to the roof surface, as well as a separate elevator.
  • Inspection of gas equipment should be carried out once a year by specialists of the gas service
  • In the event of an emergency, a personnel evacuation scheme should be developed.

How to make autonomous heating in an apartment building

Of course, boiler room equipment is not cheap, but the number of their owners is constantly growing. Installation costs pay off, installation requirements are justified and feasible, so mini-boilers enjoy well-deserved respect. For maintenance, it is enough to hire one specialist who will monitor the equipment.


